2 minute read


Santiago Fiori

“As a freshman, I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with my education. I didn’t know what I wanted to major in. I didn’t know what classes I wanted to take. I didn’t even know if I wanted to go to Community. But since then, over the pandemic, and over my years at Community, I really got to understand the resources that Community offers. I’ve gotten to understand the benefit that Community has and the opportunities it provides. And I think I’ve come to realize that choosing to go to Community was one of the best decisions I made and I realized that I have to take advantage of that. When I came in here, I was like, ‘alright, it’s just like any other high school’. It’s not, so I’ve matured with that and realize that my education can be whatever I want it to be. If you want to just have a normal high school, you can do that. But if you want to do something more, if you want to go out into the community and talk to professionals in the field that you’re studying, or if you want to take classes outside of Community, you can do that. It’s if you want to take time and you want to dedicate yourself to it, you can do so much more than what any other high school can offer. Here at Community you get to think of the entire city as your school. It’s not just like you’re confined to one space here. You can quite literally learn anywhere and everywhere.”




“I had a falling out with some friends freshman year and that made me reconsider my standards for friendships. We were all friends from middle school and a new person that joined the group didn’t like me that much and then got everyone else to turn on me. But I’ve gotten to know that group again. That person has now left the group and it’s gotten a lot better. It was frustrating. I had to learn to put myself out there to meet new people. It was part way through freshman year so I found that pretty difficult. I learned how to meet people better. Making connections and getting to know people is important and high school has helped me hone those skills. During COVID-19 I developed an interest in computer science and coding. I also started out in CET my freshman year, but now I’m on the robotics team. That’s helped me with what I want to do in the future. I’m looking to go into computer science and get a bachelor’s degree and then probably go for an MBA and try to pursue some sort of management in a bigger tech company. I’m excited for the new experience of going to college, getting away from family and trying to make my way in the world. I don’t have any specific goals. I plan on working hard to try and get internships and things because computer science can be a very competitive field.”

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