January Outlook

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Outlook Written by the CRAZIES for the CRAZIES




ACT Tips

Who to Vote for

Pounding the Patriots

New Year, New You

Beat the Test

New presidential candidates support different viewpoints. Find out whose ideals you agree with.

The basketball boys win over the Truman Patriots during the Snowfrost Homecoming game.

CHS Indians have some goals and aspirations for the new year. 2012 is suspected to bring change to students in our community.

Students prepare themselves for the ACT test. Mrs. Callaway shares secret tips to do your best on the test.


Happy Heart Day!




BB- Boys B-Ball GB- Girls B-Ball SW- Girls Swim W-Wrestling


6-B* JROTC- Second Harvest Support



Thursday 2-B 11th grade Honor Roll Assembly IB

Sadd Mtg Rm 1 2:45pm

Parent Advisory Mtg 6-7pm


9-W Health Express 10-B ACT Acadamy Physicals

ACT Acadamy

13-W FCCLA Week


27-W 1st Practice for Spring Sports

Heart Day Roses are red, violets are blue. Spend your Valentine’s Day with someone who loves you!


15-W Registration for 2012-2013 seniors

16-B Registration for 2012-2013 seniors W- State (Columbia)


Presidents’ Day


GB- Park Hill Home 5:30/7 pm

Valentine’s Day

20 No School

11 Band- MWSU jazz band festival

BB- Liberty Home 5:30/7

ACT Acadamy


Seniors FASFA frenzy @ MWSU 2-4 pm


3-W 12th grade 4 Honor Roll Assembly BB- L.S. West SW- Varsity Conf. Home 5:30/7 pm Finals 1pm SW- Conference prelims 4pm

1-W 10th grade Honor Roll Assembly

GB- NKC Home 5:30/7 pm 12


No School

28-B Freshmen Mentor Meeting 7 am or 3 pm


23-W Health Express Physicals

Registration for 2012-2013 juniors

Registration for 2012-2013 juniors

17-W Registration for 2012-2013 seniors SW- State (St. Peters) W- State (Columbia) 24-B Registration for 2012-2013 juniors

18 SW- State (St. Peters) W- State (Columbia)

25 Band- Univ. of Nebraska Jazz Festival


President’s Day Enjoy your day off and take time to remember and learn about some of our country’s greatest leaders.


Spring Sports

We’re getting near the end of the year, and February is one of the last chances to improve your ACT score. Sign up for the February ACT and ACT acadamy!

Spring sports will begin at the end of this month! Athletes, get in shape and be ready to have a great season! Students, get ready to go out there and support baseball, track, tennis, and soccer. and golf!


senior staff- megan grace

President Truman signs Executive Order 9981 stating that all people will be given equal opportunites in the armed services. Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas makes segregation in public schools illegal. The decision overturns the “separate but equal” rule. Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat to a white man on a bus and is arrested. In response, the Montgomery black community participates in a bus boycott that lasts for almost a year until the buses are desegragated. Martin Luther King Jr., Charles K. Steele, and Fred L. Shuttleworth establish the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, which becomes a major force in organizing civil rights.

When Martin was born, his name was actually Michael Luther King Jr., but he changed it when he was older. He graduated from high school at the age of only fifteen!

Four students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College begin the first sitin of the movement. James Meredith becomes the first black student to enroll at the University of Mississippi.

Martin Luther King Jr. writes “Letter from Birmingham Jail” after he is arrested during an anti-segregation protest. Later that year, about 200,000 people join him at the Lincoln Memorial where he delivers his “I Have A Dream” speech. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights act of 1964. Malcolm X, founder of the Organization of Afro- American Unity, is shot. Congress passes the Voting Rights Act of 1965. President Johnson issues Executive Order 11246, which requires government contractors to “take affirmative action” when hiring minorities. Loving vs. Virginia establishes that prohibiting interracial marriage is unconstitutional.

Martin Luther King Jr. is shot by James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tennessee. President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968, prohibiting discrimination in the sale, retail, and financing of housing. Congress passes the Civil Rights Restoration Act, which expands the reach of nondiscrimination within private institutions receiving federal funds.

From 1957-1968 he traveled over six million miles, spoke over two thousand times, and wrote five books. In 1963 he was named Man of the Year by Time Magazine. At age thirty-five, he was the youngest man to receive a Nobel Peace Prize. He gave all of his reward money to further the civil rights movement.









Democrat 4


Senior Staff: Lauren Smith

*Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are in the lead for the Republican Nomination


Health Care:


United States must quit spending outside their means, and we must create a balanced budget. Congress must stop spending money on discretionary items.

