KAUNAS URUGUAY Facebook, Instagram and Website Spring Collection Campaign.
Designed with the team of N3XO - Digital Advertising Agency www.n3xo.com
Based on the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water, this Facebook campaign aims to reinforce the concept of each line of the Company´s products for the Spring Collection. Includes several lines of creativity. Tips, Elements and also, 4 renowned local celebrities as “ambassadresses” of the brand. All the posts accompanied with witty and elegant copywriting. You can see the campaign in action at: www.facebook.com/KaunasUruguay www.kaunas.com.uy www.instagram.com/kaunas_uruguay
The Tips line: Fashion suggestions.
The Elements line: Products linked to the Elements.
The Ambassadresses line: 4 women, giving advice and also, taking control of the Instagram account.
Caring action: Also we made a campaign for a foundation who gives support to women with Cancer. You can check a clip here. www.facebook.com/KaunasUruguay/posts/1272315822828238
Special days promos: discounts pieces.
You can see more of this campaign, Including videos an other actions at www.instagram.com/kaunas_uruguay