Portfolio for UCL - MArch Architecture

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Use history to create architecture, Use nature to modify architecture, Use technology to reflect architecture.


Main program

-001. Flying roof Density. Texture. Urbanism. Order. History

-002. Poetry and nature

Transformation. Expression. Nature. Technology

-003. Life with water

Event. Living. Life style. Narrator. History

-004. Synesthesia

Visualization. Activity. History. Music

Other work -Performance. Process. Product.

-Garden community -Underwater Cemetery for Post-Pandemic Era

Flying roof

Year 3 school studio work(2019) - individual

Assumption of modern public buildings based on Chinese traditional architectural form Suzhou, as an ancient capital with a long history, combined with favorable protection measures in modern times, has formed a unique urban form in which the old city and the new city coexist. In the old city, although the original building structure and layout are retained, the public buildings in the old city have been gradually reduced due to the rapid increase of population flow and public transportation. As this place lacks public buildings, we design a public building with library function, hoping to provide a city square to inject new vitality into the old city.

Because it is mainly to create an urban space, it is particularly important for the old city to move with the population where the project is located. The flow trajectories of different kinds of people in Suzhou are quite different. There are adults who work hard, students who attend classes, and tourists who come to visit. The bustling crowds coming and going every day constitute the unique humanistic charm of the city. Instead of creating a box for people to enter, it is better to open the box so that people can shuttle freely, just as they shuttle through the city every day.

Free plan and continuous roof Keywords, starting point and design direction

Returning to architectural design, considering the regional uniqueness, this paper analyzes the single building structure from the local unique architecture, that is, Chinese traditional architecture. To put it simply, leaving out the details, the overall architectural features are roof and interior space. Because of the characteristics of column structure, the interior design is actually a very free but regular modular design. The modular interior design coincides with our idea of opening this space. In Chinese traditional thought, hierarchy is deeply rooted in people's hearts. Therefore, the idea of hierarchy will be integrated into architectural design. However, this kind of design will make the current architecture place too much emphasis on functionality and ignore people's feelings in it. Therefore, free plane and continuous roof are used to alleviate this sense of hierarchy. Glass is also widely used in buildings to minimize the limitations brought by the buildings themselves. At the same time, increase green plants and some water sources to simulate the natural environment.

Non-hierarchical space

Assumption of public space from the free plan Hierarchical space was first mentioned in the field of painting. Usually, painters will arrange the characters and scenes in the painting in different hierarchical order in the same canvas to show the power of monarchs or priests. However, with the rise of people's self-consciousness, the control of these absolute powers is gradually challenged. People began to realize that painting can not be limited to the historical background and rulers at that time, but also daily chores or mountains and rivers. At this time, the concept of non hierarchical space came into being.

Due to different functional divisions, the whole building is divided into three parts. Each part provides different groups of people. The three buildings interact with each other to form a central square. This area provides places for different groups of people to carry out activities. Different groups of people will go to their target areas directly and indirectly due to their different purposes. Compared with the staff in this project, most of them will only work in the green area to get a relatively quiet office area, which can improve their work efficiency.

Continuous roof

Redesign the roof hierarchy

Because of the existence of the bottom mode, the setting of the wall is different according to the module. At the same time, the cross cooperation between the roofs also requires a certain continuity between the walls. This continuity indirectly leads to the diversity of the roof and the diversity of the street. At the same time, the gray space created between them gives different people different spaces to feel the charm of traditional buildings power. Because of the existence of the bottom mode, the setting of the wall is different according to the module. At the same time, the cross cooperation between the roofs also requires a certain continuity between the walls. This continuity indirectly leads to the diversity of the roof and the diversity of the street. At the same time, the gray space created between them gives different people different spaces to feel the charm of traditional buildings power.

Continuity of wall 6m 15m

6m 12m




Roof detail Refer to the construction process of ancient buildings, especially the Song Dynasty "Jianzao fashi". Through the bucket structure of the ancient building as a breakthrough, this building follows the same structural form, mainly with wooden bearing columns, supplemented by wooden beams. In order to enhance the sound insulation and waterproof of the building, the modern three-layer roof structure is adopted in the roof design, and the concrete is used as the waterproof material in the innermost layer.

Because of the existence of the bottom mode, the setting of the wall is different according to the module. At the same time, the cross cooperation between the roofs also requires a certain continuity between the walls. This continuity indirectly leads to the diversity of the roof and the diversity of the street. At the same time, the gray space created between them gives different people different spaces to feel the charm of traditional buildings power.