We need a competitive health care system that is allowed to cross state lines. He thinks nationalizing health care will hurt everyone and the government shuld stay out of health care.

We should teach patriotism instead of incorporating multiculturism into our schooling. He would provide students at homeless schools with scholarships to private schools. No interest on school loans for science and math students.

Firm advocate that citizens should have the right to bear arms.

Taxes should be cut on people earning less than $200,000 a year and cuts on payroll taxes for those over 65 years old.

Supports universal health care, but not a govermental program that would raise taxes. Wants to offer tax breaks to individuals without insurance.

Supports the “No Child Left Behind” act. Wants to enforce economics and family values into schools.

In favor of the Second Amendment.

Plans on spending a majority of tax dollars on social security, medicare, and children’s health insurance.

The Affordable Health Care Plan, which states that everyone should have health care no matter how much money they make. He believes in universal health care.

Has initiated the “Race to the Top” initiative. He favors assessments that get away from standardized testing and encourage creativity. Believes tax money should go to public schools to better them. Believes “NO Child Left Behind” should be revamped to achieve better results.

Believes it helps protect people, but doesn’t give those the right to transport guns outside of the U.S. and to use guns that will hurt others.

Gun Control:



senior staff- jennifer thies

Students work to raise awareness of living a positive lifestyle Photos by Jennifer Thies Are you someone who is against people making destructive decisions? Do you like to help out in the community? If you answered yes to these questions, the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club is for you. “SADD isn’t just about a positive lifestyle,” senior Erika Enlow said. “It’s about finding your niche and being in a group of people who will be your support system and a positive distraction from life’s curveballs.” At the meetings, the SADD Club members discuss upcoming events that they can participate in and play games. “We go out to the community to volunteer for children and families affected by others doing destructive decisions,” senior Angel Loe said. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month in Ashley Murawski’s room (1), and new members are welcomed. The SADD Club currently does not have many members. However, the club hopes to gain members by putting itself out there by doing more activities. “It is possible our low numbers are due to the recent inactivity of the club,” Enlow said, “or maybe there is a misconception about who we are and what we do.” In October, the SADD Club hosted and sponsored Red Ribbon Week. The members posted signs around the school about the negative effects of doing drugs and drinking. The signs included statistics about how dangerous the two are. “I remember in elementary school [Red Ribbon Week] was a much more influential ordeal,” Enlow said. Enlow believes the club would benefit from visiting elementary and middle schools to help spread awareness during next school year’s Red Ribbon Week festivities. For more information on about the SADD Club, talk to the club sponsor, Ashley Murawski, Angel Loe, or Erika Enlow.


The Scholar Bowl team practices hard to play hard Photos courtesy of Sonia Yang A question is asked, and each contestant rushes to be the first person to hit his or her buzzer and answer. When the question is answered correctly, points are awarded to the correct team. These are all common occurrences for the Scholar Bowl team during practices and competitions. Scholar Bowl is just like any other sport with junior varsity and varsity divisions, district, state, and regional competitions, and is sponsored by the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA). “We’re just a bunch of nerds who like to answer trivia questions,” senior Holly Dinkel said. Practices for the Scholar Bowl team take place in Jeff Carter’s room (144) Monday after school until 4:15, Tuesday from 6:50 to 7:30 in the morning, and Thursday from 6:50 to 7:30 in the morning and after school until 4:15. Members must come to at least two meetings a week, and anyone can join. “The more practices you come to, the better you are at answering questions,” Dinkel said. “The more practices you come to, the better chance you have to be on varsity.” The meetings let members get used to the format used in competitions. Many of the practice questions are either pyramid questions, where

students wait for something that sounds familiar before answering, or slam dunks, which are two-word terms that are used the most at competitions. Questions are asked from various categories including math, history, literature, science, geography, fine arts, and music. Each member has a specialty. The practice the Scholar Bowl team puts in does not feel like work to its members. “It’s just for fun,” senior Sonia Yang said. “You do not have to be a genius to participate….You get to hang out with friends, meet new people, and use the knowledge you have learned from TV, school, and music.” For more information on how to join the Scholar Bowl team, talk to the team sponsor, Jeff Carter.


Students spend months preparing for early spring performance of les miserable junior staff- Kim barnes “Les Miserables has a mix of everything. There’s love, anger, sadness, and disappointment. There is an emotion for everyone. It’s completely and totally relatable,” senior Student Director Kelsey Ross said. There are three student directors for the musical: seniors Miranda Wickam, Morgan Noble and Kelsey Ross. The student directors have a lot of duties in the musical. Wickam and Ross’s duties ranged from taking attendance to building the set. “We have an extremely talented cast, crew and production staff,” Wickam said. “This show is definitely a task. But it’s nothing we can’t handle.” Noble’s job during rehearsals is staying organized and on top of things. “Since there’s always something to do, I could be building a wall or planning the lobby,” Noble said.

