I AM SO GLAD ITS SUMMER! the procrastination was procrastinating a little too much but we got through it :) now we just have to wait for AP scores to come out... im sure we all passed with flying color. i hope you all have an amazing summer and we have a lot of fun things. planned for next year! see you all next time!
love you all berry much, Katelin Wu
Finally summer break is here! Congratulations on surviving finals week :DD Personally, I’ve spent most of my summer playing zelda games, I hope you guys are all get the rest you need! Although Clark Key Club isn’t doing any events this summer, be sure to seek out local community service organizations and events! Remember, you can still get outside service hours during the summer— use this chance to get a jump start on hours! The board and I are working hard to ensure the BEST CKC term, don’t think this summer is going to waste :)) Thank you for tuning into the May Newsletter, see you guys next month <33
The June DCM.was so nice and refreshing. they gave us a lot of snacks like popcicles and chips it was nice to see all the clubs and divisions gathered again this summer. i look forward to many more exciting DCMs!
Spring banquet was super fun and chill. we all got together to speak about this year's accomplishments in the club and all our adorable seniors gave their last speeches before handing their positions over to the new board.
President- Kelly Ru
Vice president- Olivia Hua
Secretary- Ziyue Lin
Treasurer- Robert Chondro
Bulletin Editor- Katelin Wu
Tech Editor- Lara Djukic
Historian- Jackson Wrote
SAA- Kirina Mcleod
Instagram Division: @d28seamonkeys
CNH: @cnh_keyclub
International: @keyclubint
CKC Linktree:
bye bye!