The FFA vision is to:
• Grow leaders
• Build communities
• Strengthen agriculture
Providing opportunities to help FFA members grow and succeed is the work of the National FFA Foundation, which supports the National FFA Organization and education-related organizations associated with the National Council for Agricultural Education. Created in 1944, the foundation provides companies, organizations and individuals with opportunities to provide financial resources and cooperation in support of FFA programs and other agricultural education organizations. FFA programs are funded through contributions at the local, state and national levels. The foundation, a separately registered nonprofit organization, works with business and industry, organizations and individuals to raise funds to support the FFA mission. The foundation has a long history of being supported by dedicated volunteer leaders. The foundation is governed by a board of trustees, with additional support from a sponsors’ board and an individual giving council. These groups include educators, business leaders, individual donors and FFA Alumni. During their service, board and council members strengthen existing relationships and develop new partnerships to provide support for FFA. For more information, visit FFA.org/give.
Contents Board of Trustees.........................................................................5 Sponsors’ Board........................................................................20 Individual Giving Council.....................................................40 Past Chairs of the Board of Trustees................................48 Past Chairs of the Individual Giving Council...............48 Past Chairs of the Sponsors’ Board..................................49
Board of Trustees
BETH BECHDOL 2016 Chair Director of Agribusiness Strategies Ice Miller Indianapolis, Ind. beth.bechdol@icemiller.com
Beth Bechdol serves as director of agribusiness strategies for Ice Miller and manages the firm’s agricultural law team and services. She also provides leadership to the Agribusiness Council of Indiana as president of the organization. She is a former deputy director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. Her dedication to public service in agriculture extends beyond Indiana to Washington, D.C., where she served in key roles at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and on the Senate Agriculture Committee under Sen. Richard Lugar. Bechdol began her career working in agribusiness on critical policy issues in the Washington office of Informa Economics. She serves on numerous professional and community boards, including the Purdue Research Foundation, National Grain and Feed Association, Farm Foundation Bennett Roundtable, Indiana State Fair Commission, Indiana Humanities Council and Community Harvest Food Bank. Bechdol earned a bachelor’s degree in international affairs from Georgetown University and a master’s in agricultural economics from Purdue University. Currently the sixth generation to operate her family farm in Auburn, Ind., she lives on the corn and soybean farm with husband Matt and daughter Grace.
JACOB DAVIS 2017 Chair-elect NASAE State Supervisor Representative Education Specialist/State FFA Advisor Alabama Department of Education Montgomery, Ala. ddavis@alsde.edu Jacob Davis serves as Alabama state supervisor of agriscience education and Alabama state FFA advisor. In this capacity, he serves on multiple state agricultural committees as either a voting member or consultant. He is the lead for the agriscience education unit at the Alabama State Department of Education. Prior to 2004, he served as FFA executive secretary for the Alabama FFA Association and a district FFA specialist. He is a member of the Alabama Association of Agriscience Educators; National Association for Agricultural Education; National Association, Supervisors of Agricultural Education; Alabama Association for Career and Technical Education; and the Alabama Farmers Federation. Before he became involved at the state level, Davis served as an agriscience teacher, agriconstruction teacher and FFA advisor at multiple high schools in Alabama. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agribusiness education from Auburn University. While in college, he served as a Collegiate FFA chapter officer and he graduated cum laude. He also earned his Class AA professional certification from Alabama A&M University. In 1990 Davis graduated from Opp High School with an advanced academic diploma. While in high school, he was actively involved in FFA, football and Spanish club. He is married to Sonna Howell Davis, a high school counselor, and they have a 10-year-old son, Jaken.
ELIN D. MILLER Immediate Past Chair Principal of Elin Miller Consulting Umpqua Nut Farm Umpqua, Ore. elin@elinmiller.com
Elin D. Miller is principal of Elin Miller Consulting LLC and works with her husband on their hazelnut farm in Umpqua, Ore. Miller also serves as vice chairman of Vestaron Board, a Crop Protection Company out of Michigan, and on the board of Marrone Bio Innovations in California. In 2011 she won her first race for public office when she was elected to the Umpqua Committee College Board of Trustees; she now serves as vice chair. Locally, Miller is chair of the Board of NeighborWorks Umpqua, a not-for-profit corporation, and serves on Umpqua Bank’s Regional Board. From 2006-2009, Miller served as regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency, a presidential appointment, with jurisdiction over Alaska, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Miller served as president and CEO of Arysta Life Science North America/Australasia 2004-2006. From 1996-2004, she held various leadership positions at Dow Chemical Company and served as an exofficio member on the Dow board. She received her bachelor’s degree in agronomy and plant protection from the University of Arizona in 1982 and graduated from INSEAD’s Advanced Management Program in France in 2000.
NANCY J. TRIVETTE Treasurer New Jersey Program Leader, Agricultural Education and State FFA Advisor New Jersey Department of Agriculture Trenton, N.J. nancy.trivette@ag.state.nj.us Nancy Trivette is the state agricultural education program leader and state FFA advisor at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, where she provides statewide leadership, services and resources to New Jersey’s agricultural education programs, teachers and students. In that role, she also serves as treasurer for the National FFA Organization and National FFA Foundation. She is the leader for the New Jersey State Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) and a member of the National CASE Advisory Committee. She serves as vice president of the agricultural division for the Association of Career and Technical Education through June 2018. She has served career and technical education, specifically in a leadership role for agricultural education, for more than 30 years. Trivette has served in various positions in professional organizations and on national boards including the Association of Career and Technical Education; National Association, Supervisors of Agricultural Education; National Council for Agricultural Education; and National FFA Board of Directors. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Delaware Valley College and a master’s in education from Rutgers University. Trivette is part owner of the family grain and beef farm in New Jersey, and she enjoys photography, running and traveling with husband Randy, especially to visit their six grandchildren.
W. DWIGHT ARMSTRONG, PH.D. Ex-officio Chief Executive Officer National FFA Organization and Foundation Indianapolis, Ind. darmstrong@ffa.org
Dr. W. Dwight Armstrong is a native of Kentucky where he grew up on a small general farm outside the town of Kuttawa. He graduated from Lyon County High School and was an active leader in FFA. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Murray State University in 1971 and master’s (1973) and doctorate (1975) degrees from Purdue University in animal science. While serving on the faculty at North Carolina State University in the animal sciences department from 1975-1982, Armstrong was engaged in teaching, research and extension in the swine nutrition area. From 1982-2000, Armstrong worked with Akey Inc. in Lewisburg, Ohio, where he progressed through various roles from director of nutrition and director of sales to president. In 2000, the company was sold to Provimi, a public company located in the Netherlands. With Provimi, Armstrong served as chief executive officer of North American Nutrition Companies, director of the Americas and global group vice president. In 2008, he retired from Provimi and started his own consulting business in the animal nutrition and agribusiness areas. In 2009, Armstrong joined the National FFA Organization as chief operating officer and was later named chief executive officer. In 2014, he was also named chief executive officer for the National FFA Foundation and currently serves both organizations in a joint appointment. Armstrong has served on various industry, business and not-for-profit boards during his career. In addition, Armstrong has received several awards and recognition. He has been married to Judy Almes for 45 years and they have two grown sons, Todd and Adam, and four grandchildren, Aaron, Anna Kate, Meredith and Cooper.
CRAIG BACON, PH.D. 2016 Sponsors’ Board Chair Senior Vice President of Research and Development Tyson Foods Springdale, Ark. craig.bacon@tyson.com
Dr. Craig Bacon is senior vice president of research and development for Tyson Foods. He leads the development and innovation for all products for Tyson Foods, located in the Discovery Center in Springdale, Ark. Bacon joined the company in 1991 as a food technologist. He moved through the research and development organization as a senior food technologist, manager, director, vice president and, eventually, to his current position. The group is responsible for more than 15,000 SKUs of protein products, bakery items, soups, sides and sauces. Bacon is a native of southwest Missouri. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from the University of Missouri. He then completed his master’s and doctorate degrees in food science and technology at the University of Tennessee. While at the University of Tennessee, he coached the collegiate meats judging program. He is adjunct professor at the University of Tennessee and the University of Arkansas, past president of the American Meat Science Association and currently serves on the Ag Development Council Foundation for the University of Arkansas. He and wife Debbie have three children and reside on a sheep and cattle farm in northwest Arkansas.
PARKER BANE NAAE Teacher Representative Agriculture Instructor and FFA Advisor Pontiac Township High School Pontiac, Ill. banep@pontiac.k12.il.us
Parker Bane, agriculture instructor and FFA advisor at Pontiac Township High School in Pontiac, Ill., graduated from the University of Illinois in 2003. While attending the University of Illinois, Bane was a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, Collegiate FFA, Illini Ag Mech Club and Student Senate.
STEVE A. BROWN, ED.D. National FFA Advisor Education Program Specialist U.S. Department of Education Alexandria, Va. sbrown@ffa.org
Dr. Steve A. Brown is an education program specialist for agriculture, food and natural resources in the College and Career Transitions Branch in the Division of Academic and Technical Education of the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education. His responsibilities include providing guidance, professional leadership and expertise in developing, improving, planning and evaluating AFNR programs. Serving as the national FFA advisor and chair of the National FFA Board of Directors, Brown assists as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Cluster liaison; supports project coordination for Rigorous Programs of Study; and serves on the National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations. Brown has more than 33 years of service to agricultural education. He began his professional career as an agricultural education instructor at the Area Career and Technical Center in Macon, Mo. He served as a district supervisor in agricultural education and state FFA executive secretary at the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for 23 years. Brown earned a doctorate in agricultural education at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
DAN CLASSEN National FFA Alumni President
West Bend, Iowa dclassen.ffa@gmail.com
Dan Classen grew up in the small town of Horicon, Wis. Between his greatgrandfather, his grandfather and his father, 100 years of service have been given to John Deere. Classen is a graduate of Horicon High School where he took agriculture classes but did not participate in FFA. He holds a bachelor’s degree in technical agriculture from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. He and wife Amy have two grown children who are former FFA members.
