globe the
It felt like forever, but it was probably about 40 seconds long. It was so fast you didn’t even notice how afraid you were.
1 Mark Twain Circle
Clayton High School
Clayton, MO 63105
May 13, 2011
Jon Carlyon
Volume 82, Issue IX
Sadness, frustration in wake of Horrell dismissal Student and community outcry have followed the removal of Sam Horrell as football coach after MSHSAA violations. Many questions remain unanswered. Dawn Androphy Co-Editor in Chief
It was quite a sight to see. On May 6, hundreds of CHS students congregated on the circular lawn by the front entrance of CHS to protest coach and teacher Sam Horrell’s dismissal from his position as CHS Varsity football coach. The decision to dismiss Horrell from his coaching position was made by the administration after they learned that Horrell had been attending off-season workouts with Wydown Middle School eight graders in February. “Coach Horrell was engaged in strength and conditioning workouts with eighth graders from Wydown Middle School,” Athletic Director Bob Bone said. Ann Brown, whose eighth grade son attended one workout, doesn’t recall her son being invited specifically by any of the CHS coaching staff. “I don’t really know how it got started,” Ann Brown said. “I thought that it was kind of the word of mouth with the kids, but I don’t know.” Ann Brown doesn’t agree with Horrell’s dismissal and believes that the workout sessions didn’t warrant the controversy that has resulted. “[My son] went to one session and felt uncomfortable with the high school kids there and stood around and did nothing,” Ann Brown said. “He said he wasn’t going back, it was ‘stupid,’ and that there was no instruction or guidance.” Andy Brown, who is of no relation to Ann Brown, also has an eighth grade son who participated in the workout sessions and believes that the punishment given to Horrell was too harsh. “From my point of view, I don’t think what the kids did was a violation at all,” Andy Brown said. Andy Brown believes that the sessions were too informal to be considered violations. “There was nothing formal about any of it,” Brown said. “[My son] played catch in the gym with Chase [Haslett] a couple times, which is not against any rules, to play catch with another student. He was never coached.”
The alleged violation came to light after one of the eight grade parents called the school about the workouts. “Her son had come up to work out,” Principal Louise Losos said. “He had normally come in the back door, through the link with one of the coaches. That coach wasn’t there. She was wanting to find out what was going on because he had to pay a visitor fee because they weren’t members….” Once the administration found out about the violation from the parent, they investigated the incident and then self-reported the alleged violation to the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA). Then, MSHSAA responded to the administration that Horrell had violated MSHSAA policy. Bone said that the decision to dismiss Horrell from coaching was not made lightly. “This is a high school athletics issue,” Bone said. “Dr. Losos and I made the decision in consultation with the High School Administrative Team and the District Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.” Horrell was not dismissed from his post as a physical education teacher and currently plans to teach at CHS next year. “High school coaches cannot work with eighth graders,” Losos said. “You can work with sixth or seventh graders, but not eighth graders.” The decision to self-report was made because doing so is required of the administration by MSHSAA. Additionally, had someone else reported the incident after the team had already started the following season, “the entire season would have been wiped out, the students involved would have been ineligible… and there would have been greater consequences for [our] school’s noncompliance,” Losos said. Despite the reasoning of the administration, enough students disagreed with the administration’s decision that they staged a substantial protest.
Horrell dismissal, pg. 2
Photos byThalia Sass
TOP: Horrell holds his son as he meets with students in the circle on May 6, when hundreds of students walked out of class to protest his dismissal as football coach. BOTTOM LEFT: CHS Senior Melina DeBona carries a sign supporting Horrell across Gay Field. BOTTOM RIGHT: Students express their frustration with Horrell’s firing.
Math curriculum review completed, Board of Education to vote on plan next week Caitlin Kropp Features Editor
Thalia Sass
The sun sets on the Tivoli in the U. City Loop, where recent disturbances caused the city to heighten police presence. The current curfew for unaccompanied minors is 9 p.m., but it may be moved an hour earlier.
Curriculum reviews have rarely, if ever, been a time of harmony among the populace. This year’s is no exception. Under review this year is the math department curriculum, a massive curriculum reformation that has actually been going on for well over a year. Headed by a Math Committee formed by district math teachers, parents, and Heidi Shepard, the Director of Assessment and Mathematics for the School District of Clayton, the review has worked
New rules looming for teens in the Loop Parker Schultz Reporter
Troublesome teens have become a disturbance in the Delmar Loop. The city council met on April 25 to discuss taking measures to limit teen access. Plans for loitering fines were proposed, as well as extending the pre-existing curfew. According to StLToday, “Many Loop business owners have told city officials their customers and em-
tirelessly to come up with a new math curriculum. This new system will be “world-class,” enabling the students to compete at international mathematics levels. To begin, an extensive system of surveying and statistics collecting was performed. In addition to their own results, the Committee hired a team of statisticians from Washington University to further analyze their work, making sure the results were conclusive. “It was really just to ensure that every rock was turned over and looked [at],” Shepard said. “The results were pretty much what we had
found. There were no shocks in the data that they presented to us.” After the initial phases were over, the true revisions began. Both the Committee and CHS math teachers sat down to evaluate different textbooks and curriculums, in keeping with the proposed focus of the future system. “I think, when you look at the new K-12 math curriculum, the phrase that we’ve heard is balance,” Shepard said. “So you’re looking at conceptual understanding, doing the problem, and problem solving. When you look at some of our textbooks, they’re very heavy in under-
standing and applying, so the teachers have supplemented the doing part of it. So we’ve really looked for textbooks that apply all three. Of course, the always-contentious issue of the Integrated curriculum has arisen in the review. As of now, the plan is to phase out the system for the revised version of the College Prep circuit, a decision which will, no doubt, have both its supporters and its protesters. Both groups can trace their origins back nearly a decade, when the Integrated program was first introduced.
Math curriculum, pg. 3
evolution of the globe globe
pg. 6
ployees have felt threatened and uncomfortable because youths in large groups frequent the area and some are loud, rowdy, belligerent and prone to steal.” These teens could be targeted by a new curfew, which would keep all unaccompanied teens under 18 off the streets by 8 p.m. The current curfew, passed last year, was 9 p.m.
volume I
issue I
november 2011
Loop crackdown, pg. 3
Inside: 2 Community 4 World 6 In Depth 8 Sports 13 Features 17 A&E 21 Forum 24 Interest
Rocketry competition takes students to Wahington, D.C.
Boys’ lax bounces back from rocky start for playoff berth
Unique atmosphere gives Kaldi’s growing success
Flying Cow brings frozen yogurt to St. Louis City
Community 2 Mixed reactions to Physics Day workload, fun May 13, 2011
Shiori Tomatsu Reporter
Every year, Six Flags Amusement Parks hold a Physics day celebration, where physics students visit attractions and apply physics concepts to the rides. This year, Physics Club students also attended. “It’s been around longer than I’ve been teaching and at Six Flags parks all over,” Physics teacher Gabriel De La Paz said. “The first class I took to Six Flags was in Chicago 17 years ago.” “It was sometime in the mid to late eighties,” Physics teacher Rex Rice said. “When I moved to St. Louis in 1989, the event existed.” Students taking Physics courses are going to this event for class reasons and the Physics Club is going to help out. “The Physics Club ran a ‘help desk’ where students can go if they have any questions about the work,” De La Paz said. “They were an extra set of helping hands for the teachers and chaperones.” Students taking Physics courses, particularly freshmen, gain much from this experience. “It’s a chance to see the physics they’ve learned in the classroom applied to something in the “real world,” De La Paz said. “It’s a good review of all the motion, forces and energy ideas they’ve been learning.” “Physics Day was created to allow students to perform physics experiments in the extremely large physics laboratory known as an amusement park,” Rice said. “Students gain an opportunity to apply the physics that they have learned throughout the year in a fun and exciting way as they analyze the physics associated with the rides.” Freshman Carly Beard had similar reasons for going. “From Physics Day, I think that I’ll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of physics,” Beard said. “It’s truly remarkable how physics has been applied to make life more efficient, safe and fun.” De La Paz and Rice also know the day is rewarding and is worth it. “I think students gain a better appreciation for the application of physics to the understanding of everyday
Thalia Sass
Junior Dylan Schultz of the CHS Physics Club helps freshmen with Physics Day packets at Six Flags.
phenomena when they take the physics learning outside of the classroom,” Rice said. “This is particularly true when where you go is as stimulating as an amusement park.” “Physics Day gives students an opportunity to experience the ideas we’ve been working on all year in a fun and engaging setting,” De La Paz said. “It provides observations that are much more intense than we can do in the classroom. Doing the motion detector lab or riding the hovercraft is great, but getting turned upside-down in a loop or being dropped in freefall is an even more powerful way to learn.” This is also the reason why the Physics teachers encourage students to ride on something during this day. “You don’t have to ride a roller coaster at all, but you
should ride something to get that feeling for the physics ideas,” De La Paz said.’ Rice also wants students to not miss out on the rides. “I don’t think that you come to the same understanding of what is going on during the rides by watching others ride,” Rice said. “Most students find at least some rides that they are comfortable with riding, but I feel badly for the students who can’t do it all as I do believe that they miss out on much of what makes Physics Day such a rewarding experience.” Some students are excited about this day but have other reasons to be worried. “I am excited to ride the rides, but I am nervous that the amount of work will ruin the day,” freshman Sophia
Rotman said. Freshman Ben Diamond was excited about Physics Day. “I love amusement parks,” Diamond said. “I have also been enjoying physics so I’m expecting a good time. I’m not very excited about the packets we will have to fill out because I’ve heard from countless students that it is a lot of work.” Unfortunately for many freshmen, this was more of a stressful experience than a day of relaxation. “Physics day was worth a full day of my time, but Physics Day could be called ‘Stress day’ or ‘Work day’ for me,” Beard said. “My group and I worked diligently for three hours before the buses even left for Six Flags, and spent the majority of our five hours at the park completing our work packets. However, by the end of the day, we hadn’t finished the bare minimum of what our teacher expected. By the end our visit, we were exhausted and upset, all because of the quantity and difficulty of the work. For future Physics Days, students may gain more from the experience if they feel less pressured.” Diamond shares in yhis general sense of disappointment. “I didn’t think that Physics Day was very enjoyable,” Diamond said. “I spent around 80 percent of the time working on the packets rather than riding the rides.” “Physics Day was better than school, but the work was too overwhelming to have fun,” Rotman said. Freshman Claire Lisker felt Physics Day was fine but like many others, thought it was stressful. “Riding some roller coasters and being surrounded by other physics students made Physics Day fun,” Lisker said. “ However, I do wish the work load had been a bit lighter.” Though many complained, freshman Rilke Griffin enjoyed the day. “I love Six Flags, roller coasters, and physics, so it was an all around awesome day,” Griffin said. “ If we had had less time, it would have been really rushed and not fun. I learned a lot about physics that has to do with energy, because we barely touched on it in class but doing it at Six Flags gave me a chance to apply it and understand it better.”
Unfounded rumors have added to confusion in Horrell dismissal Horrell dismissal from pg. 1 Seniors Wolfy Gaidis and Chase Haslett were instrumental in organizing the protest, in large part because of their personal relationship with Horrell. Gaidis, who felt that Horrell’s punishment was “far too severe,” hoped to use the protest to publicly defend Horrell. “Coach Horrell has been a really big part of my life,” Gaidis said. “I mean, he’s a really positive guy; he teaches us a good work ethic. He always makes sure he’s there for you when you need him. Chase Haslett and I have both been playing with him for a while and we just kind of thought something needed to be done. It’s not right for him to go out like this. He deserves much better.” CHS students and much of the community are overwhelmingly in support of Horrell, with the “Bring Back Coach Horrell” Facebook page having over 800 members as of May 11. For many students who knew Horrell, football players especially, he was more than just a coach. “I’ve known him since second grade and, this is a little bit cheesy,
but he’s kind of like a second father to me,” Gaidis said. “He made sure that all of his players, especially his older players and the big men on the line, had a family to go to. Even if you were having trouble at home or, you know, troubles outside, he made sure he was always there for you.” Adam Banks (CHS ’09), who was a quarterback on the football team under Horrell, also remembers Horrell as a father figure who was a wonderful example for the students on his team. “I lost my dad when I was in the eighth grade, and I don’t know a person who has lost a parent and just compares anyone to their lost parent,” Banks said on the Facebook page. “For four years Sam Horrell was a father figure in my life and for that I admire him very much. Sam’s coaching transcends the boundaries of the football field and is applicable to much more in life. Everyone who has played for Coach Horrell knows about being in the circle and out of the circle and controlling what you can control. This idea is just one of many that are applicable to the field and also to life in general.” Horrell showed up to the rally in
his support and was given printouts of the Facebook page in support of him by students. “I walked out there and was greatly surprised by the student support and outcry and the feelings… [it] has been absolutely tremendous and very heartwarming,” Horrell said. “I think, in education, there are a lot of times when you don’t ever as an educator get to know how your students feel about you, and I’m very fortunate right now for that. The way that the alumni, the students, and parents and community are expressing their feelings toward me, I’m very grateful for their thoughts.” While Losos disagreed with the goal to reinstate Horrell as football coach, she appreciated that the students who participated in the rally behaved peacefully. “The students were… manifesting their first amendment rights to peacefully assemble and petition for redressive grievances,” Losos said. “I thought that Coach Horrell should really feel supported and loved by the students. I had a number of teachers say to me that they were proud that the students followed through. In many ways, the reality is that the
students have behaved better than many of the adults involved, I’m not talking Coach Horrell here, going back to Facebook here.” However, Losos has found herself at odds with incorrect facts and misinformation being spread around the community. For instance, many defenders of Horrell have claimed that MSHSAA categorizes Horrell’s alleged violation as a “minor” violation that only calls for a five-game suspension for the coach. According to MSHSAA Communications Director Jason West, categorizations such as “major” and “minor” don’t apply to the case in question. “We just don’t have those distinctions,” West said. “Flat out.” West said that MSHSAA doesn’t have the authority to suspend a coach for conduct off the field, but that the eighth grade students involved face ineligibility for a 365day period. However, because CHS self-reported the incident and took actions against Horrell, this might impact the MSHSAA Board’s decision of whether to keep the players involved ineligible. “Any corrective action that the school takes, they have a self-report
and are asking for a lesser penalty, is taken into consideration by the Board of Directors,” West said. Despite some assertions that the administration used video surveillance from the weightlifting room, Losos said that video surveillance from the weightlifting room wasn’t used as evidence. “There’s been a lot of misinformation out there,” Losos said. “Like, that this happened in the weightlifting room. No, this has nothing to do with lifting weights. It has nothing to do with a coach spotting another student to make sure that they’re safe. The eighth grader participation occurred out on the Center courts.” Additionally, Losos refutes any rumors that she sent in surveillance videos to MSHSAA or leaked the names of any students involved. “I’ve heard the rumor that we sent video of eighth graders to MSHSAA,” Losos said. “That’s not true. No video has been sent to MSHSAA. No names have been sent anywhere. It’s a complete misunderstanding.” Ultimately, for Losos, the decision was about protecting the students. “The eighth graders are truly the
innocent victims in all of this,” Losos said. “They were doing what they were invited to do and, so, they did nothing wrong.” Unfortunately for the members of the community who want to know all of the details of the case, Losos is legally obligated to withhold certain personnel information regarding Horrell’s dismissal. “Did we have to remove Coach Horrell as coach? No we did not have to do that,” Losos said. “We had to do something. There is other information that led us to make that decision, but that’s information I cannot share with you.” Losos believes that her ability to defend the administration’s decision has been affected by the restrictions on what factors in the decision-making process they can reveal. “When I got hired, my line has always been to students and, certainly, to Globe reporters that, if I can’t explain a decision, then I shouldn’t have made it,” Losos said. “I still believe that. Unfortunately, I’m constricted in explaining the full decision.” Go to for updates and links regarding this story.
Reading specialist retires, continues to enrich society Noah Eby Co-Editor in Chief
In one way or another, Mary Beth Connolly has always been a teacher. Yet at the end of this year she will retire as Reading Specialist at CHS. The oldest of 13 children, she began what would become a lifetime in education by playing school with friends and teaching her siblings how to ride a bike. “Some people say it’s their calling, but it kind of just came naturally for me,” Connolly said. During the summer of her seventh grade, she even went so far as to create a summer camp for neighborhood kids that she babysat. She would march up and down the street, knocking on doors and gathering the kids together. Now, Connolly works in a rather different environment. She has been teaching for 34 years, with 12 spent at Clayton. She works with students with reading disabilities and students who struggle with reading to develop the skills and strategies necessary for success in academics and in life. “I want students to become better readers, but first I want them to love to read,” Connolly said. “So for many of the kids I have to convince them that there’s a purpose in why they read. I want them to turn to reading to soothe the soul.” Connolly helps students retain vocabulary and formulate opinions, among other things, and she tries to provide interesting reading material to students to cultivate their interests. In the process of working with students over several years, Connolly spends large amounts of time with her kids, and she is able to get to know
them well. “We get to see students mature over time, and that’s really what I get out of my job,” Connolly said. “I can see students come in as maybe a non-reader or a reluctant reader, and then I see them really mature as a reader – mainly that they look to books for more than just information, but for relaxation and enjoyment.” Connolly has started many projects over the years that have helped students in unique ways. She wrote a grant to buy iPods for students with reading disabilities and had drama students record themselves reading books aloud. Before the construction began, she would take students to the on-campus preschool to read to preschoolers. In the process she learned that many of her students who struggled with reading did not know the standard nursery rhymes. “A lot of them didn’t hear the stories that we heard when we sat in grandma’s lap or sat in mommy’s lap – they weren’t necessarily read to as youngsters,” Connolly said. So, at the beginning of the year, Connolly would spend a few weeks with kids reading all of the Dr. Seuss books. Students would then read their favorite story to the preschoolers. In the end, Connolly said the satisfaction she gets from her job is rather different from that of other teachers. She cannot point to AP scores to show how much her students have learned, nor can she hold up research papers or ten-page lab reports as testimony to her students’ work. Instead, she loves on the little rewards. “I have students who come back to see me with their
Thalia Sass
Mary Beth Connolly helps a student in her daily line of work as Reading Specialist at Clayton.
babies,” Connolly said. “They tell me, ‘Mrs. Connolly, I’m reading to my baby. I learned that here.’ And that’s the really important thing for me: that I’ve broken that non-literacy cycle.” After three decades of teaching, Connolly will leave formal teaching – “Life has a way of just calling you.” She plans to spend time with her sons – a chef in New
York and a professional football player in Boston – and grandchildren. She will do some volunteer work, including a project with her son in New York to build rooftop gardens in cooperation with the schools. Most importantly, she will never stop teaching. “If you’re a natural teacher,” Connolly said, “you don’t ever stop.”
May 13, 2011
CHS rocketry team flies high at nationals Paul Kieffer Reporter
TARC is a nationwide competition sponsored by Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) and the National Association of Rocketry (NAR). Every year approximately 7,000 students compete in TARC. Teams get together to build, design, and fly rockets. TARC is an organization designed to encourage students to study math and science and pursue careers in aerospace. This year a group of CHS students have qualified for nationals in TARC. The well accomplished team consists of Senior Joseph Dillon, Junior Ian Docherty, and Junior Sam Sutter and is sponsored by Nathan Peck. What is truly special about this trip to the nationals in Washington D.C. is that it is not the team’s first run to the rocketry finals, but for some the fourth consecutive year. The team has continued to excel at the regional level each year. This year’s competition required the rocket to reach 750 feet in a time of 40 to 45 seconds with a restricted parachute size of 15 inches. “The goal is to receive low marks,” Dillon said, “and then the 100 lowest scores go to Washington D.C. for the national fly-offs.” Although they have had tremendous success in regionals they have reached problems in each one of their previous years at nationals. “There always seems to be something that goes wrong in D.C.,” Sutter said, “but up until then everything is very good.” This year they hope that their rockets will perform at a higher level than previous years where they have found trouble. At nationals they have placed consistently at
87th place. Each year they have been hurt by technical failures. “In my freshman year we had catastrophic failures,” Dillon said, “which means our engine blew up. The chances of this happening are about one in a million. That year we actually recorded the highest score ever in TARC history, although low scores are better. Our rocket from my freshman year is located in the rocket case across from Mr. Rice’s room.” Each year they have faced new strange failures. Two years ago they brought two rockets with them to nationals. While testing them one of their rocket’s parachutes failed to open. As a result of this the rocket broke before the competition even began. Each time to nationals it takes the same level of focus before launch time. “Before launch time we do a lot of experimentation with the rocket,” Sutter said. “Then we try to get in a little fine tuning before the final launch.” All of these preparations are very important. With the stakes higher this year the team has been doing even more preparation than normal. This year the team feels very good about their chances at nationals. “This year we have good chances,” Dillon said. “We were able to zero in the rocket in only five flights, which shows the level of craftsmanship that goes into these rockets.” Winning this year would be a terrific accomplishment for the team. Especially since this year’s prize money includes $60,000 and a trip to Paris, for the international fly-off against the French and British teams. These competitions have proved to make a difference in the competitors’ lives. “TARC is a great experience,” Dillon said, “and is one of the main reasons why I am going to study engineering next year.”
Courtesy of Joseph Dillon
LEFT: CHS team Junior Ian Docherty, Senior Joseph Dillon, and Junior Sam Sutter on the steps of the Capitol building. TOP RIGHT: TARC launch site. BOTTOM RIGHT: Ian, Sam, and Joseph carry off the rocket and launch rail to the launch site.
Busy day, endless smiles A conflict between Prom and a state competition created a dilemma for some students, but all ended well. Arya Yadama Reporter
Madeline Fleming
LEFT: Senior Lily Gage and Senior Kevin Matheny were prom queen and king. RIGHT: Lily receiving her crown after a weekend of Readers Theater competition.
