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Bright Future?

CHS students anticipate lives after high school

Q&A’s DANIEL TIAN PHOTOS OLIVIA MCKEE FRESHMAN CARA NAAS After high school, I will be going to college. I would like to study something that has to do with nutrition and fueling for athletes. I want to study this because of things that I have struggled with. I want to make sure that every athlete has a chance to reach their full potential and live a healthy lifestyle.


SOPHOMORE CATHERINE BYRNE I definitely want to go to college, and I know after college I want to go to medical school because I wanna be a radiologist when I’m older because my dad actually works in radiology. I’ve always really liked science, especially medical type stuff, and that’s always interested me because I’m in HOSA and Science Olympiad.

SENIOR MAYLEE O’BRIEN I’m going to Emory University after high school.

I’m thinking about either philosophy and a prelaw track or media studies and film studies.

I’ve always been intrigued by philosophy; I think that it’s something that appeals to me.

I really like digging in deep and discussing those abstract topics with other people. As for film, film has always been something that’s also always intrigued me. It’s something that I didn’t really get to delve into in high school (so) especially since Emory is in Atlanta and Atlanta is a big filming location, I feel like going to Emory would be a good opportunity for me to explore that interest.

JUNIOR NYLE NASIR I’m looking to go to IU Kelley School of Business, I want to study Esports Management and marketing. I like business and I like working with marketing, money and things of that nature. I just thought it would be a good fit for me in regards to Esports Management because I’ve been playing video games ever since I was in second grade. I’m involved in competitive esports, I help run Carmel Esports which is our competitive esports club at the high school and I love playing competitively and love working in the esports scene. Since I already have good grounds in the esports scene and since I’m interested in marketing, I thought Esports Management would be a perfect fit.

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