03 CONTENTS ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO 2018-2022 PO-YU CHUNG 03 Multi-Level Living in India Competition, Third Prize, 2021 04 The Weightiness of Architecture B.Arch Thesis Design, NCKU Thesis Design Award, 2018 05 The Project of Poetic Pavilosta Poet Hut Competition, 2019 06 Tea House No.51 Competition, Editor's Choice, 2022 01 Multigenerational / Senior Housing Christopher Leong's Optional Studio, Cornell, 2021 02 Open Case Pezo von Ellrichshausen's Optional Studio, Cornell, 2021 Academic Projects and Competitions 03 PDP Condominium Condominium, 2019 02 111 Praditmanutham Road Office Building Complex , 2019 01 Multi-Family Apartment 6-Floor Apartment, 2021 Professional Works
Multigenerational Housing
Xu Advisor: Christopher Leong
Group Work, Site model, White foam, scale: 1/32" = 1'-0", 2021.
Academic Co-Auther:ProjectJingYu
Po-Yu Chung, Photo of physical model, scale: 1/2" = 1'-0", 2021
This project looks for a new type of multigen erational housing that can integrate senior housing into society. We combine the co-living model and multigen erational living to extend a person's time to stay in one community. The physical model is a crucial element of this project, and we use it as our primary represen tation and testing tool. By creating models at the scale of 1/32, 1/8, and 1/2, we carefully test different concepts at different levels. By providing a different spatial configuration, we believe our project can accommodate the coming demographic change and promote a better way of living for the aging society.
Site: Elizabeth Street Garden, NYC 2021

process model / site model, scale: 1/32" = 1'-0", 2021.
To find the connection between young families and seniors, we found an exciting model mentioned by Michael K. Gusmano In the article “Counting Stops.” He intro duces a housing complex in France that matches dual-income families with needs for childcare with seniors who don’t have full-time jobs but are happy to spend a few hours a day watching children.
Starting from this type of Mutualism, we’ve andtweendifferentdevelopedacommunitystructurethatpromoteslevelsofsharing,fromsharingbeunitstosharingbetweenthecommunitythecity. We’ve developed this ownership diagram to support the various layers of sharing space. We imagine this community will be run by a co-op that provides community services.

1. At the program level, we create a new ownership structure to promote a new type of multigenerational living.
2. At the building level, we create a sharing space to encourage people to interact with out sacrificing privacy.
3. From a community and city perspective, we create three levels of public space: the inner garden, inner street, and public gar den. This gesture is made to continue the existing publicity on the site of Elizabeth garden.

JingYi Xu, lower & upper typical floor plan, computer drawing, 2021 Po-Yu Chung, plan formation diagram, illustrator drawing, 2021 S2S1 S3S4 F1 F2 F2 F3 F4F1S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S9 x3 x2 S8 S7 Full size bed / minimal dimension Senior unit / Outward Family Unit / Inward 8x8 Grid 6'3" 50' 50' Balcony and voids between chunks 6'3"

Po-Yu Chung, Photo of physical model,
scale: 1/8" = 1'-0", 2021

2021 Senior
4. Private balcony A private balcony is provided for each unit and serves as an in-between space between urban and interior.
3 4 2 1
ByOpeningscreating an opening on the kitchen wall in each unit, we increase the connection between the private living space and the shared space.
Po-Yu Chung, Photo of physical model, scale: 1/2" = 1'-0", Chunk
2. Sharing In the center of the senior chunk, residents share a big living room and a kitchen. There is also where seniors can take care of kids from family
3. BeforeExpandingentering each unit, we create a semi-public space to encourage the residents to occupy and expand their everyday life. As a result, the area will become where people show their identity.
The1.units.Lingeringin-between space between any two chunks is designed for lingering. Seniors can rest at any place of the building, sensing something is happening around the corners.

Po-Yu Chung, Photo of physical model, scale: 1/2" = 1'-0", 2021

Po-Yu Chung and Eli Maroscher, Acrylic,
32 sheets of A4 (66" x 47") The Open Case Academic Advisor:Co-Auther:ProjectEliMaroscherPezovonEllrichshausen The term "Open Case" has two mean ings: a physical glass box (the botanical shelter and a small living unit) and a conceptual status that allows spaces for nostalgia, meaning, uselessness and fiction within the contemporary world. The studio was composed of several tasks in the semester. The tasks are inde LifeNaivenessAestheticsCenterArchitectureofThemade.ofandByrationasdata,andplannedpendentandinterrelatedsimultaneously;accidentscouldbeobservedstudiedasaseriesofempiricalbuteachcasecouldalsobeseenanirrelevantmodelforfurtherexplointhefuture.fillingthegapbetweenNaivenessReality,weknowtheconsequenceseveryarchitecturaldecisionwe'veproject"OpenCase"opensaseriesdialoguebetweentwoextremes:-Nature-Periphery-Function-Intention-Work 2021

