Ed W. Clark Key Club | Feb. 2017

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Ed W. Clark Key Club | V5, Issue 10 | February 2017 Division 28 West | Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha District




table of contents


from the editor


president’s page


members of the month


car wash for DCON


wrestling tournament


say hello to‌


key club board elects


upcoming events


contact us

Hello Clark Key Club! I hope you are all having a great year so far, making great memories, and of course, serving your community! As there are only two months left during this term, let’s all continue to give back and end this term strong! That being said, we recently had our club elections, where we voted for our 2017-2018 main board, and conclave, where we voted for our Division 28 South Lieutenant Governor! You can see the results of these elections, starting on page 10. (However, this board will not be installed until District Convention in April! The 20162017 board is still in service until then.) Additionally, remember that even if you weren’t officially inducted during the Winter Inductions, you can still be inducted at the end of this term, during the Spring Inductions! You will need to have at least 45 hours, so keep serving! You can also gain hours from sending in articles to me, or pictures to Leo! Our contact info is on page 14. Thank you for a great year so far. Let’s end it as great as it’s always been! Serving With Spirit,

Katrina Orevillo 3

Hello, Clarkies! Time is flying by once again as we start off a brand new year with service! Let's reflect on January. First, we helped out with Assistance League project. Then, we were able to raise over $500 for DCON with our first car wash of the year! We helped out with Mr. Weller's wrestling tournament and elected our new board for the 2017-2018 school year. Congratulations to all elects! We also attended Conclave, where our very own Nicole Kim was elected LTG of Division 28 South Seamonkeys! Go Clark! Looking forward to February, we have many exciting events coming up such as the Chinese New Year Festival and another car wash for DCON! Just because you have all your hours doesn't mean you shouldn't stop doing service. Keep chargin’, chargers! I'll see you all soon! With the power of love and friendship,

Kelly Tay



antonio + marcus martinez


JAN. 2016 5

for dcon ARTICLE BY: IRIS LUYEN The car wash for DCON on the 14th of January was the second car wash I’ve ever been to. It’s probably the most memorable as well because it was the first time I ever washed my mom’s car. While my hands began to freeze as I scrubbed the car clean, I recall my mom casually talking on the phone to her friend and I’m almost certain that she was dying of laughter on the inside. The experience overall wasn’t that bad, but there are two different sides to this event. The weather conditions weren’t the best since it was super windy and out of the whole four hours, I think we ever only got a few minutes of sunlight. My hands are naturally cold to begin with, so they suffered even more because of how cold it was. Despite all of that though, this event gave me a really good opportunity to get to work with the upperclassmen of the club and to talk to them a little. Since I, being the somewhat short person I am, couldn’t reach the tops of some cars, I needed help and I think it really helped me know the upperclassmen a bit better and not be so scared of them as before. In the end, we ended up washing a lot of cars and raising a lot of money. Some people donated extra to support us and it made me and everyone else really happy.


ARTICLE BY: BRENT KIM The car wash for DCON was a memorable experience for me because I created a closer bond with my friends and had a fun time. At first I kind of didn’t feel like going, and I got peer pressured into going, but I don’t regret it. During the car wash, we were either stationed to rinse the cars with water, clean the cars with sponges drenched in soap, dry the cars off with towels, or advertise for the club at a cross-section using nicely made signs. It was freezing and I got wet multiple times (and had to dry off in a car which made it a little uncomfortable) but I still enjoyed it. What made it fun was being able to hang out with your friends and club members, while fundraising for DCON so many other people can afford to go. Unfortunately I cannot attend DCON, but I hope everyone that does go has an amazing time there and makes many memories with their friends.


tournament ARTICLE BY: MICHELLE ZHU The wrestling tournament was such a great way to volunteer for my school, Clark HS, since we were hosting it. We manned the snack area, recorded round results, passed out medals, and other various tasks for this huge event. For both days, I helped by tapping the referee at the end of each match. From score keeping, I now know much more than I need to about wrestling. Even though it was 8 hours each day, volunteering with my friends made it much more enjoyable. I have volunteered at this event every year since I was a freshman, and it brought back a lot of good memories. I’m glad that I was able to help Mr. Payton, the wrestling coach (and my former chemistry teacher), run the tournament smoothly.


ARTICLE BY: SHALINI JAYAWEERA The Clark Wrestling tournament was, no doubt, a busy event. At any given moment, people were running around mats, wrestling aggressively, or calling out for wrestlers. I’ve volunteered for this event for four years, and I’ve always worked the tournament clocks. In addition to keeping track of time, I had to keep a close eye on the referee’s calls and work with my other tablemates to make sure the next wrestlers were ready to go. Each day of the wrestling tournament brought new surprises, whether that was being placed at a station with new people or dealing with an unusual wrestling circumstance. I definitely learned a lot more about the sport than I anticipated. I was never bored during my shifts, as there was constant activity, and I made a lot of new friends. I definitely recommend the Key Clubbers of next year to volunteer for this amazing event!



