1 minute read


Rosie Mellor


“Being a senior feels really good, but also a little sad because it’s our last semester here. High school is the first time I’ve actually enjoyed being at school, so it’s kind of sad that it’s gonna be over, but it feels good that I persevered through the hard bits and then got to the end. I remember a lot about my freshman year, enjoying just having the new environment, the new group of people, the new teachers. It was just nice to have all of it. I loved my teachers, I loved forum, it was just nice to have a group of people that I enjoyed being around. Even when I didn’t have friends in classes, I had people that I liked being around. I had teachers that actually wanted to be there, that enjoyed teaching, which, for students, that’s a big thing, having a teacher that you can tell wants to be there and enjoys what they do. It makes a big impact on your learning. I liked what I was learning, I really liked all my classes. I remember forum from the first day of school. I thought it was so cool. I love our batch of forumettes. It was a good group to introduce me to high school because they were so silly and funny. They made me feel comfortable. It’s just our little school family. It’s where I can find comfort and familiarity. I kind of feel a lot of the same things today as I did my first day of high school. I felt excited and I feel excited now. I guess a big difference with how I felt was that I felt a bit shy and didn’t feel very confident or sure of myself and now I do.”

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