Po-Yu Chung, Still Lifes, acrylic, 15cm x 15cm * 9, 2021 Po-Yu Chung, plaster on cardboard, 15cm x 15cm x 15cm, 2021

Po-Yu Chung, acrylic, 28cm x 28cm, 2021

0 0 +1 +1 -1 -1 -2 -2

Multi-Level Living in India Competition, Third Prize Co-Auther: Yu-Jun Yeh Design Development, Diagram Drawing, Render, Photoshop 2021

The three unit types are designd based on the data of current Indian household. The distances between units are larger than traditional housing apartment to add more flexibility and space between family members.
The Double-LayerWall structur al system is designed to allow flexible unit arrangement in the vertical community. Within the system, the space between each units could be managed freely, bringing in the air and sunlight into each unit.

The weightiness of architecture Academic Project Best Thesis Design Award / Individual Site Model Coastline Types in Kaohsiung Harbor
0 500m N 2019
After a few on-site workshops, I targeted my thesis on the coastline and infrastructure. My final decision was a scenic overlook inside of Kaohsiung Harbor because of its potential of publicity and the interesting landfill history.

Layering - From Public to Private Infrastructure is the biggest intervention that humans can engage with natural landscape. The weight of layers can define different relationships between humans and the rural landscape, and it could be defined by activities, architectonic, or simply how easy that people can touch the sea. In this project, I examined different ways that humans can approach to the sea, and reinterpreted the infrastructure to create spaces with different levels of safety to mitigate the wildness of the sea.

Units as Structure Poet’s living unit is the main struc ture of the main building, therefore, after the units are pre-fabricated at the factory, the structure is nished. The aim is making the process more e
Pavilosta Poet Hut Competition / Individual public poertyexhibitionareaspacesharingspace
/ movie space exhibition space II The living unit The poets’ living units and the house of the host are connected through the common kitchen, where the public, poets, artist, and host can interact. Host’ house The living area of the host is isolated from the commom area, but linked to the shared kitchen. There is also two isolated entries that ensure the privacy of the hosts. 100 meters long slope
ApartRoofcient.Surfacefromthetimber structure, corrugated galvanized steel plates are ToRoofadded.Structurerespondthedierent function and keep the wholeness of the main building, the roof of host’s living area is quiet simple and at.
Isometric & Unit Development publicprivate unipublic 2 3 functiootherprivat public private uni public space public spac2 3 2019

The design jaxtaposes the two extremes: pure solitary and public activity, and play with the landsapce by creating various floor heights.
A regional art center The sequence of the spaces test the tension between indivisual and public. The landscape outside are designed as a part of the experience in the unit, where the poets can isolate themselves in the nature.
Section 1:50 01 slope to the poem sharing room poem sharing room 03 slope pass through the main building sink 05 storage space bedroom 07 reading room 08 semi-outdoor
01Since03the best time for a long stay in summer, the semi-outdoor space connects the people who come to visit the exhibition and the wildness. By arranging the space shown below, nature can seep into the interior.
04living07unit Inside of the units, there are only two openings, one is for the skylight and the other is for the view of pure nature.
02 01 03 04 05 06 07 08 1320 1mm00 150 gutter: steel channel 180mm * 230mm t= 10mm concrete slab t= 300mm crushed stone t =60mm glass handrail 30mm*120mm neoprene sponge rubber level 60 steel channel t=20mm damp-proof sheet glass handrail 30mm*120mm weathering steel t<30mm larch decking t=30mm crushed stone t=50mm roof detail 1:25 handrail detail 1:15

2022 Tea House No.51 Competition, Editor's Choice In this project, we explored different ways to interact with the shape of the site through a line. The decision to choose scheme No. 51 is purely intuitive. The 90 lines can be conceived as a project as a whole, but each of them can also be developed separately into a building.

