The Outlook: March Issue

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Outlook Written by the CRAZIES for the CRAZIES

Les Miserables

SBO Elections

Spring Sports

Art Awards

Spring Musical

Face Off

Run, Swing, Catch


Cenral steps up their game in the new spring musical.

Central students go head to head in student body debates.

The spring sports teams gear up for their new season.

Several students were recognized for their abilities in the creative arts at the Albrecht-Kemper.




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VB- Varsity Basebal JVB- JV baseball Soc- Girls Soccer T- Boys Tennis BT- Boys Track GT- Girls Track G- Golf





9 No School Spring Break









SBO Results 2 Hr. Early Out Cheerleader Tryout Soc- @ L.S. West VB- NKC @ Phil Info Mtg 5 pm Welch 4 pm VB- Platte County T- Kearney4 pm GV @ Molila 3 pm @ Bartlett 4 pm BT- Rockhurst T- CHS invitaSoc- Staley 5 pm Relays (FR) tional 8 am

Cheerleader Tryouts 5:30- 7 pm

Pom Pon Tryouts 3-5 pm VB- Park HIll @ Phil Welch 4 pm Soc- Kearney @ Home 5 pm



5-W 6 No School No School Spring Break Spring Break

Saturday 7









Crash Simulation Cheerleader tryouts 9:15 am 5:30-7 pm Josten’s Cap and Gown Delivery during lunch Cheerleader tryouts Pom Pon Tryouts 3-5 pm FCCLA- mini Golf at Cool Crest 5 pm Band Concer 7 pm



Flag Team Tryouts Cabinet Applica5-7 pm tions due by 3 pm Flag Team Tryouts VB Truman @ 5-7 pm Phil Welch 4 pm VB- @ Oak Park FCCLA Easter Party 4 am GJV- Oak Park inv. 5-7 pm


Josten’s Cap and Gown Delivery Pom Pont tryouts 3-5 pm VB- Liberty @ Phil Welch 4 pm

Cabinet Selection Cabinet Tap Day All Day Flag Team Tryouts Flag Team Tryouts BT/GT- Gary 5-7 pm Parker Inv. @ Blue VB- L.S.W @ Springs Bartlett 4 pm Cheerleader Finals 5:30=7 Soc- @ Ruskin 5 pm T- Leavenworth Tourn. 9 am

Lion’s Club Luncheon (top 10% seniors) VB- Pony Express Tourn. SocNKC tourn. BT- GTKansas Relays




Pom Pon finals 5:30 State Music Contest - 7:30 PROM @ Moila VB- @NKC 4 pm Soc- @ Oak Park 8-11 pm T- Blue Springs 5 pm Spirng Fling Run Tourn 8 am 8-11 am

VB- Rusking @ Bartlett 4 pm Soc- L.S. West @ Home 5 pm

Prom The much anticipated event is just around the corner! This year’s theme is “Meet me in Times Square”. Juniors and Seniors be sure to keep your attendance up and get ready for the big night!




Flo May

Cheer Tryouts Poms Tryouts If you are looking to try out for the Cheerleading Squad make sure to attend the informational meeting April 2nd, and tryouts April 16- 19!

If you want to be on the Indianettes Poms team be sure to attend tryouts April 23rd- 26th!

Spring Break Spring Break is just around the corner, start making your plans! There is an early out on Wednesday the 4th and no school until Monday! Enjoy this last vacation until summer!


Students Lead the Way j

Junior Manny Rivera flips back and forth showcasing his outstanding portfolio. Photo illustration by Jackie Scott

Should student led conferences stay or go?

Shelby Mills “I think we should get rid of them because it’s hard to schedule them in.”

Students Showcase Academic Achievement Through Student-Led Conferences Junior staff manny rivera Conference, as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is a formal meeting for discussion. Here at Central High School it’s more than that: it is different than your typical parent teacher conference. For starters, it’s not even called “parent teacher conferences.” Instead it’s called “student led conferences” and the students are the ones taking charge; guiding their parents through the conference. While the idea of students having control of their conference seems beneficial, it still has its cons. “It’s not a horrible idea, because there are kids who don’t have that relationship with their parents and don’t get to speak with them all that much at home,” Junior Shelby Mills said. “At the same time though, student led conferences are almost an inconvenience because you only have one day to do it, and finding time out of a busy schedule is quite difficult.” Mills makes a bold point. Finding time to schedule your student led conference can be a hassle for students that juggle sports, homework, and a part time job. Not only that, but some students lack anything to discuss during their conference. Mills adds, “There’s not much to talk about in these conferences either. We present our portfolios and take a very brief look at our grades, but other than that there’s not much to talk about.” Student portfolios are a mass collection of work from every single class. They spend weeks carefully selecting their best work to put on showcase for their parents. While it’s a great idea, it’s still not enough for students to want student led conferences. Between scheduling conflicts and lack of discussion, there are more problems than solutions. With cons outnumbering the pros, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out this first grade equation.

Danielle Parham “I don’t like them, but I think we should keep them to keep our parents informed about school.

Sloane Eisenberg “We need them for the sake of kids who don’t communicate with their parents at home.”



Senior staff- megan grace

NHS Inductees Honored

Senior Ebony Davis lights her candle before joining her fellow NHS members on the risers.

Qualities to be Proud of


Leadership is being able to guide a group. Leaders must hold a position of authority.

Academics are scholarly understandings of the world.

Service is giving yourself to better something, be it the world or just a person.

Character is having a strong sense of self and being someone others appreciate.

From the top: Emily Stolfus delivers her speech about service. Photo by F. Cabrera. Karis Caldwell ignites her NHS candle. Photo by F. Cabrera. Holly Dinkel receives the medal for academics from Dr. Williams. Photo by F. Cabrera.


