Aac winter newsletter

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AAC Academic Advancement Center

In this issue:

New SI Technology Computer Learning Lab Workshops Spring UC Courses Tutoring Services Facebook and Twitter Science and Math Center

Winter Quarterly A D D R E S S I N G U P D AT E S , S E R V I C E S A N D FA C I L I T I E S W I T H I N T H E A C A D E M I C A D VA N C E M E N T C E N T E R

SI Takes New Approach on Technology Now students and faculty seeking information about supplemental instruction (SI) can do so with convenience. SI staff has made improvements on the technological capabilities of the websites offered for SI. Cody House, graduate assistant for the SI department, has created a pilot program, OUMobileSI.com, which enables smart phone users to access SI information through a mobile compatible site. The new mobile site contains design elements similar to those of the educational

Home page of the new pilot for SI

supplement Blackboard. “When I started building the web application I used many of the Blackboard features as a JRDO IRU WKH ÀQDO IXQFWLRQV RI WKH

web application,” House stated. House’s goal was to develop an application that would allow students to be able to access SI information from anywhere.

Andrew Morris, the SI leader for the Psychology 101 course agrees that the students DUH ÀQGLQJ WKH SURJUDP very useful. Features of this application include: download-able study guides, SMS poll questions, a discussion forum, practice test questions, YouTube videos, Daily SI schedules, pictures of SI Leaders andTwitter Feeds. In addition to the new pilot program, SI Coordinator Amanda Remnant has updated the SI website. (Continued on page 3 SI TECHNOLOGY)

Computer Learning Lab Offers Winter Quarter Workshops The Academic Advancement Center is hosting a series of workshops to help students become more competent in the realms of design and multimedia. The featured programs include Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, After Effects, Dreamweaver and Excel. Each workshop is being held in the computer learning lab. Grasping the concepts of these programs can not only make designing and editing easier, but it can also serve as a resume booster. There are a variety of dates and times offered to enable everyone to be able to get an upperhand. The workshop schedule can be found below.

Final Cut Pro Workshop January 23 at 5 p.m. February 20 at 5 p.m. Photoshop Workshop January 30 at 5 p.m. After Effects Workshop January 27 at 4 p.m. February 3 at 4 p.m. Dreamweaver February 7 at 5 p.m. Intro to Excel Workshop February 24 at 5 p.m.

OPEN LAB HOURS Sunday 4pm-11pm Monday-Thursday 10am-11pm Friday 10am-5pm Saturday - CLOSED

SpringUC Courses University College (UC) courses provide students with the guidance needed in order to excell in the classroom. From students who struggle to students who need assistance transitioning into the college atmosphere, UC courses take the edge off of intimidating academic situations. Courses being offered for spring quarter are:

UC 110 - Learning Strategies This course gives students the opportunity to assess present leasning strategies and attitudes as well as establish skills such as time management, note taking, memory, exam preparation and informatoin gathering.

UC 112 - College Reading Skills This course strives to improve students’ reading comprehension, interpretation and evaluation. It also includes speed reading techniques and vocabulary building.

Tutoring Services The AAC offers individual and group tutoring sessions which are available to all Ohio University undergraduate students. These services are designed to enhance the understanding of class material as well as to improve academic performance. There is also an online turoring referral system for over 600 courses. (click here) FIND A TUTOR


AAC Stays Connected Through Facebook and Twitter Because social media has become a predominant factor in most people’s lives, the AAC utilizes both Facebook and Twitter to communicate with students and faculty at Ohio University. Both sites are constantly updated to keep

everyone up-to-date with new information about the AAC. Content such as study tips, workshops and events, services offered and special promotions is displayed . The Facebook page is linked to the AAC website

Science Center The science center provides free science tutorLQJ IRU WUDGLWLRQDOO\ GLIÀFXOW VFLHQFH DQG VFLHQFH EDVHG courses. Students can sign up for 1/2 hour appointments ZLWK D KLJKO\ TXDOLÀHG VFLHQFH WXWRU IRU QR FKDUJH $OO DSSRLQWPHQWV FDQ EH PDGH RQ WKH ÀUVW ÁRRU RI $OGHQ Library outside of the Academic Advancement Center. Hours Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 1:00pm - 5:00pm Tuesday 10:00am - 5:00pm

Math Center

which gives people visiting the page a chance to dig deeper into the personality of the AAC. View the pages yourself by visiting the website www.ohio.edu/aac or follow these links:

CONT’D FROM SI TECHNOLOGY The website, which still offers SI schedules, information about and for SI leaders and contact information, now includes a more in-depth overview of what SI is, including how it began and detailed session information. It also features a PowerPoint and video about SI in RUGHU WR SURYLGH YLVXDOV IRU SHRSOH LQWHUHVWHG LQ ÀQGLQJ out more information. The updated site now contains a “For Faculty” tab which provides faculty with information on SI: how SI courses are chosen, the role of faculty, what faculty can expect from SI leaders and the SI program, and tips on how faculty can promote SI to students. Follow this link to visit the website: http://www.ohio.edu/aac/supins/index.cfm

The Math center provides students with FREE assistance in math and math-related classes. Students have the options of:

Spring Quarter Supplemental Instruction Schedule

1. Scheduling an appointment for a 30-minute, oneon-one, daytime meeting with a Math Center tutor Opens Monday of Week 2 Monday - Friday 10:00am-5:00pm

ACCT 101 ACCT 101 BIOS 103 BIOS 103 BIOS 130 BIOS 131 BIOS 171

2. Attend the evening Math Center drop-in sessions No appointment is necessary! Opens Sunday before Week 2 Sunday-Thursday 7:00pm-9:00pm

Academic Advancement Center 101Alden Library 740.593.2644 ohio.edu/aac

C E 220 CHEM 122 CHEM 123 CHEM 150 CHEM 152 CHEM 153 ECON 103

ECON 104 MATH 115 MATH 163A MATH 163A MATH 263A MATH 263B PSY 101

7KH 6, SURJUDP HQFRXUDJHV TXDOLÀHG OHDGHUV WR submit applications. Become an SI leader by following this link: APPLY

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