Reader’s Theatre, having gotten first place at districts, and the debate team, having many students qualify for state, ran into a bit of a conflict going into the state event: state and prom were on the same day. Despite this minor conflict, the teams moved around it with ease. The initial reaction to the conflict was mixed. Junior Corrine Yap was a little worried. “I’m the kind of person who likes to have everything planned out a week in advance,” Yap said. “I was worried about how we’d be able to make it from state to prom in time and what would happen if any of us advanced to finals, which would mean we’d have to stay in Columbia even longer.” Others like Becca Steinberg did not worry as much. “I knew that Ms. Bollinger would
make sure we could get back in time,” Steinberg said. The team did have to make some sacrifices, but none of the team members sacrificed going to state or prom because of the conflict. Junior Gabrielle Lachtrup, who did not go prom said that it was not so much the conflict, as the pricing of prom this year that kept her from going. In fact, despite the time crunch, the team got to prom a little bit late, making sure to contact Dr. Losos beforehand about their position. “We got to prom a little bit late,” Steinberg said, “but that was because we took so long to get ready. If the guys had their say, we would have been ready to go way earlier.” Many of the girls used their time at the tournament to get ready. “One thing that did help was the free time we had on the Friday evening before,” Yap said, “The girls going to prom all gathered in two
of the hotel rooms, and we spent the evening trying out hairdos and painting our nails.” It was this creative way of making the most of their experience that allowed the teams to have a unique and wonderful experience at both state and prom. Senior Ian Miller would have been more inclined to go to prom, however, with the organization and the small compromises the team had to make, everything worked out just fine, “I knew that I was going to go to prom, without a doubt, “Miller said. “Even for state, I didn’t want to miss my senior prom – it only comes once!” According to Yap, to many of the upperclassmen the experience was well worth the compromises. “The overall experience was definitely worth it,” Yap said. “State is one of the highlights of my year and despite all the worrying beforehand, prom was a great experience.”
Math review divides community After years of controversy surrounding the Integrated curriculum and a review cycle, the math department might head in a new direction, pending BOE approval. Math curriculum from pg.1 `“There is still what has been called ‘the Math Wars,’ which have people at the polar opposites,” CHS Principal Louise Losos said. “It still has its remnants with folks who are very much opposed to the Integrated curriculum and folks who are very much in support of the Integrated curriculum.” Along with the negative perceptions often associated with the circuit, the divisive nature of the Integrated program has created the problem of one-period classes, dubbed “singletons.” Mimi Liu These classes are small enough to warrant only one course a day, a mandated hour that can wreak havoc with scheduling. “So you have all of these singleton courses, and that makes it very difficult for the student’s schedule,” Shepard said. “If your math class is offered second period, but you want to do an elective that period, then suddenly there’s a conflict, one which math will win. And that’s not very fair to the student.” The Math Committee will present their final plan to the Board of Education on May 18, at which time the Board will vote on whether or not to move forward with the new curriculum. Despite favorable reviews, the outcome of the vote itself is difficult to predict. “The mathematics issue is very political, has been for a while,” Shepard said. “At this point, I would love
to say that it’s moving forward, but I really can’t tell.” If the curriculum does pass then the process will go ahead as planned, with the Integrated curriculum being phased out with the remaining students. Incoming freshmen will start on the new curriculum, and different teachers will work with different curriculums. “It will compartmentalize our department because we will have teachers who are going to be working in the Integrated curriculum, and then we’ll have people like myself who will be working on phasing in a new curriculum,” CHS Math teacher Chris Moody said. “There’s going to be pockets of people teaching different things. There won’t be as much communication in the department as to what is going on.” However, in spite of the difficulties still to come, the outlook is favorable for the changes to the system. “We’re excited about the changes,” Moody said. “We’re looking forward to the challenge. We know that there will be issues involved, but we’ll get through them and I think that the students will be better for it.” And, perhaps, it is also important to remember that, whatever the system, CHS math teachers will be sure to give it their all. “I think that our math teachers will do a fantastic job of teaching, no matter the curriculum,” Losos said. “I think, in the end, the bigger picture is that we have phenomenal teachers, and whatever textbook they have in front of them, they will make sure that the students learn it to the utmost.”
Grace Brumley
The increased presence of police in the Delmar Loop has become common after recent youth disturbances.
Safety intended, freedoms restricted Loop crackdown from pg.1 Another bill would charge up to $1000 to people blocking sidewalks. These new bills have the support of the Loop businesses. Stores fear that large groups of teenagers will scare away older customers, people with more money to spend. The legislature will progress carefully, as the Loop provides much of the income for University City. The last thing city board members want is for stores to lose revenue. The problem with new bills is that they would target all teenagers. Kids that weren’t causing any trouble before wouldn’t be able to hang out in the Loop after curfew. Big attractions like the Pageant and Fro-Yo would be off-limits on
weekend nights. “It’s a small portion of the kids that are causing the trouble, but it’s impossible to single them out,” junior Roz Cuneo said. “I think the people who spend most money on the Loop are the people above 18. Most kids in high school don’t have jobs, or if they do they’re not well paying jobs.” Cuneo wasn’t bothered by possible new restrictions. She said she didn’t stay out late in the Loop anyways. While Cuneo thought the laws might not be fair, she called them “rational.” Senior Allison Goldfarb shared a similar view. “The Loop isn’t really a great place for kids to hang out at night anyways,” Goldfarb said. “I think a curfew would benefit the kids under age 18. They might complain about how it’s unfair or that they hate the cops, but it will benefit them in the long run.”
May 13, 2011
News Briefs A federal disaster zone has been declared for parts of Tennessee, where flooding from the Mississppi River has caused damage.
What you need to know. President Obama announced that Osama bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda and the man behind the 9/11 attacks, had been killed. Bin Laden’s sons have accused the U.S. of violating international law.
‘New Republican Right’ raises discussion, controversy at CHS The party focuses on economic reforms, but some still question its methods for success. leaders were,” Iticovici said. “They present an idea of the former ‘good old days’ and although these good times did certainly exist, it is unrealistic to expect to have America In recent years, as the economy has slumped, with to be the same as it used to be, as it has increased technounemployment rates refusing to go down in a substantial logically and socially. We can achieve economic prosperfashion, the continued housing crisis, and the failure to ity again, but are not going to achieve the fashion of the rein in spending has mounted a new era of public criti- 1700s again.” cism of government. While public criticism has surely Wiens agrees the Tea Party’s focus is overwhelmingly increased from all sides, there has been much focus on on fiscal issues to continue the prosperity of the Ameriwhat has been termed as the “new Republican right” by can economy. The Hill. “Immediately I recognized them as a group of geoIn an article published on The Hill’s website (http:// graphically diverse people who were exercising their entitled, “The new Republican Right,” by fundamental constitutional rights to be heard by elected Dick Morris, it states: “No longer do Evangelical or so- officials, the media and citizenry,” Wiens said. “Despite cial issues dominate the Republican ground troops. Now fundamental ideological differences, what seemed to economic and fiscal issues prevail. The Tea Party has hold them together was fiscal conservatism; it still does.” made the Republican Party safe for libertarians. There Although there certainly can be debate of the reasons is still a litmus test for admission to the Republican that have seen this shift in political emphases, some peoParty. But no longer is it dominated by abortion, guns ple agree this correlates with the state of economy. and gays. Now, keeping the economy free of government “Economic depression is a huge part of it,” Diamond regulation, reducing taxation and curbing spending are said. “The middle class is suffering. I think they think the chemicals that turn the paper pink” (The Hill). government is a fault for this, so want limited govern Many Americans have been frustrated about the ment.” seemingly bigger budget every year. Defense spending Although some would make the assumption that the has doubled to $700 billion from 2001 (CNN News) Tea Party is in direct line with the Republican Party, othand entitlements are projected to take 70 percent of the ers would agree that the Tea Party has political ideologies budget by 2030 (New York Times). There have been unique to itself. several pushes especially by the Republicans to modify “It is a place where independents can go and not have different programs and policies, such as the tax-rate, to be completely affiliated with the Republican Party,” ItMedicare, and the budget for the military. There per- icovici said. Considering the influence of independents, sists concern whether the Republican push for cuts is many have wondered what will be the effect of the onthe right time. going rift between some Republicans with Republicans “People are alienated for cutting,” Junior Nadia Dia- connected with the Tea Party, and the growing political mond said. “By cutting spending, it is the opposite of division between Republicans and Democrats. People what needs to happen—economic stimulus. It will not have brought into question what will occur in the presihelp the economy. Social security, Medicare, and Medic- dential elections if the Republicans will able to present aid are important for low-income famia formidable opponent to President lies to support themselves. By spending Obama. “There is considerable cuts on these programs, it leaves people Many agree that some possible isolated, unable to help themselves.” tension between the lib- presidential candidates such as Donald Junior Paul Lisker feels that alwould fail to unify enough opertarians who advocate Trump though the Republicans’ focus on position against President Obama, but spending cuts is to ostensibly boost the for smaller government also there continues to be a lack of a economy, both the Republicans and the and the religious right clear leader for both the new RepubDemocrats will have to work together who advocate for more lican Party and the Tea Party. There to ensure a long-term solution. are certainly many factors that the government control “The Republicans are over-blowing Republicans will have to consider and over social issues. The confront in order to elect a Republican the issue on one hand, but refusing possible solutions,” Lisker said. “The ulti- libertarians fear that the president. mate solution, for it to be successful, “It continues to be a leaderless will require concessions and a compro- religious right will derail movement and it is unclear who they the movement.” mise from both parties.” would select for the 2012 Republi Fiscal conservatives across the nacan presidential candidate, if they Debra Wiens tion have not only focused on spending had the sole power to do so,” Wiens History teacher cuts for entitlement programs, but govsaid. “There is considerable tension ernment employees such as educators. between the libertarians who advocate “Because our nation spends more for smaller government, and the relimoney on education than we ever have before, many gious right who advocate for more government control people feel deep frustration over poor student atten- over social issues. The libertarians fear that the religious dance and low student skills and knowledge,” AP U.S. right will derail the movement.” Government and Politics teacher Debra Wiens. “They Although it perhaps is too premature to state the vaask what bang we have gotten for our buck. In addi- lidity and effect of the Republicans’ reformed agenda in tion, many people have had poor teachers sometime in Congress and across the nation, their impact certainly their schooling. Bad teachers hurt our children, injure has been felt across the board. our nation’s economic prospects, and give our profession If the “new Republican right” with a greater focus on a bad rap. I want teaching to be a career that is respected, fiscal responsibility in government is simply a short term well-compensated and honorable. We must do a better movement, or a gradual shift of political emphases is unjob of policing our own profession rather than letting certain, but time will only tell what this “new Republiangry politicians and voters make ill-informed educa- can right” will be able to accomplish, despite continued tional policy. So, when the economy turns sour, angry pressure from a U.S. Senate and presidency dominated politicians and voters turn their rage on public school by Democrats. teachers. It is so very unfortunate.” “Looking back at history, it is possible to identify As budgets have increased in recent years, with annual pendular trends; after particularly extreme events, such deficits seemingly every year, it has influenced the mak- as the recent Great Recession, there are extreme reacings of a new political movement, the Tea Party Patriots, tions,” Lisker said. “The move to a more extreme posipopularly known as the Tea Party. Their focus is truly tion by the Republican Party and the emergence of the “economic and fiscal issues,” as their core values are fiscal Tea Party is one such reaction. It is not beneficial for responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and the country to be immersed in such radicalization and free markets. Junior Micah Iticovici remembers when he extreme politics, so it seems inevitable to me that the first heard about the new Tea Party. Republican Party will return in a few years to a less con“I was curious about what their goals were, who their servative view-point.” Jonathan Shumway Editor
An estimated 150,000 people marched in Mexico City to call for the government to change its strategy in fighting Mexico’s drug war.
Approximately three billion viewers watched as Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton were wed on April 29.
The Chinese government has barred a wellknown Chinese writer from traveling to a literary festival in Australia.
Earthquake shakes Japanese fishing Chris Cho Reporter
In the aftermath of Japan’s earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese fishing industry is in crisis. The earthquake and tsunami, which left almost 28,000 dead or missing, affected Japan’s northeastern fishing ports and towns. In the city of Iwate alone the tsunami caused about $1.3 billion of damage to the fishing industry. The fishing industry inside Japan has fueled the economy for nearly a century, being an essential source of export and source of income. When economic disparity hit Japan after the efforts in World War I, these Japanese fishermen saved many lives through the fishing industry. Even in the late 1900’s, 80 percent of the job employment rate consisted of work that was in some way connected to the fishing industry. Finally, in 1989 Japan was ranked second behind China in amount of fish caught. The Japanese caught around 11 tons of fish that year. Through this success and prosperity, Japan built up to 2000 port cities in order to fulfill the maximum potential through the fishing industry. Not only has this industry been helpful for the economy, but it also has been a fountain of protein for the people of Japan. Bloomberg News states that Japanese eat more fish per capita than any other developed country, consuming 128 pounds annually. Fish accounts for 23 percent of protein in the daily Japanese diet, compared with four percent in the U.S. Even in starting out the day, Japanese people love fish; an archipelago of nearly 7,000 islands boast that the traditional morning meal consists of rice and grilled fish. Auctions at Tokyo’s Tsukiji, the world’s largest fish market that stretches over an area the size of 43 football fields and influences prices all over the world, according to
(NTV channel/Itar Tass/Abaca Press/MCT)
A local Japanese fishing boat sails in waters off the coast of Tokyo. Since the earthquake and tsunami, several fishing boats have been destroyed, making it hard on local fishing industries to continue gaining revenue.
Sasha Issenberg, author of ‘The Sushi Economy.” The recent earthquake and tsunami caused an immense amount of setback to the historic fish industry. NPR reported the damage to fishing stretches along Japan’s coast from the northern island of Hokkaido to Ibaraki. For one fish exporter, Masayuki Komatsu, the tsunami has crushed his hope of sustaining the fish stores he had opened. “Shellfish beds in the north were destroyed along with aqua-culture and seafood processing plants,” Komatsu told NPR. For years, Komatsu was the top international negotiator for Japans fisheries. His own hometown was swept away along with other fishing villages and boats on the northeast coast. That’s around 6,000 fishing boats in all. The five major fishing ports were destroyed, as well. According to NPR, Komatsu estimates about 10 percent of Japans entire fishery was lost. Now the question is how to rebuild. As the earthquake and tsunami has given Japan all they can handle, more problems are on the way as the consumption of fish will have to be taken care of. Japan will have to compensate for all the loss in fish
and material. In order to do this, they will have to trade with countries all over the world. However, Japan is already in debt and if they keep trading they will begin to go down a slippery slope leading to a major collapse. Also the prices are going down as much of the population is worried that the radiation might affect the food and fish they consume. “Prices are down on average of 40 percent,” Norie Hara, owner of a small fish shop in Meguro, told to Asia Times reports from Japan. With less supply of fish and fewer entrepreneurs investing in such companies, Japan’s industry and economy will only go down. Rising prices and dwindling fish stocks will also mean Japanese will find themselves eating less fish. Indeed, as a percentage of total fish production, Japan’s share has plunged from 17 percent to about five percent in 25 years and is further expected to drop to four percent by 2020, according to a forecast from the International Food Policy Research Institute and the World Fish Center. The industry has received a major blow, and as the people of Japan will have a hard time repairing the damaged industry that has provided Japan with economic and health benefits.
Gerry Melendez/The State/MCT
Tea Party members protest government spending, as well as taxing of U.S. citizens. The party calls for reduced government spending and is pushing for less government control over taxation and the American economy.
May 13, 2011
6 the
The Globe newsma feature 48 full-col
of the
Originally called The Sphinx in 1919, the CHS student newspaper has had many faces before becoming The Globe of today. After being a broadsheet paper for the past seven years, The Globe turns in a new direction. In an effort to heighten student interest and readership, it will transition to a newsmagazine format next school year.
Chief Noah Eby said. In particular, the head editors have been drawn to newsmagazines by Exeter High School and Francis Howell North High School, as well as professional publications like Sports Illustrated, Time, and The New York Times Magazine. In other words, The Globe will be in good company in shifting its focus to the newsmagazine.
Make sure that you keep an eye out for the next issue of The Globe in August. Otherwise, you might not recognize us. Yes, The Globe will be getting a makeover. The Globe staff has recently come to a decision that next year this publication will transition to a newsmagazine format. Thus, CHS will now have The Globe newsmagazine instead of The Globe newspaper. Most people imagine The Globe as a broadsheet because, Zach Praiss, who will be a Senior Managing Editor in the 2011-2012 school year, anticipates that students who in recent years, it has been the most durable format. “Well, the broadsheet’s been around since 2004,” Adviread The Globe casually might be surprised by the signifisor Nancy Freeman said. “So, it’s probably been the thing cant change in format. “I think it’s going to be a big change for us, as editors, that we’ve had the longest since I’ve been here. I mean, I’ve been here for 15 years and, for seven but it’s also going to be a big change of those years, we’ve had a broadfor our readers in that they’re going sheet.” to see a new format on the first day “I think the special emphasis However, many people are unof school when they walk through aware of the frequent changes in the doors,” Praiss said. that we will have to be put format that The Globe has had, even While this may seem sudden, on creative design is really in the last 15 years. the idea of changing formats has exciting. If we get it right, we “Before the broadsheet, [the forbeen considered by the editorial staff for a while. could have a truly great publi- mat] changed about three or four “The first time the idea of a cation, and I’m confident that times in the eight years that I was here before that,” Freeman said. “It newsmagazine came up was last the staff will be able to use the went from being a newsmagazineyear,” 2011-2012 Senior Managmagazine to its full potential.” type of thing, to a black and white ing Editor Jackie Leong said. “Mrs. tabloid, to a tabloid with spot color, Freeman first mentioned that, if we Noah Eby and then to a broadsheet.” wanted to do a newsmagazine-type Editor in Chief Freeman wishes that the transithing, that this would be the year tion to a newsmagazine had hapto do it. No one wanted to do it pened during her time at CHS; last year, mostly because last year however, she is excited to see what we didn’t know if we could do the design aspect of it. This year, we’ve played a little more with next year’s staff will accomplish. Meanwhile, the head staff this year pondered what design and I feel like we could pull off a very design-heavy newsmagazine that would definitely pull in more student would be the best course of action for next school year. “We’ve looked to student and professional publications readers.” Ultimately, 2011-2012 Editor in Chief Noah Eby came for inspiration over the past months,” 2011-2012 Editor in
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to the conclusion that a newsmagazine would be the best option by considering what students would most enjoy. “We wanted to make the Globe more reader-friendly, something students could read on the go or put in their backpacks to take home,” Eby said. “And we also wanted to give ourselves an opportunity to experiment with new design techniques that emphasize photos and graphics.”
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Besides the desire for a fresh, new way of making a print publication, the editorial staff was intrigued by the potential for innovation inherent to a newsmagazine and the student interest that will, hopefully, increase as a result. Traditionally, The Globe has struggled to attract student readership, with copies often being brought from CHS to Clayton homes, only to be read just by parents and other adults. However, the new emphases brought about by a newsmagazine have the potential to change this. “I think the special emphasis that we will have to be put on creative design is really exciting,” Eby said. “If we get it right, we could have a truly great publication, and I’m confident that the staff will be able to use the magazine to its full potential. Specifically, I love the idea of having a cover story span seven or eight pages of the magazine. The doors that this opens up for design and creativity are very exciting.” While 2011-2012 Senior Managing Editor Jackie Leong believes that it will be a challenge to transition from various stories and teasers arranged on a front page to bringing the focus of the front page to a specific cover story, she also thinks that a well-designed cover will convince more students to pick up The Globe. “Great design is definitely something that people like to see,” Leong said. “It definitely attracts them more than a text-heavy broadsheet will.” Eby hopes that students will not only be more likely to pick up The Globe because of the design, but also be more likely to read it.
The first issue of the CHS student newspaper, The Sphinx, is published.
The Sphinx is renamed CLAMO. Page editors laid out pages by hand, cutting and pasting stories and graphics into place. The paper was then sent to a printing company that typeset the entire paper.
agazine will lor pages.
May 13, 2011
8 issues per school year starting with the August back-to-school issue
8.25 x 10.5 inches
Each issue will feature a prominent cover story that will fill several center spreads 2004
The Globe newsmagazine design for the 2011-2012 school year “I think readers will love it,” Eby said. “I know some people will be sad to see the broadsheet go, but once people get used to it I think they’ll really come to appreciate the magazine for all that it offers.”
THE OBSTACLES AND CHALLENGES The new format will not be without its challenges, however, the staff believes that most of the problems will stem from the initial surprise at the digression from the original broadsheet layout. “First and foremost, we fear that people won’t like it,” Eby said. “While we’ve heard a few moans and complaints, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, so hopefully that first concern won’t materialize” However, other concerns involve the impending challenges that the staff will face in developing new skill-sets concerning design. “We have a long way to go in terms of educating ourselves on how to design and manage a magazine, so that’s something we’ll have to work on extensively over the summer and at the beginning of next year,” Eby said. Additionally, there will be less room for stories in general, so altering the distribution and length of the article will be a challenge for both reporters and the editorial staff. “We definitely will have less space in general,” Leong said. “Before, we’ve had this giant broadsheet of 24 pages.
Now, we’re going to have a 48-page newsmagazine. That sounds like it’s equivalent, but it’s definitely going to be a little slimmer, so I think that the stories are going to have to get a little shorter.” However, ultimately, the head staff believes that these challenges will ultimately improve The Globe. “The newsmagazine will really push us to develop our design skills and put us in a new realm of editorship,” 20112012 Senior Managing Editor Zach Praiss said.
LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE Even traditionalists have to admit that the breed of broadsheet newspapers is diminishing. With the transition to a newsmagazine, The Globe will be joining an evergrowing group of publications that convey information to their readers with graphics and shorter articles on a smaller, more condensed layout. “I think the change represents the fact that newspapers are evolving and the media is constantly evolving,” Praiss said. “I think that our generation feels more of a connection with the newsmagazine format in that, nowadays, teenagers and young adults aren’t as accustomed to opening the broadsheet newspapers… There’s a greater appeal for our generation to pick up a newsmagazine.” Essentially, newspapers worldwide are adjusting their methodology and, as a result, The Globe’s head editorial
The CLAMO is renamed The Globe.
The Globe becomes a broadsheet newspaper.