Finalist for Teacher of the Year Business Teacher Lisa Beavers Receives Nomination for Teacher of the Year junior staff- miranda clark-poulson Some people settle for jobs, while others strive for a career. When marketing teacher Lisa Beavers became a teacher, she knew she had found her career. “I wanted a job with AmeriCorps, and Central offered that,” Beavers said. Beavers was a finalist for Teacher of the Year. She has been a teacher for 10 years, and before that she was in the guidance center for five years. However, she has not always been part of the Saint Joseph School District. “I did a lot of volunteer work for about 10 years,” Beavers said. “It was just kind of a dream of mine to see a lot of the country and we got to do that.” Teaching may not be the ideal career for everyone. Once they leave school, they don’t want to come back. However, some people look forward to educating the next generation. “I like to educate students on all the great opportunities there are within the St. Joseph community, within the United States, within the whole global world,” Beavers said. Being nominated for Teacher of the Year is a big deal. Not everyone gets to be recognized for doing something they love. To be selected, your peers have to nominate you. “It was a great honor because there are so many good teachers at Central High School and just within the St. Joseph School District,” Beavers said.

What do you think? “I really believe she cares for her students. She is encouraging and wants them to succeed.” -Businees teacher Jason Simpson

“She’s very dedicated and loves what she does. She puts a lot of hard work and quality time in everything she does.” -Business Teacher Cassie Halling



Prom 2012: Preparing for the Big Day Make- Up Tips and Tricks

Start off with a completely clean face.

Draw your eye liner going from the side to the inside of your duct.

Apply the taupe color with the big brush over eyelid.

Apply the peach color on in the crevice of your eye.

Apply the white below the brow to highlight it.

Take the black and lightly brush the edge of your eye.

The best way to put mascara on Make sure you put a small is to start from the duct, brush amount on your bottom lashes four or five times and work your too. way to the edge. Your edge should look flared and spiderlike with no clumps.


The result? Night-like and fun. It’s a very simple yet smokey look and goes with most formal looks.

senior staff- Carrie Hillebrand Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to reserve your limo, place orders on tuxes and dresses, and make your hair appointments. Prom. It’s every high school junior’s dream and the seniors’ last main event before graduation. There’s dancing, food, music, and an abundant amount of decorations. So how exactly do you prepare for this sort of thing? Senior Kayla Bielby was excited to go to prom last year and is just as excited this year. “I already have my dress picked out,” Bielby said. “I’m happy it’s almost less than a month away but kind of sad that it’ll be our last big event.” Girls have a different process of preparing for prom. On prom day, girls require make-up, shoes, accessories, bobby pins, and lots and lots of hairspray. Do you have your dress picked out yet? Companies such as Jovani, La Femme, Sherri Hill, and Allure have beautifully designed dresses that’ll light the night up. If you’re limited on spending, you can go to places such as Deb or J.C. Penney’s to pick out an elegant and affordable dress. If you plan to have your hair done at a salon, you should make your appointment two to three weeks before prom. Regis and Master Cuts are convenient places to get your hair done and they do wonders. Bliss has a wide range of choices with innovative hairstyles and very friendly customer service. Search prom hairstyles so you can show the stylist what you want. Shoes are the most important thing you want to consider. You could go with heels, but have blisters the next morning. If you do decide to go with heels, make sure you bring an extra pair of sandals or even matching Toms. Another way to get some height- but not be so afraid of falling over- is pops, which are half-inch heels. They’re cute, can be worn casual, or even formal. Boys, your job is to get the tuxedo and pick out those toe shoes. Banana Republic and Sperry sell them as well as places like J.C. Penny’s and Dillard’s. Some guys like to, if their date is wearing bright colors, wear their colorful Nike’s to match with their date and their suit. It saves money and pain on the toes. Check for any loose hems or buttons that way they won’t have to be taken care of at the last minute. Also, sometimes it’s not always easy to remember what color your date’s dress is so make sure you bring a picture with you to the store you’re buying/renting from. Places such as Randall’s in East Hills Mall and, soon to be here Tip Top Tux, sell and rent a variety of tuxes. The theme for this year’s Junior-Senior prom is “Meet Me in Times Square” and will be held at the Moila Country Club, the same place as last year’s. It will be held on Saturday April 28th, 2012 from eight to 11 P.M. Last but not least, if you’re not a big fan of getting your picture taken for prom, just remember that every moment is something you should hold onto even after you get out of high school. Memories like this only happen once.

And the Winners Are: Central Students have Award Winners in Every Category Entered


Central Art Students Dominate at Local High School Art Show Over 300 students from over 30 schools Participated in the Albrecht Kemper High School Art Show junior staff- megan walters

Kylie Vieth Honorable Mention Photography

Sylvia Majerus 3rd Place Ceramics

Chase Sabbert 3rd Place Alternative

Haylee Manson 2nd Place Ceramics

Jillian May 2nd Place Alternative

Central has a reputation for being the best. In visual arts students more than live up to the reputation. All year Central art students have worked on projects to submit into the art show at the Albrecht Art museum. They compete for first, second and third place with schools from all around. There were categories such as 3D art, photography, painting, film and drawing. Every category that Central submitted artwork for either placed or got an honorable mention. While all produced outstanding work, all of the artists were inspired by different things. Appropriately titled “My Other Talent” Joe Cochran painted a picture of a piano “I play the piano, or I used to for as long as I can remember, and I’ve always liked pianos,” Cochran said. In the photography category, Freddie Cabrera submitted a portrait of Central’s own Mrs. Gershon “I like taking portraits,” Cabrera said. “Especially when it’s a portrait of someone who has a story to tell. It interests me.” Cabrera got 1st place in his category and was the only student with a perfect score in all of the categories. Cochran and Cabrera were not the only ones who did well in this competition. Chase Sabbert placed third in Alternative, Haylee Manson placed second in Ceramics, Sylvia Majerus placed third in Ceramics, Kylie Vieth got an honorable mention in photograhy, Jill May placed second in Alternative, Isaac Taliaferro and Savannah Sellars recieved and honorable mention in Ceramics, Xan Holt placed second in painting, Nathan Pinion received an honorable mention in Alternative, Mikey Perpitch- Harvy received an honorable mention in 3D and last but not least, Trenton Shockley placed second in 3D.