BRANDON DAVIS NASAE State Supervisor Representative Kentucky State Supervisor of Agricultural Education and Kentucky State FFA Advisor Kentucky Department of Education Frankfort, Ky. brandon.davis@education.ky.gov Brandon Davis has been the Kentucky state supervisor of agricultural education and the Kentucky state FFA advisor since 2011. He taught agricultural education at John Hardin High School in Elizabethtown, Ky., for more than five years. Davis received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in secondary education from Western Kentucky University. He received national board certification in career and technical education in 2010. In high school, Davis was a member of the Green County FFA. He received his American FFA Degree in 2001 and served as the Kentucky state FFA sentinel in 2000-2001.
DAVID L. DOERFERT, PH.D. AAAE Teacher Educator Representative Associate Chair and Professor of Agricultural Communications Department of Agricultural Education & Communications Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas david.doerfert@ttu.edu Dr. David Doerfert is associate chair and professor of agricultural communications in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communications at Texas Tech University. He also serves as the graduate studies coordinator for the department. Doerfert has been a leader in agricultural communications instruction and currently teaches magazine development (print and digital) at the undergraduate level as well as crisis communications and knowledge management courses at the graduate level. Doerfert’s program of research focuses on the development of effective information and knowledge-sharing systems that weave two distinct knowledge bases: knowledge management (variables that influence this use of information to solve problems and make decisions by stakeholders) and science communication (communicating the complexities of agriculture to stakeholders and the public). Doerfert has received the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE) Fellow distinction and Distinguished Teaching (2013), Research (2007) and Service (2011) awards from the AAAE Western Region. Originally from Wisconsin, Doerfert was a regional director with the National FFA Foundation, a team leader for the National FFA Organization, a state supervisor/ FFA advisor in Wisconsin and an agriculture instructor in New Holstein, Wis. He and wife Jill reside in Wolfforth, Texas, and have a son, Michael, who is in the honors program majoring in chemical engineering at Texas Tech University.
SHERENE R. DONALDSON, ED.S, CMPI National FFA Executive Secretary
Education Specialist U.S. Department of Education Alexandria, Va. sdonaldson@ffa.org Sherene Donaldson joined the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education team as an education program specialist. Prior to joining OCTAE, Donaldson served as the curriculum director/adult education director for Central Nine Career Center in Greenwood, Ind. Donaldson administered functions related to CTE curriculum and instruction; academic integration; new teacher training; teacher licensing; schoolwide improvement initiatives; local, state and federal grants; and staff professional development. Donaldson has a bachelor’s degree in secondary education-biology from Indiana University. She earned a master’s in curriculum design from Indiana Wesleyan University where she also completed the Principal Leadership Program. She is a licensed kindergarten through grade 12 building administrator in Indiana and Tennessee. She also earned an educational specialist degree from Indiana Wesleyan University and is licensed as a school superintendent. She was selected to participate in the Leadership Excellence Academy by the Indiana state director of adult education and in 2010 earned a national title as a certified manager in program improvement.
JOHN C. EWING, PH.D. AAAE Representative Associate Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education The Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pa. Jce122@psu.edu Dr. John C. Ewing is an associate professor of agricultural education in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education at The Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining the faculty in 2006, Ewing earned his graduate degrees in agricultural education at The Ohio State University. He earned his bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from Penn State in 2000 and then taught agriculture at the high school level for three years. He currently serves as the undergraduate program coordinator for the agricultural and extension major as well as the agricultural science major. Ewing also serves as the AEE program representative to the college’s Instruction and Curricular Affairs Committee (chair 2012-2015). Ewing counsels students from other majors who are interested in becoming certified to teach agriculture. His research program focuses on the improvement of teaching and learning, specifically experiential learning. Additionally, Ewing has participated in assessment projects at local and state levels for program evaluations for secondary agricultural education programs. He has also served on multiple graduate committees that guide students through the planning and assessment of the programming process. Ewing was recognized by the North Central American Association for Agricultural Education as the Outstanding Early Career Agricultural Educator in 2009. This award recognizes agriculture educators for their contributions to teaching, research and service. Ewing has been honored with the College of Agricultural Sciences NACTA Teaching Award of Merit, and he was inducted into the Penn State Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta.
EDWARD L. MCMILLAN At Large Independent Business Consultant Greenville, Ill. mcmillaned@sbcglobal.net
McMillan was president and chief executive officer of Purina Mills Inc. from 1988-1996. He joined Purina Mills in 1969 as a field sales representative and held various positions in marketing, business development and diversified business management before being named president and CEO in 1988 and elected to the board of directors in 1993. A leading figure in the animal nutrition industry, McMillan served on the board of directors of the American Feed Industry Association and as chairman of the board in 1993-94. He serves on the board of directors of several food and agribusiness-related companies including Balchem Corporation, Durvet Inc., Newco Enterprises Inc., Certified Hereford Beef LLC and Agrivida Inc. He received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science from the University of Illinois and is a graduate of the Credit Research Foundation Inc. School of Credit and Financial Management. He also has won numerous awards. McMillan and wife Judy live near Greenville, Ill., and have two grown children.
TAYLOR MCNEEL National FFA President Southern Arkansas University Vilonia, Ark. tmcneel@ffa.org
Growing up on a farm coupled with her years in FFA instilled a passion for agriculture in Taylor McNeel, but it was her junior year in high school that set her on her future path in agricultural policy. McNeel was elected to the 2015-16 National FFA Officer Team as president at the 88th National FFA Convention & Expo. McNeel was president and treasurer of the Vilonia FFA Chapter and Arkansas FFA president in 2013-14. She had supervised agricultural experience programs that included breeding and showing goats and developing and facilitating leadership and agricultural education workshops. She judged livestock for three years and competed in public speaking for two years. McNeel credits FFA for honing her skills and guiding her toward a career in agriculture. In high school, she was also active in 4-H, her church’s youth group and nursing home ministry, the Arkansas state fair and the Red Cross. McNeel is an agricultural business major with a minor in Spanish at Southern Arkansas University. After her year in office, she plans to study abroad to continue her Spanish studies and aim for a career in lobbying for agriculture trade associations or working on policy for elected officials.
LYLE ORWIG At Large Chairman and Founding Partner Charleston|Orwig Wales, Wis. lorwig@charlestonorwig.com
From his youth on a family farm in east-central Illinois through his rise to state office in FFA and graduation from the University of Illinois and, ultimately, the founding of Charleston|Orwig, Lyle Orwig has maintained his focus on and passion for agriculture and communications. He continues to be intimately involved in working with clients such as Dairyland Seed Co., Smithfield Foods Inc. and Yamaha Motorsports. In 1999 Orwig was named National Agricultural Communicator of the Year by the National Agri-Marketing Association for his contributions to agriculture and the astute marketing of its products and services. Additional honors came at the 2006 National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention, where Orwig received the Dix Harper Meritorious Service Award, the group’s highest recognition for a nonbroadcaster. Orwig and his business partner were inducted into the national Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Hall of Fame in 2005. In 2010 he was named to The Farm Journal Foundation Board, where he provides counsel for their Farmers Feeding the World initiative. In 2012 the Ag Relations Council and Agri-Marketing magazine named him one of two inaugural inductees into the Agricultural Public Relations Hall of Fame, established to recognize the best of the best in agricultural public relations. In 2015 he was nominated and elected a member of the prestigious Farm Foundation Inc.
COREY ROSENBUSCH 2016 Individual Giving Council Chair President Global Cold Chain Alliance Alexandria, Va. crosenbusch@gcca.org
Corey Rosenbusch serves as president of the Global Cold Chain Alliance, an alliance of four cold chain industry organizations: The International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses, World Food Logistics Organization, International Refrigerated Transportation Association and the International Association of Cold Storage Construction. In this position, Rosenbusch serves as the executive providing leadership for all of the association’s operations and divisions, including education and training, marketing and communication, international programs, events, industry affairs and government relations. Rosenbusch also provides administrative oversight for overall organization operations, including financial performance and personnel. Rosenbusch’s early career included serving as president of the National FFA Organization and the Texas FFA Association. Rosenbusch also founded and served as president and CEO of his own company that delivers programs in organizational behavior, leadership theory and team development. Rosenbusch holds a master’s in international education with a concentration in international development from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from Texas A&M University. A native Texan, he currently resides in Alexandria, Va., with his wife and three daughters.
DAVID SCHAPKER Ex-officio Chief Financial Officer National FFA Organization and Foundation Indianapolis, Ind. dschapker@ffa.org
David Schapker serves as chief financial officer, and in this role is responsible for the financial management, performance and reporting of both the National FFA Organization and National FFA Foundation. Schapker has significant experience in corporate and nonprofit financial management, which allows him to guide the financial matters of the FFA organization and foundation. His primary focus is to provide financial leadership to help ensure the long-term financial strength for FFA and agricultural education. Previously, Schapker served as chief financial officer at Riley Children’s Foundation, the fundraising organization for Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Schapker started his career with St. Louis-based Ralston Purina Company and held a variety of financial management positions of increasing responsibility during his tenure with the company. He also previously served as chief financial officer at Golden Stream Quality Foods and was director of finance at NNC Group before accepting the chief financial officer position with Riley Children’s Foundation in 2008. Schapker earned a bachelor’s degree in business-accounting from Indiana University and a master’s in business administration with a concentration in finance from St. Louis University.
MARK D. SCHWEITZER 2017 Chair-elect Vice President, Investor Relations Archer Daniels Midland Company Decatur, Ill. mark.schweitzer@adm.com
Mark D. Schweitzer is vice president, investor relations for Archer Daniels Midland Company. In this role, he oversees and builds strong relationships with ADM’s investment community and facilitates investors’ understanding of ADM’s businesses and strategies. Previously, Schweitzer was managing director, Intermodal and International Container Freight. In that role, he led a collaboration across ADM, throughout the community and with numerous customers and other third parties to build, grow and promote ADM’s Decatur intermodal ramp. Previously he served in various management roles within grain merchandising, North America oilseed processing, North American warehousing, oilseeds and energy risk management. Schweitzer holds a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University and a master’s in business administration from Indiana Wesleyan University.
