1 minute read


Ella Rosewarne

“Something I’ve learned about myself is I’d rather give 100% to one thing than 10% to 10 things. I feel like if you’re doing everything, you might have all of these titles, but it can be hard to tell what you’ve done. I feel like I can say I did something. In journalism I really enjoyed all the work I did and feel like it really changed and grew me as a person throughout high school. With college acceptances and rejections, I’ve learned to look at rejections and accept them and learn from them. At the beginning of the college process, I thought there was no way I was going to look at my application and think it represented me. But once I submitted it, I felt like you would get a pretty good sense of who I am from reading it. I feel satisfied with the past four years and I will miss Community so much, but I also feel ready for something new. I feel like at Community I branched out some, but a lot of what I did was scripted for me. I see college as a time for me to figure out what I want and to follow that and see where it sends me.”


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