In 1989, the editorial staff began designing on computer software.
staff wants to follow suit. “Publications are really going through a lot of changes and I think it is important that The Globe stays current with these changes,” 2011-2012 Senior Managing Editor Laura Bleeke said. “The newspaper, sadly, is dying out, but hopefully the newsmagazine will be something fresh and new and will keep our readers interested.” Along with this desire to innovate with regard to design and content, The Globe also hopes to expand into more of a community-wide newspaper by improving business techniques and new media skills with the help of next year’s advisor Erin Castellano. “We’re very excited to have Ms. Castellano coming next year,” Eby said. “She brings a wealth of experience in multimedia and design, and we hope she’ll be able to help us improve the business aspect of The Globe as well. Many of us have worked with her before, and we know that she’s a very kind, personable teacher who we’re sure will make the transition to the magazine and the transition from Mrs. Freeman as smooth as possible.” Likewise, Castellano is looking forward to working with the students on creating a newsmagazine that is of the times. “I’m excited to work with the staff to come up with a look for the newsmagazine that is contemporary,” Castellano said. “I think the kind of visual storytelling we will be able to do with the new format will be an interesting change of pace... I’m also looking forward to making changes to the website and integrating videos to enhance the stories we put online.” Eby agrees that nature of the magazine will also force The Globe website into a higher realm of performance with regard to its website. “Hopefully, moving to a magazine will help our website develop as a source for up to date Clayton community and sports news,” Eby said. “The magazine format forces us to focus more on features and less on breaking news and game coverage. As a result, we hope to transition most community news and game reports to the website, which should boost traffic and improve the content of our print publication.”
The Globe newspaper becomes The Globe newsmagazine.
May 13, 2011
Challenger Baseball offers pastime for all Anat Gross Sports Editor
Nearly 20 years ago, Buck Smith came across an article in Sports Illustrated that would change his life and connect hundreds of people around the baseball diamond. He read about Challenger Baseball, a Little League division established in 1989 that provides opportunities for children with disabilities to play baseball. After reading the article Smith sent out letters and placed some ads in newspapers to form a similar team in St. Louis. What began with a small St. Louis team of 15 players has now expanded to 54 teams and up to 700 registered players in Eastern Missouri and Western Illinois. Challenger Baseball was established to connect people of different backgrounds and to provide the experience of America’s pastime sport to all children. “[We] give these kids with a disability a chance to play baseball and we treat them no differently than a traditional team except for a couple of little things,” Smith said. “We don’t count outs, we don’t count runs, and everybody bats every inning. We’re not skill based at all, we’re all abut fun. And we’re all about the players having a good time.” CHS senior Dawn Androphy has been volunteering with Challenger Baseball for several years. “I heard about the organization and I played on various baseball and softball leagues when I was younger,” Androphy said. “I really enjoyed the
experience of being on a team and I pecially in an area like the St. Louis felt like I grew a lot from that and it Special School District, where incluteaches you how to work with oth- sion isn’t always stressed, I feel like it ers. I saw the organization as an op- is also a chance for socialization for portunity to give that experience to the players. The inclusion is really other people that wouldn’t necessar- great for both the buddy volunteers ily be able to be on another team.” and league members.” According to Smith the organiChallenger Baseball has a strong zation’s greatest priority is to make community environment, with the friends and to embrace differences. families, players, and volunteers all “[The players] will get a chance coming together to play baseball. to interact with people they may Baseball turned out to be the pernot get a chance fect sport. to interact with in Not only is it another situation,” America’s pastime “[We] give these kids Smith said. “Our sport, but it is an players are great, with a disability a chance easily adaptable they’re the nicest to play baseball and we sport for all playpeople and they treat them no differently ers. have great senses “Baseball is than a traditional team a real sport that of humor.” Senior Ali Meyother kids are doexcept for a couple of er volunteers with ing,” Androphy little things.” Challenger Basesaid. “It’s a nice Buck Smith ball and holds a opportunity for unique perspective STL Challenger Baseball these kids to paron the organizaticipate in sometion. Her younger thing other kids brother is a league member, which are doing because anyone can do a she believes has made her “extremely craft at home, but I think for these comfortable in situations/scenarios kids it’s a way for them to have that like Challenger Baseball that may experience they wouldn’t be able to seem a little intimidating at first for otherwise have.” lots of people.” Challenger Baseball gives the She stressed the need for more players an opportunity to switch buddies and the excitement of vol- roles, to be in the position where unteering with the organization. they are on center stage. “I think the organization is imAccording to Smith the experiportant because it gives kids and ence helps both the players and the adults with special needs the chance buddies gain self-esteem. to play a sport and experience some “[The buddies] feel better about normalcy that may have otherwise themselves with their self-confinot been possible,” Meyer said. “Es- dence and they can be the hero for
a change,” Smith said. “They’ve gone to other traditional baseball games with their families and their friends and they see everybody cheer for the players on the field now it’s their turn to be cheered.” The players are given the opportunity to play baseball, while the buddies are given the chance to brighten someone else’s day. Androphy cited this as her main reason for continuing her work with Challenger Baseball throughout the years. “It’s a really good way of spending your time,” Androphy said. “I think sometimes volunteer hours cannot be fun, but this is probably one of the most fun ways I’ve found to volunteer. You get to play around with someone and make their day better and it makes me feel good every time I do it.” Not only is Challenger Baseball a great way to give back to the community and enrich someone’s day, but the games themselves can be quite competitive and exciting. “The excitement and the smiles are honestly unmatched,” Meyer said. “The parents have just as much fun as the players. And quite frankly, don’t think the atmosphere isn’t competitive; Line drives to short stop, big hits to left field. The games are great, and the reactions from team members, parents and buddies is reason enough to go out and volunteer.” The organization overall provides all the participants with a day to remember. The game of baseball is used to connect people from diverse backgrounds, enriching the lives of
Courtesy of St. Louis Volunteen
Senior Dawn Androphy recruits for Challenger Baseball at the recent St. Louis Volunteen-run volunteer recruitment at the Magic House.
all those involved. “What we get back never matches what we put in,” Smith said. “I think us out there playing Challenger base-
ball might even feel a little bit guilty because we get so much back from these players they are just so glad that we are there.”
Thalia Sass
The boys’ team walks toward the bench after a tough loss vs. Chaminade. Though the team started off rough, they have since won four of five games and looks to make a statement in postseason play.
Boys’ lacrosse rebounds, looks ahead to postseason Jon Knohl Reporter
After losing in the Missouri Scholastic Lacrosse Association Division II Championship game to rival, Ladue, the Greyhounds are out for some revenge this season. The only thing is the Hounds are now playing on the biggest stage in Division I Missouri Lacrosse, which has made things bit more interesting. The Hounds started off the season going 1-6 but bounced back to a 5-7 record and playoff eligibility. “We started winning games and really started turning things around,“ senior Brad Puricelli said. “We knew that we had to put the game on our shoulders and step it up.” Although the team had a rocky start, they have had some quality wins over Eureka and Vianney. “The Eureka win was a big victory for us because we needed a win against top tier team,” Puricelli said. “Coming close didn’t cut it and that game just motivated us for the future.” The biggest win of the season was against Ladue. It was a redemption game. The Hounds rallied back to win 11-10 despite being down 7-3, a deficit of four goals, at
Elizabeth Sikora
athlete of the month
the end of the third quarter. “It was the most exciting Clayton/Ladue sporting event that I have ever been a part of, “senior Andrew Klein said. “It’s the type of game I am going to remember for the rest of my life.” The team is currently ranked eighth in the state by and They are led by Josh Goldstein, Sam Muslin, Kevin Brockmann, Gabe Nicolazzi, Klein, Jonathan Matheny, Puricelli and Seth Thornton. “I think our captains on the team are really helpful,” freshmen Jimmy O’Reilly said. “Their leadership is one of the main reasons why are team is doing so well.” Goldstein and Nicolazzi were first team all-state last year as well. The team has an easy schedule ahead of them for the rest of the season with games against Pembroke Hill and C.B.C. “In order to win those games we’re going to practice hard and have a poised mental state of mind,” Puricelli said. Come cheer on the Hounds this season and possibly during the postseason as they look to capture the first state championship in the program’s history.
Jake Lee Editor
Hard working and passionate are two words that encompass lacrosse varsity player Haley Wartman. Wartman is expected to have an outstanding season as both an individual player and one of the leaders for the lacrosse team. “Haley is a natural born lacrosse player,” teammate Jasmine Respess said. “She has a lot of talent and is always willing to help other girls on the team.” Wartman has only started playing lacrosse since her freshman year, but her talent and passion for lacrosse has pushed her to become one of the stronger players on the team. Perhaps one reason for this is the amount of dedication Wartman puts into lacrosse, including outside of school. “Over the summer, I went to a lacrosse camp and played a lot of lacrosse to improve for the season,” Wartman said. “I feel like this is definitely my best season.”
Lois Bryant at
8151 CLAYTON RD. CLAYTON, MO 63117 (314) 721-3637
Respess also agrees on the high level of dedication that Wartman commits to. “Haley constantly works hard on the field and spends time outside of practice to improve, always thinking about the team,” Respess said. Over the last couple of years, Wartman has developed a strong lacrosse game and plays the position of defensive mid, where she plays on both offense and defense. When asked what drives her to put in maximum effort into lacrosse, Wartman says it is about the feeling of accomplishment from the win. “I like to win as a team because it feels like a great accomplishment,” Wartman said. “It just feels good because you know that you worked hard and that the whole team worked hard together.” Not only does Wartman’s hard work contribute to the team individually, but it also impels teammates to work just as hard. “Whenever I see Haley play lacrosse, it motivates me to work just as hard.” Respess said. “Haley never gives up and it makes the whole team want to do the same.”
May 13, 2011
After recent season woes, Rams finally show promise, potential With a promising young quarterback and a successful 2011 NFL draft, the NFL lockout is the only hurdle standing between the Rams and the postseason. while keeping the Rams in playoff contention until the last game of the season against the Seattle Seahawks. Their disappointing 16-6 loss to the Hawks in Seattle After an up and down 7-9 season for the St. Louis during week 17 left a foul taste in their mouths’, and Rams, they’re looking to propel themselves into playoff soon became aspiring for revenge the next season. contention and claim the NFC West title once again. Plans were unexpectedly changed when offensive coThe road the Rams took from ’04, when they last won ordinator Pat Shurmurr, left STL for a heading coaching the division crown, to now wasn’t a very enjoyable one job for the Cleveland Browns. With the resigning of to watch. Shurmur, head coach Steve Spagnuolo decided the team After the dismissal of coach Mike Martz, Scott Line- needed a change in direction from Shurmur’s west coast han was given the reins of a young football team with offense. the difficult task of trying to transform Shurmur was heavily criticized in them into the super bowl team they STL for his highly conservative offense “After a horrendous were just 3 years prior in ’01. Howevthat ran the ball 3rd and long not too er, a string of draft busts and poor free rarely. Only a mouth after his de1-15 season in ‘09, a agency decisions became the primary parture, Rams general manager, Billy shimmer of light apreasons why they just won 6 games over Devaney hired former Broncos coach, peared down a tunnel Josh McDaniels, to be their new offena span of 3 years from ’07-’09. that seemed like it was sive coordinator. The Rams 19th overall draft choice in ’05, Alex Barron, spent just 5 years miles in length. That ray McDaniels is well know for bewith the team while becoming one of ing the play-caller for the New Engof light was Sam Brad- land Patriots during their ’07 season the most penalized players in league. ford.” Tye Hill, the 15th overall pick in ’06 in which they produced 67 offensive was injury prone throughout career betouchdowns en route to a 16-0 regular David Androphy fore leaving for Atlanta while the 13th season. His style of offense and play Freshman pick in ’07, Adam Carriker, recorded calling will now be transcended to the only 2 sacks in his 3-year career with Rams as the “McDaniels experiment” the Rams and eventually had to sit out will begin in 2011. the entire ’09 season due to injury. Unlike the ’10 draft, which was more focused on After a horrendous 1-15 season in ’09, a shimmer building a solid offensive line and filling voids on deof light appeared down a tunnel that seemed like it was fense, the Rams ’11 draft featured picks of a tight end miles in length. That ray of light was Sam Bradford, the in the 2nd round and wide receivers in the 3rd and 4th. Rams’ number one overall choice in ’10 with a contract McDaniels’ highly appraised offense that features dual guaranteeing $50 million. tight ends (with the purpose of being able to block and With a cast of underachieving receivers and a stellar having great pass-catching skills) was evidently a key facdefense ranking up towards the top for sacks, Bradford tor in the team’s early and mid round draft picks. managed to lead the team to a just under .500 record The 3 picks, Lance Kendricks (Wisc.), Austin PetDavid Androphy Reporter
MCT Campus
Sam Bradford hands the ball off to Steven Jackson, the Rams’ running back. Bradford’s presence and accuracy in the pocket last season has set the Rams on the right track to return to their former winning glory.
tis (Boise St.), and Gregory Salas (Hawaii) add needed targets for Bradford and could add more depth to an already struggling receiving core. All in all, the Rams’ early to mid-round draft picks will decide if they do-or-die in ’11. The Rams committed to building a strong and efficient offense in ’11 at the expense of avoiding major holes the Rams have on defense. With not picking a defensive tackle, a linebacker,
or safety in the first 4 rounds, the Rams are telling us that they will be looking towards free agency to fill their defensive needs. Expect the Rams to come out of the gates in free agency hoping to sign another Fred Robbins or Na’il Diggs, who both added strength and experience to our defense. Only good days are ahead for the Rams, and the only thing that will stop them is a NFL lockout.
Refreshed lineup breathes new life, energy into ultimate frisbee team Jack Holds Editor
Hannah Feagans
The boys’ track team gathers in a circle to stretch during a routine warmup. Both stretching and practice runs are integral to the regimen of the track day-to-day operations. Practices are also the key to their continued success.
Training pays off, track team sprints into district contention “For distance and middle distance there is a 4 by 800 relay,” Indovino said. “The team consists of me, PayThe boys’ and girls’ track teams ton Sciarratta, Lily Niswonger, and are training hard. Maggie Kiel. Usually we have MagGirls’ track coach Barry Ford gie run first, and she passes off to lauded the benefits of track and the Lily or I, then Payton will finish. necessity of pracIndovino extice. plained why she “Track is the likes the 4 by 800 “Our distance guys one sport that will are doing a great job. and other events improve your aththat she does. Coach Werner is trainleticism and speed “The event is ing them especially to do better in any really fun because hard this season. A sport that you parit is more of a team ticipate in,” Ford lot of them ran cross- effort,” Indovino said. “A lot of work said. “I also run country previously, goes into it. the mile and the so they are in pretty two-mile.” Ford also exgood shape for the pressed his hopes Senior Leah season.” Johnson said the for the latter half of girls’ practice regithe season. Mike Nelke ment has had posi“I expect the tive effects. season to go well,” Boys’ Track Head Coach “We stretch Ford said. “We and do a lot of have a number of good runners, and the attitude has drills,” Johnson said. “Coach Ford usually has us do a 400 [meter] in changed over the last few years.” Each runner has specific events the beginning of practice and times for their particular set of skills. Ju- it, which helps us improve as well.” Johnson is confident in the team’s nior Nicole Indovino runs distance abilities. and relay races. Aidan Hayward Reporter
“I think we will hopefully at least qualify for state,” Johnson said. Senior Cameron Stewart discussed the boys’ daily practice routines. “We start out with a few warmup laps and stretches,” Stewart said. “We do a lot of drills to get our feet moving, and to loosen up. We then run some 150s or 300s.” Head coach Mike Nelke commented on the boys’ distance runners. “Our distance guys are doing a great job,” Nelke said. “Coach Werner is training them especially hard this season. Nelke also noted a few of his strongest runners and the promise others have shown. “A lot of them ran cross-country previously, so they are in pretty good shape for the season,” Nelke said. “Joseph Dillon and Derrick Stone are strong runners, as well as Matthew Garrett and Caleb Grady. Bryan Hodges, Cailer Keaton and Andy Hodapp are all very promising freshmen.” The boys’ and girls’ varsity track districts meet will be held at MICDS on May 14th at 9 am.
The CHS ultimate frisbee team received a muchneeded lift this year thanks to a new name and a great mix of players, both of which carried the team to success. The CHS Swag Surfers – coined by senior Simon Warchol – had a stunning record of 5-1 due to the combined efforts of both veteran and new players on the team. Senior veteran Auggie Turner explained why the Clayton ultimate frisbee team had such considerable success. “We had a good amount of seniors and experienced players this year which led to a lot of smart playing,” Turner said. “That coupled with a ton of athleticism and more turnout than previous years carried our team to a huge winning record.” The other main factor that led to the success of the ultimate frisbee team this year was the recruitment of new players which added to the depth of the team. As a result, the 2011 season was also the first year in the short Clayton frisbee history during which two girls have joined the team. Senior Maddy Bullard expressed her decision to join the team and what it was like to be one of the two only girls in a mainly male league. “I joined the team with my friend Monica Gierada and I’m really glad I did because it didn’t take up a lot of time but it was still fun and competitive,” Bullard said. “While Monica and I were the only girls on the team, we still basically dominated other opponents on the field in the long run.” Not only did Bullard and Gierada join, but seniors Christian Wolfgram and Will Hayes also came out to play to help rake in the victories, proving that great athleticism goes a long way in ultimate frisbee. Freshman Jack Wei and sophomore Jojo Moomaw were also some of the new faces on the field who showed promise for the coming years and were greatly contributed to the morale and success of the Swag Surfers. Moomaw recounts his involvement in the Clayton
frisbee team. “When I got here to Clayton, being an incoming sophomore, I was told that if I do anything it should be join a club,” Moomaw said. “I had played unorganized ultimate in the past, but when I heard it was an extracurricular, I was psyched.” Like much of the team, Moomaw found the frisbee team enjoyable and overall rewarding. “I had a blast playing and we had a great season so it’s definitely something to look forward to next year,” Moomaw said. The facilitation of the CHS Swag Surfers, along with the acquisition of new players was largely thanks to senior Scott Jeffery, who filled the position of team captain after Julian Katz graduated last year. Jeffery not only led the team with his disc handling skills, but also the organizational aspect by calling players before games to ensure participation and by settling logistics with the St. Louis Ultimate Juniors (SLUJ) league. Senior Scott Jeffery expressed his satisfaction with the team. “Despite our lack of practices, we had a tremendous season,” Jeffery said. “Overall, I know everyone had a blast playing, which in my mind makes this season a success.” While much of the CHS Swag Surfers’ success this season was attributed to the heavy presence of seniors in the lineup, this also means that next year there will be a large gap in the team after the current seniors graduate. Junior Adam Ferguson illustrated the problem of losing so many of the seniors but is hopeful of the coming season. “The seniors are leaving so we’re losing a lot of players on the team, but the truth is that there’s plenty of underclassmen who don’t play spring sports and who are athletic,” Ferguson said. “We just need to advertise ultimate frisbee more.” Seniors or not, with plenty of untapped talent at CHS and a weathered junior, sophomore, and freshman class ready to lead the team to victory, the CHS Swag Surfers are set for another winning season in 2012. LEFT: Senior Auggie Turner stretches out to catch a disc during a game against Chaminade. Turner is a veteran whose disc handling skills will be missed in the coming years. BELOW: The Swag Surfers “hold the line” after scoring a touchdown. A mixture of new and old talents prepare to face off. Jojo Moomaw (far left) and Jack Wei (second left) have been great new additions to the team this year, while Auggie Turner (center), Scott Jeffery (second right) and Jack Holds (far right) have helped the team for years.
All photos courtesy of Jojo Moomaw
May 13, 2010
Marion Freeman Invitational proves growing experience for team Jake Bernstein Editor
Caleb Hoover drove up from Joplin. Drew Keefer from Kansas City. Daniel Everett from down the road. Three state champions and the top athletes from around the region met at Gay Field from April 29 to May 1 for the 77th annual Marion Freeman Invitational. Despite the regional acclaim and packed house for the Marion Freeman Invitational April 29-May 1, few students are aware that record-setting athletes perform annually in our backyard. “The level of competition here is one of the best that you will see in the state of Missouri,” boys’ track coach Kurtis Werner said. Marion Freeman, namesake of the invitational, invites the best runners from the region every year to participate. Freeman has organized the meet the past 42 years and is responsible for restarting the Clayton cross country program. “We have had some wonderful athletes come down the pike, it has been a great meet year after year,” Freeman, the former CHS boys’ track and boys’ basketball coach, said. “There was a stretch of 10 years in a row where the Clayton invitational team champion was also the state titlist.” Westminster’s Everett, who completed the 1600meter race in 4:11.34, the fourth best time for a high school athlete nationwide in 2011 according to dyestat. com, agreed that the meet has a “great reputation” and that the entire field was “stacked” every year. This year’s meet lived up to its usual reputation, with four races setting the top times in the state of Missouri for 2011. Everett was disappointed in just missing the invitational record in the 1600, but appreciated the work Freeman does on a yearly basis to organize the event and said he looked forward to the meet each year. Freeman was confident that had the wind settled, Everett would have broken 4:10 and possibly the invitational record.
Michael Turner
Senior Kameron Stewart goes head to head against a fellow competitor at the Marion Freeman Invitational.
“At all my cross-country and track races that Mr. Freeman is at, he pulls me aside and gives me an update on the field that he is putting together,” Everett said. “With how much he put into the mile over the past three years, I felt disappointed that I did not get the record for him, but knowing Mr. Freeman, he will continue to put together a great field to get that record someday.” Freeman and Werner agreed that the top level of competition was beneficial to the growing boys’ track team. Werner said that it would be “terrifying to compete” against such high level competition, but that it was necessary for improvement. “If you want to be the best, you have to train against the best and you are not going to see anything less than the best at the Marion Freeman Invitational,” Werner
said. “I believe some of our younger guys now have really gotten the experience have gotten the experience of participating in the Marion Freeman Invitational and now understand what it’s all about.” Freshman Andy Hodapp, one of the “younger guys” who has displayed great potential, said it was a pleasure to be running with such famous runners. Freeman said that he enjoyed putting the meet together and hoped that the level of competition at the meet could “help our Clayton team in the long run.” Sophomore Derrick Stone, a member of the boys’ 4x800 relay team, thought the team could have performed better. However, Stone thought the meet was a great learning experience and looked forward to the meet next year for another chance to compete against
the top runners. Freeman attends CHS boys’ track practice regularly and has seen huge improvements just over the season. He said that the work that the student-athletes put in over the winter was “really showing up in the meets.” Hodapp said he truly appreciated Freeman’s presence at practice and said that Freeman really motivated him “during and after races and that (Freeman) personally taught” him how to use starting blocks. Stone agreed that Freeman was an asset to the coaching staff. “Coach Freeman comes to practice all the time,” Stone said. “He talks to us regularly about our splits and we respect him for that, that someone as experienced as him can give us daily insight about what we are doing.” Everett agreed that the hard work an athlete puts in during practice will pay off, crediting his great 1600 time to the work has put in over the past five years and pacing from his brother during the first half of the race. An additional goal for the future is to increase community involvement in the event. “Track and field is underappreciated as a true sport, especially if you have a top quality field such as the boys’ mile this year,” Werner said. Freeman said that he put “match races” in the distance events to make for more competitive races. In these races, the 16 best runners regardless of school size were put on the track, which led to some “marvelously competitive races” and a more interesting experience for the community. Hodapp, in his first year at the event, said that the Marion Freeman Invitational would be great for spectators because of the broad spectrum of talent at athletes running at seemingly “inhuman” speeds. Not only community members should community members look forward to the event, but student-athletes do as well, praising the organization and competition annually at the meet. “Runners from every other school always say this is the meet where they are going to get their personal record,” Stone said. “It is really important meet, for me personally, and for the team.”