The students get ready for the musical. Making sure the sets were ready to go for “Hell Week” rehearsals was essential to production.

The girls have a lot of work cut out for them but they can’t wait for everyone to see the musical. The dates are March 2nd, 3rd, 9th, and the 10th.

“I play Eponine. She is a young girl who is streetwise and tough, but also sensitive and lonely.” -Anna Brockman

“I play Jean Valjean. The story follows him through life of unfair conditions and struggles.” -Caleb Hazelwood

“I play Marius. When he appears in the show he falls in love, but also experiences death first hand.” -Tyler Heckman



Junior staff- Page Black

Seniors play against teachers after rasing money for charity


Mrs. Kimble and Mr. Haskey


Mr. Durham and Mrs. Haling


Mr. Brooner and Ms. Schultz


Mrs. Calloway and Mr. Kelley


Q & A with Logan Taylor and Corey Jackson Q: How did your prior basketball experience help with the games? A: Being aggressive against the teachers. Q: How did you get your team pumped up? A: I just told them that we are better than what we think we are and when we work together we can do anything.





Senior Corey Jackson, pumps up his team before the game. Jackson helped his team mates stay pumped throughout the game.


1. Sophomore Jay and Junior Regan Shultz smile proud with the cheer/ pom squad in their kickline. 2. Senior Jarred Estenson and Coach Kane Brooner fight for the ball during the game. 3. Senior Jarred Estenson slam dunks during the game. 4. Senior Kylie Vieth shoots as she is blocked by teachers: Shank, Fordyce, and Shultz. 5. Pom members backflip during the half time show.


Sports Left to Right: Junior Terrell Strader prepares to take down his opponent. Blake Dixon stays on top of his Lafayette opponent and Senior Kenneth Strader stays aggressive in a match with a Benton wrestler.

Central dominates at city tournament junior staff- megan walters

After months of preparation, Junior Matt Wright shows his full potential at the city wrestling meet on Thursday January 26th at Lafayette high school. Wright was able to lead his team to victory by pinning Osborn from Benton in 28 seconds. This competitive match gave Wright the city heavyweight title. “Matt’s match was awesome. It was an exciting moment and everyone was really proud of him.” B.J. Thomson said, who was at the matches. With eight varsity wrestlers unable to compete, the rest of the team had to step up and compete

Dayton Janssen get inspiration from Coach Swope during the match.

at a higher level. Excitement in the air, and the room only getting louder, Junior Varsity wrestlers pulled through for the win. Another intense match was Dayton Janssen against the number six ranked wrestler in the state. He defeated the highly ranked wrestler in the second period with a pin. This was also a proud night for seven other Central wrestlers who came home with city title bragging rights. Central defeated Benton with a 36 to 32 win and a 51 to 19 win over Lafayette, leaving the Indians with the city championship.

Left and Right: Dayton Janssen keeps his Benton opponent in a headlock. Senior Tyler Romeiser sizes up his opponent. Senior Shane Grier gets ready to slam his opponent and Isaac Barnes keeps a good hold on Lafayette opponent.


Sports From left to right: The senior swimmers wait for the Senior Night festivities to start. / Senior Alex Steilen meets her parents during the Senior Night ceremony. / Senior Elizabeth Hagen cheers for the other seniors. / Senior Elisha Segrist receives a bouquet of flowers from Coach Jenkins.

Senior staff--Jennifer Thies The bleachers were packed with excited spectators as the girls on the Central swim team warmed up for their final home meet of the season—Senior Night—at the YMCA January 18, 2012. It was not long until the competition between Central, Troy, and Platte County started. The girls climbed up on their platforms, and, when the buzzer went off, they leapt into the 10-feet-deep water below. During each race, swimmers on the sidelines encouraged their teammates by chanting their names and telling them to “GO!” People in the crowd also cheered on their team as well. After the varsity half of the swim meet was over, there was a special ceremony for the seniors and their parents. The seniors stood in a huddle while the rest of the girls on the team made an aisle. After a senior swimmer’s name was announced, the senior walked down the aisle as the team cheered. At the end of the aisle, each senior was given a bouquet of flowers by her swim coach Marnie Jenkins before meeting the swimmer’s parents. “It made me feel so special to be recognized as a senior even though I’ve only been swim-

