The University of Edinburgh Architectural and Urban Design MSc Application Portfolio of ChundiZhang

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Address:Room1703,Building46,Stage2,TianJiaShuiJingCheng,SouthJilongSt.,LinyuanSt.,Lvyuan Dist,ChangchunCity,JilinProvince,China130000


CentralAcademyofFineArts,China 09/2017-06/2022




Awards&Honours:the3rdClassScholarship(2020);OutstandingIndividual(2017);ExcellentStudent Cadre(2016)


Thebuildingstructureworkshop,CentralAcademyofFineArts 08–09/2019


-Independentlycompletedthepreliminarysiteresearch;hand-madethePVCmodelanddrewthefloor plan;brainstormedcreativeideaswiththeteammates

-Modifiedthebuilding'sarchitecturalstructureundertheguidanceofaGermanprofessor;incorporated Germanarchitecturalideologyintoourdesign

RenovationofstonehousesinQingfengVillage,PingtanCity,FujianProvince 04/2019




Constructionofanarchitecturalartinstallation,CentralAcademyofFineArts 06/2018

-Designedandplacedanarchitecturalartinstallationinalong,spatialelevatorroomwith parametric-freefeatures;theinstallationallowspeopletomovearoundandrestinsideflexibly

-Thewholeinstallationismadeupofcardboardfoldedinto'bricks'withhigh-strengthVelcroonall sides;thebricksallowtheinstallationtochangeformandcansubsequentlybesoldasaDIY installationwithkitsandassemblies

WorkingExperience BeijingNadiArchitecturalPlanningandDesignCo.,Ltd|InternArchitecturalDesigner
-ParticipatedinthesmallpersimmonyardprojectinShaqiangVillage,XiuwuCounty,HenanProvince -Assistedwiththemodelling,design,rendering,drawing,typesettingandCADdrawing -Supervisedtheconstructionofthe400squaremetersyard ExtracurricularActivities Excellentstudentprojectsexhibition,CentralAcademyofFineArts 11–12/2020 Fieldtrip&researchresultsexhibition,CentralAcademyofFineArts 05–06/2019 2ndprizeinthephotographysociety'scompetition 12/2018 DirectoroftheLogicSocietyofCentralAcademyofFineArts 09/2020–09/2021 Skills Language:Chinese(Native);English(Fluent) DesignSoftware:Rhino,SketchUp,Vary,Enscape,CAD,PS,AI,ID


MyinitialimpressionofspacecamefromZahaHadid,whoseuniquethinkingin architecturaldesign,parametricfree-form,limit-breakingarchitecturaldesign,and insightsinvariousdesignfieldsletmeseethecharmofspaceSubsequently,I followedmyinteresttomajorinarchitectureinthespacecategoryatmy undergraduatestageandinternedinthearchitectureindustryinthepastyears,from whichIhaverealisedthatarchitecturalandurbandesignisnotonlytheconstruction ofphysicalspacebutalsoanexpressionofideasoracarrierofopinions.Inmyeyes, architectureisnotjustacarrierforhumanactivity,whoseplacenessand interestingnesscanbecreatedthroughhumaniseddesign.Also,architectureandurban designpenetrateallscalesoflifeinsteadofbeingconfinedtoasinglediscipline Interdisciplinarydevelopmentwillbeaninevitabletrend.Theserealisationshave motivatedmetousearchitecturalandurbandesignasanentrypointforsolving currentcontroversialsocialissues,satisfyingfuturedemands,andmaking breakthroughsandinnovations.Hence,Iampursuingamoreadvancededucation throughtheArchitecturalandUrbanDesignMScprogrammeatTheUniversityof Edinburgh.

Ihavepreparedmyselfforin-depthstudiesacademicallyAsanactivelearner,Iknew thatdesignisnotmerelyaboutimaginationandcreativitybutrequiresagoodmastery oftransdisciplinaryknowledgeTherefore,inadditiontotheoreticalaccumulation,I completedrelevantprojects,whichunfoldedanewperspectiveformetoprobeinto differentgenres.Forexample,Intheprojectofmappingandrenovatingthestone alleyinQingfengVillage,PingtanCity,FujianProvince,Imappedthecentury-old stonealleytounderstandthelocalcharacteristicsofthebuildinganditsarchitectural structureAtthesametime,Ialsodrewuptheflat,verticalandsectionaldrawingsas wellastheeffectdrawingsfromdifferentperspectivestocontributetothe revitalisationofthecountrysideandtheconstructionofthenewQingfengVillage.