Taking 1st: Two Students Win First in their Category

Isaac Taliaferro and Savannah Sellars Honorable Mention Ceramics Xan Holt 2nd Place Painting

Nathan Pinion Honorable Mention Alternative

Trenton Shockley 2nd Place- 3D Mikey tPerpitchHarvey Honorable Mention 3D

“I’ve always liked pianos.” Junior- Joe Cachran 1st Place- Painting

“ I like taking portraits. Especially when it’s a portrait of someone who has a story to tell.” Senior- Freddie Cabrera 1st Place- Photography



Breaking Ground: Physical Education, Sports Get New Facility New Wing is Paid Through Fundraising Efforts Senior Staff-shelby smolke As classes grow each year, the school seems to be getting smaller. Practice spaces for sports become limited when weather conditions change. Everyone wishes there was more space in the school for everything, but there isn’t as of yet. With the limited space issue for classes and sport activities, the school plans to build a new wing to solve the problem. With the economy being so tight this year, how can we afford to make this possible? “It was funded by private donations and district funds” athletic director Mr. Paul Athens said, with these funds and donations to help build a new facility, there will be more space in our school. “The building will be great for students and staff and will help with the limited space we have in our building,” Athens said. Our school has made a lot of changes and additions in past years, and that doesn’t leave many locations on where to build this new facility. “It will be directly south of the main building, the area between the building and sidewalk,” Athens said. This space is the area where football practices take place, and where most of the other sport practices take place as well. The new building is going to consist of a new weight room, locker rooms, classroom, and an area for cheerleaders and pom teams to practice as well as a wrestling practice area. It will also have locker rooms for both girls and boys sports teams. The building will be completed before the new school year begins this fall allowing for more space, and better work out conditions then what we currently have now.

What do you think of the New Facility?

mrs. jessica french


“As a PE and dance and aerobics instructor, I am super excited to get this new building. We have been lacking in space for a very long time now. At any given hour of the day, there are as many as 4 PE classes going on, with only 2 legitimate spaces that we can use (freshman gym & main gym). Now that we are getting this new building, hopefully space issues will be solved.”

mr. kevin kelley

“I think it will help to relieve our gym problems only having two areas for classes, by putting weight training in the new building. It also will be a great update as we will have a state of the art building with new locker rooms and facilities for our athletes and to showcase to the rest of the suburban conference.”


Cotillion for Achievement Seniors are recognized for their achievements Senior Staff--Jennifer Thies

What was the best part of Cotillion?

“The best part about this experience is meeting the other finalists and getting to know the adults in Cotillion.” --Logan Taylor

“[The best part is] getting to know all the other finalists and having a good time.” --Emily Stolfus

More than $332,000 has been awarded to over than 499 students since 1986 through the Cotillion for Achievement. The program gives $700 in scholarship money to 18 of the finalists and $2,500 in scholarship money to the winners: the top boy and the top girl. “[Cotillion] is a program that works to recognize seniors in Andrew and Buchanan counties’ scholastic achievements and community activities,” finalist Emily Stolfus said. To be considered for Cotillion, seniors had to go through a rigorous process. They had to fill out an application, get a teacher’s recommendation, write a short essay, answer basic questions about family income, and turn in a current transcript, all of which were submitted to a selection committee made up of people from around the community. Many of the applicants started to get involved in their community before or during their freshman year, which helped them in the application process, and, for the lucky 20 finalists, to be chosen to participate. “Beginning my freshman year, I volunteered in the community, concentrated on getting good grades, and tried to have a wide variety of activities, such as clubs, sports, and student government,” finalist Logan Taylor said. The finalists were informed of their selection early in December and began to take classes, called adventure sessions, in early January. During the adventure sessions, the contestants learned how to waltz, social graces, and etiquette as well as toured different places around Saint Joseph, such as News-Press 3 Now and the Kit Bond Incubator Facility. “[Through this experience]…I have learned the value of service and how it can benefit our community,” Taylor said. The winners were announced at the annual Cotillion for Achievement Ball on March 24. Tyler Davison from St. Joe Christian and Blayre Helm from Savannah won the top scholarships.

“The best part was adventure sessions. We all learned a lot from them, and they were actually pretty fun! All things considered, I think that they were the most beneficial....” --Adam Kisling



Freshman Mentor Program Senior Staff-Manny Rivera

“Cool.” As a teenager, what does it mean to be, “cool?” Central’s mentors define cool as being a responsible individual who makes decisions for themselves, somebody who doesn’t jump on the bandwagon, somebody who is a leader, and somebody who knows the thin line between what’s wrong and what’s right. Mentors are above the, “cool” status. They pave the way for incoming freshmen and lead them to a successful and bright future. They are the light at the end of the tunnel for scared and frightened freshmen who look at high school as a confusing labyrinth. Becoming a mentor means becoming a leader. Anybody seeking to become a mentor has big shoes to fill. FMP President Morgan Downey said “A mentor should be sociable, outgoing, and fun.” That alone isn’t


Top to Bottom: Freshmetn make cards for elderly, Junior Sydney Ogelsby cuts out shapes, David Catheral helps a freshman in math, Erica Eagleburger gives a helping hand.

enough. Being a freshmen mentor is a truckload of huge responsibilities. A mentor must give up his/hers Flex and be in a Freshman Flex, they must always carry their orange lanyard with them, and above anything else, mentors must always set a good example. Mentors represent Central High School and reflect our strong moral values. “Mentors have to know the difference between what’s wrong and right,” Junior mentor Sydney Oglesby said. “As a mentor I feel we set pretty good examples for the Freshmen. My Freshman are a great group of kids and I look forward to seeing them do great things at Central High School.” We all need a little help sometimes, and Central’s mentors offer that and more.

FMP: Answers from MaryAnn Dudley Senior Staff-Manny Rivera

About how many mentors do you take in? We take in about 65 mentors.


How many application do you get?

What do you look for in a mentor? Someone who is caring, willing to help others, and outgoing.

We get roughly 90 applications.

How long does it take to go through all the applications? About 5 hours.

What does it take to be a mentor?