Elizabeth Sikora
Junior Emily Derfler squares off against a Whitfield player. The Hounds currently boast a solid record of 8-5.
Girls’ lacrosse team benefits from positive, unified spirit and at the same time bond with teammates. “Practices are fun and we learn a lot,” Rivard said. “Because we are a varsity team we already have the basics Spring sports teams are in season and all of them are down, so during practice we work on plays to do during playing hard in order to win. games. We do a good amount of conditioning, but nothThe girls’ lacrosse team in particular is competing ing we can’t handle.” with a full varsity team. The academic challenges among other things have “There are 19 people, I believe, on the varsity team,” proven to be nothing that the team cannot handle and senior and captain Jaclyn Poe said. “Half are seniors and the players continue to do their best. the rest are juniors and sophomores and we have one “I would like to see practices get more game-like and freshman. The team is really close and there is little dra- intense,” Poe said. “The game that was the most chalma. We all get along really well.” lenging for me, and I think for the rest of the team, was There is a strong bond between the players, which Hazelwood West. We should have beaten them and we is key for the team to cooperate well and dominate the were missing some key players. On top of that we had field. had four other games that week. We ended up going into “The dynamic of the team is very double over time against them and losstrong and positive,” junior Emma Riing. Still my personal goal this year is vard said. “We support each other on to go really far in districts, beat Ladue, “The dynamic of the and off the field which is really imporand upset a private school team.” team is very strong and tant.” Rivard added that beating Ladue The team also depends on a few key and competing against the harder pripositive. We support players to help the team out. vate school teams is one of her top prieach other on and off “The juniors really stepped it up this orities. year,” Poe said. “Erica Eisenberg and the field, which is really The great deal of rain this spring has Jasmine Respess in particular are really largely affected the team in a negative important.” good defenders and have done a good way. Emma Rivard job this year.” “The rain has hurt our season a lot,” Junior A vast majority of the players have Poe said. “I’m really mad because we been playing for multiple years and had three games canceled and they have had a great deal of previous expecan’t get re-scheduled. It has also afrience to prep them for what’s to come with the varsity fected practices. The team can’t play as well in the rain, games. so that was really not good.” “I have been playing for three years and I instantly For Poe, being one of the three captains is a huge refell in love with the sport,” Poe said. “I have been on a sponsibility; however, it has both its challenges and its couple of club teams as well along with some other girls rewards. on the team.” “The most rewarding part about being a captain is The practices are becoming increasingly difficult, es- strangely having to be more responsible than anyone pecially with the busy academic schedules of most of the else,” Poe said. “I feel like it is my job to set an example players. for the other players, so I try my best to watch what I The academically stressful time of the year with AP say and lead by example, even though I don’t sometimes. testing, EOC’s and finals is approaching, but the players The hardest part about being a captain is when people are still able to manage. don’t listen to you and when you have to quiet the team “It gets difficult balancing practices, games and the down.” AP’s and other testing, but we get it done,” Rivard said. With a 7-3 record, Poe’s leadership seems to be ef“If we do need more time for school work our coach fective. understands how important it is.” The girls’ Lacrosse team is working and playing hard Though practices offer less time to complete workw, and hopefully they will continue to do their best and players agree they are also fun ways to sharpen ones skills keep turning out more wins. Anna Williams Reporter
May 13, 2011
Junior Dylan Schultz delivers a strong backhanded blow during a recent match.
Madeline Fleming
Tennis serves up great season, charges into post-season play Maddy Bullard Senior Managing Editor Elizabeth Sikora
athlete of the month Anat Gross Sports Editor
Tennis phenom Mac Rechan has made quite a name for himself on the court, despite only being a freshman. He currently holds a 6-1 record in singles and he looks to “improve this record heading into districts next week and hopefully into the state tournament.” Rechan started playing tennis when he was five and started playing more competitively about five years ago. “I train year round at Miller Tennis Academy and attend personal training sessions two times per week,” Rechan said. “I also play in many sectional and national level tennis tournaments usually twice a month throughout the year.” With hard work comes great success. Rechan is currently the number one ranked singles player at CHS and according to head coach Susie Luten he “is highly ranked both nationally and in the Missouri Valley” and quite the team leader. “He works hard on his game on and off the court,” Luten said. “Mac is not just about his personal success, but is a real team player.” Rechan has proven himself to be an extremely vital player to the team. Throughout the season he has overcome quite a few disadvantages playing against older players. However, with his rigorous training throughout the year and his will to be the best he has proven himself to be a major threat on the court. “Coming into the season I wanted to be the number one player,” Rechan said. “So I put myself in a mindset to do just that. I have just been playing my game throughout the year and not trying to do too much to deal with the bigger kids I see during the high school season. The challenge in high school tennis is having to play older and stronger kids that you do not normally see in the age group specific tournaments.” Even so Rechan takes these challenges in stride, defeating many of his older and stronger opponents. “Mac is integral to the team in that he adds to the overall strength of our team,” Senior player Sagar Yadama said. “Although he is only a freshman and is some-
times overpowered by senior players, he wins many of his matches.” It takes drive and confidence to compete with older and perhaps more experienced players. Rechan joined the tennis program with an understanding of what it would take for him to be the number one player. He dedicated himself to fulfilling the characteristics that make a great player. “I feel quickness, strength, and dedication are necessary traits to become a good tennis player,” Rechan said. “It takes many long days on the court at tournaments and work outside of tournaments and the high school season each day after school.” According to Luten, Rechan “has a huge game and moves extremely well on the court.” Yadama also commended Rechan’s skills and his understanding of the game. “Mac is a very consistent and smrt player,” Yadama said. “Although he may not hit as hard as other players, he is always able to get the ball back and place it exactly where he wants to on the court which can win more matches than pure speed.” His rise to the number one seed hasn’t been a walk in the park. Just as in any sport, to excel a player must put in the time and effort to improve. “You won’t become better unless you go out there and actually work on your game,” Rechan said. “It won’t happen overnight, but eventually the work you put in pays off.” As for the future, Rechan has set the bar high. Not only does he want to help lead the tennis team to state, but he also would like to continue playing at a Division I college. “I have high expectations for myself and the team this season and for several seasons to come,” Rechan said. “I hope to win a state team and individual title in the coming years.” Luten shares Rechan’s enthusiasm for the coming seasons. “Mac is easy to get along with and I have enjoyed coaching him,” Luten said. “The best part [is] he will be here three more years.”
The boys’ tennis team has taken their skill to the next level in the second half of their season. “The season is going well,” senior Simon Warchol said. “We’ve definitely improved a lot since last year.” The team is led by senior captains Simon Warchol, Sagar Yadama, and Marshall McKinley. “This year our senior captains have really stepped up their game and have proved to be important pieces in defeating the better teams,” freshman Mac Rechan said. “Sagar Yadama, Simon Warchol, and Marshall Mckinley provide the leadership necessary to win going forward.” The skill and athleticism of not only seniors but also freshman on the team has helped them pull out several important wins. “We have two very talented and highly ranked freshman, Mac Rechan and Joey Dulle who are on the team and have immediately made an impact,” Luten said. “Our record is 8-3 with the three losses coming from three top schools who will probably be competing at State.” Warchol is confident about Clayton’s chances in the state tournament because of the strength of each player in the top six varsity spots. “The returning varsity members in the top six, including Jake Lee, Jack Holds, Sagar Yadama, and Dylan Schultz, combined with freshmen Mac Rechan and Joey Dulle have made our district team as formidable as any of our opponents,” Warchol said. Additionally, the return of injured junior player Jack Holds has helped the team’s success. “Jack Holds, after being injured almost all of last year is back at our number four spot,” Yadama said. “His strokes have improved a lot.” Junior Jake Lee has also improved his game, becoming an essential part of the varsity team. “Jake is our number two,” Yadama said. “He almost beat Matt Wolfe in the MICDS match which is a great accomplishment.” Luten says the team’s dedication and frequency of off-season play is
what has made the difference for such a successful team this year. “The greatest strength of the 2011 boys Varsity Tennis Team is that we have a team of extremely talented and experienced players who play tennis all year long,” Susie Luten said. “In order to compete in the post season, you need to have these kinds of players.” This year the team has had more success against teams that have usually been challenging in the past. “We’ve had a couple of close losses to MICDS and Westminster, but have been able to trounce teams such as Ladue, Kirkwood, and Burroughs, who usually give us a hard time,” Warchol said. Despite these encouraging wins, the team is not fully satisfied, and looks for a chance to redeem themselves at the state tournament. “The season has been relatively successful,” Mac Rechan said. “We have three losses in matches we felt were winnable, so we would like to get some revenge on those teams heading into state.” Warchol is also looking forward to the state tournament. “The team is looking to improve at state, because we should have a chance to make up for our closest matches against MICDS and Westminster there,” Warchol said. The team’s biggest success is a point of contention among the players, with so many important wins. “Our greatest success as a team was defeating Kirkwood 5-2 in which was also my biggest win against Drew Morris,” Rechan said. The team’s chemistry and support of one another is a big advantage. However the team is still looking to gel even more as the competition stiffens late in the season. “Our team is looking to improve our overall togetherness heading into state which will be vital to our success in the district and state tournament,” Rechan said. Yadama also points out that matches depend on both singles and doubles results, and therefore an exclusive focus on singles play must be avoided. “Although singles is the highlight of most matches, we are looking not to shortchange doubles as the
outcome of doubles matches will determine the winner of the overall match,” Yadama said. Yadama recalled Rechan’s match against Morris as his favorite memory of the season. “My favorite memory of the season was when Mac Rechan destroyed Kirkwood’s number 1 player Drew Morris,” Yadama said. Luten was also very proud of the win against Kirkwood. “Our best win was against Kirkwood because we haven’t beaten them in many, many years,” Luten said. Yadama cites the Ladue match as the most important of the season. “The greatest success so far was beating Ladue,” Yadama said. “Since they are our rivals it was nice to squash them in the match, and since they are of the best in our district we know we can make it to state.” According to Warchol, the most significant match was Burroughs. “My favorite memory of the season was beating Burroughs 9-2, because they beat us in district finals last year,” Warchol said. Luten agrees with Warchol’s opinion, because Burroughs is an important team to beat heading into the state tournament. However, as always, each player has had challenging matchups against athletes from other schools throughout the season. “My most challenging match was the one in which I lost to Charlie Curtis of MICDS, who is also a good friend of mine,” Rechan said. “He’s a tough player to play against for me, but hopefully I’ll get another shot at state.” The team is undefeated in their district, a record that Warchol chalks up to the depth of the varsity squad. “Our undefeated district record is definitely a plus,” Warchol said. “But the overall team depth is our greatest strength, and will definitely serve us as districts approach.” The younger players are enthusiastic and optimistic for future years, despite the loss of such strong senior players. “My hopes for next season and beyond is to win at least one individual state title and help my team to a team state title,” Rechan said.
May 13, 2010
Blown Away
The Good Friday Tornado and its Aftermath
t was green outside.” Clayton Technology Specialist Jon Carlyon was making dinner in the kitchen of his Ferguson home, just west of the airport, when the sirens went off. His wife and kids were away, and he casually went to the basement. When the sirens turned off moments later, he went back upstairs. “When the sirens stopped, I went to the top of the stairs not even thinking,” Carlyon said. “You hear the sirens but you never think anything’s actually going to happen, it’s just a public service that they’re doing just in case. And when I got back to the top of the stairs, a tree came through the window.” As it turned out, the sirens had only ceased because they were blown over. Carlyon’s house would soon fall victim to a vicious storm that produced an EF4 tornado in Bridgeton with winds up to 200 miles per hour and damaged 2700 buildings across St. Louis County. Carlyon immediately dashed back down the stairs into his basement and waited for the storm to pass. The sound of the storm – like cannons being shot through the house – shortly gave way to silence. “It felt like forever, but it was probably about 40 seconds long,” Carlyon said “So I guess it only takes 40 seconds for a tornado to blow through. It was so fast that you didn’t even notice how afraid you were.” Though his house was not completely leveled, the damage was extensive. The chimney was twisted, part of the roof torn off, the siding damaged, and all of the windows destroyed. He said he hopes he can have most of the rebuilding done in a month, but it is an optimistic goal. In addition to the house damage, the trees that usually formed a shading canopy above his neighborhood had been uprooted. “I’m so used to looking out the back deck and seeing everything green, and when I came back to the top of the stairs it was light,” Carlyon said. “The amount of light was just unbelievable with the trees gone, it seemed like someone was just shining a giant spotlight at the house.” The house was condemned by the city and deemed unlivable due to the damage, so the family had to temporarily move. Immediately after the storm, his family’s first priority was to get their belongings out of the house. Looting was reported across the storm-affected areas. Carlyon and his family have received an outpouring of help from friends and family. Food, clothes, shelter, transportation – everything has been offered to them. “People have just been climbing out of the dirt zombie-style to say they want to help,” Carlyon said. When Carlyon sent out an email to school district staff inviting them to a “tree-trimming party,” he expected five or six people to
Noah Eby
Co-Editor in Chief
show up to help him clear the trees and debris. Instead, there were 50 pairs of helping hands to begin the process of rebuilding. “It was just unbelievable,” Carlyon said. “Teachers from the district showed up, some students from the district – I don’t even know who they are. It went from looking like a Kosovo war zone to actually being able to start rebuilding.” Yet the hardest part of the ordeal has not been dealing with the physical damage, it has been coping with the stress the storm has put Carlyon’s family. Getting the whole family together has been a challenge – it took more than a week for the family to have a day together at Carlyon’s daughter’s baseball game. “It was strange because it took that long for us to hit normal,” Carlyon said. “It took a week and a half for us to be able to say that there was no tornado stuff to deal with, just baseball stuff and going out to eat stuff and getting to see my boy stuff, and that’s the hardest part. Everyone’s somewhere else.” Assistant Principal Marci Pieper also experienced the storm firsthand. She was at the airport picking up her son just before the tornado hit. As she neared the airport in her car, lightning flashed “like a strobe light.” Tornado sirens rang as her son met her at the Southwest terminal, but Pieper chose to ignore the warning. “So we just decided to take off driving,” Pieper said. In the car, Pieper and his son heard news of the tornad. They were only a couple miles down I-70 when the tornado hit the airport. The sky around her was green and foreboding, and in the direction of the tornado it was completely black. And then came the scariest part of the evening. “Lightning struck less than a car length in front of the car, stuck the pavement,” Piepert said. “And that was the weirdest thing I have ever seen in my life. At some point I wasn’t even driving the car.” She let out a scream “that comes out of your bodies that you can’t control” and pulled her hands off the wheel, crouching doen as best she could. Light and flames seemed as if they engulfed the car in slow motion. At some point, she said, the car was just driving itself. The lightning was a warning for Pieper. She pulled over the side of the road along with more than a dozen other cars and waited out the storm as wind blew faster than she had ever seen. The experience was a harrowing one, and it instilled in Pieper a greater respect for the awesome power of nature. “I will never, ever ignore a tornado siren again,” Pieper said.
Photos by Paul Lisker
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: The storm that hit the St. Louis on Friday, April 22 left many properties in the tornado’s path, like the one shown above, in pieces; St. Louis Lambert Airport was one of the most hard hit areas. The shelters on the top level parking lot were only one of the buildings left windowless after the storm; a sign on a building shows the strength of the winds that tore off the lettering; a building along Interstate 70 was in the direct path of the tornado when it touched down, destroying the walls, roof, and much of the inside; a “Welcome” sign outside Lambert Airport shows the power of the strong winds from the storm.
lifestyles Clayton High School
1 Mark Twain Circle
Clayton, MO 63105
Into the wilderness we go...
English teacher Sue Teson talks about her family’s adventures in 48 states
Sweet Art >> pg. 17 Volume 82, Issue IX
May 13, 2011
Steven Zou Reporter
Most CHS teachers during their summer breaks stay in St. Louis and relax with their families, go out of town to see their families, take summer classes, go on short vacations, or teach summer school. English teacher Sue Teson’s summer is an exception to all those things. She and her family take long summer vacations every year and have been to nearly every continental state in the U.S. Teson said that they have been doing this since her first daughter, who is now a 16-yearold sophomore, was born. “The first time we took her on a backpacking trip overnight was when she was 8 months old,” Teson said. “We went to the bottom of the Rio Grande Canyon in New Mexico. She was still drinking out of a bottle, but we did it and she did it. Our kids have become really tough as a result.” Since the Teson family trips are usually four to six weeks long, they usually camp when they are vacationing so they can avoid the cost of luxury hotels. “The camper has been a source of our adventure because we cook our meals together and we have had a lot of interesting bathroom experiences,” Teson said. Teson explained that she and her husband try to expose their children to both natural and man-made wonders while they are traveling. This combination seems to have made an impact on how her children see the world. “I asked my son the other day
‘what is beauty’ and he said beauty was when we came out the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and we had seen this amazing place that we camped in for three days,” Teson said. “It was a 13-mile hike in and out, and we saw things that you would just never able to see if you stand on top of the rim. Then we drove to Las Vegas, so he saw the beauty of natural wonders but also the bright lights and neon of the Vegas strip and so that was manmade beauty.” The Tesons have been to all the lower 48 states as well as Mexico and Canada. “We are trying to go to Hawaii for my daughter’s graduation present,” Teson said. “I would really like to go to Hawaii because I have been to Canada and the Banff National Park, and I understand what Alaska is like. But Hawaii is a really unique environment. I would like to see the volcano set against the ocean.” One of the most dangerous experiences the Tesons have had during vacations was when they were driving their camper into Yellowstone Park after dark one night and a giant moose ran out in front of them. “But luckily, my husband swerved out of the way,” Teson said. “We have also been stuck on top of the Rocky Mountain National Park when a thunderstorm happened and have also seen bears and alligators on our trails. But I guess just being at the bottom of the Grand Canyon humbles you because you are totally at the mercy of forces beyond your control.”
Teson, pg. 16 Courtesy of Sue Teson
Taking a passion for music beyond the practice rooms Ben Colagiovanni Editor
Great musicians are rare. Truly. Rare is the musician who relishes practice. Rare is the musician who combines passion and precision, consistency and charm, to provide a perfect performance. Rare is the musician who makes sure his audience is having as much fun listening as he is playing. Chances are slim that you will ever meet a great musician. Chances are slimmer that you will find two great musicians in the same high school, playing in the same jazz band, making music in the same section of that ensemble, and forming a friendship along the way. Does the above scenario sound improbable? Then take a moment to meet Clayton High School’s own Greg Dallas and Josh Fagin. They’ll be happy to tell you how they beat the odds. It’s 7:30 in the morning on Tuesday, May 3. The CHS Jazz Band finished its final concert of the year at Soulard Preservation Hall a little over nine hours ago. The moving truck is parked in the back parking lot of the school and the musicians are busy unloading equipment—yet this time the mood is slightly more somber as the instruments will be staying in their cases for the summer. Fagin, the drummer, and Dallas, the guitarist, who both played superlatively, are unfazed. For each there are more non-school related shows to follow—one as soon as a Cinco de Mayo performance for Fagin and a quickly approaching playing engagement on the 12th for Dallas—more crowds, more applause, more connections to make. Yet, I can’t help but to be slightly melancholic. As the pianist for the jazz band, I’m struggling to imagine how morning rehearsals will be next year without the rocksteady time of Fagin’s hi-hat and the smooth strumming of Dallas’ hollow-bodied Gretsch, working in perfect
Courtesy of Greg Dallas
Courtesy of Josh Fagin
LEFT: Greg Dallas performs the jazz guitar for a crowd. RIGHT: Josh Fagin performs as Jay Fay at a Cinco de Mayo celebration on Cherokee Street.
synchronization, yet beautifully contrasting each other. We finish packing early, meaning there’s plenty of time for us to talk. When Dallas plays guitar, it’s magic as his technique, knowledge of theory, and ability to play with feeling congeal onstage. He’s such a natural, it seems a foregone conclusion that he was born playing a guitar, and yet, it’s not even where he started his musical journey. “In sixth grade I started with percussion,” Dallas said. “I was horrible, and so then I quit percussion and started playing guitar. I didn’t really have any specific inspiration—It wasn’t like I saw someone playing guitar and thought ‘I want to play guitar,’ I just said to my mom,
‘Hey, can I get some guitar lessons?’ and that’s how it started.” From such an innocuous beginning, Dallas has emerged as a masterful musician, who utilizes a perfect combination of skill and intellect, often adding witty elements to his solos. At Soulard, for example, he incorporated elements of the “Flintstones” theme into a solo on the Coltrane classic “Impressions.” Yet, perhaps the most integral factor contributing to Dallas’ incredible performance capabilities is his perception of his instrument. “I like how visual the guitar is,” Dallas said. “Not only can you hear how each chord is connected, but you can
see it on the instrument, and I think that’s important. You don’t get that same effect with, say, a horn.” Dallas’ vision for the future revolves around music, as evidenced by the fact that he will be attending Berklee College of Music in Boston beginning next fall, where his excellence is sure to continue due to his constant desire to improve. “You want to focus on the good things and you don’t want to dismiss them,” Dallas said, “but at the same time you have to really think objectively about your playing and what it really is like.” Behind every Dallas solo is Fagin’s drumming. As the drummer, Fagin performs the crucial, and at times unenviable task of keeping the entire Jazz Band in rhythm. When the group speeds up or slows down, it is Fagin’s job to get everyone back on track. He does so consistently and with unmatched confidence, using fills (variations in the drumbeat which take place every four to eight measures), which are often slightly more understated than Dallas’ solos but equally impressive and passionate. Fagin began drumming in the fifth grade, and has since acquired a vast knowledge of music and a plethora of techniques, which complement his innate sense of rhythm. However, Fagin has recently found his niche as a DJ. “I’ve always wanted to produce music,” Fagin said, “and there was something about being a DJ that I was totally attracted to. It allows me to combine the skills required to be a good drummer and the skills required to be a good producer, which is really neat.” Fagin has had many triumphs this year. He has opened for rapper Drake and performed a show with acclaimed DJ Steve Aoki. He attributes his success to his optimism.