Audrey Anderson “I will miss the team.”

ming one year!” senior Alex Steilen said. “The team was amazing!” After all of the seniors’ names had been called, they all dove into the water in celebration. This was not just a way to say goodbye to the seniors, but it was a way to commemorate their individual achievements through swimming. “Some of my greatest accomplishments have been swimming a 500 free and 200 IM in meets,” senior Elisha Segrist said. “They are races I never thought I could do, but I have multiple times now.” For one swimmer, just being able to swim was a big accomplishment in itself. “My greatest accomplishments would be swimming for four years and getting a varsity letter sophomore year after doctors told me I would never be able to swim because I was born with a cleft lip and palate,” senior Spencer Darnall said. Swimming has taught each swimmer important life lessons: to always persevere and to never give up on herself. These life lessons paid off when the girls won the meet. The senior girl swimmers jump into the pool after being honored. The swim team went on to win the meet.

Spencer Darnall “[I will miss] the friends I’ve made on the team, supportive coaches, and the joy I had swimming w/my team.”

Elizabeth Hagen “[I will miss] the girls and the fun we’ve had together.”

Elisha Segrist

Alex Steilen

“[I will miss] swimming every day and seeing my teammates every day.”

“[I will miss] hanging out with the team. I made so many friends when I joined the team. I especially love the bus rides.” From left to right: A swimmer takes a break after finishing a race. / A swimmer dives into the pool. / A swimmer gets set before a race.



photos by freddie cabrera, j. Mcbee photography

More than just Dancing, Poms squad required discipline, adademics and excellence junior staff-manny rivera Lights dim, and the wild crowd becomes tamed and silent. Music starts and center stage are the Pom girls, ready to impress the school with fierce, eye-catching moves. Central’s Poms squad is no joke. From coming up with a routine to putting their talented team together, they take every aspect dead serious. “Making the team is challenging,” Senior Kit Nelson says. “You must have teacher recommendations and do three night clinics where you learn routines and perform them with a partner in front of judges.” It’s a demanding process where any girl can be cut. Nobody has a guaranteed spot. “It’s hard,” Junior Rebekah Atlakson says. “I didn’t make the

team the first time I tried out.” Making the team is no walk in the park, but once you make it, it’s rewarding. “There’s a reason why making the team is tough. There’s a lot of responsibility, like coming to practice and working on routines,” Atlakson adds. Routines are choreographed or creatively put together by the team. “We usually turn on some music and the moves come to us,” Nelson explains. The Poms squad are the stars of football and basket games. Their dazzling moves capture everyone’s eyes. No matter how long it takes them to put together a routine, Central’s poms squad will always be prepared to put on a show.

The poms squad put on a half time show with the cheerleaders during the cancoming games. Their spectacular moves dazzled the crowd.

Rebekah Atlakson “Poms is a lot of work, but I don’t regret being on the team. It’s rewarding.”


Kit Nelson “We’re one big family, and it saddens me that I’m gonna have to say goodbye this year.”

London Bundridge “Good reputations are earned, and we’ve worked hard to earn and keep ours.”

Baylor Duncan “It’s feels awesome to be on the team as a sophomore. It’s quite the accomplishment.”


Indians start out season with winning streak junior staff- nick busby Dribbling down the court on a fast break junior Shun Williams sees everything. He sees the defender in front of him pressuring the ball, he sees a teammate cut to the basket, he sees the crowd, crazy as ever, yearning for him to make an exciting play, but more importantly, he sees a bright future for the boy’s basketball team. After years of tough loss after tough loss, the team found a spark and is rolling with it. The boys came out of the gate quickly this year with a 13-3 start, rolling over rival teams. “I’m very pleased with the way the team is coming together,” Coach Neil Hook said. “We hope to finish strong, but we need to improve in some areas.” Though morale is up, the team

Top left: Senior D. Irvin drives to the basket against Lee’s Summit. Left: The team stands on the sideline ready for the game.

Darrin Dudley “I feel really good because we don’t usually start out this well. We’ve been playing together for a long time now and things are finally clicking for us.”

Brad Schlange “I think we’ve set higher expectations for the rest of the season. We knew we had the potential to be this good.”

is still getting down to business when it comes time to practice. “We’re running drills and trying to stay in shape,” Williams said. “We’re still working hard and trying to finish the season how we started it.” With this season’s start, Coach Hook thinks this success can become tradition. “That’s what we work for, to build a team with success year in and year out,” Hook said. “That success encourages underclassmen and middle schoolers to come out for the team.” Even with success Coach Hook stays modest about a playoff run. “It’s whoever is playing well at the time,” Hook said. “We still need to improve in those areas.”