TERRIE SHANK NASAE Representative Assistant Director for High School and Postsecondary Programs Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation Hagerstown, Md. tshank@maefonline.com
Terrie Shank represents the National Association, Supervisors of Agricultural Education. She is employed by the Maryland Agricultural Education Foundation where she serves as the assistant director for high school and postsecondary programs and as the executive director of the Maryland FFA Association Inc. Previously, Shank was employed by the Washington County Public Schools as an agriculture educator and FFA advisor for 32 years. In addition to membership in NASAE, Shank is a life member of the Maryland Agriculture Teachers Association (MATA), having served as president and receiving the Outstanding Teacher Award in 2009. She is a member of NAAE, a past Maryland state FFA officer and holds the American FFA Degree. In her community, Shank is active in the Washington County Farm Bureau, Shiloh United Methodist Church and as a volunteer for the Washington County 4-H programs. Shank holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural and extension education from the University of Maryland, College Park. She resides with her husband Ralph in Hagerstown, Md., where they own and operate Palmyra Farm LLC. They have two children.
KEVIN STACY NAAE Teacher Educator Representative Superintendent of Schools Oklahoma Union Public Schools South Coffeyville, Okla. kstacy@okunion.k12.ok.us
Kevin Stacy is superintendent of schools at Oklahoma Union Public Schools. He is a 27-year educator with 24 years as an agricultural education instructor. Stacy held leadership positions in local, state and national agriculture educators associations. He is a past president of the National Association of Agriculture Educators. Stacy earned his bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from Oklahoma State University in 1985 and a master’s in administration from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in 2010. Stacy is a member of the Nowata County Livestock Show board and is involved with economic development in Nowata County. Stacy and his wife live in Delaware, Okla., where they have a small cow-calf operation. They have two grown children who work in education and the state department of conservation.
KIP TOM At Large
Tom Farms Leesburg, Ind. kiptom@tomfarms.com
Kip Tom is managing member of Tom Farms and president of CereServ, leading finance, strategy and production operations for both companies in the United States and Argentina. In addition to being active in agribusiness operations in Indiana for the past 40 years, he has served as a crop production consultant for various companies in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Tom’s early role in Tom Farms was working as a production technician. He later became assistant director of production and supply management and, within five years, led efforts to partner the business with Pioneer. In 1992, he began seed corn production consulting services in Latin America by working with companies to improve yields, increase efficiencies and shorten the seed production timeline in the Southern Hemisphere’s supply channel. In 2000, he led efforts to produce seed for Pioneer in Argentina. Since 2004, Tom has served as director of the Indiana Economic Development Corp. and led the corporation’s entrepreneurship and policy committees. He is chairman of the board of Tethy’s Agri-Capital and was recently named a trustee of the 4-H Foundation based in Washington, D.C. Tom is a member of the board of directors for the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, Farm Journal Agriculture Foundation, 246 Capital Investments, MASCO, the Farm Foundation, the International Food and Agribusiness Managers Association, Growth Energy and the Kosciusko Community Foundation. He is an advisory board member for the Indiana Department of Agriculture.
JAY VROOM 2018-19 Individual Giving Council Chair
President and CEO CropLife America Washington, D.C. jvroom@croplifeamerica.org Jay Vroom has served as president and CEO of the trade association known as CropLife America since 1989 and has been a leader in U.S. agribusiness trade associations for his entire career. In addition, he has served as chairman of the CropLife Foundation since its inception in 2001. In his current role with CLA, Vroom heads the leading U.S. trade group for the crop protection industry in the United States. Through its membership in the Brussels-based global federation CropLife International (CLI), CLA is a strong voice in many international venues on issues critical to the plant science industry. Vroom is a senior member of CLI’s Crop Protection Steering Council. He is also on the board of directors for The Friends of the National Arboretum, an independent, nonprofit organization established to enhance the National Arboretum. Based in Washington, D.C., CLA has a principal staff of nearly 30 professionals. CLA operates with several affiliated organizations including CropLife Foundation; CropLife Political Action Committee, of which he serves as treasurer; and Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE). Prior to joining the CropLife staff, Vroom had various positions in executive capacities with the National Fertilizer Solutions Association, the Merchants Exchange of St. Louis and The Fertilizer Institute. He graduated with honors from the University of Illinois, College of Agriculture. Vroom was raised on a grain and livestock farm in northcentral Illinois and continues to own the farming operation.
BRUCE WATKINS NASAE State Supervisor State Supervisor for Agriscience Arizona Department of Education Phoenix, Ariz. bruce.watkins@azed.gov
Bruce Watkins is the state supervisor for agriscience at the Arizona Department of Education. He grew up on a farm in Mesa, Ariz. He received an associate’s degree from Mesa Community College, a bachelor’s degree from Utah State University and a master’s from Northern Arizona University. He also earned endorsements in English as a second language, biology and welding. He worked professionally as an agriscience teacher for 31 years. His expertise is in animal science, ornamental horticulture and greenhouse production. Watkins is a member of the National Association of Agricultural Educators; the National Association, Supervisors of Agricultural Education; the Association for Career and Technical Education; and the Arizona Agriculture Teachers Association. Watkins lives in Gilbert, Ariz., and has four adult children − two girls and two boys.
SARA WYANT At Large President Agri-Pulse Camdenton, Mo. sara@agri-pulse.com
Sara Wyant is president of Agri-Pulse Communications, a diversified communications firm with offices in Washington, D.C., and Camdenton, Mo. As a veteran farm policy reporter, she is well recognized on Capitol Hill and with farm and commodity associations throughout the country. Her newsletter and website, Agri-Pulse, include the latest updates on farm policy, commodity and conservation programs; trade; food safety; rural development; and environmental and regulatory programs. Wyant is a member of the Energy Future Coalition’s steering committee for its 25 x ’25 renewable energy initiative and serves on the advisory board of the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center at Iowa State University. She formerly served as chair of the Farm Foundation’s board of trustees and as a past president of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association. She has been awarded a producer communications award from the United Soybean Board, an Oscar in Agriculture award for excellence in agricultural reporting from the National Association of Farm Broadcasting and a leadership award from Agriculture Future of America. She is an honorary member of Women Involved in Farm Economics. Wyant gained first-hand knowledge of crop and livestock production while growing up on a farm near Marengo, Iowa, and is still involved with her family’s farming operation. She and husband Allan Johnson, parents of sons Jason and Jordan, also own the farm near Almont, N.D., where her husband’s grandparents originally lived.
CHERYL ZIMMERMAN NASAE Secretary Executive Director Wisconsin FFA Center Inc. Spencer, Wis. wiffacenter@tznet.com
As executive director of the Wisconsin FFA Association, Cheryl Zimmerman is responsible for the supervision and coaching of state FFA officers and planning and coordinating state FFA events and programs. She also provides resources and information to more than 300 Wisconsin FFA advisors. Zimmerman has served FFA at the state level for more than 20 years and in 2012 was recognized by the National Association, Supervisors of Agricultural Education as Outstanding Executive Secretary. She is a member of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation board of directors. She formerly served as president and central region vice president for the National Association, Supervisors of Agricultural Education and a board member of the National Council for Agricultural Education. Zimmerman received an Outstanding Cooperation Award from the National Association of Agricultural Educators in 2007 and a Professional Excellence Award from the Wisconsin Association of Career and Technical Education in 2012. She earned bachelor’s degrees in agricultural education and agricultural journalism at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Zimmerman graduated as an outstanding senior from the university’s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. She taught agricultural education and served as an FFA advisor before joining Wisconsin FFA. Zimmerman and husband Mark have four children – Aaron, Ashley, Katelyn and Cortney.
Sponsors’ Board
CRAIG BACON, PH.D. 2016 Chair Senior Vice President of Research and Development Tyson Foods Springdale, Ark. craig.bacon@tyson.com Dr. Craig Bacon is senior vice president of research and development for Tyson Foods. He leads the development and innovation for all products for Tyson Foods, located in the Discovery Center in Springdale, Ark. Bacon joined the company in 1991 as a food technologist. He moved through the research and development organization as a senior food technologist, manager, director, vice president and, eventually, to his current position. The group is responsible for more than 15,000 SKUs of protein products, bakery items, soups, sides and sauces. Bacon is a native of southwest Missouri. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from the University of Missouri. He then completed his master’s and doctorate degrees in food science and technology at the University of Tennessee. While at the University of Tennessee, he coached the collegiate meats judging program. He is adjunct professor at the University of Tennessee and the University of Arkansas, past president of the American Meat Science Association and currently serves on the Ag Development Council Foundation for the University of Arkansas. He and wife Debbie have three children and reside on a sheep and cattle farm in northwest Arkansas.
MARK D. SCHWEITZER 2017 Chair-elect Vice President, Investor Relations Archer Daniels Midland Company Decatur, Ill. mark.schweitzer@adm.com
Mark D. Schweitzer is vice president, investor relations for Archer Daniels Midland Company. In this role, he oversees and builds strong relationships with ADM’s investment community and facilitates investors’ understanding of ADM’s businesses and strategies. Previously, Schweitzer was managing director, Intermodal and International Container Freight. In that role, he led a collaboration across ADM, throughout the community and with numerous customers and other third parties to build, grow and promote ADM’s Decatur intermodal ramp. Previously he served in various management roles within grain merchandising, North America oilseed processing, North American warehousing, oilseeds and energy risk management. Schweitzer holds a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University and a master’s in business administration from Indiana Wesleyan University.