Student musicians, pg. 16
Urban farms contribute to growing local food movement, sustainable income Laura Bleeke Managing Editor
Five countries, 10 blocks in St. Louis city, and 11 refugees. Ten city blocks have been transformed into mounds of dirt for a small farm in South St. Louis. The farm is used as an outdoor classroom for St. Louis refugees to learn about agriculture in the United States. The Botanical Heights Community Garden in South St. Louis is one of the larger community gardens in the St. Louis area. Recently this garden was given a large addition, in the form of the 10 block urban farm.
The 11 refugees in the three-year program must first attend English classes to learn the modern terminology for farming. The students sold their farmed vegetables for the first time at the farmers market in Tower Grove Park on May 7. The International Institute of St. Louis runs the urban agricultural program, and the farm in St. Louis has been funded by grants from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services. This year, a total of $1 million was given out in grants across the nation. The farm in St. Louis received a grant amounting to $80,000. Larry
Laverentz manages the International Institute of St. Louis office’s Refugee Agricultural Partnership Program, based in Washington. The director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement started the program eight years ago. He attended the Kellogg Conference, the largest philanthropic organization in the United States related to food systems and agriculture, and the conference made him decide that the country should have refugees involved in agriculture because most of them come from agrarian backgrounds.
Urban farming, pg. 16
All phtotos by Grace Brumley
The International Institute of St. Louis’s farm in South City is being used to develop the skills of immigrants.
May 13, 2011
Marriages fall out of fashion Jocelyn Lee World Editor
Grace Brumley
Kaldi’s Coffee on DeMun Avenue in Clayton offers a homey environment and ethical ways for consumers to help the environment and support free trade coffee.
Kaldi’s Coffee offers quality coffee and environmental resources for community Sarah Blackwell Editor
Kaldi’s Coffee does not seem to be strikingly different than Starbucks. But closer examination reveals a unique, comfortable, and feel that could be an explanation for Kaldi’s Coffee’s growing popularity. The venue is reminiscent of a modern castle: Kaldi’s Coffee on DeMun Avenue has warm, fragrant, rooms decorated in purple, red, and yellow. The walls are adorned with black and white photographs in fancy frames and the ceiling with glass chandeliers. It is, however, not the physical environment but its ethical motives that make Kaldi’s unique. Kaldi’s buys their coffee straight from the farmers, even periodically visiting farms around the world to form closer relationships and discover new tastes to bring home. “We source higher in coffees,” Kaldi’s employee Phil Teller said. “We’re buying at what we call direct trade prices so it’s above Fair Trade prices. On average the farmers are compensated better than Starbucks probably.” The farms that Kaldi’s Coffee supports are usually smaller farms that do not qualify for Fair Trade certification. “It’s a more equitable transaction and we just have higher end drinks and focus on quality more with our coffees than Starbucks does,” Teller said. “The quality of flavor is not even close. Kaldi’s is far superior.” Teller explains what makes Kaldi’s Coffee such good quality. “So there’s single origin and blended coffee,” Teller said. “We offer higher end single origins that are roasted on a smaller scale and bought directly from the farmer, which is different than how Starbucks does it. We roast a lot of our single origins lighter to preserve the natural characteristics of the coffee as opposed to roasting them all dark and kind of creating a roasted flavor.” Most people don’t understand how roasting works, or even how to make “good” coffee at home. Fortunately, Kaldi’s wants its customers to be familiar with coffee. “We hold monthly cuppings at various cafes,” Teller said. “A cupping will come here where we will sample different coffees. We do different demonstrations and show people how to make different brew methods.” Teller went on to mention different brew methods, pointing to a strange funnel-like “pour over method” device sitting on a table. Customers have the unique opportunity to learn from professionals in the area of coffee brewing. These opportunities can be found on the Kaldi’s website, Their website, another reason for success, features de-
tailed descriptions of each coffee, complete with information about the country and farm that it comes from. The website sells each coffee, along with tea and merchandise. Customers can also learn about coffee straight from the website, as it features a blog and a video diary. Kaldi’s customers include many CHS students. Lately, more CHS students have gone to Kaldi’s instead of Starbucks. “Kaldis has stronger coffee, and it’s more about the coffee itself, while Starbucks is about more sweet stuff and the extras that are put in the coffee,” sophomore Brett Rutledge said. Rutledge, who drinks coffee several times a week, prefers Kaldi’s coffee to Starbucks, but prefers Starbucks’ sweeter, flavored drinks. Sophomore Kats Tamanaha disagrees. She prefers fruity drinks from Kaldi’s, but warns CHS students of the high prices. “Starbucks and Kaldi’s are both super expensive so if you have better things to spend your money on, I recommend drinking some free water and moving on,” Tamanaha said. Teller argues that the prices are fair. “All prices are really high right now and coffee has increased dramatically in the past year,” Teller said. “All people in the coffee industry are having to raise prices.” Despite raising prices, Kaldi’s is doing well, and is actually growing as a business. “Our business is really good in a pretty crappy market,” Teller said. “It’s really strong and our revenues are probably as good as they’re ever been, at this store at least.” Teller thinks that the location he works at, in downtown Clayton, is becoming more popular because it has been around just long enough to develop a client base. “We’re in the head business district of St. Louis, so we have more of an [upscale] of market I guess,” Teller said. “We have people who have higher end taste.” Higher end taste is a crucial characteristic of Kaldi’s clientele because their clients need to be willing to pay higher prices for significantly smaller portions of coffee. “We do more traditional European style drinks instead of a 20 oz.,” Teller said. “The [20 oz. cup] is like what the coffee market has gone to, but we try and specialize in drinks that are in the classic, traditional style where you taste the coffee and not just the flavor. We’re lucky because a lot of our customers are looking for that kind of stuff. They’re not looking for all the syrup-based drinks.” Kaldi’s not only provides quality coffee but also provides free information to the community.
In 1960, 72 percent of adults in the U.S. were married. Three years ago, 52 percent were married. Why has such a central institution in our society declined so dramatically over what can be viewed as only a couple of generations? How has the modern family changed so much over time? According to the findings of a report by the Pew Research Center, several factors are involved. One of them the economic factor. “Poor people say they think marriage is important but don’t want to marry without feeling economically secure,” Washington University law professor Susan Appleton said. Appleton is an expert in family law. About 50 years ago, the marriage rate for college graduates was 76 percent, while the rate for those with only a high school education was 72 percent, according to the Pew report. In 2008, the rate for those with a college diploma was 64 percent, compared to those with a high school diploma, which was 48 percent. Appleton said this trend might be strongly connected with women’s decisions to marry or not to marry, more so than men’s. “There are interesting studies about why poor women often have children but do not marry,” Appleton said. “These studies suggest that having a child is considered too important to postpone, but that marriage should await an opportunity to live up to the ideal. In other words, poor women want to marry someone who would not become a burden.” With a high number of poor men either in prison or unemployed, some women just do not have the marriage prospects they seek, Appleton said. “Marriage to some of the available partners would put these women at an economic disadvantage,” Appleton said. “Today, whether fathers are married or unmarried, the
law requires child support, although enforcement often remains a problem.” Additionally, the evolving role of women in the workforce has had a considerable impact on marriage and family life. Today, about two times as many married women as in 1960 are working. “Women are more economically self-sufficient today,” Appleton said. “That means they don’t need marriage for financial security.” Also, the American public’s attitudes toward working wives have changed. In a survey from the Pew report, 62 percent of the participants said they approved of households in which both husband and wife work and take care of the children and household. In contrast, 48 percent approved of such families in 1977. “I think changing values certainly play a role, but women’s stronger economic position (though not equal to that of men), the ability to disconnect sex from reproduction, and marriage itself also play a role,” Appleton said. “In other words, marriage has lots of patriarchal baggage that some people resist, while others probably take seriously the divorce rate. On the other hand, marriage still has great allure: Witness all the excitement about [the] ‘royal wedding’!” The findings of the Pew report seem to agree that marriage, and especially family, is still valuable to many. It reported that three-fourths of all adults in the country say family is the most important part of their lives. However, the question of what constitutes a family would most likely be met with different answers today compared to several decades ago. For example, while 63 percent today (Pew report) say a gay or lesbian couple raising a child is a family, that number would probably have been significantly lower even one or two decades ago. The increasing importance of gay marriage topics has also shaped the
way people view marriage as an institution. “I think the rise of gay marriage, for many people, emphasizes the importance of marriage as the most valued of all officially recognized relationships,” Appleton said. “For others, though, debates about gay marriage simply emphasize how marriage is inherently exclusive – privileging those who marry and their families over those who don’t or can’t. So, for some, the conversation about gay marriage has prompted talk of ‘abolishing’ marriage as a state institution (as distinguished from a personal or religious institution).” As views on marriage and family change, children are affected, as well. In 1960, 5 percent of all births were to unmarried women, while the percentage was 41 percent in 2008, according to the Pew report. Furthermore, race plays a large role. Black children are 34 percent more likely than white children to live with a single parent and 25 percent more likely than Hispanic children. Also, the divorce rate has declined over the past two decades, contrary to common beliefs. However, it has increased since 1960. Interestingly, in 2005-2006, both the marriage rate and divorce rate were higher in the U.S. than in any European Union country, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. As we consider the role of marriage in the U.S., Appleton said it is also important to think about how social pressure plays into the picture. “I think respecting individual choice, whatever that might be, is key,” Appleton said. “I also think that we must take care to understand how society and law ‘push’ people toward marriage. There are many legal benefits triggered by marriage, and socially it’s an expected rite of passage. So, when we talk of respecting individual choice, we must also understand how law and culture shape such choices.”
Sarah Blackwell
Summertime Reading Challenge features new books for summer Meredith McMahon Editor
While the construction of the new wing of CHS is drawing to a close, CHS students will be exploring the theme of construction in the third annual Summer Reading Challenge. Both the English Department and a small organizing committee put the Summer Reading Challenge into action. The committee consists of English teachers Amy Chappuis and Jennifer Sellenriek and CHS librarian Lauran DeRigne. The books on the list this year include “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Jonathon Safran Foer, “3 Story: The Secret History of the Giant Man” by Matt Kindt, “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers, “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley and “This Will Change Everything” by John Brockman. The books were selected because they are all focused around the theme, construction. In the summer of 2010 the theme focused around identity, and in 2009 it was about overcoming adversity. When students return to school in the fall after reading one of the five book choices, English classes will hold discussions about the common themes in the books. Big ideas surrounding the books include how an author builds a book, how a person builds or rebuilds their life, and what the structures of life are. The English department picks the books collectively. “Mostly we take suggestions from the faculty and then after we have culled them, read them and thought ‘let’s read them for our big audience’, which is all of our stu-
dents, faculty and staff, we make a decision,” Sellenriek said. “So we have the final decision in the book choice, but it is really a collective effort.” Each year, the committee picks a classic, a contemporary novel and a nonfiction book and leaves two spots open to be any type of book. Although many schools have only one choice for students to read during the summer, Sellenriek supports the choice offered. “A lot of schools just choose one and everybody reads the same, but we like the idea of choice, especially since it’s a summer read,” Sellenriek said. “I think it’s exciting to have a conversation going on where kids can talk about the same idea with different books, which we don’t necessarily do on a normal basis. We usually are all talking about ‘The Odyssey’ or ‘The Great Gatsby’, but during [Summer Reading Challenge discussions] we’re able to talk about the big idea.” The Summer Reading Challenge was started in 2009. Sellenriek, along with a small committee of teachers researched other school’s summer reading policies. The committee asked the English Department not to use Summer Reading Challenge books for assessments. “We didn’t want it to be punitive and we didn’t want some kids walk in the door and fail a reading test at the beginning of the year,” Sellenriek said. “But obviously as English teachers we understand the power of the shared experience of reading a book together and talking about it.” Not only is the experience shared for CHS students and the English Department, but also other CHS teachers are encouraged to read books from Summer Reading
Challenge. “In the past few summers we’ve encouraged all faculty members to read [a book from the Summer Reading Challenge] and so I’ve had great conversations with teachers about the books they’ve read,” Sellenriek said. “Also, other teachers have connected with students in their classrooms [about the books].” The Summer Reading Challenge has received funds this year to buy every faculty member at CHS a book from this years Summer Reading Challenge. This is fortunate because next year, one day in the beginning of the year during 3rd period will be designated as a time to discuss the Summer Reading Challenge books, so that everyone in the school will be discussing at the same time although they may not be in their English classes. The new type of discussion looks like it will be a great success to Sellenriek. “I’m pretty excited, I think it’ll be a really cool cross grade, cross curricular activity,” Sellenriek said. Overall, the Summer Reading Challenge offers a positive reading experience for CHS students. Many students have had good experiences with the Challenge. “I feel that the Summer Reading Challenge is overall a good thing. I mean, you’re given the opportunity to find some pretty good books,” sophomore Joanna Shoemaker said. Sophomore Willie Wysession agrees with Shoemaker. “I really think it’s a fun and interesting challenge, and I like having options of good books to read over the summer,” Wysession said. “I especially liked the year we read
Claire Bliss
English teacher Amy Degenfelder shows of “Zeitoun,” one of the books for the Summer Reading Challenge.
‘Catching Fire’ by Suzanne Collins because I thought it was a really suspenseful, exciting read.” Sellenriek also thinks that the Summer Reading Challenge is a perfect way to usher students into the new school year. “There’s no doubt that kids who read [the Summer Reading Challenge book] over the summer and who can be active in the conversation have a way to feel confident and connect early in the year, which I think is pretty cool,” Sellenriek said.
May13, 2011
Volunteens execute successful fair Planning and hosting the fair helped active youths discover leadership qualities.
Bernstein was the main overseer of the fair, making sure everything went smoothly. He and his crew accomplished this with one minute mishap. As part of a growing movement in youth activities, “We set up tables and had people sign in at the front the St. Louis Magic House hosted a volunteer fair on and walked around the fair to make sure everything was April 10 to provide a plethora of options for people in- okay,” Bernstein said. “There was one small problem terested in donating their time for the betterment of the where a room wasn’t available.” community. With positions available to nearly all ages, Currently the Volunteer Fair at the Magic House is 38 companies pitched their opportunities to about 700 St. Louis Volunteen’s big project for the year. As the attendees. organization expands, so will their activities and gatherThe volunteering options covered just about ev- ings. ery field of work offering positions with music, sports, “We are still defining what we are,” Bernstein said. health care, animals, technology and science. There was “Right now we’re just a website with a fairly large event certainly no shortage of positions for teens looking to get a year. In the future, we’re hoping with the resources involved in the community and to fill we’ve gotten through grants can help their résumés. us expand.” The fair was a product of the planBernstein hopes that the group will ning of members from the growing “I think I have learned host four to five events a year and parorganization St. Louis Volunteen, as ticipate in more hands-on volunteerthe importance of well as cooperation from the Magic ing. The biggest strength of St. Louis leadership qualities. House. Volunteen is also the biggest strength I learned early on I “The magic house has been very reof the current youth generation: techcouldn’t organize this nology. ceptive to volunteers,” Clayton junior thing on my own. In Jake Bernstein said. “It is the base of “Social networking has helped protheir organization. A lot of people order to be successful, mote it,” Bernstein said. don’t realize that most of the people The group uses both Facebook and you have to delegate [there] are volunteers that guide kids Twitter to alert people of their events and admit you can’t through the magic house. Last year and opportunities. The creative cawe worked with them and we came do everything on your pacity of the young people behind St. own.” to them and we thought it would be Louis Volunteen should propel it into mutually beneficial.” a growing tech-favored future. Jake Bernstein Heading the planning was BernWhile the main purpose of the fair Volunteen Spokesman stein along with fellow classmates was to provide community service opEmma Vierod, Katherine Nachbar portunities to the young people of St. and Sydney Wright. Louis, the fair represented something “The main part of the work was in more for Bernstein. mid March,” Bernstein said. “It went well and wasn’t “I think I have learned the importance of leadership too stressful.” qualities,” Bernstein said. “I learned early on I couldn’t Part of this work was spreading awareness of the fair. organize this thing on my own. In order to be successful, Nachbar had a few responsibilities in this area. you have to delegate and admit you can’t do everything “I helped hang up signs around St. Louis advertising on your own.” the fair and I also manned a booth at the Girls in the The help from other classmates was one of the primaKnow event,” Nachbar said. ry reasons which attributed to a successful fair. Bernstein Last year, the fair consisted of about 20 organizations, also believes the fair has enlightened him to some valuso this year Bernstein and company had to deal with able life truths that he can share with others interested nearly twice the work. In addition to pre-fair planning, in volunteering. the young group had several responsibilities during the “It’s important to find something you’re interested in event. and stick with it,” Bernstein said. “I feel that you need to “At the Volunteer Fair, I walked around and helped find something you enjoy or else it’s going to be a waste with the St. Louis Volunteen booth,” Nachbar said. of time. In the end, if you stick with it, you will find “The fair had a great turn out and was a lot of fun.” something you truly enjoy.” Dylan Schultz Editor
Photos courtesy of Jake Bernstein
TOP: Attendees roam around a room of the St. Louis Magic House looking at different booths from volunteer organizations. BOTTOM: Volunteen leader Jake Bernstein meets with one of the volunteers attending the fair.
Youth Leadership St. Louis graduation nears for juniors Katherine Ren Reporter
Graduation for the Youth Leadership St. Louis Council is right around the corner. On May 3, several CHS juniors will be walking across the stage at Harris Stowe College after accomplishing a successful year of developing collaboration, critical thinking, and most importantly leadership skills. Youth Leadership St. Louis is an organization that provides opportunities for incoming juniors from schools all across the St. Louis area to collaborate in discussing various topics pertaining to the community. “Some benefits for being in the group include getting to learn about the St. Louis area and some of the finer features that not everyone
knows about,” junior Evan Leong said. “We got to learn how to become better leaders in both small group and large group activities. We also made lots of friends from other schools that we never would have had outside of this group.” The groups meet every month for a workshop in which they are given different topics to discuss. Some of the topics include criminal justice, education, and the role of diversity. The groups also travel around the St. Louis area to places such as the Mayor’s Office, the Holocaust Museum, St. Louis County Jail, St. Patrick’s Center, and North St. Louis. “We go to different places around the city of St. Louis and learn about how they help the city grow and become more cultured,” junior team captain Tess Prince said. “I believe
the benefits come in when we are some of them didn’t always come able to use the skills we learn from from the greatest backgrounds and how they were the program to able to pull away see the positive from such negativimpact [the places “I had no idea how ity and succeeded we visit] may have much the program in the end.” on the problem or would teach me about In addition, situation.” Aside from vis- the St. Louis area. What these CHS stufind that iting various sites, many students don’t real- dents the organization the students also ize is that our opinions not only broadens get the opportunity to meet key really make a difference. their view of St. leaders of the St. Louis as a city but It is truly an amazing Louis area. also as a commuexperience.” “I loved meetnity. ing the different “My favorite Michaela Idleburg leaders of St. Loupart was the retreat YLSL Member is area and hearwe took in the being their stories,” ginning because it junior Michaela allowed us to meet Idleburg said. “I was surprised how different kids from all around the
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St. Louis area,” Prince said. “I got to make tons of new friends and see a lot of personalities that don’t exactly mesh; however, they are always still able to come to some solution when trying to solve a problem. It’s quite remarkable because in the end that’s what being a leader is all about.” As the year winds down, CHS members of the group found that the organization turned out to be much more than they had originally anticipated. “Honestly, I originally joined because I knew it would look good on college applications,” junior Stephanie Avery said. “But now I recommend it to everyone because what we do is so amazing!” Similarly, Youth Leadership St. Louis has left Idleburg feeling the same way.
“I mainly joined the group because I knew that it was supposed to help build leadership skills and I knew that that was something I needed to work on in certain areas,” Idleburg said. “But I had no idea how much the program would teach me about the St. Louis area. I was unaware of the things I was missing and the group inspired me to take part in helping St. Louis become a better place, and to voice my ideas. What many students don’t realize is that our opinions really make a difference.” The group’s final project will be assisting the Youth Leadership St. Louis committee with interviews of next year’s candidates. “It is truly an amazing experience,” Idleburg said. “One that I encourage all to participate in.”
May 13, 2011
Urban farming develops community, sustainable income for immigrants Continued from pg. 13 “We are part of a movement in this country to grow local foods,” Laverentz said. “So the plans are to really integrate refugees into this national movement to have better locally grown food that impacts our health and reduces obesity and diabetes and other health related diseases.” The program has been met with great success on both a local and national level. When visiting a community farm in San Diego, First Lady Michelle Obama praised the program, calling it “a model for the nation, for the world.” There are several goals that the program is hoping to achieve. Some include supplemental income for refugees and immigrants, better food and nutrition, better health, and a way to better integrate them into society. Over the last eight years, yearly funding has grown from about $250,000 to a $1 million. “We now have a list of over 230 subscribers,” Laverentz said. “A lot of these are organizations are not grant-
ees, we only have 14 grantees, but a lot are just interested in this whole movement now, particularly on behalf of refugees and immigrants.” The program also acts as a way for organizations to get support and some money when they are first getting started, so they can later apply for larger grants from the USDA, which has a much more money to hand out in grants. The organization hopes that the program will affect not only the refugees and immigrants it is helping, but change the entire community as a whole. “It will hopefully allow others in the community to see that gardens are a useful way to improve food supply and reduce grocery costs.” But the main goal is to help refugees integrate into society and become successful citizensto lend a helping hand so they can they can lead a life of accomplishment afterward. “It’s a pathway to sustainable income,” Laverentz said. “It’s a way to eventually establish independent farmers.”
The farming program subsists, in part, from grants and subscribers to their produce.
Photos by Grace Brumley
Josh Fagin performs as Jay Fay at the CHS Club Diamond Fashion Show in March.