Above left: Senior C. Bell goes up strong for a layup. Above Center: Senior B. Schlange looks to pass his way through the defense.

Above right: Sophomore D. Gray brings the ball up the court. Gray has become a huge contributor to the team this season.

Cordell Bell “We’re looking to go to the playoffs. As a team we are collaborating better and working harder to accomplish our goals.”

top to bottom: Vice Principal J. Callaway goes in for a layup in the Senior-Faculty Games. Senior A. Chivington goes up for the jump ball. Senior swimmers jump in the pool one last time. Senior K. Strader throws his opponent to the mat. Senior C. Francis concentrates on a free throw. // Photos by Freddie Cabrera and J. McBee Photography


Indians their spirit during dress up week Juniorshow StaffBrooke Shinneman and Caitlyn Phillips

1. 1.The homecoming court all together after the king and queen were crowned. 2. Seniors Tyler Romesier and Melissa Murphy two of the seven homecoming canidates, walk down the aisle. 3. Seniors Dre Irvin and Milea McFarland both anxious to see if they had won the 2012 Frostcoming king and queen. 4.Seniors Darrin Dudley and Katherine Farrel anxiously await the frost homecoming results. 5. Seniors Tyler Romesier and Miranda Wickham both happy after winning the 2012 homecoming king and queen. 6. Senior Tyler Romesier being crowned king by last year’s homecoming queen Kelly Moyers and king Colby Bravo.






Monday: Decade Day

Tuesday: Multiplicity Day

Wednesday: Dress Up Day

Thursday: Character Day


Friday: Blue and White Day


Junior Staff- brooke shinneman and caitlyn phillips

indians terminate truman


4 1. JROTC performs their routine at the homecoming assembly. 2. The homecoming court drags away the patriot (Myles Rodney) during the homecoming skit. 3. The cheerleaders dance with the basketball boys at the assembly. 4. Senior Kit Nelson performs her heart out at her last homecoming assembly.


4 2



1 6

7 2


Junior Shun Williams wins the jump at the beginning of the game. The Indians Terminated Truman in the homecoming game.


1. Senior Brad Schlange waits for the rebound. 2. Junior Shun Williams fights to get the ball in the hoop. 3. Williams shoots a free-throw. 4. The Crazies storm the court after the final seconds of the game. 5. Coach Hook talks to the players during a time out. 6. The homecoming court and other Crazies show their spirit during the homecoming game. 7. Senior Darrin Dudley dribbles down the court.



New England father Peter Griffin and his family live in Quohog, Rhode Island. On a daily basis the family puts up with Peters wacky antics and unpredictable shenanigans.

Father Ted Mosby tells stories to his children on how he met their mother (hence the name). The story looks back on his interesting past experiences.

This show follows the lives of four teenage mothers dealing with the trials of balancing school, jobs, and their children.



Four friends, and Danny Diveto, are the owners and employees of an Irish bar in Philadelphia. Some how they seem to get themselves in strange situations daily.

Two socially awkward high school dimwits, Beavis and Butthead, go though life laughing constantly and doing nothing useful with their lives. The show is a continuation from the 90’s hit.

In this unique comedy, a woman moves into an apartment across from two very socially strange guys that are very brilliant physicists. The show delves into the dynamics of their friendship.

Scrubs is a comedy that takes a look at the lives of a group of young interns fresh out of medical school entering the workforce. Each and every character has a unique personality and the way they interact with each other makes this an amazing show to watch when you want a good laugh. The main person of interest in the show is an intern named John Dorian or J.D.. J.D. is a goofy, but very eager physician who does all he can to help patients in the hospital. His best friend, and very competitive surgeon, is Dr. Christopher Turk. Turk and J.D. were roomates in college and medical school, and somehow managed to get hired by the same hospital. Turk was an athlete all throughout high school and college, and took that competiveness with him to the medical field. He believes that death is the opponent, and he’s good at the game. He saves more lives than he loses. Turk is married to Carla Espinosa. Espinosa is a veteran nurse at the hospital. She looks over all of the interns and forms a close friendship with Elliot Reed. Dr. Reed is a pushover who is over-sensitive of her appearance. Despite these faults, she is a skilled physician. Then there’s Dr. Cox: sarcastic, cruel, yet very hilarious, aCox is one of my favorite characters. He is very close to J.D., and shows it by calling him countless female names and insulting him every day at work. This show has such a colorful cast of background characters that there is never a dull day at Sacred Heart Hospital. The show does a great job of hitting you with random comedy that has you holding your side laughing, like its use of character’s thoughts, funny situations, and cut-away scenes. The cut-away scenes are my favorite part of the show. Whether it’s dancing with Rerun from Whats Happening, Turk laughing with the Fat Albert crew after a joke, or J.D. dancing with patients to foreign music, its classic use of random cut-aways makes the show priceless. Besides thefact that it’s the funniest show I’ve ever seen, every episode has an emotional conflict that makes you stop and think about life. That’s what make Scrubs truly special to me.