1- 270mm*240mm Ceramic tile 2 - 20mm concrete Precast slab 3 - Strengthening beam 4 - 20mm concrete slab 5 - Wooden window frame 6 - Window curtains 7 - Double glazing low-e window 8 - Marble windowsill 9 - Double layer brick 10 - waterproof

Poetry and nature

Year 4 school studio work(2020) - individual

Museum Design Based on the study of orders and disciplines Metropolitan area is the engine of regional economic development and the most competitive area in the process of globalization. At the beginning of the 21st century, the development of megalopolis in the world presents a new trend: large, medium and small cities of different sizes gather around one or more larger central cities. They are independent in form and closely linked in function, and form "multi center" urban clusters with huge economic strength.

From context to project Orders and disciplines in history, site and poetry +Historical order: [contrast] pure land hidden in the secular world.

+Local character: polycentric urban structure and artificial nature zone.

+ Poetry

1F Plan

Sunlight facade Analysis of facade design based on song of creatures


Wind tower Analysis of interior design based on song of creatures

Life with water

Year 3 school studio work(2019) - individual

Exploration of commercial-residential integrated architecture based on typology What makes a house? What makes a city? Maybe it is the function. A single-used house, for example,the residential house is actually the house for people to have a rest. However, a house can be a house but it is also a city. Mixed-used architecture seems to a small city if we scale it from the human size. This idea first comes from Athens Charter(1933), which defined the whole city into four basic function: reaction, work, dwelling, trasportation. Following this theory, Le Corbusier invited a “radiant city” and recently becomes to HOPSCA( Hotel, Office, Shoppingmall, Convention,Apartment). Therefore, in my project, it will keep going on the combination of two functions in different way and also is considered with the sustainability strategy, circulation strategy, structure and the building regulation.

Mix-used building Exploration of commercial-residential integrated architecture The whole building is mainly used for residence, but the function of market is also added to the ground floor to expand the functional diversity of the building. At the same time, Suzhou traditional water system is introduced as the embellishment of the market.

Building typology

“Typology is the principle of architecture.”

-Aldo Rossi

Architectural typology matured in France during the European Enlighten-ment and was abandoned in the period of modernism. The crisis of modernism or functionalism led to the revival of ty-pology. Because typology is closely re-lated to history and culture, the empha-sis on typology has become a part of the widespread pursuit of architectural “meaning” after modernism. Types are like languages. Language always exists before the language ability of individu-als or groups. Architecture as a system attaches importance to architecture be-fore individual architects or some his-torical stage of architecture.

Mutipule Lifestyle The people who live here have different living habits because of the different house type and occupation. Some people are used to getting up early, going to bed early and exercising regularly. Go to the market downstairs every day to buy fresh ingredients and live a serious life. Some children get up early to go to school, go home in the evening to eat and study, and then go downstairs to play in the garden. There are also office workers who go out early and return late. Home is an eternal harbor for them. Here, everyone has their life story, and architecture is the storage place of their stories. Different positions determine different daylighting and inconsistent lighting, and the different physical conditions lead to different room lighting angle and time. However, the neighborhood, furniture and scenery will change the living habits. In this project, I divide different floors into different building categories to give different people different lives. Therefore, in this scene will naturally occur a variety of sophistication.

Diverse street landscape


Final Year Project(2021) - individual

Exploring the essence of architecture by deconstructing music The sound of music is the same as the light on the water. It's not just an analogy, but the same footprints of nature on different things. ----Bacon Music is everywhere in our complicated life - some people pursue the elegant orchestral sound in the gorgeous concert hall, and do not give up the resident singing in the bar. While some people prefer to seek the pure land in the noisy music, others will pursue the jumping rock in the silence of the night. So what is music? We seek a wilderness, in a blank to listen to the voice of nature. Stripping the truth with mask in the music, purifying the soul, looking for the unique peace that only belongs to oneself.

Basic music elements and its visualization Deconstructing music and reorganizing music visual effects Through the analysis of the basic elements of music and the simple analysis of music theory(harmony, mode, rhythm and melody), four basic elements (pitch, beat, dynamics and timbre) are summarized. Meanwhile, through the visual processing of these four elements, different music scores are displayed through visual effects. Combined with the exploration of nature in the project, the sunrise is selected as the research track, so as to translate the music score and form its own unique music visualization.

stage 01

stage 02

stage 03

stage 04

Also Sprach Zarathustra - sunrise Richard Strauss

"Human beings feel the power of God, but human beings still yearn." If the sunrise phenomenon in nature is shown by music score, Richard Strauss gives a good demonstration: he divides the sunrise into four stages: waiting, initial rise, half rise and finish. In the preparation stage before sunrise, the author shows the vitality of sunrise through the combination of different musical instruments. stage 01

stage 02

stage 03

stage 04

Intentional basic elements of architecture Deconstruction of architecture and reconstruction of architectural visual effect The project aims to create an experimental Music Research Centre to enhance the historical significance and contemplative nature of the Vera Cruz Figueira Fortress, Algarve, Portugal. It is an intimate and secluded place to enhance a meditative experience of solitude while stimulating the senses through the elements of light, matter and water, an intimate journey to immerse oneself through music and silence into and profound tranquillity. A place between the natural landscape and the inner courtyards where the archaeological ruins become a compelling scenery. A sequence of spaces above or below ground, welcome visitors and provide shade while stimulating movement between open-air, enclosed spaces and outdoor environments.

