1 minute read


Felix Starosta

“My first significant memory from Community was the first day of junior year with the barbecue lunch. I remember seeing everybody for the first time since online school and I really started to get excited about what Community could be like in person rather than online. Being in person allowed me to reconnect with some friends that I didn’t really get to stay in touch with over online school. I also got to apply myself better to my schoolwork and really just experience Community more for what it is. Community’s teachers tend to impact me because they’re so different from any normal teachers I’ve had but a few in particular include Liz, Steve, and Courtney. Their personalities touch me in ways that aren’t usually expressed by teachers. Transferring from Pioneer second semester made me feel much more free and more in control of my learning in my interests such as computer science and physics. I’ve also really enjoyed all the science and English classes I’ve taken at Community. My advice for incoming freshmen would be to apply yourself more and try to learn more.”


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