1 minute read


Margaret Alpern

“One of the best days of high school was Field Day. It was so fun to, spend time with my forum; I think forum has been the best part too. Spending time with people on camping trips and Forum Day — I remember last year we showed up to Field Day and we just sat around and warmed up for the tug-of-war game. We did pretty well. Up until we lost but it was so much fun. Then we just spent time together. Last year we went kayaking. And that was so fun because people fell in; we were all laughing, It was just really fun. It was a lot of time together, and it was the first time I was with the new forum since COVID-19. In the spring we went camping. It was just so fun, especially at night. Because that’s when I feel like we’ve connected the most because we could just talk about whatever we wanted to. Forum is like a family in school. You have these people that you can always reach out to who will always be there for you.”


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