Whilelearninghard,mycomprehensivecapacitieswerealsoconcretedthroughmy internshipatBeijingNadiArchitecturePlanning&DesignCoIwasmainly responsibleforassistingthedesignerincompletingthedrawingofcustomer requirementsandcooperatingwiththeconstructionteamtoensurethatthedesign projectwasdeliveredonscheduleDuringthatperiod,Ibecameproficientinsoftware operation,sketchconception,plandesign,graphicfunction,modellingdesign, aesthetics,teammanagement,andprojectmanagement,allowingmetoperform exceptionallyinmanyprojectsMyworkcreatedafavourableenvironmentformeto undertakethedesignofsiteandsurroundingenvironmentplanning,facademodelling, graphicdesign,renderingsandanalysisdrawings,andtextproductioninmultiple projects.Thoseexperiencesignitedmyintellectualcuriosityforsystematicexpertise indesign,generatingtheideaofcontinuingmyeducationinthefield.

TheUniversityofEdinburghisawell-equipped,modernandrapidlyimproving educationalinstitutiondesignedtoprovideitsstudentswithuniqueeducationaland careeropportunities.ThisistheprestigiousuniversityIhavealwayspursuedfor.The advancedtechnologyandknowledgesystemsofferedbyTheUniversityofEdinburgh cancreatemorepossibilitiesforarchitecturaldesignandpromotethedevelopmentof thearchitectureprofession.Particularly,theArchitecturalandUrbanDesignMSc programmeemphasizestheuseofthelatesttechnologicalandscientificadvances, especiallyincomputerandroboticsresearch,thatcanfostermyknowledgein

architectureandadjacentdesignfieldsIlookforwardfieldworkinaselected internationallysignificantcity.Thefieldworkwillgivememoreprofessional experienceandabilityformyfutureprofessionalpathUpongraduation,Iaspireto engagewithreputablearchitecturaldesignorganisationstospecialiseinregional industrialbuildingplanning,urbanplanning,strategicplanning,anddevelopment strategiesSumminguptheabove,IamveryeagertojoinTheUniversityof Edinburgh.Hopefully,whatImentionedhasunfoldedmydeterminationtoseeka master’sdegreefromTheUniversityofEdinburghandwillstandmeoutfroma handfulofcandidates


CHUNDI ZHANG Application for Architectural and Urban Design MSc Tel +8618601157212 Graduate | Central Academy of Fine Arts Email | 01 Flowing Mountains 02 Primary School of Fine Arts
Bird Watching Tea House 04 Social Death Device CONTENTS Selected Works Other Works Undergraduate Works Painting and Photographic Works Model Works Internship Works

The West Lake in Hangzhou, is a famous scenic spot in China. There are ten famous West Lake scenic spots, eg, Melting Snow at Broken Bridge and Three pools mirroring the moon, etc. However, with the development of the times, there are also many problems to be solved. For example, the environment is too noisy and some scenic spots are ignored by tourists.

Located in the center of Hangzhou, the West Lake has a great influence on the whole city of Hangzhou. With a total area of 49 square kilometers, the West Lake Scenic Area is surrounded by mountains in the west, west and north, and adjacent to the urban area in the east, forming a landscape of "overlapping mountains". The surrounding traffic is convenient and public transportation is developed.

Background Site


Site analysis Design generation

On the West Lake Water, you can have a panoramic view of the park. However, compared with other scenic spots in the park, tourists do not have a high perception of the West Lake Water, especially the nodes and signs of the West Lake need to be improved.

Design strategy

Data analysis
frequency of tourists' perception of the scenic spots element Basic information of West Lake tourists
① Press ② Twist ③ Connect ④ Push ⑤ Lid ⑥ Pull Concept
Combination of parts A A A+B B+C A B C A+B+C B C C ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Ground floor plan 1:1000 Section A-A' Section B-B' Section C-C'
elevation East elevation On the lake during the day

Exploded view

view Pier
_ 2 Mobility zone _ 1 On the lake at night
Sun light analysis Flow line analysis The effect of building on the lake View analysis The building on the lake bank Lake
view Corridor

Mapping _ Program


Park and Green Space

The base is adjacent to South Lake Park and an 80-meter-long green belt.

Four functional areas

Spatial combination of four functional areas

Compared to other elementary schools, this school attaches greater importance on the cultivation of art for students.

The buildings focus more to entertainment and the style is freer, bringing infinite possibilities for students’ development.

1. The rest area is divided into two parts: dormitories and offices. It provides dormitories for teachers and students respectively.

2. The library is divided into two floors, one for loud reading, and the other for quiet self-studying.

3. The style of the building is similar to that of the academy of fine arts. The main teaching area spirals upward freely.