Schemetic Design with physical models, diagrams, and renderings. 111 Praditmanutham Road Professional Work, StuD/O Architects Office Building Complex Schemetic Design, Model Making, Photoshop, Programming 2019

2019 PDP Condominium Professional Work, StuD/O Architects Lumion, Rhino, Photoshop Lumion / 3D modeling / Photoshop

Waffle House Professional Work, StuD/O Architects chip board, cork board 2019

2021 Multi-Family Apartment Internship Work, Steven Kuo Architects, NYC Rhino, Enscape, Photoshop, AutoCAD, Exccel The task includes: 1. Facade, interior, and detail design 2. Computer rendering 3. Project management for site coordination 4. Construction details research 5. Material and price research Schematic facade design by Po-Yu, Software: Rhino and Enscape, 2021

Drawn and modelled by Po-Yu, Inhouse renderings. Softwares: Rhino and Enscape

A B C G H J F D E I AluminumBackSheetSupport Detail A ParapetBackWallSupport RAILING CMU PARAPET WALL Aluminum Sheet InteriorCeiling Window FrameAluminum Sheet 2 Silicone Sealant Tapered Insulation Aluminum Sheet 1 Back Support BackAluminumSupport Sheet Tapered Insulation 3/8 Thick Cement Panel 323 GlueWindowBeadSillBlack AluminumAnodizedUChannelAluminumSheetAluminum Sheet 2 Silicone Sealant Tapered Insulation Aluminum Sheet 1 Exterior Ceiling Wood Furring Strip Back Support A B C ED F Plan AluminumBackSheetSupport Detail A ParapetBackWallSupport RAILING CMU PARAPET WALL Aluminum Sheet InteriorCeiling Window FrameAluminum Sheet 2 Silicone Sealant Tapered Insulation Aluminum Sheet 1 Back Support BackAluminumSupport Sheet Tapered Insulation 3/8 Thick Cement Panel 323 GlueWindowBeadSillBlack AluminumAnodizedUChannelAluminumSheetAluminum Sheet 2 Silicone Sealant Tapered Insulation Aluminum Sheet 1 Exterior Ceiling Wood Furring Strip Back Support A B C ED F Plan Aluminum Sheet 2 Back Support Detail A ParapetBackWallSupport RAILING CMU PARAPET WALL Aluminum Sheet InteriorCeiling Window FrameAluminum Sheet 2 Silicone Sealant Tapered Insulation AluminumBackBackSheetSupportSupportAluminum Sheet Tapered Insulation 3/8 Thick Cement Panel 32 GlueWindowBeadSillBlack AluminumAnodizedUChannelAluminumSheetAluminum Sheet 2 Silicone Sealant Tapered Insulation Aluminum Sheet 1 Exterior Ceiling Wood Furring Strip Back Support A B C ED F Plan Black Fiber Cement Panel Sand Color Fiber Cement Panel Back Support Aluminum Sheet Tapered Insulation Balcony Ceiling Filled with Metal Studs and Insulation Brick 3/8 Thick Cement Panel 323 Glue Bead Black BrickAluminumAnodizedUChannelZClip G H J IPlanPlan Black Fiber Cement Panel Sand Color Fiber Cement Panel Back Support Aluminum Sheet Tapered Insulation Balcony Ceiling Filled with Metal Studs and Insulation Brick 3/8 Thick Cement Panel 32 Glue Bead Black BrickAluminumAnodizedUChannelZClip G H J IPlanPlan Black Fiber Cement Panel Sand Fiber Cement Panel Back Support Aluminum Sheet Tapered Insulation Balcony Ceiling Filled with Metal Studs and Insulation Brick 3/8 Thick Cement Panel 32 Glue Bead Black BrickAluminumAnodizedUChannelZClip G H J IPlanPlan DetailResearch ProducingDetailDrawingsand shop drawings forfibercement panels and anodized aluminum sheetsfabrication. Involvedinthediscussionswith localfabricators. Drawn by Po-Yu under the architect's supervision, Facade detail drawings. Software: AutoCAD, 2021