Mrs. Mary ann dudley “A mentor should be caring.”


Justin Schletzbaum “It takes someone willing to give up their time.”

Morgan Downey “Being a mentor means being outgoing, social, and fun.”

Sydney Oglesby

“A mentor knows the difference between what’s right and wrong.”

London Bundridge “A mentor is above the influence.”

Samantha Huckuntod “Mentors do more that just get good grades.”


The City that Never Sleeps Central an Lafayette DECA students Take a trip to new york city Junior staff-megan walters

On Thursday, March 1 2012, a group of 64 students and chaperones from Central and Lafayette's DECA program boarded a plane to New York City. DECA takes its stu dents on a trip every year, and this year was the city that never sleeps. This trip was highly anticipated for about six months while the DECA advisors planned the trip. Upon arriving, the students found their rooms at the New Yorker Hotel on 42nd street and then immediately got in a double decker tour bus to explore every key point of New York city and even get educated on the history of some of the neighborhoods, districts and buildings. The students got the full New York experience on the third night of their trip when they got dressed in their fanciest clothes and attended the Phantom Of the Opera on Broadway and then ate New York style cheesecake following the production. The students did a lot of shopping in places such as China town, 5th avenue, Times Square and even the SOHO district. As most New Yorkers do, they bought four day Metro passes and took the subway everywhere they went. They took eye-opening tours at places like ground zero, liberty island, Ellis island and got to experience what it was like to be 86 stories above the city at the top of the Empire State Building. Along with having a phenomenal time in New York, and seeing everything the city had to offer, it was a great way for the students to become more cultured and experienced. View of New York City from the top of the Empire State Building Left to Right: Blair Griffin, Megan Walters, Abbey Miller, Regan Schultz, Ashley Wilcoxson. 2: Drew Bodicky, Ty Franklin, Ryan Janni, Joe Cochran, Taylor Rossow, Jacob Muff, Zach Hill, Nick Busby, Paige Shelter, Nick Adams, Alyssa Bright. 3: Ashley Wilcoxson, Alyssa Bright, Paige Shelter, Nick Adams, Joe Cochran, Megan Walters, Jacob Muff, Abbey Miller. 4: New York City 5: Group Photo at Liberty Island. 6: Group photo in the dugout of the Yankees stadium.


Opportunity of a Lifetime: Foreign Exchange Program Senior Staff-taylor swavey Many people dream of taking a journey to another country. The chance to meet new people, see new things, and gain new experiences are all aspects of traveling that people love the most. The St. Joseph Downtown Rotary Club is seeking students for a summer Short Term Youth Exchange so that those kids can gain a sense of understanding for other cultures. Here at Central,sophomore Saige Sheets took participated in the program and ventured to France because she had “always wanted to go to France, see Paris, and just be a part of their culture.” For those who think that going to another country might be intimidating and different, Sheets describes it as “very exciting and an amazing experience.” When traveling to another country, learning the language is key to communication with anyone. Sheets describes this experience with her new friend as a little dificult. “In the beginning we had to talk slow, but by the time she had to leave we talked easily,” Sheets said. Portraying this journey as memorable to say the least, Sheets said “it is experiencing a culture hands on rather than just studying it from a book.” Of course, with any program, there are guide-

lines, rules, and stipulations. For the European Short-Term Youth Exchange it is a three-week summer reciprocal exchange for students between the ages of 15 and 19. The student must live with a European host youth and their family for three weeks. They then return home to the U.S. with the European youth for three weeks. The exchange is usually in France, Germany, or Sweden. The departure date is around mid June for Americans and on August 9th the Europeans return home. However, this exchange is not a mere random choice of host. The American and European youths are matched by age and interests. Once a match is proposed, the youths send emails, photos, etc. This is a way of getting to know one another before leaving for the exchange. All students interested must fill out an application (found online at Home.aspx?cid=4556). The costs for applicants is around $1,415 for health insurance, airfare, spending money, and cost to host the European youth. To learn more information contact the Downtown Rotary Club at or by calling 279-1839.

Questions and Answers from LaVelle Rucker


What made you want to go to Paris, France? “I love to travel and I’m a photographer. To be honest, the year before I went to France, I was in two other countries for other programs.” Were you ever worried during your trip to France? “I wasn’t ever worried except when my luggage was lost...I didn’t get it until a week into the trip.”


Was learning different languages difficult? “Since I didn’t take French before, it was still very difficult to talk and understand people, but it was really fun.” Would you go to France and go through the exchange program again? “I would love to go to France again, but I would also like to try a new place too.”


What do you think of the Foreign Exchange Program?

Cydney Puckett

I think it would be cool.”


Madeline Norcross

“It’s a good way for students to understand other cultures.”

Hanna Fiedler It’s interesting to see different people from different countries.”

Thomas Ottinger

It’s really good that Central can become empowered by foreign nations.”

Tabi Tolen “It’s a good idea... it gives students a chance to learn other cultures.”

Caylie DuVall

“It sounds fun, but I wouldn’t want to go.”


Why the Big Numbers? Rising Gas Prices Place Burdens on Young Drivers Junior Staff - Miranda Clark-Poulson

They’re creeping higher and higher, and don’t seem to have mercy. Gas prices. Everywhere, the nation groans as they fill up their tanks. It’s hard to enjoy your driver’s license when it’s eating all your money. You always hear people complain, but with all the myths going around, how do you know what to believe. Contrary to what people think, gas prices aren’t rising because of lack of oil. There are actually multiple reasons: instability in the Middle East, increased demand for oil in China and India, the weakening of the dollar, and the lasting impact of Katrina on the oil energy market. Speculation has caused prices to inflate by at least 10%. People are putting a price on oil that hasn’t even come our of the ground yet. We have oil in the United States, so why don’t we use that? People think that drilling into wilderness reserves will reduce the price of gas, but thats also a myth. In truth, even if we started drilling today, we wouldn’t see a drop for about a decade. The Earth consumes about 20.7 million barrels of oil a day, so even if we drilled in a reserve like the Artic National Wilderness Refuse, it would only provide less than four percent of daily consumption. The price of gas isn’t an easy thing to fix. While gas prices might be high, we’re on the low end of it. In Florida gas is up to six dollars a gallon. If you need to save money, you can always carpool, ride a bike, or even take the bus. There are always alternative options.

