1 minute read


Patrick Lafferty

“In [my] freshman year, we had the Halloween dance. It was super fun and I felt like it was a really big “Community moment.” It was a really nervewracking experience at first going in. There were way more people than they’re supposed to be, but It was just so cool. Freshman year it was a little bit scarier, but seeing all those people and everyone having a really fun time was a fun experience. Field Day last year was another time we’ve really been able to come together as a school. I felt like I met a lot more people than [I did] freshman year. Seeing all the upperclassmen, I was like ‘these guys are all like best friends with each other already,’ but it hasn’t really felt like that with us now. I felt like I really connected with seniors last year that I never talked to. I was able to do that the first time. Freshman year I thought [Community] was just like the weird school I guess. I still do think it is the weird school, but I embrace that. I have pride in it. I’ll be upset about [leaving], but I think I’m ready. I don’t want to stay here for another year even though I wish I had sophomore year back because that was online. I feel like I haven’t had all the opportunities, but I’ve had enough time here. I feel like I’m leaving at the right time. I’m happy with what I’ve done.”


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