W2W1 B2 B5 B3 5'-0" 1'-0"3'-4"5'-0"2'-8"5'-0"3'-0"4'-0"6'-0"3'-8"4"33'-0" 1'-0"11'-8"1'-0" 4'-0" 1'-0" 20'-10" 6" 6'-0" 6'-0" 18'-4" 1'-0" 4'-0" 12'-2" 4" 5'-10" 8" 8'-6" 8" 15'-1" 8" 5'-10" 4" 11'-11" 1'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0"3'-8" 6"9'-2"9'-8"1'-0"4" 14'-2" 4" 3'-6" 6" 9'-0" 6'-2" 6" 5'-0" 6" 2'-2" 5" 3'-6" 4" 3'-10" 1'-0" 10'-1" 4" 2'-0" 4" 7'-10" 6" 5'-1" 1'-4" 5'-5" 6" 7'-10" 4" 2'-0" 4" 10'-1" 1'-0" 4'-0"0"3'-7"5'-0"3'-4"5'-4"2'-1" 5'-0" 56'-0" 10'-0"9'-0"8"4"4" 5'-10" 6" 5'-10" 4" 20'-7"5'-9"8"5'-1"6"9'-5"6"8"5'-5"5'-0"4"4'-4" 6"6"3'-0"11'-1"4"4'-1"4'-2" 5'-2"6"11'-0"6'-0"8"4" 3'-8"4'-8"4" 6'-8"8"1'-3"9'-2"4"5"2'-4" W1W1 W3 W1
W3 B2 A4 B2 B5 B3 B7 5'-0" 1'-0" 3'-4"5'-0"2'-8" 33'-0" 4'-0" 1'-0" 19'-2" 4" 3'-8" 6" 6'-0" 6'-0" 18'-4" 1'-0" 4'-0" 18'-4" 8" 8'-6" 8" 15'-1" 8" 5'-10" 4" 11'-11" 1'-0" 5'-0" 6"9'-2"9'-8"1'-0"4" 18'-0" 6" 9'-0" 6'-2" 6" 5'-0" 6" 2'-2" 5" 3'-6" 4" 3'-10" 1'-0" 10'-3" 4" 1'-10" 4" 7'-10" 6" 5'-1" 1'-4" 5'-5" 6" 7'-10" 4" 2'-0" 4" 10'-1" 1'-0" 4'-0"1'-5"0"2'-3"4'-11"2'-11"7'-11" 5'-0" 56'-0" 9'-4"6"9'-2"8"5'-10" 6" 5'-10" 4" 4'-0" 16'-7"5'-9"8"5'-1"6"8'-10"6'-0"8"5'-0"4"4'-4" 4'-3"10'-11"2'-8"4" 5'-2"6"8" 10'-0"4" 3'-10"8"5'-10"4"2'-0"9'-8"2'-0"8'-0"4" 1 ROOMLIVING/DININGAREA= 187.9 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 18.79 S.F. 5% VENT. = 9.4 S.F. WINDOW AREA = 41.0 S.F. ROOMBEDROOMAREA = 101.9 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 10.19 S.F. 5% VENT. = 5.1 S.F. WINDOW AREA 20.0 S.F. H.C.BATHELEV. KIT'TE64S.F. KIT'TE66S.F. H.C.BATH ROOMBEDROOMAREA = 87.23 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 8.72 S.F. 5% VENT. = 4.36 S.F. WINDOW AREA 38.5 S.F. ROOMLIVING/DININGAREA= 190.0 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 19.0 S.F. 5% VENT. = 9.5 S.F. WINDOW AREA 62.7 ROOMM.BEDROOMS.F.AREA = 146.8 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 14.68 S.F. 5% VENT. = 7.34 S.F. WINDOW AREA 45.4 S.F. BATH REFUSECHUTE CORRIDORREF.STAIR#1 REF. S. S. R. R. ROOMLIVING/DININGAREA= 187.9 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 18.79 S.F. 5% VENT. = 9.4 S.F. WINDOW AREA 41.0 S.F. ROOMBEDROOMAREA = 101.9 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 10.19 S.F. 5% VENT. = 5.1 S.F. WINDOW AREA = 20.0 S.F. ROOMM.BEDROOMAREA = 139.8 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 13.98 S.F. 5% VENT. = 6.99 S.F. WINDOW AREA 24.0 S.F. BATHC.L. H.C.BATHELEV. KIT'TE64S.F. KIT'TE66S.F. H.C.BATH ROOMBEDROOMAREA = 93.0 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 9.3 S.F. 5% VENT. = 4.65 S.F. WINDOW AREA 20.0 S.F. ROOMLIVING/DININGAREA= 180.0 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 18.0 S.F. 5% VENT. = 9.0 S.F. WINDOW AREA = 20.0 ROOMM.BEDROOMS.F.AREA = 146.8 S.F. 10% LIGHT = 14.68 S.F. 5% VENT. = 7.34 S.F. WINDOW AREA = 24.0 S.F. BATH REFUSECHUTE CORRIDORREF.REF.STAIR#1S.S.R.R. CORR. FA1 