Dustin Kessler
Student musicians are hard-working, optimistic about future musical pursuits Continued from pg. 13 “Being a musician, you play a lot of shows where not a lot of people show up,” Fagin said, “but the fact that I’m still just as enthusiastic after playing a show with a relatively low turnout as I would be if I hadn’t played that show at all is definitely one of my strengths. I think optimism is one of the greatest things to have in this industry.” In addition to his positive outlook, Fagin will acquire an improved knowledge of entertainment media when he attends University of Missouri in Columbia this fall. “While I am definitely going to keep DJing, because I’d like to have a career in music, I’ll also be studying convergence journalism, which is all
about portraying different forms of entertainment in different forms of media,” Fagin said. “I’ll get to learn more about how to utilize the internet, videos, and blogs to portray information regarding music.” Additionally, over the summer, Fagin is planning a tour with stops in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New Orleans. Dallas and Fagin are both special musicians on their own but a force to be reckoned with when playing together, something Fagin attributes to a bond between them which has developed over the past three years. “We’ve played together since freshman year so we’ve learned each other’s styles,” Fagin said. “It helps with chemistry when you’re friends with someone, especially when you have the same views about music.”
So how do they feel about the future of jazz? “I don’t see it ever dying out because it’s the only truly American genre of music,” Fagin said. Dallas agrees. “No matter where you look in other forms of music you can hear jazz,” Dallas said. “The soul of jazz is going to be in modern music.” As our talk ended, Josh turned his attention to the past. “It’s going to be weird not playing with Greg as the guitarist in the future. I’m not saying that we won’t ever play together again, it’s just going to be weird.” As I look to the future, I’m willing to bet the chances are high these two will wind up collaborating again. I’m even more optimistic that the final product will exude greatness.
Teacher, family find fulfillment in widespread, cross country trips Continued from pg. 13 Teson is busy planning her trips for this summer. Because their children now have summer camps and other commitments, they will take a three-week camping trip to Idaho, come back for summer camps, and then head to Washington, D.C., towards the end of the summer. Teson said there are a lot of benefits from going on these long vacations. “My husband and I are both teachers, so obviously we have the summer to spend with our kids and I think that the benefit of it is that even though our kids are teenag-
ers, they still really like being with us,” Teson said. Even though the Teson kids are in high school, they still insist the family not sacrifice their summer trips together. “Our trips have allowed us to become incredibly close to our kids and we have really forged a great relationship in a time where I think families can be very fragile in modern life, so we have been really lucky,” Teson said. In addition to creating strong family ties, the trips have taught each family member to be self-reliant, independent and quick thinking as well as how to put up with discomfort. “I think that one of the greatest benefits to my kids is
that they are not people who demand their needs be met immediately and they are very patient and they know how to wait,” Teson said. “They know things don’t always turn out perfectly and so they have learned to deal with that. They know what it feels like to walk 10 miles up and down mountains and they know what it is like to be hot and thirsty in the desert and they know what it is like being cold in the ocean.” Teson has some suggestions for kids who are going on family vacations this summer. “ You just have to be able to put up with both the great qualities that you love about the people you are with and also have to be able to put up with the things
that you don’t like,” Teson said. “Our family learned to coexist and so, while we can get on each other’s nerves, we know how to either go for a walk and get away from it or just sort of put up with what is going on.” Lastly, Teson has gathered some of the great memories of their family trips into a special book. “I am a pretty good storyteller and every trip I made up a really long ghost story, and my family has always looked forward to that,” Teson said. “A couple Christmases ago, I typed up all the ghost stories and bound them and gave it to each of them, so each of my family members would have a book of our own ghost stories that we made up in the dusks of our camping trips.”
Thank you so much for the wonderful year and career in teaching journalism. We’ve all learned so much from you, and we wish you a happy retirement. Good luck, Mrs. Freeman! Sincerely, The Globe Staff
Sponsored by Jonathan Shumway
May 13, 2011
Inside Bubble the
By Kara Kratcha & Zach Praiss
ell, bubble-poppers, brave neighborhood explorers, our quest for food, shopping and entertainment in St. Louis has almost come to an end. We’ve discovered everything from the trendy to the traditional, been from the Central West End to Ladue together, and it’s been a fun ride. Before we end our journey, however, we’d like to return to our roots. This month, we’re staying inside the Bubble and taking a look at why we love Clayton, the little suburban city we call home. After all, only in Clayton can you take a Sunday morning walk and encounter a park in which an older man does tai chi surrounded by a flock of small, unrelated children chasing a dog and various couples sipping on Starbucks cups, all squished into the tiny space unoccupied by homes, businesses, and tall buildings. Ours is an odd blend, a strange culture, and, certainly, we live in a bubble. But there is, we have found, no bubble like home.
The prominent Clayton skyline rises above the lush tree tops of Clayton Shaw Park. Clayton serves as a welcoming haven for small, local restaurants and a cultural center for a variety of well-established community events.
Clayton Farmer’s Market
Paul Lisker
Mosaic Bistro Market
Unbeknownst to many Clayton residents, the Clayton Farmer’s Market is an enjoyable event held every Saturday that attracts local venders and families alike from across the St. Louis area. Now, after recently kicking off the season, the market is in its eleventh year as an integral part of Clayton’s history, cultural passion, and commitment to healthy, locally grown food. Every Saturday from 8:30a.m. to 12:30p.m., small venders from nearby in Missouri or Illinois come out to showcase their seasonal specialties – anything from fresh fruit, herbs, goat cheese, to flowers. It’s a unique community atmosphere as Clayton families peruse the market, chat with venders, and converse with neighbors. The market is held now every Saturday during the summer till Nov. 5 in the parking lot adjacent to Straub’s on Maryland Ave.
Zach Praiss
Clayton residents stroll through the farmer’s market on Saturday morning and purchase vegetable plants and herbs from a local vender.
Zach Praiss
Concordia Seminary Although its sledding slopes may be inferior to Shaw Park’s, Concordia Seminary’s park is worth a visit. With Kaldi’s Coffee, Jimmy’s, and other restaurants just across the street, it is a surprisingly fun place to spend a day with the family or a friend. During warmer months, the park is a hotspot for those with both dogs and kids, while winter brings swarms of sledders. Hidden from view from the bottom of the park’s hill, the Seminary’s buildings often go unnoticed. Climb the hill, though, and an afternoon can be spent exploring the chapels and admiring the stone architecture.
Mosaic Bistro Market, the newest addition to Central’s lineup of restaurant options, provides a pleasant if expected dining experience. Located in now-defunct gelato restaurant Benito’s old space, the bistro is thin and long, leaving the tables, like those in many restaurants in downtown Clayton, rather close together. The best time to visit, then, is on a fairweathered day around lunch time as to allow for outdoor seating and to avoid the decidedly upscale dinner menu. The lunch menu’s sandwich selection is excellent; I had a very hard time deciding what to order because everything sounded so good, and once the meals arrived, there was not a plate I would not have been happy receiving. Of course, the restaurant also offers brunch, which looked delicious. If you’re looking to try something new after finals or on a lazy summer afternoon, check out this new Clayton restaurant.
The Posh Nosh
Zach Praiss
Zach Praiss
LEFT: Meramec Elementary School students enjoy recess in the Concordia Seminary’s open green park space on a beautiful spring day. RIGHT: A resident takes a peaceful walk with his dogs through the Seminary.
The Posh Nosh, a funky deli tucked into a little building on Maryland Ave., is truer to its name’s sound qualities than its literal meaning. Indeed, despite the cutout of three men in suits and top hats erected outside, the restaurant is kitschy—the walls are covered in photographs, posters, vintage menus and Pepsi paraphernalia—rather than posh. The food, mostly traditional deli fare with the occasional fun name like “The Claytonian” or “The Gobbler,” is served greasy and hot. The wait between ordering and arrival is a bit long, but tubs of pickles and homemade crotons are available for free in the store, so you certainly will not starve. The Posh Nosh closes at 3:30p.m. on weekdays, so hurry over if you plan to go. Before heading out to this deli, visit its website for free coupons, which are updated monthly.
May 13, 2011
Cupcake dreams come true Jackie Leong Managing Editor
These days, “dream come true” is generally an expression only. But for Cbabi and Reine Bayoc, owners of the St. Louis-exclusive bakeshop Sweet Art, it’s reality. “Me and my wife originally got this place because it was a space we could share,” Cbabi Bayoc said. “She was cooking and I was making a living as an artist.” Inside the shop one can find both: ahead, a glass case of baked goodies awaits, while the walls are adorned with Cbabi’s latest paintings. Wild and whimsical, they frequently feature his favorite motifs of trees, leaves, and birds, the style influenced by Cbabi’s past as a caricature artist. Sweet Art, which can be found off Grand Avenue on 2203 South 39th Street, gets a steady stream of business, especially on Saturday mornings, which I witnessed firsthand. Despite being slightly confusing to find, and hard to get to, what with the bridge off Grand being closed, a trip to the bakeshop is well worth it, something its patrons know well. The Bayocs pride themselves on offering real homemade baking, made with the simple recipe of “butter, sugar, eggs, time, and love.” Sweet Art’s cupcakes, which follow this philosophy exactly, are the main feature, and for good reason. My particular favorite was the “Chocolate Comfort,” very simple and very aptly named. All across the shop, the others seemed to agree as well. From the start of their names, the Bayocs are unique. Cbabi Bayoc’s name is something he came up with himself, to stand, like their shop, for what he believes in. “Cbabi” is an acronym for “creative black artist battling ignorance” while “Bayoc” stands for “blessed African youth of creativity.” It is not very surprising, then, that the Bayocs opened Sweet Art in December 2008 so that they could “follow their dreams”. A few months after Sweet Art’s initial opening three years ago, the Bayocs expanded beyond their bakery wares and added a lunch menu, from which I sampled the Klein, an excellent ‘grown-up’ rendering of the classic grilled cheese completed with mushrooms and sundried
tomatoes, and a special: the “Vegan Bahn Mi,” a fresh roll piled with seitan, cucumber, carrots, and cilantro. Both were delicious. It’s something to note that Sweet Art offers a decent array of vegan food, like the soup of the day, though, Cbabi added, the main pull of the bakeshop is still the classic eggs-flour-butter goodness that hearkens back to one’s childhood. However, the showstopper—besides the excellent baked goods—was the quiche, which was creamy, almost melting in the mouth, held together by a thick, homemade biscuit crust. Besides an exquisite quiche du jour, depending on the day, there might also be a savory pie. Sadly, there wasn’t any that Saturday, but some of their favorites range from spanikopita to taco pie. Sweet Art is generally open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays. Being an establishment that serves exclusively homemade foods, Reine will typically wake up at 4 a.m. and bake for the entire day; Sweet Art is careful to add an alternate closing time: “Or until sold out.” Considering the amount of business it gets despite its not-so-obvious location, such a scenario is entirely possible. The baked goods, though, are not the only selling point. Canvasses ranging from a few square inches to feet by several feet adorn the walls in a range of jewel tones. Each and every one was gorgeous and unique. Cbabi’s artwork on the walls is all for sale, and though the larger pieces, he said, don’t sell too often, the smaller ones do. On the walls was a collection of tiny canvasses, mere inches in width and length. Each featured a sole bird motif. “Those little birds sell all the time,” Cbabi said. I could see why. And as business thronged in and out, the place itself seemed to thrive with their company. It is wonderful to see a place so built on the dreams of its owners get so much response, and that following one’s dreams really can pay off, in the Bayocs’ case. “I always say, even if it’s hard work, people should do what they’re passionate about,” Cbabi said. “Do what you love to do. If you love it, live it.”
Grace Brumley
Jackie Leong
TOP: A view of Sweet Art Bakery from the sidewalk, a unique artisan shop off Grand Avenue. BOTTOM: Art stands out against the lime green wall. Both art and cupcakes are sold.
Arcade Fire takes over Scottrade with blazing, energetic performance Dawn Androphy Co-Editor in Chief
Kevin Matheny and Ali Meyer practice for the Senior Showcase.
Laura Kratcha
SENIOR SHOWCASE Senior take advantage of their last performance opportunity.
Lauren Friedman Reporter
As the 2010-2011 school year winds down, several talented seniors prepare for the Senior Showcase on Friday, May 13 and Saturday, May 14 at 7 pm, a performance held every year by members of the senior class who share the love for performing. The showcase, which will be filled with short plays and music, will give these seniors the opportunity to say their goodbyes to CHS before they bring their talents with them to college. Many of those participating in the show can hardly believe that it is now their opportunity to prepare for the Senior Showcase. Senior Ian Miller, who will be performing two quirky scenes and accompanying some musical numbers on the piano, describes the Showcase as a unique performance and a fulfilling way to end high school. “It’s always the last hoorah for the seniors, the last chance for the seniors to perform for their family and friends, and it signals that the year (and high school as a whole) is really winding down, “ Miller said. “It’s a time of celebration and nostalgia out the wazoo.” The seniors who are performing this year are pleased with the amount of organization that has gone into putting this year’s show together, and they anticipate that the performance will run smoothly. Senior Erica Hill, who will be performing a duet with Phoebe Raileneau, is really looking forward to being a part of the show.
“This year’s performance is extremely well-organized,” Hill said. The show should be as good if not better than the shows of past years.” Hill is sad when she thinks about how this will be the last time that she will be performing with this group of talented individuals who she has performed with throughout her years at CHS. The thought that this will be their last performance at CHS brings about mixed emotions from senior Sarah McAfee. “The idea that we are finishing up is very sweet and sour,” McAfee said. “We have all been a family for the past four years, fully devoting ourselves to the program— it is hard to say goodbye to that.” Although she does feel some sadness, McAfee acknowledges the fact that although this may be the last of the performances this group will share together, it is definitely not the last time that they will perform, so things are really just beginning. Aside from bittersweet thoughts, the performers are really excited to share their final high school performance with the friends that they have gotten to know so well. Senior Ruthie Polinsky, who will be performing a scene with Phoebe Raileneau and singing, reflects on how close she has become to this group of people. “I’m most looking forward to being in a show with my best friends whom I have watched grow in theater for over four years,” Polinsky said. “This is the culmination of everything, and it is so surreal.”
As an avid music fan, bands have gone in and out of my life frequently. Some music that I adored at one point is now nearly unlistenable to me. On the other hand, a few years ago, I hadn’t even heard of a great deal of the music that I listen to today. One of the few bands that have been a constant for me is Arcade Fire. I have memories of lying on the floor in my bedroom at the age of 13, eyes fixed on the ceiling as I absorbed their debut album, “Funeral”. There was something so visceral to me about their music which made “Funeral” the first album that I ever fell in love with. Fast forward to April 21, 2011. I’m at the Scottrade Center just a few feet away from the stage constructed at the center of the arena. I should be at an AP Lit prep session, but instead I’m waiting for Arcade Fire to take the stage. Arcade Fire hasn’t been to St. Louis since they opened for The Unicorns (who have since disbanded) at a now-defunct small venue back in 2004. This was before Arcade Fire’s debut album had gained considerable attention. The band went on to tour the world, but, for whatever reason, never played in St. Louis. In fact, Arcade Fire was originally not even scheduled to visit St. Louis on this tour. The Scottrade show was only a last minute add-on to the touring schedule in the wake of Arcade Fire’s surprise Grammy win. The wait for an Arcade Fire performance in St. Louis has been long and it could have easily paled in comparison to heightened expectations. Thankfully, Arcade Fire didn’t disappoint and delivered an exuberant performance The lights dimmed and the opener, veteran indie rock band The National, took the stage. Their experience showed and they put on a great performance. Lead singer Matt Berninger’s distinctive baritone filled the stadium with the sad, emotive songs that are The National’s signature. The National went through a setlist comprised mostly of songs from their excellent 2010 album “High Violet”, but they also played fan favorites from previous albums like the songs “Fake Empire” and “Mr.
Dawn Androphy
Dawn Androphy
ABOVE: Arcade Fire singer Win Butler walks downstage towards the crowd. BELOW: Régine Chassagne sings during the song “Haiti.”
November”. “Mr. November” was, in particular, a highlight. Berninger inspired the audience to erupt into cheers as he jumped off the stage and made a victory lap through the general admission audience with a seemingly endless microphone cord in tow. Visibly intoxicated after drinking multiple glasses of red wine on stage, Berninger epitomized the tone of
optimism in the face of pressure that permeates the song. After a brief break between sets, it was time for Arcade Fire to take the stage. They opened with “Ready to Start” off of their Grammy-winning 2010 album “The Suburbs”. Then, they transitioned to anthemic “Funeral” highlight “Rebellion (Lies)”. As soon as the song began, I exchanged glances with the people I
was with. “I’ve been waiting to hear this song live since the seventh grade,” my friend said. I couldn’t have agreed more. Thankfully, the live experience of the song exceeded my expectations as the crowd chanted the “lies, lies” refrain of the chorus in unison while various members of the band ran across the stage with their various instruments. Arcade Fire has eight members and each of them played different instruments throughout the night. They should be, in particular, commended for switching between instruments frequently throughout the night without losing any momentum. Lead (usually) singer, Win Butler may have declared at the beginning of the show that the band was “still getting used to this arena-rock thing,” but it didn’t show. The band looked comfortable and energetic on stage for the duration of the performance, assisted with lights and audio-visual effects that added depth to the performance. Highlights included the exhilarating performance of “No Cars Go” from Arcade Fire’s sophomore album and the performance of the song “Haiti” from their debut album. “Haiti” was even more poignant in light of the fact that Arcade Fire member Régine Chassagne, who sings lead on this track, is of Haitian ancestry and that the band donated a portion of the ticket prices to Haiti relief. Arcade Fire closed their set with the uplifting “Wake Up”. While I had initially felt trepidation at the idea of Arcade Fire performing in an arena, nothing could have competed with an entire stadium of people chanting the non-verbal chorus. Finally, after returning for encore, the band expressed their gratefulness to the crowd and performed a trifecta of crowd pleasers (“Month of May,” “Neighborhood #3 (Power Out),” and Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains”). “Sprawl II,” my personal favorite song from the new album, was the perfect end to a wonderful evening of music. As Chassagne expressively sang the song and danced across the stage with an elated face and long multicolored ribbons swinging from her hands into the air, I took a mental snapshot. That was exactly how I felt.
May 13, 2011
‘Titanic’ stays afloat after 15 years After viewing this classic film for the first time, it is an instant favorite. Maria Massad Editor
“Make it count - meet me at the clock.” When third-class passenger on “Titanic” Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) subtly passes firstclass passenger Rose Dewitt Bukater (Kate Winslet) a note with the above message, Rose has to choose between two options. She can either stay with the other first-class women on the dining deck, fulfilling her mother’s expectations, or follow Jack to the third-class “party” and live a life full of adventure, never knowing what the next day will bring. Fortunately, Rose chooses the latter. I watched James Cameron’s “Titanic” for the first time a few days ago, and, needless to say, it has become my new favorite movie. I must admit that this is largely because Jack Dawson is just so attractively full of life, but there are other facets of the movie as well, such as the special effects, the attention to historical detail, and the acting, among other things. What makes the movie so enjoyable is the fairy-tale love story, and what makes it so interesting and gripping is the waiting for the inevitable end of it. “Titanic” was a great twist on the classic poor-boymeets-girl-who-just-so-happens-to-be-out-of-his-league. It was refreshing to see a man so dedicatedly in love with a woman that he was willing to risk his life numerous times to ensure her safety, even letting her stay afloat on a raft that could only support one person’s weight while (spoiler alert!) he literally froze to death. Most people were only out for themselves, but Jack and Rose stuck together. What makes Jack such an attractive character is his appreciation and encouragement of life. When the ship is sinking, his quick-thinking guarantees himself and Rose the last spot on the ship that stays above water before it sinks into the icy Atlantic. Jack also saves Rose from her own suicide. Even when all hope seems lost
in the icy waters of the northern Atlantic, he tells Rose to never give up and keep trying to live. Jack’s emphasis on life is refracted by the ship’s ultimate sinking, which causes, of course, many deaths, including his own. Rose also is a great character, and she could definitely be considered a role model for young women today. She is extremely drawn to Jack, but, because of social restrictions, she is torn between her head - what she should do (staying with her fiancé) - and her heart - what she wants to do (leave and stay with Jack). She ultimately chooses to follow her heart, the choice the audience roots for, since DiCaprio’s portrayal of Jack is so awe-inspiring that everyone watching wants to be him. However, the forbidden love of Jack and Rose is not the only thing that makes the movie so enticing. The special effects are absolutely beautiful. In fact, it cost around $200 million that made “Titanic” the success that it is. The portrayal sinking of the “Titanic” is definitely inspiring because not only does the depiction cause admiration for the special effects (it’s not as if the film-makers could just produce a real ship the size that has the grandeur to match “Titanic”), but the image channels real fear and shock into the viewer. I really liked that “Titanic” was able to incorporate lots of historic details into the movie. I have been really interested in the real Titanic’s sinking for a long time, so it was nice to see that Cameron actually paid attention to the history. Although the Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Bukater were not real people (I know, darn it!), John Jacob Astor (the richest man on the ship), Mr. Andrews (the shipbuilder), and Mrs. Brown (who would later become known as the “Unsinkable” Molly Brown because of her persistence in trying to rescue any survivors) were among the passengers aboard in the movie who were actually aboard the real ship. Cameron also got the dates of the Titanic’s voyage correct. It was so cool to see the real sunken ship underneath the Atlantic’s surface after so many years. Seeing scientists actually try to discover things about the ship was
Sarah Blackwell
really interesting, and I’m glad that the movie-makers included this in the film. The acting was also superb. DiCaprio and Winslet’s portrayal of their characters was totally believable. They were able to make the audience believe that their characters were real, relatable people whose love was also authentic. Billy Zane, who played
Rose’s idiotic, much hated fiancee, the foil of Jack, acted very convincingly as well. “Titanic” is an absolutely fantastic film that everyone should see. One bit of advice: Make sure to have a box of Kleenex on hand while watching it. Anyone who watches this will be crying by the end.
‘Your Highness’ movie a trippy tale Eudora Olsen Reporter
Grace Brumley
New yogurt shop boasts fun tastes Payton Sciarratta Reporter
Flying Cow Frozen Yogurt Co. is an original yogurt shop, similar to that of FroYo or Chill. Although there are many prospering yogurt and ice cream bistros around the Saint Louis area, this one was created for a special purpose. “The idea came up with my partner Evan and I about continuing to revitalize the West Locust Area where the Moto Museum and Triumph are,” Zach Smith, a creator of Flying Cow, said. “At the time, there wasn’t any FroYo-like establishments in the city of St. Louis so we decided to create our own franchise right here.” The yogurt shop was not only created to draw more attention to the specific St. Louis area, but it was also created as a more convenient hang out place for college students. “Our goals for the store are simply to have a place for SLU students and local families to come and enjoy frozen yogurt without having to drive to the Loop or Central West End,” Smith said. Not only is Flying Cow convenient for many people,
but there is another great aspect as well. Flying Cow offers 12 unique delicious flavors of frozen yogurt that can fulfill a craving at any time of the year. There are also several toppings to choose from, to make your dessert even better. Although Flying Cow is not yet open, the shop is already having a great success gaining support. It is only likely that it will be a great sensation to not only the people living near the area, but to people all over the St. Louis region as well. “We have a great amount of support from St. Louis University and are in the process of working with local high schools and communities to let them know about us,” Smith said. One of the main informational ways that Flying Cow is already advertising is through their Facebook page. Just search for “Flying Cow Yogurt” to find the hours and exact location of the shop. It is located in Grand Center near Triumph Grill, the Moto Museum and the newly opened Hotel Ignacio. The page also contains any recent updates, one of which is that it is predicted to be open in late May or early June of this year.