CORY J. REED Immediate Past Chair Senior Vice President, Intelligent Solutions Group John Deere Moline, Ill. reedcoryj@johndeere.com Cory Reed is senior vice president of Intelligent Solutions Group with John Deere, a position he has held since 2013. In this role, Reed is responsible for managing the growth and profitability of John Deere’s Intelligent Solutions Group and leads the company’s efforts to develop strategies for delivering innovative technology solutions and data that result in agronomic and productivity insights. Reed joined the company in 1998 and has held a variety of regional and platform-based marketing and sales positions. In 2007, Reed moved to John Deere International in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, where he was responsible for sales and marketing in Northern/Central Europe as well as Africa and the Near and Middle East. Prior to his current position, Reed was director of global strategic marketing, where he led the team responsible for understanding and prioritizing customer needs on a global basis while integrating the resulting product and service opportunities into the division’s portfolio processes. He was named vice president of global marketing services for the agriculture and turf division in 2011 and appointed to senior vice president of global marketing services, agriculture and turf division in 2012. Reed graduated from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in finance. In 1995, he received a Juris Doctor degree from The Ohio State University College of Law and worked for the law firm of Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue until joining John Deere.
WARREN BOERGER Head of Business Services, North America Syngenta Greensboro, N.C. warren.boerger@syngenta.com
Warren Boerger is head of Syngenta Business Services, North America where he leads the finance services, human resource services and information technology services organizations for the United States and Canada. He earned a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University and a master’s from Franklin University. Boerger started his career with Syngenta and its legacy companies in 1990 as a summer intern. Upon graduation, he started as a sales representative and went on to hold numerous positions within Syngenta in product development, sales management, marketing and ecommerce within North America. He also worked internationally in information technology and business services while based in Basel, Switzerland. Boerger was raised in Ohio on the family farm and was a member of the Fairbanks FFA Chapter in Ohio. He participated in numerous FFA activities and was a national FFA officer. Boerger and wife Pamela reside in Greensboro, N.C., with their two children.
SCOTT BORMANN Vice President, North America Operations Merck Animal Health Stillwell, Kan. scott.bormann@merck.com
Scott Bormann is vice president, North America Operations for Merck Animal Health. In this role, he oversees the management of the companion animal and food animal businesses in the U.S. and Canada. Bormann serves on Merck Animal Health’s Operating Committee and is a member of the Animal Health Leadership Team. He joined Merck in 2012. Prior to joining Merck, he served as senior director of the Animal Genetics business for Pfizer Animal Health, responsible for leading global commercial efforts. Bormann joined the animal health industry in 1991 as a sales representative and has held positions of increasing responsibility across livestock, companion animal and equine segments in several areas of commercial operations. His positions included director of companion animal business and vice president, livestock and equine business at Fort Dodge Animal Health. In 2014, Bormann served as chairman of the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor Board of Directors after serving as vice chairman the prior year. He holds both a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education and a master’s in animal science from Texas A&M University.
TOM DEAN Marketing Director Case IH North America Racine, Wis. thomas.dean@caseih.com
Tom Dean is marketing director for Case IH North America. In this role, he is responsible for the development and implementation of all marketing initiatives for Case IH agricultural equipment. Dean began his career with Case IH in 1996 as a territory sales manager and served in several field-based territory sales positions. In 2005 he moved to Racine, Wis., where he held several key positions in the Case IH North America marketing organization. From 2012-15, Dean served as regional sales director for the eastern Corn Belt region. Prior to Case IH, Dean worked for 10 years in the construction equipment industry in several product support and marketing positions. Dean holds a master’s in agricultural economics and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
CLEO FRANKLIN Vice President of Marketing, Product Development and Strategic Planning Mahindra USA Inc. Houston, Texas cleo.franklin@mahindrausa.com Cleo Franklin is vice president of marketing, product development and strategic planning for Mahindra USA and serves on the parent company’s international marketing and sales business council and global diversity council. He is responsible for leading strategy, award-winning branding campaigns, and product and channel development for the North American market. Franklin has created community involvement programs to reflect the Rise culture of Mahindra, earning a Corporate Social Responsibility Award for the company. Born and raised in Chicago, Franklin has roots in agriculture that are linked to three generations of Arkansas and Missouri farmers. His leadership experience in agriculture spans two decades. He served as president of Franklin Strategic Solutions, a strategic planning consulting firm, and as senior director of North American sales and operations for New Holland Agriculture. His career includes 21 years at John Deere, where he held numerous strategic, finance, sales and marketing leadership roles. Franklin earned an executive master’s degree from the Kenan-Flagler School of Business at the University of North Carolina and a bachelor’s degree from Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, where he served as student body president and completed his basketball career as one of Morningside’s all-time leading scorers. He currently serves on the Texas FFA board and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers Ag Connect Management Committee. He and wife Lois reside in Cypress, Texas, with their four children.
ROBERT A. FUNK CEO Express Employment Professionals and Express Ranches Oklahoma City, Okla. bob.funk@expresspros.com As co-founder, CEO and chairman of the board of Express Employment Professionals, Bob Funk and the Express team reached record sales of $3.02 billion and employed a record 500,002 people in 2015. The staffing company has grown to more than 750 franchises in the U.S., Canada and South Africa. Funk also stays active with Express affiliated companies—Express Ranches, Express Clydesdales, Express Sports and Express Travel Service. Funk is actively involved in the community and currently serves on several committees. He previously served as chairman of the board of directors for the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, where he personally contributed $4 million. He is current chairman of the Oklahoma Youth Expo. He has contributed $1.5 million to the Oklahoma Youth Expo, and Express Ranches has contributed $3.8 million in scholarships. In the last 10 years, the Express Philanthropic Fund has contributed more than $7.5 million to charitable organizations throughout Oklahoma. Funk graduated from Seattle Pacific University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and theology. He completed his graduate studies at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and received his master’s degrees in business administration and theology from SPU. He holds honorary doctorates from SPU, Oklahoma Baptist University and Southern Nazarene University. Funk says, “You are only as successful as the last person you helped.”
KELLY S. GAST Global Business Operations Finance Lead Monsanto St. Louis, Mo. kelly.s.gast@monsanto.com
Kelly S. Gast is the global business operations finance lead at Monsanto. In this role, she has overall responsibility for finance, supporting more than $15 billion in revenue and working closely with the commercial organization on forecasting, budgeting and long-range planning. Gast joined Monsanto in 1995 and has held roles with increasing responsibility, including assistant controller, crop protection lead, U.S. strategic accounts lead, U.S. commercial finance lead and technology finance lead. Additionally, Gast has held roles in treasury, controllership and human resources. She has a bachelor’s degree in economics with a minor in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, as well as her CPA certification. Gast lives with her husband and three children in Town and Country, Mo.
R. WARREN GRAEFF Senior Vice President, Agriculture Market Manager PNC Bank St. Louis, Mo. warren.graeff@pnc.com
R. Warren Graeff leads the Agriculture Banking Group throughout the PNC footprint. PNC maintains an ag banking presence in 13 states and is one of the top 20 U.S. ag banks. PNC provides a full range of deposit, credit and financially related services to producers and agribusinesses in the industry of agriculture. Prior to joining PNC in 2007, Graeff’s banking career included regional bank president, community bank president and commercial relationship manager. Prior to his commercial banking career, Graeff was employed by the Farm Credit System for 18 years. He received numerous recognitions for his accomplishments in various leadership, sales and credit management positions. At various times, he held regional leadership and credit responsibilities for broad geographic areas in the Midwest. Graeff was selected by the U.S. Agency for International Development to lead an agriculture banking assignment for the principal agricultural bank in Kyrgyzstan (a former Soviet Republic). He was also a Peace Corps volunteer in Tunisia, North Africa; a high school agriculture teacher; and an FFA advisor. Graeff received his bachelor’s degree in agricultural education at Northwest Missouri State University, and he is a graduate of the School of Banking, Colorado University.
MARK HOOPER Global Brand Leader AgroFresh Collegeville, Pa. markhooper@agrofresh.com
Mark Hooper joined AgroFresh in 2016 as global brand leader. In this role, Hooper is responsible for the overall brand strategy and for the revenue growth and profitability by brand by market. He oversees sales and marketing strategies, brand and product positioning, packaging and pricing strategies, marketing communications and promotions, working with R&D on new product registrations and tactical implementation of “go to market” plans in each country where products are sold. At AgroFresh, Hooper manages products that preserve and extend the quality of fruit from preharvest through postharvest. Hooper came to AgroFresh after spending 21 years with New Holland. He has an extensive background in sales, marketing and dealer development. Hooper holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from Virginia Tech and a master’s in agricultural economics from Purdue University. Prior to his enrollment in college, Hooper was awarded the American FFA Degree and served as the Maryland state FFA president.
MARISSA H. HUNTER Director of Brand Advertising and Head of Ram Truck Brand Advertising Fiat Chrysler Automobiles North America Auburn Hills, Mich. MH578@chrysler.com Marissa Hunter expanded her title to director of brand advertising and head of Ram Truck Brand advertising, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles North America, in 2013. She joined the company in 2009 as head of advertising, Ram Truck Brand, working previously at BBDO Detroit advertising agency. Hunter is responsible for overseeing development and innovation of advertising activities, special programs, special partnerships and agency relations for all Fiat Chrysler Automobiles North America brands, working closely with the brand advertising leads and their respective CEOs as well as a roster of creative agency partners. Oversight of global advertising development and implementation also falls under Hunter’s watch. In addition, Hunter is directly responsible for communication strategy and positioning for the Ram Truck Brand, including both the retail and commercial sides of the brand business. In this capacity, she leads implementation of brand consistency and coordination of messaging across all communications and media channels. As head of Ram brand advertising, Hunter spearheaded the 2013 Ram Truck Brand “Farmer” Super Bowl video featuring still photography and Paul Harvey’s “So God Made a Farmer” speech, which is still one of the most talked-about and awarded ads. Along with Olivier Francois, she led Chrysler Group’s 2014 Super Bowl efforts, delivering three TV spots: the Chrysler brand “America’s Import” ad featuring Bob Dylan, the Jeep brand “Restlessness” spot and the Maserati “Strike” 90-second commercial. Hunter was named a 2014 Woman to Watch by Advertising Age in the publication’s annual recognition of accomplished women who have made significant contributions to marketing.