Opinion For


senior staff- rachel pankau

senior staff- lauren smith

The two weeks out of the year that we celebrate Homecoming are some of the most exciting. Students look forward to dressing up in outrageous and fun costumes for spirit week. The Homecoming games are a lot of times the only football or basketball games some students attend all year. For three years students watch the seniors be elected to homecoming court and go through coronation, many hoping to be up there themselves their senior year. As part of the homecoming tradition, only in-season athletes are able to vote in the preliminaries for the Homecoming Court. Then the whole student body votes on who wins Homecoming King and Queen, out of the seven girls and seven guys selected. When time comes around to select the fourteen members of court every year, students unable to vote often protest and wish to have more of a say in who is chosen. But through tradition, athletes have always been the ones to vote in the preliminaries. I believe in keeping this tradition because Homecoming has always originally been for the athletes, they should have more of a say than the rest of the student body in who represents them that night. An athlete once explained it to Kathy Northup, Student Government advisor, as “it is our homecoming, we are coming home to our supporters. It is a celebration of the sport and it’s tradition at Central.” Although Homecoming is not all about the athletes, they are a huge part of it. They are the ones performing. The idea was never to have only athletes on court, as many wrongly think. “Every year I look at the results, and it’s a nice blend of students,” Northup said. There is always a few athletes, but with them are people involved in theater, other activities, or just well-known and liked students. The tradition of Homecoming and the homecoming court is a tradition that we should keep for the athletes, in order to celebrate them and how they represent Central High School.

“No, because it doesn’t give a fair representation of the whole student body.” -Senior Morgan Downey (Fall Athlete)


“No, because then no one else gets a say as to who is on court and it is not fair.” - Senior Lexi Wall (Spring Athlete)

With winter homecoming now over, many of us are just glad we don’t have to stress over what to wear on dress up days and who we’re going ot vote for for King and Queeen, but some wish they would have been able to have more say in the primary votings. While most of us were happy wth the results of who made it on court, some wish that they would have had more say throughout the process. “Everyone should be able to vote because we should all be treated equal,” freshman Brennen Schultz said. Just because you participate in sports doesn’t mean you should have a bigger say in who makes it on court over those who don’t. School is a place where everyone should have the same rights and be treated equal, and that shouldn’t change when it comes to homecoming. “It’s just tradition; it’s always been that way,” Student Government sponsor Kathy Northup said. Homecoming week is a time for everyone to enjoy being a part of something whether they are in a sport or not. It shouldn’t be biased; only allowing sports participants to choose the court; homecoming should include everyone. The goal of homecoming is for everyone to participate and show school spirit, but why should we if itl’s biased?

“Yes, because it is a privilege the atheletes earn.” -Sophomore Mollie Siemens

“No, because people that are involved in the school, clubs, show choir, whatever, should have a say in who they want to represent them... Athletes are not the only ones that run for court anymore.”Senior Myles Rodney (Studnent Government and Theatre)

“Yes, it’s a tradition for the Homecoming Court to be representing the athletes.” - Rebecca Callaway (Math Teacher)


DECA Raises Money for local charities through silent auction senior staff- lauren smith Chairs, stools, and desks filled the cafeteria Thursday January 19th for the DECA Chairs for Charity event. People quickly piled in to look at all of the designs and place their bids on their favorites. For this being the first year, the event was a major success. Seniors Katey Lawrence, Katherine Farrell, and Melissa Murphy set up this event as a part of their senior project for DECA. “I thought this would be an interesting way to get the clubs involved in a huge charity project,” Lawrence said. Clubs ranging from Ecology to FBLA took time to design and paint chairs to help benefit those in need. This event raised $640, all of which was donated. A chair was also set up at the event that people could paint their own designs on, and was donated to the Noyes Home at the end of the night. “I was really happy with the outcome,” Lawrence said. “So many people showed up and we were all really proud.” This was the first year the event occured, but by using advertising and marketing techniques, Farrel, Murphy, and Lawrence were able to get the word out. Teachers, students, and parents all attended the event. Lawrence hopes that this event is continued in future years, and raises even more money.

