1 minute read


Adri Friebel

“My favorite memory from Community is probably from my freshman year when we had our first Forum Day. We went kayaking at Argo Pond and that’s when I met Oliver, Biel and Santi. Being at a new school, I didn’t know anyone here at first. So making those new friendships was pretty important. I had also never had a field trip like that before. I think the freedom and doing something you wouldn’t do in middle school made that moment stand out. Next year, I will be at Washtenaw Community College, and then I will go to Michigan State to become a forester. I’m ready to leave high school and ready to be an adult. I’m tired of doing work that I don’t necessarily care about. I’m ready to study stuff that I want to study and just have more freedom.”




“I was always interested in the base level of computers and how they work. I’m part of the programming team [for Zebrobotics]. It’s good hands-on experience for programming. My friend would create his own card game that we’d play, and now I really just play online games with my friends. Cooperation games are great for connecting with people. My friend Oliver is going to Canada for college and that’d be a great way to connect with him. The thing I’ll miss most about CHS is the sense of community–the personal connections that you have with people. CHS is such a small school compared to every other high school that I’ve seen. I think the best Forum Day we did was the kayaking trip. I think it was where we just went down the Huron river starting in Argo Park. I think we should do it this year as well.”

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