What do you think of the gas prices?

Ethan Horn

“$3.64? Still way too much.”

Matt West “I started riding my bike so they don’t affect me as much.”

Russell Gummelt “Milk is cheaper. Drink milk.”

Mackenzie Conard

“Gas prices aren’t fun. Especially on top of a job.”


feature Senior Staff: Lauren Smith



Myles Rodney gives candidates running for president a few tips: “Practice your reading and speaking skills; don’t stutter; be able to work as a team and act on the spot.”

Joe Wilson tells those running for VP to, “Be honest and [be able] to make decisions that people don’t always like, but that will better the group.”

What do you have to offer?

Zach Hill “I’ve been in debate so my public speaking is ready to deliver chill announcements that won’t annoy anyone in the morning.”

Michael Lindsay “What can’t I offer?”

How will you make Central better?

Ty Franklin “I will make Central better by bringing fresh new ideas to the table and improve old ideas making them better.”

Nick Busby “I’d keep the spirit at games just as high as they were this year, and make sure that everyone knows when games are going to be held. Also, I’d make the school more service based, like start key club back in; get everyone involved in community activities.”




For the secretary position, you must have “Organization skills and have integrity to finish out the year,” said current Student Body Secretary Brittni Young.

How will you make t-shirt selling more organized?

Sydney Goldberg

Cecil Bratton

“Plan ahead more.”

“I’d get well known people to help advertise and get the word out.”

“Don’t take it too seriously,” said current Student Body Treasurer Matt West.

What are your money skills?

Jacob Muff “I have a positive check balance in my account, so obviously I know how to balance my money, so I should be able to handle others.”

Hannah Klassenn “I’m good at math and managing money and I know where to spend the money and when I should save it.”


Les Miserables Junior STAFF- Regan Schultz PHOTOS BY- Karen Williams

Students Step up their game for Spring Musical of Les MIserables Jean Valjean (Caleb Hazelwood), released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang, finds that the yellow ticket-of-leave he must, by law, display to each future employer, leaves him as an outcast. “I play Jean Valjean. The story follows him through life of unfair conditions and struggles,” Senior Caleb Hazelwood said. Eight years have passed and Valjean has changed his name to Monsieur Madeleine and has risen to become both a factory owner and Mayor. One of his workers, Fantine (Junior Kayla Shade), has a secret illegitimate child. When the other women discover this, they demand her dismissal. Desperate for money to pay for medicines for her daughter, Fantine sells her locket, her hair, and then sells herself. She gets into a fight with a prospective customer and is about to be taken to prison by Javert (Senior Matthan Mrkcicka) when Valjean arrives and demands she be taken to the hospital instead. At the hospital Valjean promises the dying Fantine to find and look after her daughter Cosette. The story follows what happens to Valjean and Cosette from this point on. “I like musical because when you are there it’s like one big family and you know that everyone there is supporting and cheering you on.” Junior Anna Brockman. This musical showcased the amazing talent of many students. With the beautiful scenery and wonderful talent, the musical was a definite hit.







Senior Jagger Brown, Caleb Hazelwood, and Myles Rodney look at Junior Anna Brockman. Anna Brockman died in this performance.

1. Senior, Lydia Young and Junior, Alex King are threatened by Senior, Matthan Mrkvicka. 2. Senior, Caleb Hazelwood threatening Senior, Matthan Mrkvicka. 3. Junior Sarah Bronson and Senior Caleb Hazelwood played father and daughter. 4. Freshman, Josie Redmon and Senior, Logan Taylor were Ladies of The Night. 5. Junior Sarah Bronson, Senior Tyler Heckman, and Senior Caleb Hazelwood in the final scene of the play.




New Season, New Attitude seniors get ready for their last season junior staff- Kim Barnes “Pass!” “I’m right in other. the middle!” “Give and The seniors, being the leadGo!” The girl’s soccer team ers of the team, encouraged worked nonstop to get ready the younger girls to work for the soccer season. Durhard and put forth their full ing tryouts, the girls went potential on and off the field. through multiple tests to “Of course we are aiming evaluate their soccer skills. to have a winning season The seniors are looking but our goal is to develop as forward to having a solid a team and as a program,” team. Senior captain Jess senior captain Amy Vaughan Hart hopes to have a close said. team this year. “I’m looking “We want the girls to get forward to becoming close excited about the games and with the team and building have a mindset that together, up friendships,” Hart said. we can really be a powerful She believes the team needs team,” senior Lexi Wall said. to trust one another off the The seniors are looking field, to play well together on forward to making their last the field. high school soccer season The girls went through memorable. They know that drills that make them work this year will be different behard as individuals and cause each player is coming as a team. They have to out with their best skills to communicate and help each make this the best season yet.

Top left: Senior V. Williams battles against a Ruskin opponent during a one-on-one fight for the ball. Left: Sophomore M. Steilen dribbles past her Ruskin opponent.

The Captains:

Jess Hart “I’m looking forward to becoming close with the team and building up friendships.”


Above left: Freshman Elena Fox quickly reaches for the ball. Above Center: Senior A. Chivington congratulates V. Williams on her goal against Ruskin.

Above right: The Indians were nine goals ahead of the Ruskin Eagles in the first half. Sophomore M. Zimbelman scored the 10th goal making the final score 10-0.

Amy Vaughan “I’m looking forward to playing with new girls and bond with them over something we all love!”

top to bottom: Sophomore M. Stelien congradulates senior L. Wall on her goal. Sophomore M. Zimbelman dribbles the ball around her opponent. Junior D. Bodicky races past his opponents. Sophomore M. Ideker runs in the relays. The boys track team smiles for the picture.

