1 minute read


Audrey Weiss

“I would describe my high school experience as chaotic, confusing, but overall enjoyable. It feels weird coming back from two years of COVID. My friends and my support systems helped me through it. Also I really enjoyed getting to do my hobbies; I love backpacking and being in nature and stuff, so that was one way to exert and [release] a lot of my stress. I also really enjoyed forum. I started out with Cindy as my forum leader and that was really amazing, but she ended up retiring at the end of my first semester. And now since Sarah has gone on maternity leave, having Cindy back again is really closing the loop and I’m really happy about it. I have that kind of a forum experience. It was great, and I love everybody in my forum. We have a wall of mugs, I have my own little mug, there’s like pictures of all of us everywhere, and other things we’ve made. [It’s] very homey. I love all of my teachers too. I [took] every single possible class I could with Becky, and [I’m a] TA in her current health class right now. I’ve always been a really independent person and my parents always let me have a lot of independence. Being at a school that supported that and wasn’t like, ‘we’re gonna lock you inside for eight hours a day’ was really nice, especially going into college next year already feeling prepared for that.”


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