1 minute read


Michael Wei


“High school felt very rushed. Freshman year I didn’t really do much, so it didn’t feel like a long stretch of time. I didn’t really do anything that was too crazy. Sophomore year was online school, so it didn’t really count as a year in my mind. So for me, the only two real years of high school were junior year and senior year. Last year a couple of the seniors who were a part of the class of 2022 would consistently tell me ‘Hey Michael, we got your back if anyone bullies you. If anyone does anything to you, in the slightest bit, the entire class of 2022 is gonna get their a**.’ It made me feel more comfortable, I guess. I just always felt supported by a lot of the students and felt almost at home. No matter what happened, I had people behind me. For incoming freshmen, a good recommendation is to give your forum a chance, and really take advantage of what Community has to offer. A lot of what Community High offers, a lot of the other schools don’t offer. If my last two colleges that I’m waiting on — U of M and MSU — don’t reply back with a positive note, then I’m probably gonna go to DePaul in Chicago.”

Joey Lopez

“I would say high school was very messy and chaotic. I learned a lot, and I had a ton of fun. I’ve learned how to take advantage of opportunities, even when you don’t feel up to it, and to jump right into things when you’re not fully ready. It teaches you a lot and can give you some really incredible relationships and memories. I think that can seem daunting, but for me it’s been super rewarding. I gained a deeper level of understanding of how people act. I especially think one thing I’ve learned that I’ll take away is that people are so unique and cool. Every single individual that goes to this school. Everyone in the world is their own unique individual. And when you look at someone directly and think about that instead of looking at a big picture; it really makes you love everyone. Everyone has something to offer. In my life after high school, I’ll definitely take that with me. I chose to come to Community because I didn’t think any of the other schools were going to fit me well. Actually, I kind of got thrown into it, it was very ‘go with the flow.’ Sometimes these kinds of decisions are the best ones to make. Most of the things that have impacted my academic life have actually been stuff that’s not academic. The way I take care of myself has impacted the way I perform in school the most.”

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