Left to right: DECA Advisor David Jordan speaks out about the thought behind Chairs for Charity. People walk aound looking at all of the chairs. Junior Zach Hill describes the thought behind the design on a chair. A visitor paints on the chair donated to the Noyes Home. People examine the chairs and designs. Murphy, Lawrence, and Farrell talk about why they chose this project and give thanks. Pictures courtsey of Freddie Cabrera

Cassie Halling- FBLA “I wanted to donate for a good cause”

Megan Walters “It was a fun and creative way to raise money for a good cause”

Drew Bodicky “I wanted to help out with the Chairs for Charity foundation”



30 Jumping Jacks

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

5 Pushups

25 High Knees 7 Burpees

10 Crunches 7 Squats

5 Pushups

10 Crunches 5 Pushups 7 Squats

30 Jumping Jacks 1 Minute Wall Sit 5 Pushups

25 High Knees

Drink a lot more water! Eat small portions every 2 hours!

Do NOT skip breakfast


Get enough rest

Be sure to check the nutrition facts before you eat anything: particularly supposedly “healthy snacks.”

1. Air Popped Popcorn 2. Nonfat Cottage Cheese 3.Hard Boiled Eggs 4. Hummus 5. Peanut Butter 6. Fruit Smoothies 7. Almonds 8. Sliced Apples


“Booty Wurk by T-Pain” -Senior Katie Brinkley

9. Frozen Grapes 10. Orange slices 11. Broccoli Florets 12. Green Salad 13. Cherry Tomatoes 14. Frozen Mangos 15. Sunflower Seeds 16. Soy Chips 17. Bean Salad

“The Motto by Drake” -Senior Lauren Smith

18. Tuna 19. Sliced Chicken Breast 20. Pickles 21. Olives 22. Sugar Free Jello 23. Nonfat Yogurt 24. Frozen Yogurt 25. Protein Bars

“La La La by LMFAO” -Junior Lauren Gunderson

“All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled” -Senior Brad Schlange

“In The Club by 50 Cent” -Senior Joe Wilson


photos and photo illustrations by jillian may

senior staff- jillian may

Makes 4 servings Each serving of cheese stuffed chicken breast contains: 141 calories 13g protein 1g carbohydrate 7g total fat Ingredients: 4 (6 ounce) boneless, skinless chicken breast halves 4 ( ounce) slices reduced fat Jarlsberg or other Swiss cheese 4 thin slices prosciutto di Parma or reduced fat and reduced sodium ham 1 Tablespoon olive oil teaspoon freshly ground black pepper teaspoon dried thyme leaves, crushed

1. Cut a pocket in the thick side of each chicken breast, being careful not to cut through the sides. Fold the cheese slices in half and insert them into the chicken. Wrap a piece of chicken to cover the cut side, and secure with a wooden pick. 2. Grease a large nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray, add the oil, and heat over medium high heat until hot but not smoking. Add the chicken, rounded sides up, to the pan and cook until lightly browned, about 1 minute. 3. Turn the chicken over and sprinkle with the pepper and thyme. 4. Cover and cook over medium low heat until an instant read thermometer inserted in the chicken registers 160 degrees F and the chicken is cooked through, about 20 minutes. Serve with a side of carrots.

) ( 20 Crunches 60 Second Plank 100 High Kicks 30 Squats 30 Second Side Planks 40 Crunches w/ Weights 20 Side Crunches Stretch It Out!



junior staff- jacy atkins

“Eat healthier, less fast food.” -Senior Brad Schlange


“Be less distracted by Twitter during school.” -Senior Amber Chivington

“Not make Mrs. Hoecker mad at me.” -Senior Ryan Janni

“To work out everyday.” -Junior Johnny Monahan

“Be a better person” “Play football next year.” -Juniors Tanner Day and Brandon Perkins


Senior Staff- megan grace and jillian may

#1 Get plenty of rest the night before the test #2 Eat a nutritious breakfast prior #3 Pack extra No. 2 pencils and good erasers #4 Put new batteries in your calculator #5 Pace yourself- don’t spend too much time on one question #6 Eliminate as many incorrect answers as possible #7 Answer EVERY question- there is no penalty for guessing


How many hours of rest do you recommend prior to testing?

What are the best things to pack for the ACT?

8-10 hours.

What do you recommend to eat for breakfast prior to testing? Eat a high protein, complex carb, and stay away from caffeine. Apples are good for waking up the brain. Drink lots of liquid!