Sports From left to right: Senior C. Jackson gets the baton handed off from sophomore T. Reed. Freshman M. Knieb goes in for the high jump. Sophomore B. Rodney races past an opponent in the relays. Sophomore M. Conard races past her opponents with freshman K. DuVall trailing behind.

Teeing Up

Track Teams start off season right with Graceland Relays

BOYS GOLF GETS READY FOR MATCHES junior staff- Kim Barnes There are eight traits that as well. Seniors Tyler Verbick, Collin make a great golfer and they are: Smith and Joe Wilson are excited focus, concentration, confidence, for their season. They think they tough-mindedness, dominance, will have a good team this year. emotional stability, balance and “I think we will do well. The being self-sufficient. These are underclassmen this year will rethe traits that make up the boys ally help us out,” Wilson said. of the golf team. They all encourage each other In their conference, the golf to do well before their matches. team competes with 15-20 teams When getting ready for a match, in a single match. As a team, Smith says he gets ‘mentally they average a score of about prepared’ and tries to be ready 340 at the end of the day. With a for anything that could happen score like 340, the boys are hopduring the match. ing they can get a score like that The golf team is hoping to or lower. With practice, they receive good scores throughout will be able to achieve this. At practice they work on chipping, the season and hope to do well at districts. putting and game management

What are you excited about golf this year? Collin Smith

Joe Wilson

Tyler Verbick

“To get tan on the nice, sunny days.”

“I’m pretty excited about the weather. It’s been pretty good.”

“Playing golf.”

From left to right: Junior D. Bodicky jumps up for the hurdles. Sophomore S. Evans beats her opponents in the hurdles. Senior C. Jackson races past the hurdles. Sophomore S. Bass runs in the relays.



Boys Basketball Sectionals The boys give all they have against rival titans to move on in the state tournament junior staff- Nick busby All of the hard work has come down to this. 27 hard fought games have come down to one chance to finally pass Lee’s Summit West and move on in the state tournament. All preparations have been made, and everyone is ready. It’s time for one more test on the road to the championship. It was almost game time at the Independence Events Center and the Crazies were ready for action. The boys came out ready to play with a hard fought first quarter hanging right in there only down 21-15. But the second quarter brought foul trouble and Lee’s Summit West made a run. Going into the locker room at halftime, the team was down but not defeated. They were battling foul trouble but looked to come out in the second half with energy. The second half was more of the same of

Junior Shun Williams goes up for a shot. He battled foul trouble throughout the game.


the first half. There seemed to be no spark to be found until Brad Schlange’s half court buzzer beater to end the third quarter. Even that was not enough to get them going. As the clock ran down to the team’s now inevitable end, the Crazies never lost any spirit, getting louder and louder the longer the game went on. They were excited about the success had this season. “It was a great year,” Coach Kimble said. “Each night there was a new leader who stepped up.” Though this season led to a disappointing end, the Crazies showed that they will be back out next year, with more spirit than ever, ready to be back at the Events Center for another shot at the title. Left: S. Williams goes up for a layup. This was his third year on varsity. Center: B. Schlange drives to the basket. This was his senior year. Right: D. Gray fades away for a shot. He became a big part of the team this year.


March Madness Basketball Fans Prepare for a Month of Mayhem Junior Staff: Nick Busby

Looking up at the clock, Norfolk State was in disbelief. All they had to do was hold on and they would upset perennial powerhouse, Mizzou. As the clock wound down the players were ecstatic. For only the fifth time in history a 15 seed was beating a two seed, and it would happen again later that night. In Greensboro, North Carolina the Lehigh Mountain Hawks were working on a Cinderella story of their own. C.J. McCollum was leading the 15 seed over number two Duke. The game came to a close and Duke looked absolutely defeated. In previous tournaments, 15 seeds had a combined record of 4-104. In this round they were 2-0, beginning the year of the underdog. March Madness is a sacred time for all basketball fans. It is the most exciting and unpredictable time of college basketball and evokes the emotion of everyone watching. “Every year I take all of the teams and put them on my dartboard,” junior Eli Mejia said. “I throw darts at them and whichever one it hits is who I pick to move on.” Traditions like these are what makes March Madness great. The crazy fans that build their schedule around basketball for one month and worship their favorite teams. This is what makes March Madness special. After a hard fought bracket of several upsets and surprises, the Final Four has been decided. The top teams in the nation Kentucky, Kansas, Ohio State, and Louisville prepare to battle it out to determine the national champion in the greatest tournament in sports.

Who is your favorite team? Austin Huff

“Mizzou. Even though we lost we have a better record than Kansas.”

Helen Cargill

“Mizzou because a lot of my family went there. I hate KU.”

John Scroggins “Mizzou because I’m going there next year.”

photo Illustration by Derek rice

Josh Nold “KU. I’ve always liked them, they are just the best.”


Opinion Is the School District dress code reasonable as we get into warmer weather? PRO CON senior staff- Rachel Pankau It’s the time of year when instead of seeing the modest, winter apparel of scarves, sweaters, jeans, and boots, you begin to see the minimalistic, springy clothing of tank tops, shorts, and sandals. As teachers and administration go through the hallways they are more often needing to enforce the school districts dress code. This often leads to complaints of “it’s hot out”, and “they can’t tell me what to wear”. But the dress code created by the district was made with the student’s best interest in mind, not because they are trying to be your mother. Safety, security, and a distraction-free learning environment are what the dress code was made to achieve. When the temperature goes up, the dress code often goes out the window. Even if your parents approve of what you wear, the dress code should still be followed out of respect for other people. “[Inappropriate clothing] puts teachers and other students in an awkward position,” Art teacher Jackie Scott said. Most may see the reason behind the rules against short shorts and strapless tops, but one of the most often complained about items on the school dress code are hats. Students don’t understand why they aren’t allowed at school, but the reason is mostly the concern of student’s safety. “We use the security camera’s a lot to see who people are, and if they even attend this school and are supposed to be in the building,” Vice Principal Mrs. Godfrey said. “We may not know every student by name but we recognize they are our students. Visibility is a large part of the rule against hats.” There is often debate as to what extent the dress code should be enforced. Depending on how it is being worn, and who is wearing it can rise questions to if something follows the dress code or not. “Once a rule is set, they should follow through with it,” SBO Cabinet member Locky Catron said.

