1 minute read


Evers Baskey

“Community means a place where fun comes first. I’ve learned that the most important part of school isn’t the material we learn in class; it’s the connections you make with the people around you that really matter. One of my favorite memories here at Community was freshman year during Forum Day when we all walked to Revel and Roll from Liz’s house and went bowling. During that Forum Day, I got to know some of the older forum members, which was nice. It was one of the last major forum things we all did before the pandemic. Another memory I have was when I was a freshman in CET and I was instructed to stand in the dumpster outside the building with TJ and receive all of the junk we didn’t need anymore and help put it in the dumpster. It was just a funny situation to be in, with all the people walking by and we’re just in the dumpster. I think freshman year I was definitely more reserved, and a bit more uptight. Since then I’ve relaxed a bit, and thus loosened up. I’ve learned to be open to different outcomes. Life often doesn’t always go as planned, and sometimes you just have to roll with it. I’m excited for a lot more independence next year, and to really be able to start the next chapter of my life.”


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