2 minute read

T. .

Tate Zeleznik

“I think I’m really going to cherish my memories that I’ve made at CET a lot. That was really special for me just getting to hang out with some really cool people especially evening light crew times were always my favorite. Just to get to be in the building really late with a ton of cool people and just hanging out with them and then without the stress of it being tech week and there being 90 people in the building. It was nice just to hang out and get to know one another. And that’s something we did for every show CET and I feel like I’ll cherish that a lot and just get to create theater which I love doing and doing with other people who also love doing it. I’m going to miss the atmosphere of CHS, just knowing so many people at Community and anytime I go in the hallway I can just talk to someone I know and start a conversation and everywhere I go there’s people that I know and I’m friendly with and I can talk to them and I know I won’t have that in college. I won’t be able to just leave my classroom and there’ll be a group of people waiting up there to talk to me. So I think I’ll really miss that connection and that aspect of it kind of feels like everyone’s friends around here especially since I went to middle school and elementary school with some of the people I think it’ll be something I’ll miss in college.”



“I chose CHS because I loved how small the school was, and I loved that the teachers were so open with us, worked close with us, wanted to work with us throughout my whole time being here. It’s never changed. The teachers have always been on your side, always been ready to work with you, ready to help you and be with you. They have always been in my corner if I really am struggling with something academically or even emotionally or physically. They’re ready to help. I struggle with my schooling sometimes and they’ve been like ‘Hey, I got this block open, come in and work with me and get some stuff done,’ and they take time out of their day to make sure that me or everybody else is getting the help that they need. I think Community has prepared me for the future because the way that we move about with our teachers and our peers has opened up a door of being able to communicate and being able to function and continue on with life working with adults. We are treated like we are people and not just a number. At bigger high schools there are so many people, you just can’t keep track of them, but we know our teachers on a personal level and that connection has opened like an educational door where you can get the help you need for schooling.”

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