What’s Appropriate?




C. D. C.


A. & B. District Dress code asks that sleeves appropriatly cover. (The famous three finger rule)

Logan Taylor

“I think the dress code should be better enforced because people should not be wearing what they’re wearing.”



Senior staff- Jillian may So it’s March. It is already hitting 80 degrees outside. I repeat, it is March and already hitting 80 degrees. I know we didn’t get many snow days this winter (ahem, one), but I have a feeling that if Mother Nature keeps these temperatures up there is a good chance of getting a few more “heat” days this spring. Meaning we will get out of our wonderfully un-airconditioned school due to high temperatures and the fear of the students drowning in their own sweat. No, seriously. Am I the only one that sits in a pool of their own sweat by 2:42? So story is, it’s hot. Thinking about dressing by the dress code is the last thing on the students’ mind while preparing themselves for a day of sitting in a sauna with 2,000 other hot bodies. Finding a 3-finger-wide strapped tank top is nearly impossible. And finding comfortable knee-length shorts? Forget about it! These students are cooking internally to abide by these obnoxious rules. I’m not saying we should eliminate these dress codes and have the students showing up to school in their birthday suits, but I do believe the rules should be less strict. For example, allowing spaghetti straps. I don’t think 2 inches more of shoulder will distract or offend anyone. As long as the students have their no-no-squares covered sufficiently and are comfortable, everyone should be happy.

What Do You Think?

What’s Hot, What’s not: What to wear according to the District Dress Code A.

Dress Code

Nick Busby “I think the dress code is a good thing because students at Central should try their best to look acceptable.”

Mrs. Scott


C. & D. District Dress Code Asks Shorts to be Longer (THe famous Fingertip rule) in order to be appropriate

“It is important to set boundaries on clothing; our students have enough distractions without an abundance of skin.”


Junior staff - katie phillips

Brush & Pencil

Central Artists Use Their Talent For Charity

Senior Chase Sabbert

Senior Freddie Cabrera

Helping other people out is something that most people like to do. It makes them feel good about themselves and it makes them feel like they are doing something good. This year at Central the students in brush and pencil club have been involved in helping different individuals and charitiess. Brush and Pencil helped out with chairs for charity, and also made a dress for Mr. CHS. Chairs for Charity was a charity event designed to raise money for the Noyes home; this Charity took place on January 19, 2012. The brush and pencil club designed two different chairs for the event. The dress for Mr. CHS was created by Chase Sabbert and all his friends in brush and pencil club for Sabbert to wear in Mr. CHS: an event where senior boys came together to put on a male pageant with proceeds going to the show choir. His dress was designed to look catchy and make his audience laugh. Although Brush and Pencil had only participated in a few events they have worked together and helped out as much as possible for anything and everyone that has needed something created from them.

Senior Kristian Haywood

Dream Chaser Junior Melissa Brown Goes After A Goal Everyone has a dream they want to accomplish, it can be something easy or it can be something difficult. For Junior Melissa Brown her dream is to be a fashion designer. Making her own clothes and clothes for other people feels right in her heart. “Whenever I was in 8th grade I created a biography on Chanelle and her passion for designing clothes, so I wanted to start doing it,” Brown said. Brown has been interested in designing clothes for four years, and her passion for it keeps growing. Right now she is involved in advanced sculpture at Central. She gets to pick her own curriculum and has chosen fashion design. Brown also works at home: she has all her own equipment needed to complete the clothing. “You need to create a design or drawing, create a pattern, buy everything you will need at once for that certain top or bottom you are making, perfect measurements, a sewing machine, and your dedication and time,” Brown said. Recently in advanced sculpting, Brown made a dress for junior Kameron Sparks. It’s made of white silk with flowered black lace up the back of the dress and around the chest. Brown changed the design numerous times, taking a total of two months to complete it, and make it perfect. “I wanted to model for Melissa because I knew she was a good fashion designer, which made me want to wear her clothes,” Sparks said. “I like the design she came up with for me, and I like how she tried hard to make it perfect.” Brown plans on continuing to design clothes in the future. “By the time I am 30 I want to have the world seeing my designs and I want someone to be inspired by me like I was by Chanelle.” Brown said. “I love designing clothes and I hope that one day everyone will like my clothes, designing is what I want my future to be.” Above: Juniors Melissa Brown and Kameron Sparks.



Movie Review Breakdown: The Hunger Games Hunger Games Lives Up to Expectations junior staff- Cecil Bratton On Thursday March 22, at exactly midnight the much anticipated first installment of The Hunger Games Trilogy premiered. Students and teachers alike faced a Friday of exhaustion to be the first to see what is sure to be a box office hit. The movie begins in the Land of Panem, ran by the wealthy,where there is an annual event known as the Hunger Games. The games are a punishment for the 12 districts due to a previous rebellion against the Capitol. The games put 24 people between the ages of 12-18 against each other, in a fight to the death. Only one can make it out alive, and provide food for their family. The show starts with the annual reaping ceremony where Katniss, the main character volunteers to take her sister’s place in the games. Not meaning to sound cruel, but I found this movie way too entertaining. The constant violence, kept me on the edge of my seat throughout most of the film. There were a few moments that were too boring for my liking, only due to the fact that the movie was attempting to follow the book closely. Overall The Hunger Games is an excellent movie, that will keep your attention. For the book lovers it follows the original plot well enough to satisfy without bogging down the movie for those who haven’t read the series. Action, love, and rebellion: it has it all.


21 Jump Street


Project X



Hunger Games

Silent House

Photo//: from Public Domain

What Is Your Favorite Movie?