Hello, Clark Key Club! It's your President Elect, Anish Devati.

I'm so honored to be able to serve you guys this upcoming term. I promise that through diversified service events and extensive fundraising projects, we will increase club membership and be stronger and closer than ever. We have a challenging, long road ahead of us. But, when I see my fantastic board and my determined members, I feel right at home. I know that by coming together and putting our passion and creativity in every endeavor we pursue, we can turn our craziest and wildest imaginations into a foreseeable reality. I promise to give you my 110%. Always. So, let's buckle down and get to work! Sizzled With Service,

Anish Devati

Hello, Clark Key Club! My name is Katrina Orevillo and I am proud to serve as your 2017-18 Vice President! Working alongside the new board, I promise to make this term a great one! I hope to bring everyone in this club together, make great memories, and encourage a greater love for service in every member by encouraging events that are suited to all of you and your interests. Key Club has given me such a great experience since my freshman year, and I know that this new board will create great experiences for all of you. With the help of everyone, we can make this term one that we will not forget! Serving With Spirit,

Katrina Orevillo 11

Hello, Clark Key Club! I'm Matthew Wong, your secretary elect for the 2017-2018 year!

Hey Clark Key Club, it's your treasurer elect, Cassandra Rose Rockwell!

First of all, I can't even put into words how excited I am to be able to serve the people and club I love. As your secretary, I will strive to be the best I can be. Not only will I perform the tasks of secretary, but I'll also try to help anyone however I can! Although this year will definitely be challenging and stressful, it will all be worth it to make key club a great experience for everyone! Besides this, I want to try my best to be able to know everyone in Key Club. Considering how much Key Club has changed my life in one year, hopefully everything continues to improve this upcoming year! I look forward to spending the next year with all of you!

No words can describe how grateful I am that you all have given me this opportunity and I can't wait to serve you all alongside this amazing board. I'm especially excited to be there for the members and work to get new some new and original fundraising ideas going! I hope to be part of the reason you're all proud to be a Clark Key Clubber and I'm super excited to see where my treasurer term will lead me and I hope to create new memories with this beautiful club who has a special place in my heart. I promise you all that I'll give this club and my term everything I got! I can never thank you all enough and I will treasure(r) this club always!

Much Love,


Matthew Wong

Much love,

Cassandra-Rose Rockwell

Hey Everyone! My name is Kimmy Li, and I'm your historian elect.

Hello, Clark Key Club! I’m Lyann, your bulletin editor for this upcoming year.

I am so excited to serve as your historian for the upcoming term. This upcoming term, I'm looking forward to getting to know the members more. I also can't wait to work alongside the board to increase membership, having many more members experience our Key Club family. I strive to take great photos and videos while creating more memories with the board and the members doing so. With hard work and determination, I will be sure to fulfill my job as historian and make this upcoming term a great one with the rest of the board. I'm looking forward to all the laughs and memories we’ll share with one another as a huge Key Club Family!

I’m going to work my hardest to sustain the ongoing success of this club’s designs and come up with new, original ones, experiment around, you know the drill. I’m absolutely stoked to combine ideas I have in mind with the creativity of our members. I can’t wait to represent Key Club to the best of my abilities and incorporate a little of bit of everyone in these designs. With this, I hope we all strive for inclusiveness, to encourage others to talk to fellow members. Make a friend or two. Or everyone, for that matter.

Making More Memories,

Kimmy Li

With All My Hope and Passion,

Lyann Gao


Hi Clark Key Club! I’m Matthew Mendiola, your Sergeant At Arms elect. I am so excited to serve you guys for the upcoming year. I promise to make the best cheers possible so we can be at the top at Region Training Conference. I'm so excited to introduce you guys to new icebreakers that'll hopefully bring us all together as one big family and create some pretty memorable times. Let's create memories and share laughs with one another like one big family! From the One and Only,

Matthew Mendiola

Nicole Kim 14

upcoming events: Super Smash Bros. Tournament February 17, 2017 Car Wash for DCON February 18, 2017 Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation “Fun Fridays” February 24, 2017 Children’s Miracle Network Dance Marathon March 4, 2017 Three Square Sort-A-Thon March 11, 2017 March DCM March 16, 2017 Spring Park Social March 18, 2017 Check Facebook or contact an officer for details! 15

(Peace out) Call us, beep us, if you want to reach us!

President: Kelly Tay clark.kc.presi@gmail.com

Vice President: Tiffany Bui clark.kc.vp@gmail.com Secretary: Dion Valdecanas clark.kc.sec@gmail.com Treasurer: Anish Devati clark.kc.treas@gmail.com Editor: Katrina Orevillo clark.kc.be@gmail.com Historian: Leo Li clark.kc.hist@gmail.com SAA: Jordan Phimmasane clark.kc.saa@gmail.com

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