FA1 8X8 50CFM CHUTE EX. EX1- 8X8 50CFM EXIT&SIGNLIGHT F.P.S.C.3'X7' 12" SOFFITDROP 12" SOFFITDROP 150CFM 552.0 S.F. 837.0 S.F. 150CFM 50CFM 3'X7' F.P.S.C. 50CFM TE-3 6X6 OPEN TO BELOW 12" SOFFITDROP 150CFM 150CFM CORR. FA1 FA1 8X8 50CFM CHUTE EX. EX1- 8X8 50CFM837.0 S.F.552.0 S.F. 50CFM PROFILEBALCONYABOVE ROOF TERRACE 690.0 STANDARDS.F. ROOF DRAIN STANDARD ROOF DRAIN ROOF BASEMENTOF CONTROL FLOE ROOF DRAINF.P.S.C.3'X7'3'X7'F.P.S.C. F.P.S.C.3'X7' CONTROL FLOE ROOF DRAIN 50CFM TE-2 6X6 EXIT&SIGNLIGHT M.O. C.L. 50CFM 15RUP 15R @ 7.75" EA. 14T @ 10" EA. 15RDN 15R @ 7.75" EA. 14T @ 10" EA. 15RUP 15R @ 7.75" EA. 14T @ 10" EA. 15RDN 15R @ 7.75" EA. 14T @ 10" EA. BALCONY 50CFM C.L. KE-1DE-1 TE-2 6X6 C.L. BALCONYM.O.M.O.M.O.M.O. PROFILEBALCONYABOVE DE-1KE-1 M.O.M.O.M.O.M.O.F.P.S.C.3'X7' 3'X7' F.P.S.C. M.O.M.O. TE-3 6X6 M.O.M.O.M.O.M.O. 50CFM SDA-402B1A-301 SD SD C.L. D D TE-1 6X6 S D U K SD B4 B2 A-402B2A-301 A4 B2 2-BRB SD 1 B5E-1SD B1B1 B4 2-BRA E-1 C A-3021A401AAA401 A-3031TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN -3RD THRU 5TH SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" N A-3021A401A D D11 CA-402B1A-301 S D B3 E-1 11 SD B4 B2 2-BRB 1 B5E-1SD U K C C C.L. B1B1 B4 E-1 SD SD 1-BRA C.L. A401A A-30312ND FLOOR PLAN (2ND FLR.) SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" N 0A0.0A0.000OOW0SD DBACE A-402B2A-301 DN RDRDRD 5.48' 64'-0" 55.52' 6"4'-10"8"5'-10" 10'-6" 5'-0" 1'-0"11'-8"1'-0" 5.48' 64'-0" 48'-0" 7.52' 11'-8" 5'-0" 1'-0"11'-8"1'-0" 20'-0" 28'-0" 1'-5"5'-6"12'-6"3'-8" 3'-4" 2 3 5 6 8 D 2 3 5 6 8 D 59.52' COMBI U1 U1 RMBOILER RMBOILER UNIT VENT THRU ROOF (TYP.) DIRECT VENT UNIT (TYP.) 2'-10" RMBOILER COMBI FD 4" B7 12" SOFFITDROP 6" 3'-6" B7 COMBI U1 U1 RMBOILER UNIT VENT THRU ROOF (TYP.) DIRECT VENT UNIT (TYP.) COMBI FDFD 1'-0" SHOWER W/D FDELECTRIC 4" ELECTRICW/D3'-6"B2B2B7 RDRD 2'-2" 5'-6" 1'-0" 52'-0" W/D3'-10" FD W/D3'-10" FD ELECTRIC 10" B3 E-1 SHOWERSHOWER JACUZZIPOND C.L. Change bathroombathroomofandC.L.locationandthedoorsizeof Change of the Changewindow of the bedroom door locationbedroomChangelocationofthedoor Change bathroomofSIZEandLAYOUT Change of LOCATIONTHEOFW/DROOM Change bathroomofSIZEandLAYOUT Change LOCATIONDOORbathroomofSIZEandLAYOUT&OFTHEW/DROOM Change bathroomofSIZEandLAYOUT Change DOORbathroomofSIZEandLAYOUT&LOCATIONOF AN PLATFORMROTATABLECLOSETOPENWALLWITHATV CHANGE TO DOORSFOLDING ADD JACUZZIAN ADD locationGRASS,ARTIFICIALPONDS,ANDTREES.ChangethebackdoorCHANGE THE SIZE OF BACKYARDTHE Change LOCATIONDOORbathroomofSIZEandLAYOUT&OFTHEW/DROOM Change of door swing C.L.ChangeChangeC.L.Changedirectionofthesizeandthedoortypeofdoorswingdirectionofthesizeandthedoortype AutoCAD drawings with revision clouds and annotations. Drawing modification based on a existed A-DWG set. PAADrawings Frequent discussions with architects to adjust the drawings baseonthesituation of the site andmaterialsupply. Preparationofmark-up drawingsforPAAfiling. The tasks included price and material research and creating a table with price comparison, Frcontact,andspec.equentinteractionwith materialsuppliers.