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Ready, Set, Goal

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Working It

Students involved in rigorous academics, extracurriculars discuss benefits of goal setting



ecently, manifesting and journaling have become popular and some have argued goal setting can help people succeed in school and extracurriculars. However, CHS students have utilized R “ (Goal setting) makes it so that I can kind of, not only compartmentalize, but be more efficient at completing “I definitely am a mental person, just because if I write it down I lose the paper… I keep a lot of it in my head, honestly, and I also have a whiteboard at my house that I just write down any thoughts that I have of things I have to do,” she said. goal setting in different ways. my work. When I’m more efficient at Cluver said he is also a Meet junior Grace Rexroth: she plays CHS tennis, is a member of Senate and is involved in completing my work, I have extra time to do it which means it’s likely going to be higher quality “ proponent of writing goals down. He said he has started weekly journaling in order to set and modify goals for himself. many rigorous academic courses. How does she keep up? She JUNIOR BAENAN MCKEOWN “I have my kids do (goal setting) all the time in writing. said her secret to success is goal setting. Simply because mentally, I think there

“It has definitely helped me become the best person I can be and (I) just have different goals I’m trying to reach slowly, that way I can eventually improve in school, sports and all that,” she said. Next, meet junior Baenan McKeown: a member BY THE NUMBERS of Ambassadors, the varsity soccer team and a club soccer team. In addition, he is pursuing an IB 38% diploma and taking multiple AP courses. He said of Americans he agreed with Rexroth and also said goal setting never set goals is essential for students with time-consuming extracurriculars to maintain academic success. “(Goal setting) makes it so that I can kind of, not only compartmentalize, but be more efficient at completing my work. When I’m more efficient at completing my work, I have extra time to do it which means it’s likely going to be higher quality,” McKeown said. 3% of adults write their goals down on paper AVID teacher Kyle Cluver said students who want to try goal setting should begin with something of importance to them, even if it’s an extracurricular 50% goal, such as a sport or hobby. more people

“Don’t necessarily go straight to the academic who write down goals. Yes, those are easier to formulate, but I would their goals say to do something of interest to you because acheive than then you’re going to hold yourself a little more those who don’t accountable,” he said. “And then if you have those baby benchmarks on the way, that’ll help too.” SOURCES

Additionally, Rexroth said she mostly keeps track of GOALBAND, goals mentally, occasionally using a whiteboard. STATISTIC BRAIN

isn’t as much accountability as writing,” Cluver said. “And even more, beyond just the writing, I would get someone else involved.”

McKeown said he disagrees because he prefers to set goals mentally so he does not feel overwhelmed and can avoid burnout. He said setting short-term mental goals works for him because he is driven by internal motivation.

“When I set that type of goal, then I’m like, ‘Okay it’s cool, I only have like three weeks left of this grind and then I can relax,’” he said. “And so by doing that I can kind of numb the pain.”

Rexroth said she is motivated internally, but also externally, to achieve her goals.

“My goal this year was to make the tennis team, the top JV, and I was able to do that,” she said.

However, Cluver said one should not always measure goals tangibly.

“Goals are everywhere in life and it doesn’t always have to be a certain grade, a certain championship, a medal, a this, that and the other thing, the tangible things,” Cluver said. “Do the intangibles, do a way of life. You want to drink water everyday, you want to have an apple every other day, a healthy lifestyle—more than just the accolades that come with school and sports.” A Junior Baenan McKeown kicks a soccer ball during a game. McKeown is a member of the varsity soccer team this year, on top of participating in Ambassadors and taking multiple IB diploma classes and AP courses, and said setting goals helps him manage it all.


Take Note

Learn about some goal-setting techniques

Think about the results you want • Is this goal something you truly want? • Is it important enough to pour hours of time and effort into it?

Write your goals down • Use a positive tone so you stay excited and motivated about completing them. • Make sure to keep them somewhere visible to remind you to keep working on your goals daily.

Create S.M.A.R.T. goals • Are you goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART)?

Re-evaluate • Keep your motivation strong to complete your goal. • Consider scheduling a weekly evaluation. • Make necessary adjustments and keep going.

Keep Track • Monitor your process. • Check off completed tasks as you go.


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