An explosive opening scene with flying fire swords and matrix-esque moves has me thinking, “What did I get myself in to?” “Your Highness,” directed by David Gordon Green and starring James Franco, Natalie Portman, and Danny McBride, is a whirlwind of trippy aliens and knights in shining armor. The fiancée of Prince Fabious, Belladonna (played by Zooey Deschanel), is kidnapped by the evil wizard Leezar, played by Justin Theroux. Fabious (played by Franco) embarks on a journey to rescue his fiancée with his brother Thadious, played by McBride. The two naive knights meet many quirky characters, including warrior woman Isabel (played by Portman) and a perverted alien who hits on them. In the end, Fabious is finally reunited with Belladonna, and Thadeous’ crush turns into love when he finally gets togeth-
er with Isabel. The concept of the movie deserves praise for its originality. It explores the other side of the classic prince and princess story, where the annoying brother tags along and creates havoc and some amusing moments. The language of the movie was confusing at times, but hilarious for the most part. The mixture of old English and modern slang was effectively funny and unique. Nonetheless, the dialogue could’ve been funnier if the actors looked like they were taking themselves seriously. Every actor, including Portman, looked as if they were on the brink of laughter. Given, the dialogue is outrageous, but the actors’ job is to make the audience laugh, not themselves. Aside from the goofy acting, Franco’s minimalist approach shined. His character is on hallucinogens, and he played the druggie-type well. He was
also regal and filled the shoes of his princedom. Portman’s performance, her second debut film since the Academy Award winning “Black Swan”, was stiff and one- dimensional. Although she was playing a straight character determined to reach the heart of the kingdom, her acting felt stilted and somewhat a mockery of the language. Her performance was a nod to her Princess Lea roots, which was monotonous at times. The crazy plotline and weird characters were overwhelming. The story was hard to follow, but I stopped trying halfway through the movie and was finally able to semi-enjoy the idiocy of the characters and terrible special effects. If you’re looking for mindless entertainment, complete with aliens and princesses, “Your Highness” is a must-see. For those who would rather not have your brain melt from stupidity, this is not the flick for you.
Taylor Gold
A&E Three-dimensional technology embellishes visual experience
May 13, 2011
Parker Schultz Reporter
(Michael Goulding/Orange County Register/MCT)
Actor Steve Carell recently announced he would leave NBC’s hit show “The Office” after this coming season is over.
‘Office’ boss retires, but the show goes on Nina Murov Reporter
chael gives him a little advice to say some jokes before starting the meeting. The camera then zooms out, In the seventh season of “The Of- and the viewers see Deangelo walkfice,” Michael Scott (Steve Carell) is ing into the meeting room where still blessing audiences with his self- everyone else is sitting. As Michael centered, uncomfortable (but lov- watches him go, he turns to the able) personality. But in the back of camera and gives it a look of sadness. the Dunder Mifflin devotee’s mind Then, he walks into his office. To all is the fact that it is Carell’s last sea- fans, this was the kick-off scene of son. After six long years at Dunder Michael’s goodbye. Mifflin, the reign of Michael Scott This is not the only moment that is coming to an end—but, true to “Office” followers will cry, in MiMichael Scott fashion, he isn’t leav- chael’s second-to-last episode, Andy ing without a bang. For Michael’s Bernard starts singing a song (in last couple of episodes, comedian true “Nard Dog” fashion) that is to Will Ferrell is jointhe tune of Rent’s ing the cast of “The “Seasons of Love.” “As Michael watches The whole cast Office.” The new boss joins in as they him go, he turns to Deangelo Vickers the camera and gives sing the number (Ferrell) is trying of minutes Miit a look of sadness. to get used to the chael has been at Then, he walks into the office and how chaos at Dunder his office. To all fans, each of them has Mifflin. Each one of the Dunder Mifthis was the kick-off loved every second flin employees tries of it. Not only is scene of Michael’s to impress him this sweet because goodbye.” in any way poseven the old Stansible. For instance, ley (Leslie David Andy Bernard (Ed Baker) is singing Helms) throws a coffee pot all over along, but it makes you realize that himself to make Deangelo laugh, the Michael Scott era is actually truand Jim and Pam (Jenna Fischer and ly ending. John Krasinski) literally shove their With lots of bizarre moments new baby’s picture in his face to and lines that make you literally make him notice how cute she is. laugh out loud, season seven of “The Deangelo and Michael seem to Office” does not disappoint. All of get along at first, but, after a day the enchanting personalities of the or so, they get into an awkward characters still delight audiences, encounter when Deangelo wants like Creed and his creepy personalto change the way Erin, the recep- ity, Meredith just being Meredith, tionist (Ellie Kemper) answers the and Dwight Schrute being Michael’s phone. They do end up working noble sidekick. However, Michael it out, and Deangelo and Michael Scott’s last moments on the show share a moment that will make any will most definitely be memorable “Office”-watcher tear up. ones, even though, as he says, he is As Deangelo calls everyone in the still, “The same old Michael Scott. meeting room for a quick chat, Mi- New and improved.”
Three-dimensional media is forming a new industry, but the technology is old. Since its start, 167 years ago, 3D images have been eye-popping. Today, high definition screens are turning an old trick into a new wonder. 3D has been brought to pictures, movies, and even video games. Electronics companies are trying to find a foothold that will launch 3D into the everyday consumer’s home. The first 3D images appeared on paper cards held in front of Stereoscope. These stationary images delighted viewers, but there weren’t any opportunities for profit. By the 1900s, 3D “moving pictures” were a reality; however, it was much later that 3D saw its chance for glory. With post-war, modern America, many people bought TVs. The potential for selling 3D to households became a reality. Today, 3D has the perfect environment to grow in. The economy is climbing out of its recession, and TVs are available to most families. The question isn’t when, but how. 3D Movies Most people have been to a 3D movie. The extra charge for the glasses is a pain, but the effect is stunning. Not only does 3D add a sense of depth to films, but the surround sound in most theaters adds to that feeling. Movies are arguably the best use of 3D because the director can use the technology to add new meaning to films. With sports, 3D makes the plays more spectacu-
lar, but it doesn’t add any meaning. Movies have the ability to use 3D as an art, giving them an edge over other forms of 3D. 3D TVs The biggest buzz generated by 3D is using it in TVs. I decided to check it out myself at Best Buy. My first impression was annoyance. Trying to get the glasses to work was a pain because, unlike at the movie theater, the glasses used for TVs need batteries. They also need to be turned on, and it can be a challenge to find the power switch on a pair of glasses. Bigger troubles plague the glasses. For instance, they aren’t compatible between brands. Some TVs don’t even come with glasses; they must be bought separately. Once the glasses have the right batteries, are turned on, and are working with the right TV, everything else falls into place. I was amazed by the quality of the 3D. The best part was, I was standing only a few feet away from the screen, so I felt immersed. With movies, the viewer sits far back, so the 3D isn’t as immediate. 3D TVs are still far off from being a common appliance. The biggest challenge holding them back is the price, which often times runs over $1000. It would be a shame to buy an expensive TV, only to have it outdated the next month by the improvements in 3D. Despite the initial drawbacks, 3D TVs are gaining momentum. After all, it took a while to sell color TVs. 3D Gaming While consoles have been slow to
Emma Riley
move into this area, handheld gaming has taken up the initiative. Nintendo’s newly released 3DS features two screens, one of which is 3D. The handheld gaming system, costing more than an Xbox 360, brings a glasses-free approach to 3D. My visit to Game Stop let me play around with the gaming system myself. Not having to wear glasses was a relief, but the downside was when I didn’t hold the 3DS at the right angle I lost the effect. The noglasses screen made 3D seem to have depth, rather than stand out. I felt like I was peering in on a tiny world inside of the game. The 3Ds featured a slider on the side that allowed the gamer to adjust the level of intensity of the 3D. While Nintendo cashes in on their new gadget, other companies
will be busy trying to make their own versions. As a gamer myself, I see the greatest potential for firstperson shooters, a game style that sells itself by immersing the player entirely into the world of the game. Nothing immerses the player more than making each building and character literally stand out. The Future of 3D? All three of these areas hold great promise for 3D. The trick will be getting consumers to buy into the new technology. It will be expensive at first and probably will not look as good or work as well as it will in future. As more 3D movies, TVs, and games sell, the technology will get better and cheaper. The next generation of movie-goers and gamers will be able to enjoy a whole new dimension.
Last Hurrah of Harry Potter Franchise The series that has inspired much of the senior class comes to a close as the senior class graduates from high school. As I am about to graduate and leave Clayton High forever, I think I can finally reveal a deep secret of mine: I am in love with a much older man. Born in July of 1980 (at least, according to the estimates of a prominent fan website), my darling, who has, by the way, absolutely no idea that I exist, is in his thirties now and happily married to his high school (or whatever passes as high school when you’re a wizard in Britain) sweetheart. I’ve been in love with Harry Potter for just about my entire school career (well, actually, I prefer Ron, but I will not go into that now). Ever since I was very small, my mother read to me. I think she grew tired of picture books and chapter books aimed at pre-K children because she took to reading me novels. I loved “Alice in Wonderland” and “The Secret Garden”; the learn-to-read collection at my library did not excite
me. I, personally, did not care that life’s most intense period of pining: the dizzy dog dug dirty ditches. Hav- I spent hours lying on the living ing known the letter D for a while, room floor, imagining wizardly plots and imploring my I opted to allow to take me more complex Blots and Scribbles parents to the library or plots to be read bookstore to obto me rather than tain “Harry Potter learning to peruse and the Goblet of pointedly phonicsFire,” the fourth oriented books on book in the series. my own. And the (one-sidThat is, until a ed, as, like I said, kind grandparent my fictional beau gifted me the first remains unaware three Harry Potof Americans livter books. I read ing in reality) love them, reluctantly at first, but then affair blossomed with such voracfrom there. ity that my parIn a bout of ents were amazed. simultaneous inKara Kratcha Finishing the last evitable nostalgia of my collection one summer af- and astounding coincidence, the ternoon, I proceeded to spend the Harry Potter franchise comes to an next few days in the throes of my end (“Deathly Hallows: Part 2” will
be released in July) the same summer my high school class goes off to college. Like many of my peers, I grew up with the boy wizard and can spit out a list of favorite characters (Tonks, Luna, Lupin, among others), a ridiculous slew of irrelevant facts (did you know that the Weasley twins were born on April Fools Day?), and the chronology of the series much more accurately than any historical movement’s. Harry Potter has done a lot for me—without him I never, ever would have even considered majoring in English, which I now plan to do quite firmly. More importantly, I never would have learned to enjoy reading at all. As my first true love, the Boy Who Lived will always hold a special place in my heart. This love will continue even after I have mourned his end, graduated from college and started a life in the real world of my own.
May 13, 2011
Talking Points: Reality TV In a time where even the most mundane of situations can become a reality TV sensation, the question remains: is reality TV truly irredeemable, or does it have some merits?
Yes, it’s a good escape
No, it has bad values Sri Panth Reporter
Marilyn Gund Reporter
“The Hills”. “Cake Boss”. “Millionaire Matchmaker”. “Keeping Up with the Kardashians”. “18 Kids and Counting”. “The Real Housewives”. These are all legitimate TV shows, with large followings and larger-than-life stars. But what makes them so different from other shows on television is that they are unscripted reality shows. Some people question why you would want to watch a show about some random person with a fabulous/privileged/fun life. All that you’re doing, they say, is making these people with no talent richer and enabling their horrendous lifestyles. Not so, I say. Even scripted TV shows have their share of stars with horrific lifestyles (Charlie Sheen, anyone?) who we also make richer with every episode we support. And who hasn’t complained about terrible acting at one time of another? The difference in reality TV is that we aren’t seeing people who act for a living, we are seeing a regular person with a life that we could have. What enchants us about reality TV is that the people we are watching have real problems just like we do, which don’t always get resolved by the end of the episode. Without carefully crafted jokes, a planned storyline, and a full crew telling actors exactly what to do, we get a real-life mix of drama, comedy, tragedy, and even love. And with the new and expanding market for reality TV, candidates for a show are appearing everywhere. A polygamous man and his wives? Check. The republican nominee for Vice President of the United States? Check. New Jersey salon workers? Check. Teen mothers? Check. Nowadays, anything the slightest bit newsworthy has its own TV show. Who knows, maybe you could get your own someday. I mean, look at the journey the Kardashian sisters have made since their reality show first premiered: from little-known socialites to multi-millionaires with their own clothing chain, perfumes, and professional athlete beaus. Plus, who can deny watching even a little reality TV? Possibly the best way to describe these shows is a “guilty pleasure”. They’re the type of shows that you watch after a hard day, curled up on the couch with a tub of ice cream. Boyfriend troubles pale in comparison to Ronnie and Sammi’s realtionship on “Jersey Shore”. Even though you might have financial woes, at least you don’t have to choose between the $25,000 wedding dress of your dreams and the less amazing $5,000 option like shoppers on “Say Yes to the Dress”. We might have sibling troubles, but they can’t compare to anything that happens on “18 Kids and Counting”. We can relate to the things that take place on every episode of these TV shows. We can see the clear hardships of running a family bakery on “Cake Boss”, the partying and fun on the “Jersey Shore”, the Hollywood life on “The Hills”, and the fabulousity of the leading ladies of America’s cities on “The Real Housewives”. Maybe this is what draws us to reality TV. Some might say that reality shows are taking over television, but it must be argued that this was not an unwanted takeover. For every person that hates reality shows, there are two others that live for them. One thing is for sure: American TV will never go back.
“Study hard, but party harder,” was the message that the hit reality television show, “Jersey Shore”, star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi conveyed in her lecture at Rutgers University. According to the Washington Post, more students paid to attend her lecture than they did to attend that of Nobel and Pulitzer Prize winning author Toni Morrison, which was held the same day. Each earned $32,000 and $2,000, respectively. This is just one example of how reality television is corrupting society, especially the minds of the future generation. An unscripted documentation of real events featuring ordinary people is the true definition of reality television. However, the genre has become so twisted over the years that it has simply become compiled of shows that feature people being glorified for their vices and mistakes. They are sending out the wrong message to the people who watch them, especially young adolescents/ teenagers. Take the popular English show “Big Brother”, which is about a group of people confined in one house for three months. The participants can win cash by avoiding evictions from the house. 14 years after its creation, “Big Brother” has become a staple for public controversy due to its constant usage of foul language and representation of drugs and sex. Clearly, “Big Brother” presents a lot to learn about good morals and values, right? Then there’s “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, which revolves around the life of Kim Kardashian, her family, and the relationships they have with each other. Rather than advocate for having good family relationships, the family members constantly blast each other over small events. The program shows the women of the family constantly shopping, rather than using their excess of luxury to give back to the poor. The show depicts the life of an extremely high-end, spoiled, and unordinary group, which makes it irrelevant to the average family. Finally, there’s “Jersey Shore”, which is one of the most, if not the most, popular reality television show in the past couple of years. As a testament to its following, nearly 8.5 million viewers tuned in for the season three premiere of the show in Jan. 2011. The show is supposed to be about the relationship of eight roommates spending their summers at Jersey Shore. However, the show glorifies heavy partying, foul language, and sensual activity. Yet, judging by how many times people enthusiastically talk about it every day in CHS, the actions portrayed in “Jersey Shore” seems to be fine with people. There’s a fine line between entertainment and unacceptable behavior. The reality television shows of modern day have not only crossed that line, but leaped over it. These shows not only exalt acts of idiocy, but indirectly advocate them to the public as well. In a survey done by eNotes, for every four teenagers, three of them watched and loved reality television. Furthermore, rather than talking about topics that matter for improving our future, such as biotechnology or fuel efficient energies, reality television shows adolescents that partying, drinking, and engaging in sexual activity is fine and accepted. If people do actually follow Snooki’s “study hard, but party harder” advice, who knows what our world will come to?
Lionel Hahn/Abaca Press/MCT
What do you think? Aaron Dharna Junior
Ella Davis Junior
“It isn’t reality. Everything is just blown out of proportion. It takes all of the bad things that people do, and makes a TV show out of it, like those shows ‘Teen Mom’ and ‘Jersey Shore’. It’s just putting all that partying and all those bad decisions out in a good light. There’s no reason why that should be on TV.”
“Reality TV really brings out the light and dark in society. Watching those shows can really discourage people from doing the things that are depicted on the shows. I think MTV has done a good job with this, like with ‘Teen Mom 2’. Seeing what those girls go through, I think it really shows what the consequences are. I know that a lot of people think it glorifies bad behavior, but reality TV can actually bring shame to it.”
Marguerite Daw Junior
“It has no substance. It’s just people trying to get famous by doing things that don’t even matter, don’t make any impact. It’s just a guilty pleasure.”
May 13, 2011
Horrell controversy should not be judged without all the facts
Mimi Liu
The value of creativity
First off, let me just make one instrument, and volunteering with thing clear. I am not a writer. Al- the Environmental Club or the local though, thanks to Clayton’s wonder- soup kitchen. Which aren’t necessarful writing program, I am pleased to ily bad, of course. say that after four years, I have acStill, there are a lot of things you tually become decent at writing. Yet miss when you don’t take time to words never came naturally for me. have a few introspective reflections I can’t weave beautiful metaphors or every now and then. The problem create subtly meaningful themes. I see is that kids have a very narrowProfundity doesn’t spew out of me minded approach when they solve like a rainbow faucet of inspiration. problems and debate issues. They At most, after stopping frequently simply lack the imagination and creand staring between sentences, my ativity to see beyond the surface and writing manages to avoid sounding to synthesize what they do know in ridiculously juvenile. But the main order to figure out what they don’t point of this essay is not supposed to know. be about how I can’t write. The main More tragic still, most people point of this article is supposed to be don’t realize that innovation is not about creativity. bounded by limit, it’s not curved, it Unlike words, images do appeal can’t be rated and it can’t be handed to me. Like 60-65 perto you on a nice little cent of the population certificate of achieve(as I’ve just looked up ment. Creativity is a on Wikipedia) I am skill that needs to be dea visual learner. This veloped independently, probably stems from away from a society of the fact that I love art. scrutiny. I love the way I can I realize by now that bend reality and create I’m probably losing the my own ideal reality. attention of most of I love the expression you. In fact, you believe and versatility and the in science and facts. Mimi Lui complete and absoNone of this mushy lute freedom, where a stuff that you BS every world of untapped potential is at my time you have to write an English fingertips. paper. You like math and physics. Or Well, I could go on and on about at the very least, you think that you art, but that still wouldn’t be the don’t need to be that creative because main point. The reason why I talk you don’t want to be a writer or an about art is because art has provided artist or anything “artsy.” me with a passion and creative outQuite the contrary, I believe that let. The most important lessons of it is our future doctors, lawyers, and my life rarely occurred in any class- engineers who need creativity the room but rather with a pencil and most. What if a new disease starts paper. killing half the population of the Now, I realize not everyone can world and our future doctors can’t appreciate art the way I do. But ev- come up with a cure because they eryone needs to realize the value of don’t know how to think beyond creativity. Of course, no one ever what they know? writes, “my goal today is to develop If you closely look at the history ideas and concepts in a new and re- of humanity’s most important scienfreshing perspective” on their to-do tific discoveries, you’ll be surprised list. These days, I see most kids busy on how many were a result of intustudying for the next test, taking ition and a leap of faith. That is why as many science classes as they can, creativity is important and that is and all the while playing a sport, an why you need to be creative.
Journalism expands experiences As my senior year ends, I think ten a chance to attend less popular back on some of my most rewarding sporting events while taking a genuexperiences at Clayton High School. ine interest in those teams. Making new friends, all the exciting Although I do not plan to be a basketball games, and tons of school journalism major in college, I feel spirit are memories that I will keep the skills learned with grammar and forever. Writing for The Globe for punctuation will help me in other three years has given me an opportu- career choices down the line. nity to step away from my comfort Mrs. Freeman will be leaving afzone to try something new. ter this year, however I recommend After my freshman that anyone who likes year, my parents told to write sign up for me I had to do someGlobe. It is a fast, thing else besides play easy way to meet new basketball. To them, people and the experithat was not a good ence is worth waking enough extracurricular up early once a week activity. “Anyone can to make it to the meetbounce a ball. Colleges ings before school and need to see what really coming in for lunch separates you from the meetings. Christian Thomas rest.” If you like sports, At the time I was the Globe is always looking at joining either the news- looking for sports reporters and will paper or yearbook staff. A friend had need them even more with its new a rough experience organizing the format next year. I thought it was a yearbook so that choice did not seem great way to carry my love for sports very attractive. I selected to write for into a different direction. The Globe just to get them off my As everyone has heard a million back. I did not think I would enjoy times, extracurriculars are so benwriting as much as I have. eficial. Being involved and going to In three years I have gotten an op- cheer for our successful sports teams portunity to socialize with people I have made my high school years. I would not normally have the chance can honestly say I will leave Clayton to. As a sports writer, I have also got- with no regrets.