4. The small auditorium provides space for holding events and also serves as a multifunctional classroom.

The entrance in the lower floor is used to display students’ work.

5. The atrium of the school is a large space for sports and recreation, connecting different functional areas.

B. Middle Schools and Universities

The base is near a university known for the arts, which can drive the cultural development of the neighborhood.

6. The entrance is also designed as an open type. The sloping roof on which students can rest and play freely.

View analysis


There are many neighborhoods with a large number of residents, but there is a lack of an elementary school for children.

Use space subtraction

Combine the function and space Divide large space

Site Photos

Ground floor plan 1:1000

The first floor of the school has the most space for recreational activities. The playground and the recreational pavilion serve as public recreational spaces for each functiownal area, and each functional area has its own recreational space inside. Besides, the atrium of the teaching area is the largest recreational space in the area, and can also be used for small events such as lectures and study sessions. The surrounding steps of the atrium can be used as a grandstand, and the haning circular platform can allow spectators to focus on the atrium . The atrium of the dormitory area is spacious where students can also do activities freely. The labyrinth on the first floor of the library can be used for both study and recreation .

First floor plan 1:1000

The second floor of each functional area also has a lot of recreational spaces. In the teaching area, there are steps in front of the classrooms on the second floor, which can be used to take classes or do daily recreational activities. The hanging circular platform connects the different functional spaces, creating a unique walkway landscape. The outer platform on the second floor of the library can also be used as a space for free reading, and is connected to the teaching area by stairs. The circular platform in the dormitory and office connects the east and west, which can function as a space for leisure.

Second floor plan 1:1000

There are many recreational spaces in each functional area. In the teaching area, students and teachers can rest in the area between and in front of the classrooms. The circular platform in the dormitory and office space, which connects the east and west, can function as a space for leisure. The auditorium has a wide staircase leading to the outside, which can also be used for students and guests to have a rest.

Flow line analysis


The dormitory has two staircases that lead to the faculty dormitory and their offices, and the student dormitory respectively. Most of the dormitories face the central courtyard where rest and activities are available.

Small auditorium

The small auditorium has three entrances, one entrance for people outside the school and two entrances for people in the school. The two entrances lead to the front of the auditorium through the exhibition areas on both sides of the first floor; the other entrance leads directly to the middle and back of the auditorium.

“Labyrinth” of library

The labyrinth on the first floor of the library combines reading and games to make reading more interesting, and provide a relatively private space for reading and relaxing.

The main teaching area

The teaching area has two entrances, which allow people in and outside the school enter the teaching area directly. There are two main routes. The first can lead to the destination through the staircase at the entrance, and the second can lead to all classrooms relying on the rotating style of this building. The second route connects almost all the functional spaces of the main building, creating a distinctive three-dimensional corridor. The two routes are used together in a more efficient way.

Section A-A' 1:500
Library Auditorium Dormitory Main academic area
Functional space Flow line and direction

Open entrance

Leisure pavilion

Main teaching area staircase

Resting space between classrooms

Second entrance to the main teaching area

Resting platform in the teaching area

Labyrinth on the first floor of the library

The entrance of the small auditorium 1

Outdoor space of the small auditorium

The entrance of the small auditorium 2

Student dormitory Playground

Axonometrics Scenario

Entrance of the main teaching area

West side of the second floor of the main teaching area

East side of the second floor of the main teaching area

The space between the main teaching area and the library

Viewing the school from the high point 2nd floor of library
Social death process Data research 1 “Social death” sensory experience Brainstorming Internet memory & memory curve Six scenes in the process Plan Elevation Axonometrics Other onlookers Other onlookers The party The party Cycle of social death process——to express the relationship between the party and the onlookers Sound interaction screens——Touch Designer batteries Opposition between two sides Data research 2 Data research 3
Material Final Process of making the device

Undergraduate Works

Painting and Photographic Works

Internship Works Model Works

Other Works
Movable Exhibition Skyscraper Café Imagination City 1 Imagination City 2 Exhibition Poster Square Planning 1 Square Planning 2 Commercial Complex 1 Commercial Complex 2 Primary School Fine Arts Museum 2 Fine Arts Museum 1 Toy Photography 2 Scenic Photography 2 Toy Photography 1 Scenic Photography 1 Sittable Device Stop-motion Scene 1 Stop-motion Scene 2 Character Overhead View Rendering Showroom Rendering Commercial Complex Rendering 1 Commercial Complex Rendering 2 Interior Rendering Corridor Rendering Showroom Space Arrangement Lamb Chick Country Road Café Flock Time Rhythm Tugendhat Villa Seaside Pavilion

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