CHRISTINE C. JENKINS, DVM, DACVIM-SAIM Group Director, Veterinary Medical Services Zoetis Florham Park, N.J. christine.c.jenkins@zoetis.com Dr. Christine C. Jenkins leads the Zoetis Veterinary Medical Services group responsible for customer support, adverse event reporting and pharmacovigilance with responsibility as the chief veterinary medical officer for U.S. operations. Additionally, Jenkins oversees the academic and professional affairs team responsible for strategic partnerships with U.S. and Caribbean colleges of veterinary medicine and other key industry associations. Jenkins also directs the U.S. philanthropy and corporate social responsibility strategy, which supports key outreach efforts including scholarship and internship programs. As a member of the Zoetis U.S. Leadership Team, Jenkins works closely on the Commitment to Veterinarians platform, which offers support through training and education, research and development, and investments in the future of the veterinary profession. Jenkins received her bachelor’s degree in animal science from Florida A&M University and her DVM from Tuskegee University. She completed an internship at the University of Florida and a residency at the University of Tennessee in small animal internal medicine. She is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) in small animal internal medicine and is a past president of the ACVIM Foundation board of directors. She serves on the board of directors for the One Health Commission and previously served two terms on the board of directors for CATalyst Council. Prior to joining the industry, Jenkins was a tenured associate professor of medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee-Knoxville.
DAVID G. KABBES General Counsel and Managing Director, Corporate Affairs Bunge Limited White Plains, N.Y. david.kabbes@bunge.com David G. Kabbes became general counsel and managing director, corporate affairs for Bunge Limited in 2015 after serving as senior vice president, corporate and legal affairs for Bunge North America since 2000. In that role, he oversaw legal, government and industry affairs; communications; foreign trade support; and environmental functions. Previously, Kabbes served in corporate legal roles as executive vice president, secretary and general counsel at Purina Mills and as a corporate attorney at Koch Industries. Before working as in-house counsel, he was a partner at the law firm of Schiff Hardin and Waite in Peoria, Ill., and an associate at Thompson Coburn in St. Louis. Kabbes grew up in the farm community of Effingham, Ill., and earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Quincy University. He later earned a law degree from the University of Illinois. An active member of his community, Kabbes previously served on the board of the Shakespeare Festival St. Louis and the board of the World Ag Forum. He and wife Judy have five children.
DAVID KURNS Editorial Content Director, Successful Farming Meredith Agrimedia Des Moines, Iowa david.kurns@meredith.com
David Kurns is the editorial content director for Meredith Agrimedia, which includes the Successful Farming and Living the Country Life brands. In this position, which he has held since 2012, Kurns is responsible for creating engaging content across multiple platforms, including print, online, mobile, video, social media and custom solutions, to engage the brand’s readers and visitors. Kurns was part of the founding team that launched Agriculture.com. He later served as the first editor-in-chief of Meredith Interactive Media, which included oversight of Meredith’s 10 largest websites, including Better Homes and Gardens and Parents. Kurns next took his editorial expertise to the company’s business-tobusiness marketing services agency, Meredith Xcelerated Marketing. He was responsible for creating and directing custom marketing initiatives for major clients, including Kraft Foods, The Principal Financial Group, Chrysler, MetLife and Publix, among others. Kurns began his career as a newspaper journalist with stops at the Ames Tribune and the Quad-City Times. A 1982 graduate of Iowa State University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communications, Kurns is a past recipient of the James W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication, the highest honor from Iowa State University’s Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication. He grew up in New Lenox, Ill., and has two children, Daniel and Anna.
DAN MACK Vice President, Transportation and Terminal Operations CHS Inc. Inver Grove Heights, Minn. dan.mack@chsinc.com Dan Mack is vice president, transportation and terminal operations for CHS Inc., located in Inver Grove Heights, Minn. Mack is responsible for all rail, barge and ocean freight transportation activities serving multiple CHS business units. In addition to his transportation responsibilities, Mack oversees all operations related to the CHS grain and fertilizer export/import facilities and river terminals. Before beginning his career with CHS in 1998, he held a variety of management positions within the North American grain and rail industries. Mack represents CHS at a number of industry trade associations, including the National Grain and Feed Association, where he currently serves on the executive committee and as a member of its board of directors. He is past chairman of the North America Freight Car Association and currently serves as a member of that organization’s operating committee. He is also a member of the Fertilizer Institute’s Transportation Council. A North Dakota native, Mack earned his bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics from North Dakota State University.
KELLY MANNING Vice President of Development Growth Energy Washington, D.C. kmanning@growthenergy.org
Kelly Manning joined Growth Energy in 2009 as vice president of development. He is responsible for all membership-related activities and for retaining and recruiting ethanol plants and industry partners to invest in Growth Energy. He also manages primary elements of the American Ethanol-NASCAR program within Growth Energy. Prior to joining Growth Energy, Manning was the general manager of KSFY-TV, the ABC affiliate in Sioux Falls, S.D. He oversaw daily operations that produced more than 20 hours of fresh local news, weather and sports content each week reaching over a half million viewers. Manning has an extensive background in sales and marketing with close to 20 years of experience in the broadcast business. He has served on the board of the Sioux Empire Red Cross, the South Dakota Broadcasters Association and the Sioux Falls Sales and Marketing Executives. Manning grew up on a farm in southeast South Dakota and realizes the opportunity for a strong ethanol industry presence for America. He and wife Tanya reside in Sioux Falls, S.D., and have two daughters.
TIM MCNULTY Vice President, Agriculture, Food Products and Fertilizer Products CSX Transportation Jacksonville, Fla. tim_mcnulty@csx.com Tim McNulty is vice president of agriculture, food and fertilizer business units for CSX Transportation, Jacksonville, Fla. His team is responsible for growing these lines of business through the development of effective market strategies, creating new products and maintaining existing business. In addition, he is also responsible for the sales efforts of these business units and spends time developing relationships with customers to make sure CSX Transportation packages provide value and are priced accordingly. McNulty has been in his current position since January 2016. Prior to his current position, McNulty led the marketing efforts of the agricultural and food teams while serving as the assistant vice president for three years for this business unit. He also led the agricultural marketing unit for 14 years. In addition to these roles, McNulty has held a variety of leadership positions within the commercial department with CSX over the past 30 years, including sales and marketing positions in St. Louis, Baltimore and Jacksonville. McNulty has served as chairman of the National Grain Car Council and sits on the board of directors for the Albany Port Railroad and Fruit Growers Express. He earned both his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Now residing in Jacksonville, McNulty is originally from Cleveland, Ohio. He and wife Linda have four children. McNulty enjoys outdoor activities including golf.
JOE METZGER Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Foodservice and Enhancers/Snack Nuts Kraft Heinz Company Glenview, Ill. joseph.metzger@kraftheinzcompany.com Joe Metzger serves Kraft Heinz Company as the vice president of integrated supply chain for two business units, foodservice and enhancers/snack nuts, with specific responsibility for manufacturing, procurement and customer service logistics. Metzger recently reached his 28-year anniversary with Kraft Heinz Company. He began his career in New Ulm, Minn., and has progressed through many roles, including plant manager in Springfield, Mo., and Beaver Dam, Wis.; director of procurement in Northfield, Ill.; and senior director of customer service and logistics in Atlanta, Ga. In 2013 he took on additional roles for Kraft salad dressings, barbecue sauces and mayonnaise, Miracle Whip, A1 and Grey Poupon. Metzger’s roots with FFA stem back to being raised on a family farm in northwest Iowa and being heavily involved in the local FFA chapter while in high school. He remains connected to his FFA chapter through a scholarship endowment in his parents’ name. Metzger graduated from South Dakota State University with a degree in dairy science and has served on many boards throughout the years, including previously being on the National FFA Foundation Sponsors’ Board from 2006-2009. He and wife Kristi have two daughters.
JOHN MILLER Group Vice President, Agricultural Products BNSF Railway Ft. Worth, Texas john.miller4@bnsf.com
John Miller was promoted to the position of group vice president, agricultural products for BNSF Railway in 2014. In this role, he leads a marketing team that specializes in meeting the needs of whole grain, grain products, fertilizer, ethanol and bulk foods shippers. Miller joined BNSF in 2008 as assistant vice president, agricultural products. He was named vice president, industrial products sales in 2012 after serving as assistant vice president of that group since 2011. Before joining BNSF, Miller had 25 years of experience in the U.S. grain industry. He began his career with Continental Grain Company as a merchandising trainee in 1983 and went on to be named vice president in 1991. Miller later joined Bartlett and then Scoular Grain in various management roles. Miller received his bachelor’s degree in economics from Harvard University and completed Harvard’s Advanced Management Program. John and his wife Daveen live in Southlake, Texas. They have four children.
JOHN NIEMANN President Cargill Turkey and Cooked Meats Wichita, Kan. john_niemann@cargill.com
John Niemann joined Cargill Meat Solutions in Wichita, Kan., in 2001, working in the sales and marketing department. He served in several key marketing and sales positions of increasing responsibility before being named vice president of the sales and marketing team. In 2010, Niemann was named vice president and general manager of Cargill Beef’s facility in Fresno, Calif., where he directed the day-to-day operations of the plant and its almost 1,000 employees. In 2013, he returned to the Cargill Meat Solutions headquarters to become president and business unit leader of Cargill Food Distribution. He was promoted to president, Cargill Turkey and Cooked Meats in 2015. Niemann graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business. He is a lifetime member of National FFA Alumni Association and the Kansas State Alumni Association. He and wife Jennifer reside in Wichita, Kan., with their three children.
BRIAN O’ROURKE Vice President, Association Relationship Management AgriBank, FCB St. Paul, Minn. brian.o’rourke@agribank.com Brian O’Rourke was named vice president, association relationship management at AgriBank, FCB in 2011. In this role, O’Rourke is responsible for the coordination and collaboration of AgriBank resources across multiple departments while supporting the bank association-centric business model. Prior to this position, O’Rourke worked in AgriBank’s commercial lending department for four years as a senior lending officer managing a participation portfolio comprised of accounts in ethanol, sugar and rural utilities. Before joining AgriBank in 2007, O’Rourke was at Farm Credit Leasing Services Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of CoBank, for seven years and held various credit positions with increased responsibility. O’Rourke holds a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business from the University of Wisconsin at River Falls.
