ACUMEN May 14, 2021: Great Expectations

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Ready, Set, Goal Students involved in rigorous academics, extracurriculars discuss benefits of goal setting WORDS JILLIAN MOORE


ecently, manifesting and “I definitely am a mental person, just journaling have become because if I write it down I lose the popular and some have paper… I keep a lot of it in my head, (Goal setting) argued goal setting can help honestly, and I also have a whiteboard makes it so that I can kind people succeed in school and at my house that I just write down of, not only compartmentalize, extracurriculars. However, any thoughts that I have of things I but be more efficient at completing CHS students have utilized have to do,” she said. my work. When I’m more efficient at goal setting in different ways. Cluver said he is also a Meet junior Grace proponent of writing goals completing my work, I have extra time Rexroth: she plays CHS down. He said he has started to do it which means it’s likely going to tennis, is a member of weekly journaling in order to be higher quality Senate and is involved in set and modify goals for himself. many rigorous academic “I have my kids do (goal JUNIOR BAENAN MCKEOWN courses. How does she keep up? She setting) all the time in writing. said her secret to success is goal setting. Simply because mentally, I think there “It has definitely helped me become the best person I can be and (I) just have different goals I’m trying to reach slowly, that way I can eventually BY THE improve in school, sports and all that,” she said. NUMBERS Next, meet junior Baenan McKeown: a member of Ambassadors, the varsity soccer team and a club soccer team. In addition, he is pursuing an IB diploma and taking multiple AP courses. He said of Americans he agreed with Rexroth and also said goal setting never set goals is essential for students with time-consuming extracurriculars to maintain academic success. “(Goal setting) makes it so that I can kind of, not only compartmentalize, but be more efficient at completing of adults write my work. When I’m more efficient at completing my their goals down work, I have extra time to do it which means it’s likely on paper going to be higher quality,” McKeown said. AVID teacher Kyle Cluver said students who want to try goal setting should begin with something of importance to them, even if it’s an extracurricular more people goal, such as a sport or hobby. who write down “Don’t necessarily go straight to the academic their goals goals. Yes, those are easier to formulate, but I would acheive than say to do something of interest to you because those who don’t then you’re going to hold yourself a little more accountable,” he said. “And then if you have those SOURCES baby benchmarks on the way, that’ll help too.” GOALBAND, Additionally, Rexroth said she mostly keeps track of goals mentally, occasionally using a whiteboard. STATISTIC BRAIN

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