Everyone knows the statement, “Don’t hate the play- who were involved in the protest on May 6, in which er, hate the game” which applies especially to the case of 250 to 300 students walked out of CHS and marched to Sam Horrell. Since the release of Horrell as head coach Gay Field in support of Coach Horrell. of the football team, backlash has been immense. So much of the information has been withheld from This controversy spurred from an accusation that the community because the administration is legally Horrell was working with eighth grades after school at bound not to reveal the details of personnel decisions. the Center in violation of MSHSAA rules, which is a Although some people have tried to act as if the adminrecruitment violation. istration is just using this reason as an excuse, the adminSome parents and students believed the school went istration could face legal action if they say too much. too far in firing Horrell. People thought he should be As the issue has spiraled one thing has stayed congiven a second chance and a warning or that stant: the fact that Horrell is a caring and Staff Editorial a less severe punishment would be more apgenuine man. No one doubts that Horrell propriate. is well loved by both current and former Anger at the decision and the lack of inplayers who want to show their support for formation has resulted in personal attacks against Prin- him. cipal Louise Losos and Athletic Director Bob Bone by However, the situation has so many loose ends, which radio talk show hosts as well as students and adults on make it hard to judge if the firing was necessary. EveryFacebook pages. However, these personal attacks are un- one believes that they know the true story, but how can justified. we when only one side is free to talk? Agree 100% Students believed the rumor that MSHWhether we agree with the decision SAA had already made their decision not to or not, it is important to remember three Disagree 0% take action against Clayton. things: That rumor, along with several others, 1. We do not know all the facts and has increased the turmoil about the situation. A letter there are many unsubstantiated rumors flying around. was sent to every family of football players saying that 2. Because we don’t like a decision does not mean that MSHSAA would be evaluating the case in the coming the people making it are automatically wrong. months, so we don’t yet know the sanctions. 3. Even if someone makes a decision that we think is Also, many students did not know that it is not just unfair, that does not make that person evil and give us the coach who gets in trouble for the violations but also the right to publicly attack and humiliate them personthe players involved. Although, according to MSHSAA ally. spokesman Jason West, if the school self-reports and Maybe it is time that we learn how to separate an actakes action against the coach, then it is possible that ac- tion we might criticize from the people who make those tions against the players would not be as severe. decisions, to “not hate the player, but the game.” We However, these facts as well as many other details hope both the student body and adults in our commuabout the case were unknown to many of the students nity will learn how to do so.
2010-11 Staff Co-Editors-in-Chief Dawn Androphy Noah Eby Senior Managing Editor Maddy Bullard Managing Editors Laura Bleeke Jackie Leong Section Editors Community: Zach Praiss World: Jocelyn Lee Sports: Anat Gross Features: Caitlin Kropp Arts: Kara Kratcha Forum: Justin Elliot Page Editors Jacob Bernstein Sarah Blackwell Ben Colagiovanni Jack Holds Jake Lee Maria Massad Meredith McMahon Dylan Schultz Jonathan Shumway Sarah Tait Philip Zhang Web Team Appi Sharma Dan Zeng Graphics Editor Dee Luo Art Directors Mimi Liu Helen Wiley Photo Editor Elizabeth Sikora Reporters David Androphy Chris Cho Adam Ferguson Lauren Friedman Andie Glik Marilyn Gund Aidan Hayward Paul Kieffer Jonathan Knohl Shuyang Li Nina L. Murov Eudora Olsen Srijesh Panth Steven Paster Payton Sciarratta Katherine Ren Parker Schultz Shiori Tomatsu Christian Thomas Anna Williams Aishwarya Yadama Steven Zou
Thalia Sass
The Delmar Loop has experienced an increased police presence in recent weeks following reports of crowds of teen causing problems.
Curfews in shopping areas too broad, restrictive for teens By now, the routine has become seamless. Every Fri- curfew report that they haven’t seen a large drop in sales. day and Saturday at 3 p.m., security guards at the St. Though this may be true, these malls fail to account for Louis Galleria step expectantly into their designated po- the added price of security to enforce the curfew and sitions, placed strategically in the most crowded areas. what such policies mean for the future. These officers are not looking for any customers with To alienate customers when they are only in their suspicious bulges in their coats. Rather, they are looking teenage years means to alienate an entire generation of for something far more threatening like, say, a future shoppers. Though the mall may not backpack. see financial consequences in the short-term, Staff Editorial These security guards have the serious long-term issues are sure to appear soon. job of evacuating the mall of any youth unStill, the problem is not solely financial. der the age of 17 not accompanied by someFor those who are too young to go to bars one over 21. and clubs and too old to drop by Chucky Cheese, the In 2007, the St. Louis Galleria followed the lead of mall is one of the few hang-out spots available. the St. Louis Mills Mall in implementing a curfew for The mall provides a safe and secure environment for teens. teens on Friday and Saturday nights when they could Though the curfew has long been in place, it’s more be doing things much worse than overcrowding stores. relevant than ever given the recent debate over the cur- With the mall’s doors no longer open to them, teens are few in the Delmar Loop. Following the outbreak of sev- forced to find alternative, less safe sources of diversion. eral violent incidents, there has been a push to move the The curfew has been shown to be effective in reducing Loop curfew up from 9 p.m. to 8 p.m. for all teens under violence, and the Loop curfew is likely to do the same, 18. but this is not indicative of a well-thought out policy. The stated purpose of both the mall and Loop curfew If we’re being realistic, it is rarely the 11-year olds who is a noble one: to curb incidents of violence are starting mass fights. Similarly, the16Agree 88% and to create a more family-friendly enviyear old that has been deemed responsible ronment. The stated solution, however, is Disagree 12% enough by the government to drive and not so impressive. hold a job should be responsible enough to There are, in fact, several problems with be in the mall or the Loop without parental the teen curfew at the mall that far outweigh possible supervision. benefits. Yet all of these people are banned under a policy that Teens are a valuable consumer group in that they is far too broad to be fair. have the most disposable income. Often, teens have a Certainly, there are youth that are responsible for cresteady source of income (whether they are employed in ating an uncomfortable environment in public places at the workforce or as dutiful sons and daughters) without nights, but not all youth should be punished. being limited by the everyday finances adults must deal Instead, the mall and the Loop should look for other with. solutions such as the “Peace Talks, Violence Walks” proWith this disposable income, however, also comes a gram instituted by Oxford Valley Mall in Pennsylvania. stricter timeline. Teens are engaged in school, sports, and This program teaches teens how to deal with anger and other extra-curriculars throughout the week that restrict express themselves in nonviolent ways. the times they can spend as consumers at the mall and According to Shopping Centers Today, the Oxford elsewhere. Valley Mall attracts four times the number of teenagers in The times teens are forbidden to enter the mall for the its market yet hasn’t had problems with violence.Whatsupposed danger they present are the times teens would ever the most appropriate solution may be, one thing is be spending the most. clear. The answer is not to ban an entire age group from Nevertheless, malls that have implemented a teen enjoying privileges that should be universal.
Photographers Alexis Atkinson Claire Bliss Hannah Feagans Madeleine Fleming Laura Kratcha Paul Lisker Sarah O’Brien Regine Rosas Thalia Sass Elana Schuman Elizabeth Sikora Andrea Stiffelman Devan Westermayer Artists Sarah Blackwell Monica Gierada Taylor Gold Nicole Inodovino Emma Riley Business Managers Simon Warchol David Behrend Adviser Nancy Freeman
The Globe student newspaper exists primarily to inform, entertain, persuade and represent the student voice at CHS to the best of its ability. It serves as a public forum for the Clayton community. All content decisions are made by the student editors. The Globe is self-funded for all publishing costs and offers advertising to all school-appropriate businesses. Please contact our office for more information. The Globe is distributed to students and staff FREE. We also offer bulk mailing subscriptions for $20 a year and first-class subscriptions for $30 a year. Letters to the Editor All letters to the editor must be signed when submitted to the editorial staff; the editorial staff will consider a request for a letter to be printed without a name only under rare circumstances. The paper reserves the right to edit letters for length and repetition. Letters are subject to the laws of libel, obscenity, incitement and copyright. All compliments, opinions, complaints, and suggestions are welcomed and should be forwarded to the Globe Office. Clayton High School Globe 1 Mark Twain Circle Clayton, MO 63105 (314) 854-6668 Fax: 854-6734 Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service Winner of MIPA All-Missouri, NSPA All-American with four marks of distinction, Quill and Scroll Gallup Award, CSPA Silver Crown (2004, 2005, 2009), Pacemaker winner (2003), NSPA Hall of Fame Member (2006)
May 13, 2010
Through the Years: A Timeline of High School by Album For me, albums have always been more than just a collection of songs with a few good singles tacked on. At any given period of time in high school, I was listening to various different songs and albums. However I can invariably pinpoint a specific album that resonated with me at that time and was listened to especially frequently. Thinking back on the albums that I loved throughout high school, I realized that the music that I listened to wasn’t just a reflection of my thoughts and feelings at that time, but also ended up influencing me in both subtle and significant ways. Thus, this isn’t a “best albums” or “top albums” list, but only the albums that I found myself especially engrossed in throughout high school in chronological order. Freshman Year I literally walked into CHS on my first day of school with an iPod in my pocket playing Arcade Fire’s debut album “Funeral”. The reason that I remember this is that I listened to the album just about every morning on my way to school. Just as I was truly entering my teenage years, I once again returned to this album that I had become enamored with in middle school. The lyrics about finding one’s place in a nondescript “neighborhood” appealed to me as I entered the behemoth of high school. By the winter, I began listening to Tegan and Sara’s “The Con.” Instead of focusing on expansive social issues like “Funeral,” its singular focus on individual struggles appealed to me. Just about every song was under three minutes and it was a lot more pop-oriented and simplistic than “Funeral,” as well. When combined with a lot of Rihanna songs, it was the perfect contrast to the gloominess of “Funeral.”
In the spring, I discovered Patti Smith and started On the first listen, Jeff Mangum’s voice can seem a bit listening to her 1975 album “Horses”. I remember an ar- affectless and nasally to some, but the songwriting and ticle referencing her as the “godmother of punk.” I didn’t lo-fi simplicity drew me in nonetheless. From that point even know that such a title existed, so I was intrigued. on, I was a lot more open to listening to conventionally After the first listen, I didn’t really get it. However, by the bizarre songs. third or fourth listen, I was completely absorbed in the For the rest of the school year, I alternated between literally poetic lyrics (Smith was a well-respected poet in two very different albums: Rilo Kiley’s “The Execution the New York poetry scene, as well as the burgeoning of All Things” and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs album “Fever to punk scene) and the powerful subject matter. Tell.” Rilo Kiley’s Americana-infused angsty rock album From there, I delved even further was the perfect complement to my sophinto the past. It was my last summer at omore year. Meanwhile, the ferociousDawn Androphy ness of Yeah Yeah Yeahs lead singer Karen sleep-away camp, where folk and acoustic guitar music are essentially required O had a contradictory effect, inspiring territory. That was the summer that I me to take more risks and even occasiondiscovered Bob Dylan. I alternated beally serving as my pump-up music before tween listening to various greatest hits tennis matches and tests. compilations and his 1964 album, “The Over the summer, I became interested Times They Are a-Changin’”. Not coinin Sleater-Kinney’s 1996 album, “Dig Me cidentally, this was around the time that Out” and the entire early-‘90s riot grrrl I really started becoming interested in punk music scene that accompanied it. It politics and following the 2008 election, was definitely the loudest, most powerful so I’m sure that my growing political album that I’d ever listened to and the consciousness had something to do with raw passion of the music amazed me. my interest in Dylan’s inherently politiJunior Year cal music. Lady Gaga’s The Fame Monster Sophomore Year opened my fall with a bang. It was one Around the time that I returned to school, my friend of the few mainstream pop albums that had actually inburned me a copy of Neutral Milk Hotel’s 1998 con- terested me for years. Like the rest of the world, I was cept album “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.” Although in love with “Bad Romance” and Lady Gaga’s unique most of the lyrics don’t actually make that much literal public image and message. Rarely was there a day where sense, the overarching influence rooted from the Diary I drove my car without playing a song from that album. of Anne Frank is made pretty clear in the lyrics. At that That winter, I began listening to the debut album of point in my life, “Aeroplane” was also probably the most a band called Girls, aptly named “Album.” Girls, a San objectively “weird” album that I had ever listened to. Francisco band which is actually comprised of only male
Highs and Lows
members, wrote probably the cheeriest break-up album ever. The jangly, ‘60s-inspired rhythms of the songs were the perfect antidote to dreary winter weather. Meanwhile, I had already begun reading the novels and poetry of the Beat Generation, also mainly based in San Francisco. Around the time I began studying for my first year of AP testing, Joni Mitchell’s classic album “Blue” became my most reliable study companion. At the time, the onset of the college application process and the pressures of standardized testing were incredibly overbearing and the quiet power of “Blue” was the perfect accompaniment to any relaxation and meditation. After seeing them do a free, in-store performance at Vintage Vinyl in the spring and in anticipation of seeing them at LouFest in August, I listened to Titus Andronicus’ Civil War concept album, “The Monitor.” As both a fan of punk rock and American history, I cherished this album almost immediately. I’ve never heard another album before or since that switches between Abraham Lincoln quotes and screaming over rapid, complicated guitar solos. Senior Year Summer was coming to a close when, due to my love for Arcade Fire’s past work, I bought their new album, “The Suburbs,” in a way that is unusual for me: I went over to a record store to pick up the album on its release date. As soon as I got home, I eagerly placed the record on my turntable and absorbed the lyrics. For years, I’d been growing tired of suburbia, so the album really connected with me. In fact, I identified with the album so much that I officially decided to apply early decision to a school in the city around the time that the album came out. I’d grown far too tired of the sprawl.
High school years produce a cookbook of life lessons A senior reflects on reaching a balance between societal norms and personal satisfaction.
Monica Gierada
Senior Andrea Glik learned to survive high school and learned important lessons along the way. She counsels students to not get lost in the moment and not feel that college will singly determine their future.
My high school experience has almost ended and in them. The first thing you have to do if your best friend four months I am moving to New York. messes up is to accept them for who they are. They are This is something I have fantasized about for the past human too, who make mistakes. It’s easier for you to see four years, something that has flooded my dreams every how wrong they are, but most of the times it’s not so easy time I went to sleep or looked out the window in math for them. Don’t judge them for that. Love them for who class. they are and be honest with them. Tell them why they As you read this you will probably think, “Oh God, hurt you. If they are making bad choices, be honest! But here goes this senior on a self-indulgent, overly senti- then drop it. They have to learn their own lessons. mental rant, that she only got to write because it’s her Main Course last article for the Globe…” How to Love Your City with a side of Well, you’re right. But I really do feel like Exploration and Open- Mindedness. St. I learned a few important lessons and if you Louis can feel like the worst place to live if keep reading I can save you a lot of time, you stay in your Clayton bubble. The people pain, and maybe even cans of Four Loko. and places get old, and it’s easy to give up on I keep thinking about how much I learned this city. When you start to feel this way, exin this building, and outside it, these past plore! Go to a totally new part of St. Louis. four years. Talk to people who don’t look like you, act A few important classes that shaped my like you, or dress like you. See a cheap coninterests come to mind, but what I think of cert of a band you’ve never heard of. Go on most, as corny as it sounds, are the life lesa long drive and look at the architecture and Andie Glik sons I have learned here. the layout of the city. Really look at the culI think of my own little collection of ture of St. Louis, instead of growing bored how-to-deals and what-to-dos. Kind of like a cookbook of your corner of it and giving up on St. Louis. It took of recipes for problems like how to get over a boyfriend, me all four years of high school to realize what an incredhow to escape a fight with your parents, and how to be ible place I was so lucky to grow up in. no one but yourself. Desert Appetizer How to Not Rush Your Life caramelized in Acting How to be a Good Friend sprinkled wit Acceptance Your Age. Something I realized about going to CHS that and Non-Judgmental advice. Friends can suck. They can really messed me up for a few years was the rush everyone make stupid choices, they can let you down, and they around you puts you in. They rush you to find a college, can mess up so badly you never think you can forgive to find what you want to study once you go to college,
and most of all, they rush you to find out who you are. That’s the thing about being a teenager though. You have to start from ground zero. That’s the place where you have no idea who you are or why you’re here. It’s the place that a lot of teenagers stay in for a few years. WHICH IS FINE. I felt so rushed to find myself there the last four years, that I almost missed the chance to be a teen. Once I let go of trying to find my “calling” almost everything fell into place. I say almost because I still have no idea what I’m going to study in college, WHICH IS FINE. Lots of people neglect to tell you that finding your interest in college is totally normal. Taking this time to be a teenager also means acting like one. I have seen so many kids my age trying to act like they are in their 20’s, and it’s terrifying. Some of them party like 25 year olds, which just leads to them burning out early, and not being able to actually enjoy their 20’s because they have already lived them. Some of them write off normal teen things because they feel too mature and old for them. Kids like that miss out on a ton of important moments that they will look back and wish they had experienced when they ACTUALLY are mature and old. Well, that’s my rant. Hope you enjoyed your free meal and feel like it actually filled you with a few pieces of useful advice. If I could sum up the essence of my cookbook into one key ingredient (like Julia Child did with butter and Anthony Bourdain did with whiskey) I would say its exploration. You never know, until you’ve tried.
College search and stress finally come to an end As May 1st, also known as the international pick your college day, recently flew past on the calendar, with sweet satisfaction I was officially able to declare my college search closed I will soon trade in my CHS orange and blue for my new cardinal red and shimmering gold as I make my way to the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. However, the road to this decision has been much longer than I could have ever anticipated. I have put more time, energy, thought, travel and even tears into my decision, than I have any other
decision in my life. sible to capture the number of hours In fact over the past 18 months, I I have spent furiously talking about, have filled out 10 college thinking about, and applications, written 25 worrying about colseparate essays, visited lege. And I can never 17 colleges in 12 differforget the scores of ent cities in two separate phone calls, numercountries, taken 10 difous emergency famferent standardized tests ily meetings and the countless sleepless and been in the counnights pondering my seling office more times future. than I would like to adAt times, there mit to, I stopped keepJustin Elliot ing count a while ago have been almost no brain cells left to anyways. While it is easy to quantify some think about anything else. of this process, it will remain imposAs the college process slowly but
This JUST in!
surely swallowed what seemed to be my entire life, I often began to believe that this was the most important decision I would ever make. The colleges I was admitted to and the one I finally chose would determine my destiny. My potential to be successful, what jobs I will be able to get, and the chance I will achieve my dreams, whatever they may be (I’m still undecided), are hinged all on how good of a university I attend. My college decision had morphed into something more like the one thing that will determine the rest of my life decision. And when the admission letters
came in and all of the factors were being weighed, academics, money, location and prestige (yes I considered that), the one factor I looked at the most was “ how will this college determine the rest of my life.” As it began to look as if I was going to be pressured to pick USC because of a scholarship I had received there, over several other schools that I had determined would yield a better future for me--a profound realization hit me square between the eyes: College is only four years. Sure, it is inevitable that where I go to college, the city I live in, the
people I meet, the teachers I learn from, will have an influence on my life. However, contrary to my own previous belief, and to that of many CHS students, where I go to college will not determine my entire life. My future will be determined on what I chose to do in college, who I decide to make friends with and how hard I work. As long as I fuel my ambition, it really doesn’t matter where I go to college, or at least I hope so. Indeed, the college decision process is important, but not nearly as important as it might seem. With greyhound pride – fight on!
Go Go Figure Figure
May 13, 2011
Summer would not be summer without the beach, the sun, and hazy hours spent lying on the sand. Therefore, it should be no surprise that only 9 percent of women actually swim at the beach. However, it might be surprising that 27 percent of women have been attacked by seagulls for food while lying lazily on the beach. So a warning to all: protect your food because the gulls might be circling. Source:
Did you know that your favorite summer fruit is actually your favorite summer vegetable? Yep, the watermelon is actually a vegetable, closely related to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash. In fact, it’s the Oklahoma State vegetable. Americans eat approximately 17 lbs. of watermelon every year, most likely due to the watermelon’s high water content (92 percent water, 8 percent sugar). The largest watermelon ever weighed 262 lbs! Source:
Designed by Dee Luo
Thumbs Up
Flip flops
Sun tanning
Summer homework
Reading for pleasure
August malaise Poison ivy
No school
Summer too short
Summer concerts
SUMMER! Sophomore Claudia Hoffman will be attending a ballet-intensive camp in Cincinnati, OH, this summer called the Tevlin project. The camp is taught by Amy Tevlin, a dancer in the Metropolitan Classical Ballet Company before she retired and started the Tevlin Ballet Company. Hoffman sent in an audition video and was one of the 12 dancers across the nation who were accepted into the five-week program. Hoffman hopes to become a professional ballerina one day.
It’s FINALLY summer! The good news is that we don’t have school, homework, or tests for 76 days. The bad news is that we only get 76 days of freedom before having to go back to school, homework and tests. At least we’ll get to return to a new wing and new classes next year!
Junior Nadia Diamond will spend a month living in France, somewhere near Leon, with a host family. She hopes to improve her French and eat amazing food. Although she hasn’t met her family, Diamond’s father is an old friend of the host family, and the host family’s son will stay with the Diamonds for a month. Needless to say, Diamond is extraordinarily excited.
Zoom In In Zoom
Thumbs Down
The Dynamic Running Duo of Annie Etling and Katelyn Eustis-Long is running the 26.2 miles on Oct. 2. They are participating in the Twin Cities Marathon in Minneapolis, where Eustis’ parents live. They have already started a five month training program consisting of four running days, one cross-training day and two rest days. Fresh off of their achievement of completing the St. Louis half-marathon, they are up to the challenge of 26.2 miles. “We can do it!” the Dynamic Running Duo said.
Junior Zoe Keller is going to Honduras for 10 days on her second medical mission. On the medical mission, she will provide medicine for people who don’t have access to medical care and assist doctors with examinations. Keller will also go to Thailand with a program called “Come with Nothing, Go Home Rich,” where she brings one set of clothes and leaves with the experience of living in a typical Thai village.
Freshman Mo Mills plans to attend camp Lake Nebagomon for the sixth consecutive year. The eight week camp offers swimming, camp crafts, canoeing and archery, to name a few. Mills returns every year because he likes the people and thinks that Lake Nebagomon is a nice place. “I like nature,” he said.
Paul Lisker
What is this a picture of? Go to find out.
Senior Lily Gage plans to spend her summer in Israel with her family. As part of a tour group, she will climb Masada, visit different cities in Israel and swim in (or on) the Dead Sea.
Senior Greg Dallas will go to Colorado to climb peaks. He has taken the advanced climbing classes at CHS, and although he has never climbed a mountain, he feels confident that he will have fun and reach the top.
Professor Harned plans to spend a minimal amount of time in front of a screen and a maximum amount of time reading books, printed on paper, of course. For inspiration, Professor Harned’s reading list is: The Civil War by Shelby Foote - all three volumes Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust Middlemarch by George Elliot History of World War II by Andrew Roberts The Complete Plays of Euripides The Making of Modern Japan by Marius Jensen