MATT PLITT Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Valent USA Corporation Walnut Creek, Calif. matt.plitt@valent.com Matt Plitt is executive vice president and COO of Valent USA, based in Walnut Creek, Calif. He reports to president and CEO Andy Lee. Prior to joining Valent in 2010, Plitt was the director of U.S. business operations for RiceCo LLC. For more than 15 years, Plitt has worked in the industry of agriculture in a variety of managerial, sales, marketing and executive roles. Plitt holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s in business administration from Delta State University in Cleveland.
CHRIS READY Senior Director, Global Animal Marketing Leader Elanco Animal Health Greenfield, Ind. ready_christopher_todd@elanco.com
Chris Ready is the director of food animal marketing for the United States and Canada at Elanco Animal Health. In this role, he is responsible for leading the marketing functions of their beef, dairy, swine and poultry business units. Since joining Elanco in 2005, he has held a number of domestic and global marketing roles. Prior to joining Elanco, he spent 10 years with Bayer Animal Health in various sales, marketing and management roles. Ready earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Kansas. He and wife Sonya have two children and reside in Fishers, Ind.
TOM RODGERS Director of Sales and Marketing Firestone Farm Tires Des Moines, Iowa rodgerstom@firestoneag.com
Tom Rodgers is director of sales and marketing for Bridgestone Americas Agricultural Tire Group. He is responsible for the sales and distribution of Firestone brand agricultural tires in North America as well as managing the areas of new product development, strategic marketing, field engineering and product training. Rodgers joined the organization in 2007 as marketing manager. Prior to joining Bridgestone, Rodgers’ professional experience included time at Deere and Company, Titan International and Archer Daniels Midland. Rodgers’ entire professional experience has been within various segments of agriculture. He is originally from Paris, Texas, and in 1992 received his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Texas Tech University. Rodgers resides in Des Moines, Iowa, with wife Laura and their three daughters.
JASON SCALES, PH.D. Welding Education Specialist Lincoln Electric Cleveland, Ohio jason_scales@lincolnelectric.com
Dr. Jason Scales is the welding education specialist for The Lincoln Electric Co. In this role, he coordinates the development of curriculum, books, technical documents and specialized training programs for customers and welding education groups. He also works with state and national organizations in promoting and strengthening welding education. Organizations he has participated in include the AACC, ACTE, NAAE, FFA, 4-H, the Workforce Industry Needs Council and Skills USA. Scales joined the company in 2011 after spending 13 years as an educator in Missouri. While in Missouri, he taught agricultural education and mechanization for five years at the high school level and eight years at the university level. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from the University of Central Missouri in 1998, a master’s in technical and occupational education from the University of Central Missouri in 2003 and a doctorate in agricultural education from the University of Missouri in 2008. Scales and wife Carrie live in Perry, Ohio, and have three daughters.
DOUG SCOTT Group Marketing Manager of Trucks, Utility and Commercial Vehicles Ford Motor Company Dearborn, Mich. dscott10@ford.com Doug Scott is group marketing manager of trucks, utility and commercial vehicles for Dearborn, Mich.-based Ford Motor Co. He has been with the company for 37 years. Scott oversees all marketing functions for the F-Series pickup trucks, Expedition models and all commercial vehicles in the United States. Prior to assuming his current duties, he was manager of truck product marketing, planning and strategy.
JOHN SMITH Vice President, Key Account Management Bayer Research Triangle Park, N.C. john.smith@bayer.com
John Smith is vice president of key account management for Bayer. He leads the national account team responsible for executing the Bayer channel strategy with distributor, retail and seed company accounts in the United States. Smith brings more than 25 years of leadership experience in agriculture. He has held numerous marketing and sales leadership positions for Bayer throughout the United States and Australia. He has served on the executive board for Western Plant Health Association, where he served as president in 2013. He also served on the board of directors for United Fresh Produce Association. Smith was raised in northwest Missouri and was a member of the Fairfax FFA Chapter. He earned his bachelor’s degree in agronomy from the University of Missouri. He and wife Kim reside in Cary, N.C., where Kim is a foods technology instructor at Cary High School. They have three grown daughters.
ERIC SPELL President AgCareers.com Clinton, N.C. eric.spell@agcareers.com
Eric Spell, president of AgCareers.com, has more than 20 years of experience in agribusiness leadership and strategic recruitment. Growing up on a row crop farm in eastern North Carolina, his passion for agriculture flourished and has continued to grow throughout his professional ventures. Spell’s extensive background in training, recruiting and consulting has helped him build and lead AgCareers.com, an online career site and human resource service provider for agriculture, food, natural resources and biotechnology. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from North Carolina State University’s College of Management. Spell, who is active in his local community, and wife Sharon live in Clinton, N.C., with their three children.
JOHN E. STARKEY, P.E. President U.S. Poultry & Egg Association Tucker, Ga. jstarkey@uspoultry.org
John Starkey, president of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, is responsible for the administration of all association programs and activities. He also serves as president of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Harold E. Ford Foundation. He served as vice president of environmental programs for the association prior to being appointed president in 2007. The organization represents the poultry and egg industry on both national and international levels with a focus on research, education, communications and technical services. The association is managing partner of the International Production and Processing Expo, which includes its International Poultry Expo. Previously, Starkey was manager of environmental engineering for Gold Kist, director of environmental affairs for Hudson Foods and principal in the engineering firm of Vaughn, Coltrane and Associates. Starkey received his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering at Purdue University and his master’s in sanitary engineering at Georgia Tech. He is a registered professional engineer in several states, including Georgia. Starkey previously served as a member of the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education and Economics Advisory Board.
DAVID STIDHAM Vice President, Marketing Culver Franchising System Inc. Prairie du Sac, Wis. davidstidham@culvers.com
David Stidham is vice president of marketing for Culver Franchising System Inc., the franchisor for more than 550 Culver’s restaurants in 22 states. Stidham joined CFSI in 2009. In this role, he oversees the overall strategy, planning and execution of all marketing functions including brand, advertising, public relations and communications. During Stidham’s tenure, the Culver’s system has grown from 389 restaurants to more than 550 locations. With 15 years of restaurant and hospitality experience prior to joining CFSI, Stidham was president of Fresh Ideas Marketing Group Inc., a restaurantfocused agency designed to develop chain restaurants’ advertising planning and execution. Stidham has also held the title of vice president of marketing for several restaurant companies including Raising Canes Chicken Fingers and Smoothie King while also holding the title of national director of marketing for Shoney’s restaurants. A native of Florida and Tennessee, Stidham and his wife Mari reside in Prairie du Sac, Wis., with their sons, Jack and Jacob.
CHARLES “LYNN” THEISS Global Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Newly Weds Foods Chicago, Ill. ltheiss@newlywedsfoods.com
Charles “Lynn” Theiss is global vice president, chief technical officer for Newly Weds Foods at their corporate headquarters in Chicago. Following his 2016 retirement from this position, he will remain with Newly Weds Foods working in areas of corporate governance as senior science consultant, which will include support and time for work with FFA. He is particularly looking forward to his association with FFA. Theiss is a native of Kentucky, having received a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Centre College and a bachelor’s in chemistry and a master’s in English from the University of Louisville. He was recruited by Pillsbury Company after completing his schooling and relocated to Minneapolis. In addition to Newly Weds Foods and Pillsbury, he has held positions with Nabisco, Durkee French Foods (now Reckitt and Benckiser) and ConAgra. He has served on the boards of directors of the American Spice Trade Association and the National Seasoning Manufacturers Association and is two-time past president of the latter. Theiss has been married for more than 40 years to Jean Erlandson Theiss, who hails from Chicago and whom he met at Centre College. They have three children and four grandchildren. After retirement, he and his wife will move to their retirement home in Louisville, Ky., which will make working with staff at the National FFA Center in Indianapolis all the more convenient.
SUSANNE WASSON Commercial Leader, U.S. Crop Protection Business Dow AgroSciences Indianapolis, Ind. lswasson@dow.com
Susanne Wasson is the commercial leader of the U.S. Crop Protection Business of Dow AgroSciences. Wasson joined the company in 1990 as a financial analyst. She has had a number of sales, marketing and commercial management roles, including an international assignment in the United Kingdom. She was the global business leader for the range and pasture and industrial vegetation management herbicide business prior to returning to the U.S. business. Wasson grew up in Oklahoma on her family’s Santa Gertrudis cow-calf operation. She earned degrees in agricultural economics and accounting from Oklahoma State University and a master’s in agricultural economics from Texas A&M University. She is a member and past chapter president of P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization for women). She is also a member of the Delta Delta Delta Foundation undergraduate scholarship committee and Women for OSU. She is currently on the board of directors of Indiana Humanities and CropLife America.
KARL WEISS Vice President, Earthmoving Division Caterpillar Inc. Peoria, Ill. weiss_karl_e@cat.com
K.E. (Karl) Weiss is vice president of the earthmoving division of Caterpillar Inc. Weiss joined Caterpillar as an engineering co-op student in 1988 and worked in various product development positions early in his career at several of Caterpillar’s Illinois locations. He subsequently held management positions for Caterpillar in Geneva, Switzerland, and Beijing, China. Most recently Weiss was the worldwide product manager for Medium Wheel Loaders in Aurora, Ill. In high school, Weiss was a member of the Hagerstown FFA Chapter in Indiana and then served as vice president of the Indiana FFA Association. He graduated from Purdue University in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering, and he received a master’s from Northern Illinois University in 1999. He serves on the boards of the YMCA of Metro Chicago and the Center for Faith and Human Rights. He also volunteers at Crossroads Christian Church and The Hesed House. Weiss and wife Jill have two children.