“Fast Five” -Junior Daven Tomlinson


“Friday Night Lights” -Junior Jake Stoll

“ The Longest Yard” -Junior Matt Wright

“Don’t Be a Mennace” -Senior Kenneth Strader

“Space Jam” -Junior Eli Mejia


Senior Staff--Jennifer Thies

What Is On Your Music Playlist? Music for Spring 2012

Now Playing

Spring Break Playlist Chris Brown Fortune

Say Anything Anarchy My Dear

Adam Lambert Trespassing

The Decemberists We All Raise Our Voices to the Air

Shinedown Amaryllis

Diggy Simmons Unexpected Arrival

One Direction Up All Night

The All-American Rejects Kids in the Street


What is your favorite song of 2012? John Jenkins

Doug Otting

Rella by Odd Future

Make Me Proud by Drake featuring Nicki Minaj

Jessica Flatt

Chanelle Hall

Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen

We Found Love by Rihanna

Ebony Davis

Beth Hernandez

Glad You Came by The Wanted

Starships by Nicki Minaj


Pow wow

St. Patrick’s Day Traditions Students and Families Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in a Variety of Ways senior staff- taylor swavey Every year people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green, sporting shamrocks, and other traditions. It has been a celebrated holiday since the late 18th century. However, many people celebrate without realizing how it originated. During the early 1870’s, a parade took place in Ireland to establish a new Irish Protestant traditions. It was originally instigated by the Irish Protestant organization called The Knights of St. Patrick. The celebration took place at two different venues though. These venues supposedly signified Saint Patrick (the most commonly recognized of the patron saints of Ireland) and the arrival of Roman Italien Christianity in Ireland. It was then that St. Patrick’s Day was made an official feast day and has become a celebration of Irish culture in general. Now a days, this holiday is celebrated through church services, wearing green, and the lifted restrictions of eating and drinking alcohol. It is probably the most widely celebrated saint’s day in the world. It is said that Saint Patrick even used shamrocks to explain the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish because of its three leaves. To make the color green even more significant, in the 1798 rebellion, Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on March 17th in hopes of political to say it worked don’t you think?

Kayla Brown “Nothing much... just hung out with friends.”


Brittany Brown “I actually had a dance competition.”

Dawn Point “I worked and then celebrated my boyfriend and I’s three month anniversary.”

Tristan Shifflet “I went shopping downtown.”

Kate Maley “I went shopping in Zona Rosa and ate pesto noodles!”

Staff Pics

Top Left to Bottom Left:// Junior Shun Williams goes up for a dunk at the boys sectionals basketball game. // by D. Rice// The two students come together and act during the Les Miserables Musical.// by F.Cabrera// Senior Torrance Williams kicks the ball past her op-

ponent.//by F. Cabrera// Middle: ///Senior Torrance Williams and Senior Amber Chivington after their soccer game.// by F. Cabrera// bottom left to right:// Senior Amber Chivington measuring her shot for golf senior night.// by McBee// Junior helping her freshman during

activities for FMP.// by K. Barnes// Two freshman girls smiling brightly while doing activities for FMP// taken by K. Barnes// Seniors Gage Miller and Travis Callaway beings the suns out guns out boys.// by F. Cabrera.



Meet the Staff: What are you doing for spring break? Megan Grace Editor in Chief

Jillian May Design Editor

Rachel Pankau Design Editor

Senior Megan Grace is going to go to a fun. concert, sell shoes, and sleep.

Senior Jillian May is seeing her babies Nate Ruess, Andrew Dost, and Jack Antonoff. Also known as the members of the band, “fun.”

Senior Rachel Pankau is going to hang out with her friends and catch up on sleep.

Jennifer Thies Copy Editor

Shelby Smolke Senior Staff

Alex Steilen Senior Staff

Senior Jennifer Thies plans on catching up on sleep.

Freddie Cabrera Senior Staff

Senior Freddie Cabrera’s aunt is visiting from Kentucky, so there going to spend some family time together. Kim Barnes Junior Staff Junior Kim Barnes is going to catch up on alot of sleeping.

Senior Shelby Smolke is going to relax as much as possible, and start her spring cleaning. Carrie Hillebrand Senior Staff

Senior Carrie Hillebrand is going to enjoy her vacation by sleeping and eating.

Page Black Junior Staff

Lauren Gunderson Junior Staff Junior Lauren Gunderson plans on getting some running in over break. family.

Regan Schultz Junior Staff Junior Regan Schultz is going to North Carolina to lay on the beach, and see her family.

Taylor Swavey Senior Staff

Senior Taylor Swavey is going to spend time with her family and friends.

Brooke Shinneman Junior Staff Junior Brooke Shinneman is going to spend Easter with her family and catch up on her sleep.

Central Editorial Policy: The High School

Outlook is the official student newspaper of Central High School whose goal is to provide unbiased, accurate stories. The Outlook is an open forum for student expression and as such is not subject to prior review. The Outlook will be published on the school website the last school day of each of the following months: September, October, November, Decem-

ing her break.

Jacy Atkins Junior Staff

Junior Jacy Atkins is going to Louisiana to visit her brother and sister.

Nick Busby Junior Staff

Junior Cecil Bratton is going to spend time with his family.

Caitlyn Phillips Junior Staff Junior Caitlyn Phillips is going out of town to visit her

Senior Lauren Smith is going to spend as much time in the sun as she can.

Senior Alex Steilen is going to Iowa to spend time with family.

Cecil Bratton Junior Staff

Junior Page Black is volunteer at her church and sleep.

Lauren Smith Copy Editor

Miranda Clark Junior Staff Junior Miranda Poulson-Clark is going to work dur-

Megan Walters Junior Staff Junior Megan Walters is going to hang out with her friends and get lots of sun and sleep.

ber, January, February, March and April. The staff is comprised of Central High School publications students. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect upon the views of the faculty, students or community as a whole. Letters to the editors are welcomed. Please note that letters and messages are subject to editing for clarity or brevity. The editorial board reserves the right to reject a letter that is perceived as inappropriate. Anonymous letters will not be printed.

Junior Nick Busby is going to play lots of baseball and sleep.


Manny Rivera Junior Staff Junior Manny Rivera is going to under water

Derek Rice Senior Staff Senior Derek Rice is going to make a movie.


Jackie Scott Adviser Adviser Jackie Scott is going to catch up on her


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