Every test-taker suffers from the plague that is stress. So how do we solve this problem? Easy! If you’ve got an extra five minutes the morning of the ACT, try one of these activities to get your mind off the test. 1. Spend some time in the sun: Take a little more time walking out to your car. If it’s too cold, open the


A high protein snack, a calculator, pencils, and your ID card.

What is your #1 tip for taking the ACT? Relax and be confident in yourself.

curtains in your room while you get ready! 2. Jump some rope: The repetitive motion will make you relaxed and focused. 3. Crank up some tunes: play songs that bring back good memories. Choose anything that gives you a positive image.

4. Breathe deeply: touch your index fingers and your thumbs together to stop yourself from what you’re doing, and take a long, deep breath. 5. Say your ZYX’s: saying the alphabet backward will distract you from the task at hand.


Staff picks

Top Left to Bottom Left:// JROTC performs their routine at the Homecoming Pep Assembly/ by F. Cabrera// Senior Boys dress up in basketball jerseys for Multiplicity Day// by F. Cabrera// The Crazies Crowd Tebowing after they storm the floor at the Homecoming Game// by K. Larson// Middle: //The


Varsity Basketball boys lift the Cheerleaders in their dance routine at the Pep Assembly// by F. Cabrera// bottom left to right:// The homecoming court carries off the Truman Patriot in the traditional skit at the Pep Assembly// by F. Cabrera// Senior Lexi Wall and friends pose on Multipicity day of

Homecoming Week// by F. Cabrera// Senior Ali Howat drives around her opponent// taken by F. Cabrera// King Tyler Romeiser and Queen Miranda Wickam deliver their speech after being crowned at the Coronation Ceremony// by J.McBee.


Meet the Staff: What is your New Year’s Resolution? Megan Grace Editor in Chief Senior Megan Grace is going to eat one more serving of fruit a day and learn how to write with her left hand. Jennifer Thies Copy Editor Senior Jennifer Thies is going to worry about things less.

Jillian May Design Editor Senior Jillian May doesn’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. She believes in lifestyle changes. Erika Enlow Senior Staff

Freddie Cabrera Senior Staff

Kim Barnes Junior Staff

Senior Carrie Hillebrand is going to stay healthy.

Regan Schultz Junior Staff Junior Regan Schultz is going to live life to the fullest.

Senior Lauren Smith made a goal to workout five days a week.

Senior Shelby Smolke didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution.

Junior Page Black is not going to get sick all year.

Junior Caitlyn Phillips is going to stop drinking pop.

Brooke Shinneman Junior Staff Junior Brooke Shinneman didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution.

Central Editorial Policy: The High School Outlook is the official student newspaper of Central High School whose goal is to provide unbiased, accurate stories. The Outlook is an open forum for student expression and as such is not subject to prior review. The Outlook will be published on the school website the last school day of each of the following months: September, October, November, Decem-

Senior Alex Steilen is going to stop freaking out so much.

Jacy Atkins Junior Staff

Senior Taylor Swavey is going to get more involved in the community.

Junior Jacy Atkins is going to keep up with working out.

Nick Busby Junior Staff

Junior Cecil Bratton is going to be a better person.

Caitlyn Phillips Junior Staff

Alex Steilen Senior Staff

Taylor Swavey Senior Staff

Cecil Bratton Junior Staff

Lauren Gunderson Junior Staff Junior Lauren Gunderson doesn’t believe in New Years Resolutions.

Senior Rachel Pankau didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution.

Carrie Hillebrand Senior Staff

Page Black Junior Staff

Junior Kim Barnes is going to get in shape this year.

Lauren Smith Copy Editor

Shelby Smolke Senior Staff

Senior Erika Enlow is going to do everything she can to get a full-ride to college.

Senior Freddie Cabrera is going to learn how to dance and also take a picture that will make him famous.

Rachel Pankau Design Editor

Junior Nick Busby is going to stay in shape.

Miranda Clark Junior Staff

Manny Rivera Junior Staff

Junior Miranda Poulson-Clark doesn’t have a New Year’s Resolution.

Megan Walters Junior Staff Junior Megan Walters is going to show up to school on time.

ber, January, February, March and April. The staff is comprised of Central High School publications students. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect upon the views of the faculty, students or community as a whole.Letters to the editors are welcomed. Please note that letters and messages are subject to editing for clarity or brevity. The editorial board reserves the right to reject a letter that is perceived as inappropriate. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

Junior Manny Rivera is going to do a new sport.

Derek Rice Senior Staff Senior Derek Rice is going to make a difference and then continue doing it.

Jackie Scott Adviser Adviser Jackie Scott is going to live a healthier lifestyle.


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