KEN WILMES Senior Vice President, General Merchandise Manager Tractor Supply Company Brentwood, Tenn. kwilmes@tractorsupply.com Wilmes has been with Tractor Supply Company for 13 years. Including his time with Quality Stores, he has been in the farm and ranch business for nearly 28 years. He has held several roles including district manager, buyer, and divisional merchandise manager. Wilmes grew up in the Midwest. He, his wife Dawn and their two daughters moved to Tennessee when Wilmes joined the Tractor Supply merchandising team.
JAY WILSON Vice President of Marketing, Food Care North America Sealed Air Corporation Duncan, S.C. jay.wilson@sealedair.com Jay Wilson is responsible for the Cryovac packaging marketing team for Sealed Air’s Food Care Division in North America. His more than 27 years with Sealed Air started when he joined Cryovac Inc. in 1988 as a packaging applications specialist in R&D. He progressed through a series of roles that included sales development manager, applications manager, product line director and marketing director before he was promoted to his current position. He is a member of Food Care’s Global Marketing Council and Sealed Air’s Global Business Leaders Council. Prior to joining Sealed Air, Wilson served as the plant manager for Village Meats in Norcross, Ga. Wilson grew up in the farm country of midwest Ohio and was connected with FFA as a freshman in high school. The local Greenon FFA Chapter was strong and very influential in providing clear leadership training and career direction. This led Wilson to the College of Agriculture at The Ohio State University, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture emphasizing meat and animal sciences. He sees FFA as the foundation that he has continued to build upon in his career with Sealed Air. He and his wife Katie reside on a small farm in Woodruff, S.C. They became “empty nesters” after the last of their three daughters was recently married. Wilson volunteers in the community through his church and a number of local charities.
Individual Giving Council
COREY ROSENBUSCH 2016-17 Chair President Global Cold Chain Alliance Alexandria, Va. crosenbusch@gcca.org
Corey Rosenbusch serves as president of the Global Cold Chain Alliance, an alliance of four cold chain industry organizations: The International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses, World Food Logistics Organization, International Refrigerated Transportation Association and the International Association of Cold Storage Construction. In this position, Rosenbusch serves as the executive providing leadership for all of the association’s operations and divisions, including education and training, marketing and communication, international programs, events, industry affairs and government relations. Rosenbusch also provides administrative oversight for overall organization operations, including financial performance and personnel. Rosenbusch’s early career included serving as president of the National FFA Organization and the Texas FFA Association. Rosenbusch also founded and served as president and CEO of his own company that delivers programs in organizational behavior, leadership theory and team development. Rosenbusch holds a master’s in international education with a concentration in international development from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education from Texas A&M University. A native Texan, he currently resides in Alexandria, Va., with his wife and three daughters.
GLENN STITH Immediate Past Chair President Top Hand Consulting Inc. Ankeny, Iowa glennallenstith@aol.com
After a storied career with the Monsanto Company, Glenn Stith retired in 2011 as vice president of U.S. Branded Business and global lead of Seminis Vegetable Division. In that position, Stith was responsible for leading the sales and marketing activities for North and South America. Stith joined Monsanto in 1977 and held a variety of domestic and international positions in sales, marketing and management on both the crop production and industrial turf and ornamental sides of the business. He went on to lead the U.S. branded business with responsibility for sales, marketing and operations for the Dekalb, Asgrow and Stoneville seed brands; the Roundup and Harness chemistry brands; and the Boligard, Roundup Ready and Yieldgard biotech trait brands. Since 2011 he has worked as an independent consultant and senior associate of The Context Network. Based in Ankeny, Iowa, with his wife Maggie, he works as an agribusiness consultant. A native of Kentucky and former Kentucky state FFA president, Stith grew up on a feed, grain and livestock operation. A graduate of the University of Kentucky with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics, he holds a master of business administration degree from Washington University in St. Louis.
KENNETH ALLEN Retired Gravois Mills, Mo. kallen@radiks.net
Ken Allen retired in 2014 as president, agricultural tire, U.S. and Canada commercial tire sales division for Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations LLC, a position he had held since 2009. Allen was responsible for the manufacturing, sales and marketing of Firestone brand agricultural, forestry and light construction tires. Allen joined then Bridgestone Firestone Inc. in 2002 as export sales manager for Firestone Agricultural Tire. He transferred to their Off Road Products Group (ORPG) as general manager, export sales in 2003. Three years later, Allen was promoted to director, global OEM of engineering and export sales for ORPG. In 2007, he returned to Firestone Agricultural Tire, this time as executive director of sales and marketing, and in 2008, Allen was promoted to vice president. Allen began his career in 1978 with Mid America Group. He also worked with Armstrong, Pirelli Armstrong and Titan Wheel International, which purchased Pirelli Armstrong’s agricultural unit. Allen received his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Iowa State University and his master’s from Drake University in Iowa. He belongs to the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE). Allen also serves as chair of NASCO (North American Strategy for Competitiveness) and as president of the National Council for Agricultural Education.
TRISHA BAILEY Chief Operating Officer Verso Wealth Strategists Jacksonville Beach, Fla. trishabailey@rocketmail.com
As chief operating officer of Verso Wealth Strategists, Trisha Bailey most enjoys making difficult concepts easier for people to understand. She is driven by a sincere desire to empower and enlighten people. As chief operating officer of Redbird Industries, Bailey enjoys helping businesses cut their electric bills. Redbird Industries specializes in manufacturing, warehouses and distribution facilities as an independent distributor of LED and energy solutions. Bailey grew up in Plant City, Fla., and was an honor graduate of the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in food and resource economics with a minor in communications. Following careers with the State Department in Seoul, Korea, and working with a real estate developer, Bailey discovered the financial services industry. She earned a master’s in agribusiness management and is currently pursuing a doctorate in econometrics from the University of Florida. Bailey is a FINRA Series 24 Registered Securities Principal and holds the FINRA Series 7 General Securities license. She has NASAA Series 66 Uniform Combined State Law registrations as well as a life, variable annuity and health insurance license. Bailey is a past national FFA officer and past Florida state FFA vice president.
TOM DILLE Retired Fort Collins, Colo. tmdille@att.net
Tom Dille’s life and career span four continents and multiple work disciplines in agriculture. His first exposure was in Africa, where he was raised as the son of an agricultural missionary in Angola. His teen years were spent on a family farm in Indiana where he participated in FFA and 4-H and held numerous leadership positions as well as being a working member of a 125-head dairy farm. He earned a degree in dairy science from Iowa State University in 1958. After graduation he pursued a career in production agriculture as general manager of large industrial farms in Indiana and Missouri. A long career in supply-side agriculture began in the late 1960s starting with Monsanto Agricultural Company, where he held management and executive positions in operations serving North America, Europe/Middle East and Africa. After several years as president of Monsanto’s first subsidiary in plant and animal breeding, Farmers Hybrid Company, he left the company and joined Griffin Corporation. Here his responsibilities focused primarily on operations in North and South America. His career of more than 30 years in supply-side agriculture ended with Rhone-Poulenc where he was president and CEO of North American operations in crop protection and improvement, seeds and biotech, animal nutrition and animal vaccines. During his career, Dille was active in industry associations, civic organizations, educational institutions and faith-based institutions, holding numerous leadership positions. In retirement, he and his wife of more than 56 years, Paula, moved to Fort Collins, Colo. They have three daughters and four grandchildren.
KYLE HANCOCK Retired Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. kyle.hancock@post.harvard.edu
Kyle Hancock is a former senior executive with more than 34 years of experience with Fortune 500 companies. He retired in 2014 after a long career with CSX Corporation where he served in numerous leadership positions, including president of CSX’s logistics subsidiary, TRANSFLO Corporation. He was instrumental in the creation and operation of NDX Intermodal, a European joint venture of CSX, the German Railroad and the Dutch Railroad, based in Amsterdam. Most recently Hancock was vice president of sales and marketing for CSX Transportation in Jacksonville, Fla. Prior to CSX, he worked for AT&T. Hancock earned a bachelor’s degree in communications and business at Shorter College in Rome, Ga., and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Program for Management Development. He currently serves on the advisory board for Polivka International. He has served on the board of directors of the World Junior Golf Association and on the sponsors’ board of the National FFA Foundation. Hancock and his wife Lisa have been married for 33 years and have two sons.
BRIAN L. FIELD President Harvest Capital Company Canby, Ore. bfield@harvcap.com
Growing up on a working range livestock and hay ranch in southwestern Colorado gave Brian L. Field a strong background and a vested interest in agriculture. As an active FFA member, Field served as state president of the Colorado FFA Association and obtained the National FFA Organization’s highest degree, the American Farmer Degree, in 1980. After completing his agricultural business education at Colorado State University, Field began his working career in the cattle feeding industry as the marketing and placement representative for a 30,000-head cattle feeding operation while also serving as vice president and senior loan officer for the financial division. Shortly before his marriage to Laurel T. Simpson in 1985, Field began his career with the agricultural investments group Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in Billings, Mont., as a long-term finance team member. In 1988, he was selected to represent MetLife’s Agricultural Investments Group as an interim member of MetLife’s Capital Markets and Real Estate Investment offices in Atlanta. In 1990, he rejoined MetLife’s Agribusiness Group as an agricultural investments consultant and relocated to Portland, Ore. In 1992, Field founded Harvest Capital Company. Field’s service to the future of agriculture has continued through his involvement as a member of the board of directors of the Oregon FFA Foundation and as an operations board member of the Oregon FFA Association. He currently serves as an advisor at Oregon State University’s chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. Field lives in Canby, Ore., with his wife and three daughters.
RICK MALIR Co-founder and President City Barbeque Dublin, Ohio rick@citybbq.com
City Barbeque co-founder and president Rick Malir, a former national FFA president, turned passion into achievement. Malir was previously in marketing, sales and dealer consulting at John Deere and Company. He left John Deere to join some BBQ-loving friends in starting the first City Barbeque restaurant in 1999. Within one year, City Barbeque was named one of the top 10 casual restaurants by The Columbus Dispatch. City Barbeque has become a chain of 23 establishments in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. Malir grew up in Kansas on the family farm and graduated from Kansas State University with a bachelor’s degree in agricultural economics. Malir, who has a master of business administration degree from the University of Illinois, has a management style that involves giving all 350 employees the opportunity to drive the success of their restaurants by modeling the philosophy to always do their best.