Plan: First floor

Plan: Second floor

Plan: Third floor

Plan: Fourth floor

Multi-storey public space derived from music Transition from visual effect of architectural elements to architectural expression


Model photo

Multi-storey public space

Framework and construction Exploring the essence of architecture by deconstructing music The centre will provide a pioneering new place for musicians where music is created, shared, and studied in both analogic and digitally integrated, professional-quality facilities. The use of positive and negative spaces in this art form could portray an exciting balance between the physical and the ephemeral, silence and music. Some of the rooms will need to be designed for a specific reverberation cycle and acoustic attenuation, they are also treated as acoustical landscapes that provide localised sound environments for individuals or small groups of musicians.


Horizontal connection

Vertical connection

Functional space

Performance. Process. Product. Architectural technology

Year 3 school studio work(2019) - group

Performative just means performance-based, but in the context of where we are here today, with the ubiquity of computers as part of the process, it means that the buildings now can and need to perform in a lot of ways. Some of those have to do with the obvious aspect and form. Some of them might have to do with energy management or sustainability. Some of them might have to do with sun and visuality and the ability to see through skins, or do quite the opposite and protect skins from either glare, too much light, or heat that the sunlight brings. These tools are now accessible to not just the designers, but all the engineers and consultant team, the clients, so there’s an iteration between groups as to developing the final building.

close -0°

close -45°

semi-open - 30°

close -60°


Facade- reder mode The whole appearance can be adjusted according to the amount of sunlight. From full closed to full open is the different use of light energy.

Concept development Tessellation is repeating the same patterns or blocks (homogeneous units) and combining them with no overlaps and no gaps. And our study is based on this conncept and work harder.

Material test In order to find the best material which could work well for our physical model, we had done a series test models to see the compatibility between different combination of different frame and surface materials.

Facade-Physical mode After our test model, we made our final physical model of 1:2 scale. In this scale, we use a third material and find that it can be used to fit our original purpose.

Facade- render application I take a museum case as my application case to test the fitness between facade and the building, and also the real scale can also be the solar gain machine.

Garden Community

Bidding project in 2019 -2020 - group

School design based on daily routine Guixi school is located in the west of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, with a land area of about 37,000 square meters. It has 72 classes for primary and 42 classes for middle schools. The design puts forward "garden community" which contains different functional spaces such as "learning, accommodation, eating, recreation and tourism" , so as to make the school evolve from a simple teaching place into a playground with diverse experiences, and create a learning and living place with education and entertainment and multiple compound.



Go to school

Go to class

Class break

Students go here by many transportation, such as car bikes, buses, or just go on feet

Students come to class and start reading English book, and perpare for the whole day.

Mid-break time,students usually play around on the playground and enjoy their break time.


View View






Have lunch

Middey rest

With the sunshine, students enjoy their reading time, and also can communicate for some while.

After the morning class, students ruch to the canteen and have a quick lunch.

After lunch, student can have some rest time for their own time.







Sketch and photographic course

Music and dancing class

After school

During afternoon, students can have diferent course and also can choose their favorite.

During afternoon, students can have diferent course and also can choose their favorite.

Ending the whole class, students can enjoy running on the playground.

Recreation- playground Courtyard shaping has its own characteristics, matching the nature and educational needs of all ages, so that students have rich and colorful memories in the nine-year long campus life.

Learning- classroom The school should not be a "cage" to suppress nature, but a "paradise" for learning and growth. Educational architecture should respond to the constantly updated teaching concepts and models.

Underwater Cemetery for Post-Pandemic Era Evolo competition in 2021 - group

The pandemic in New York Harbor in the United States has entered the "post-pandemic phase". The terrifying rate of transmission of COVID-19 has led to a huge base of infections and, at the same time, a huge number of deaths. We need to race against time and get proper care before the corpse decays. this vertical cemetery "Zero burial", waiting to be claimed by their families.

Rapid assembly building underwater An efficient SOP process is required for rapid assembly and ice burial treatment after a large number of deaths.

Memorial room A certain space is needed for people to complete a sense of ritual, which can heal psychological trauma.

Detail section

Drawings and Model

School work in Year 2(2018) - individual

Painting and hands-on have always been my forte. When I first came into contact with architecture, I used the most primitive drawings and solid models to measure the space of the whole building and the feeling of the human body inside. Based on this initial study, I will provide a basic guarantee for my future study career.

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