Charger’s Insider Charger’s Insider ED W CLARK KEY CLUB | DIVISION 28 SOUTH > REGION 5 | CALI - NEV - HA DISTRICT August IssueVolume202255 1 August IssueVolume202255

Table of contents Editors message ………………………3 Presidents message ………………….4 Member Of the Month ……….……..5 Summer of Screams .………..……….6 Freshman Kickoff ………………….….7 Summer Social ...………………….….8 Save The Date …………………….…9 Division Newsletter ………………….10 Contact Us ………………………..…11 2

Teresa Duque servingwithpassion,servingwithpassion, Editor’sEditor’sMessageMessage 3 Hello Clark Key Club! Finally, we have commenced the 22-23 school year. I'm so excited to be meeting you all in person as well as see many people again! Please look forward to our first meeting on Thursday August 18th! This year has started out strong, and I hope it continues that way. Please know that this year will be a year to remember. I hope to see you all this upcoming meeting, and stay cool!

“HEYYOOO CKC!! First of all, welcome to another school year at Clark! You may be a new student interested in Key Club, or a member who’s joined in a previous year, but either way I am honored to serve as your President for this exciting and new school year! This July and August was all about planning for our first meeting, first events, AND the return of our annual in-person RTC and FRS! Eager to learn about all the details for our upcoming events? Come to our first general meeting in Room 200 on Thursday, August 18 after school from 2:30 to 3:30! I hope we’ll see you there!” AbigailHerrera servingwithpassion,servingwithpassion, PresidentsPresidentsMessageMessage 4

Joanna Baten Member Of the Month 5

Summer of Screams 6 Summer of Screams was really fun, and it was very enjoyable to partake on being scare actors. We got to dress up in costumes and masks, and were placed around a haunted house where we were able scare and scream, and enjoy our time as actors. Teresa Duque, 2023

Freshman Kickoff 7 Happy to Welcome Freshmen!

"I hosted our annual Clark Key Club summer social, where I had our members and up coming freshmen help make freshmen survival kits for us to give out during the Club Fair on Thursday! Many of the freshmen were able to be friends with one another and we had such a blast with the water balloon fight that we had in the end!"
- Abby Herrera, 12 Summer Social8

Save the Date! 9 FirstMeetingGeneral Joint DCM Elks Lodge Car Wash CampClubKey

Read Our Divisions Latest Newsletter 10 Click here to read now!

Contact Us Abby Herrera clark.kc.presi@gmail.comPresident Kelly Ru Vice clark.kc.vp@gmail.comPresident Melodie Cin clark.kc.sec@gmail.comSecretary Clara Cin Teresa Duque Bulletin Ziyue Lin Tech Olivia Hua clark.kc.hist@gmail.comHistorian Princess Yambao clark.kc.saa@gmail.comSAA 11 Clark Key @clarkeyclub@clarkeyclubClub