LYNETTE L. MARSHALL President The University of Iowa Foundation Iowa City, Iowa lynette-marshall@uiowa.edu
Lynette L. Marshall became president of The University of Iowa Foundation in 2006. The foundation has experienced record performance and growth for people, programs and initiatives throughout The University of Iowa. A graduate of the University of Illinois and a longtime senior fundraising professional there, Marshall earned her Certified Fundraising Executive designation from the Association of Fundraising Professionals in 1992. She is a member of several national fundraising organizations and has taught development workshops nationally and internationally. Marshall was reared on a fifth-generation family farm near Peoria, Ill. She and her husband Jeffery Ford have two children. Their son Michael graduated from the University of Illinois and daughter Katharine graduated from the University of Iowa.
EDWARD L. MCMILLAN At Large Independent Business Consultant Greenville, Ill. mcmillaned@sbcglobal.net
McMillan was president and chief executive officer of Purina Mills Inc. from 1988-1996. He joined Purina Mills in 1969 as a field sales representative and held various positions in marketing, business development and diversified business management before being named president and CEO in 1988 and elected to the board of directors in 1993. A leading figure in the animal nutrition industry, McMillan served on the board of directors of the American Feed Industry Association and as chairman of the board in 1993-94. He serves on the board of directors of several food and agribusiness-related companies including Balchem Corporation, Durvet Inc., Newco Enterprises Inc., Certified Hereford Beef LLC and Agrivida Inc. He received a bachelor’s degree in agricultural science from the University of Illinois and is a graduate of the Credit Research Foundation Inc. School of Credit and Financial Management. He also has won numerous awards. McMillan and wife Judy live near Greenville, Ill., and have two grown children.
BERNIE STALLER Retired Janesville, Wis. bernmart@charter.net
Bernie Staller, an Indiana native, graduated from Fort Atkinson Senior High School in 1961. Staller, an honors graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He served as agribusiness instructor and FFA advisor at Janesville-Parker High School in Wisconsin for 11 years. During that time, enrollment in the agricultural education program grew from 40 to nearly 500 students and from one to five instructors. Staller joined the National FFA Foundation as the assistant executive director in 1977 and became executive director in 1979. He assumed his responsibilities as CEO for both the National FFA Organization and National FFA Foundation in 1991, a position he held until his retirement in 2004. As an FFA advisor, Staller successfully coached numerous award winners, including those earning an American FFA Degree, American Star Award and proficiency award. He also had national success in chapter competitions and community development. He has an extended list of personal honors such as being inducted into the Wisconsin FFA Hall of Fame, earning honorary state and national degrees, being twice-selected as the outstanding young teacher in Wisconsin and serving on multiple boards for agricultural education and various sectors of agriculture. Staller is married to the former Martha Miller of Whitewater, Wis.; the couple has two children.
JAY VROOM President and CEO CropLife America Washington, D.C. jvroom@croplifeamerica.org
Jay Vroom has served as president and CEO of the trade association known as CropLife America since 1989 and has been a leader in U.S. agribusiness trade associations for his entire career. In addition, he has served as chairman of the CropLife Foundation since its inception in 2001. In his current role with CLA, Vroom heads the leading U.S. trade group for the crop protection industry in the United States. Through its membership in the Brussels-based global federation CropLife International (CLI), CLA is a strong voice in many international venues on issues critical to the plant science industry. Vroom is a senior member of CLI’s Crop Protection Steering Council. He is also on the board of directors for The Friends of the National Arboretum, an independent, nonprofit organization established to enhance the National Arboretum. Based in Washington, D.C., CLA has a principal staff of nearly 30 professionals. CLA operates with several affiliated organizations including CropLife Foundation; CropLife Political Action Committee, of which he serves as treasurer; and Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE). Prior to joining the CropLife staff, Vroom had various positions in executive capacities with the National Fertilizer Solutions Association, the Merchants Exchange of St. Louis and The Fertilizer Institute. He graduated with honors from the University of Illinois College of Agriculture. Vroom was raised on a grain and livestock farm in north-central Illinois and continues to own the farming operation.
Past Chairs
Past Chairs of the National FFA Foundation Board of Trustees 2011
John Rakestraw
David Miller
Mark Timm
John “Russ” Green
Elin Miller
Past Chairs of the National FFA Foundation Individual Giving Council 2008-09
A. Charles Fischer
Mark Timm
Elin Miller
Glenn Stith
Past Chairs of the National FFA Foundation Sponsors’ Board 1947
Horace D. Millhone
Firestone Tire & Rubber
Horace D. Millhone
Firestone Tire & Rubber
Frank W. Jenks
Vice President
International Harvester
John H. Kraft
Board Chairman
Kraft Foods Company
Raymond C. Firestone
Vice President
Firestone Tire & Rubber
Roger M. Kyes
Vice President
General Motors Co.
Chester M. Lang
Vice President
General Electric Co.
W. A. Roberts
Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
A. F. Davis
James Lincoln Arc Welding
Clark W. Davis
General Manager
E.I. du Pont de Nemours
John L. McDaffrey
Chairman of the Board
International Harvester
Hugo Reimer Glen B. Miller
President (Jan.-May) President (June-Dec.)
Allied Chemical Corp. Allied Chemical Corp.
Merritt D. Hill
Vice President
Ford Motor Co. (Tractor)
Russell De Young
Goodyear Tire & Rubber
John C. Denton
Spencer Chemical Co.
Bruce Lourie
Vice President
Deere & Company
J. W. Keener
BF Goodrich Company
Curry W. Stoup
Avco New Idea
L. W. Moore
American Oil Company
Byron J. Nichols
Vice President
Chrysler Corporation
M. G. O’Neil
General Tire & Rubber
L. W. Davis
Vice President
Allis-Chalmers (Equip.)
Donald Danforth Jr.
Executive VP
Ralston Purina Company
S. W. White Jr.
Vice President
White Motor Company
Fred Stines
Successful Farming magazine
John E. Streetmen
Vice President
Allied Mills Inc.
A. Malcom McVie
Elanco Products Co.
Robert Walston
Vice President
Funk Seeds International
Edward F. Carter
Executive VP
Firestone Tire & Rubber
Robert W. Engle
VP & General Manager
Avco New Idea
David Phillipson
DVM, VP & General Mgr.
Upjohn Company
Clark A. Nelson
Senior Vice President
Carnation Company
Robert D. Lund
Vice President
General Motors Corp.
R. M. Hendrickson
Pfizer Inc. (Ag Div.)
Owen J. Newlin
Vice President
Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l.
Mrs. Lu Achilles Wall
Executive Assistant
Hesston Corporation
Robert M. Book
Indiana Institute
Past Chairs of the National FFA Foundation Sponsors’ Board 1984 Hilmer L. Jones
Vice President N. American Operations
Merck & Company Inc.
Corporate Senior VP
Alfa-Laval Inc.
Carl F. Gerhardt
William (Bill) Munsell
Executive VP
Young & Rubicam USA
Robert C. Lanphier III
DICKEY-john Corp.
Joseph L. Downey
Vice President
The Dow Chemical Co.
Nicholas Babson
President & CEO
Babson Bros. Co./Surge
Thomas Hennesy
Chairman & CEO
TSC Stores
Robert W. Reynolds
VP & General Manager
Monsanto Ag Company
Neil O. Christenson
Vice President
Deere & Company
Dale A. Miller
President & CEO
Sandoz Agro Inc.
1994 Ron Davis President & CEO
Biggs/Gilmore Communications
H. D. Cleberg
President & CEO
Farmland Industries Inc.
Allan R. Johnson
Farm Progress Companies
Wayne L. Beck
Vice President
Pioneer Hi-Bred International
A. Charles Fischer
Vice President
Dow AgroSciences
William T. Boehm
Vice President–Logistics
The Kroger Company
R. W. “Bud” Porter
Senior Vice President
Deere & Company
Lawrence J. Gundrum
Senior VP–Operations
Kraft Foods Inc.
James C. Borel
DuPont Crop Protection
Gerald W. Brase
Senior VP–Merchandising Tractor Supply Company
2004 John Rakestraw Chief Executive Officer
Midwest Precision Molasses Supplements
2005 Dwight Armstrong President & CEO
North American Nutrition Companies Inc.
2006 Douglas C. DeVries
Senior Vice President, John Deere Agricultural Marketing- North America, Australia & Asia
2007 Glenn A. Stith Vice President
Seminis Seeds Division NA & SA Operations of Monsanto
Jerry R. Rose
Corporate Vice President Cargill Incorporated
Jeff Simmons
2010 Vern Hawkins
President NAFTA Region Crop Protection
Dir. of Global Sourcing
Tractor Supply Company
Melody Alford
2012 John Adent President & CEO
Animal Health International Inc.
Firestone Farm Tires
2014 Beth Bechdol
Director of Agribusiness Strategies
Ice Miller
2015 Cory J. Reed
Senior Vice President Intelligent Solutions Group
John Deere
Ken Allen
The FFA Mission: FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
The Agricultural Education Mission: Agricultural education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resources systems. The National FFA Organization is a resource and support organization that does not select, control or supervise state association, local chapter or individual member activities. Educational materials are developed by FFA in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Education as a service to state and local agricultural education agencies. The National FFA Organization affirms its belief in the value of all human beings and seeks diversity in its membership, leadership and staff as an equal opportunity employer.
© National FFA Organization 2015 The letters “FFA,” the FFA emblem, Future Farmers of America and Forever Blue are registered trademarks of the National FFA Organization and cannot be used without permission.
National FFA Foundation 6060 FFA Drive P.O. Box 68960 Indianapolis, IN 46268-0960 Phone: 317-802-6060 Fax: 317-802-6061 FFA.org/Give