1 minute read


Lila Ryan

“This semester I was able to TA Marci Harris’s French 1 class. I took French 4 with her last year, which was definitely the best class I’ve taken at Community because there were only six people in total in that class. And we really bonded over everything and I became really close with Marci. I now have something that everyone who has gone to Community to talk about, that connection with a specific teacher. I want to be a teacher when I’m older, helping out in Marci’s class is definitely will be something that stays in my mind. During my freshman year US History class with Ryan, we were holding a town meeting and in my group there was this person who was supposed to give our speech for our group who skipped class that day. And Ryan Silvester came up to me and said ‘Lila, you are giving that speech’ and I did not have any preparation. I had to just go and speak in front of the entire class which as freshmen was really scary because US history is usually a sophomore/junior/senior class. But I remember after I got past the initial nerves really loving just talking about history and sharing my perspective on everything. I really would love to be a teacher at Community. It’s definitely a really good school. I really like how teachers have the freedom to really teach what they want to on top of the required things. I also think that community is really special school in the sense of the relationship between teachers and students.”


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