faith resources
for alumni, family, and friends

• Alumni Memorial Mass—Join us for the annual liturgy and candle lighting ceremony honoring deceased alumni, family, and friends. Names can be submitted online for those unable to attend.
• Veterans Day Remembrance Mass and Ceremony—Honoring our veterans annually.
• Advent Reflections—Sign up to receive weekly video reflections on Sundays during the Advent season.
• Lenten Reflections—Sign up to receive weekly video reflections on Fridays during Lent.
• Laetare Sunday Mass—Join us for this traditional liturgy and brunch marking the midpoint of Lent.

• C21 Resources Magazine—Read the hallmark publication of the C21 Center, offering articles and resources to support the key challenges facing the Church today. Mailed bi-annually to all alumni, current parents, and interested subscribers.
• Faith Feeds—Join a faith conversation program for all ages (inperson or virtual), supported by downloadable, themed guides. Available virtually with the C21 Center, or contact the center for more information on hosting your own conversations.
• Pray It Forward—Join the 15-minute, virtual, weekly prayer program hosted by the C21 Center. All are welcome. Daily Gospel, a reflection, and prayer intentions. Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. EST.
• Mass and Mingle—Attend a parish model inviting 20- and 30-somethings to monthly Mass, followed by a one-hour social hangout. Currently available in the Boston area. Contact the C21 Center to partner in additional cities/areas.
• Advent Calendar—Explore an interactive calendar each day during Advent for prayer and reflection resources.
• Videos—Discover the full collection of videos on the C21 Center YouTube Channel, including Agape Latte, and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition series.

• 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises—Participate in an eight-month Jesuit retreat in daily life involving prayer (meditation, contemplation, and scripture) and meetings with a spiritual director. Retreatants come to a greater awareness of God’s presence in their lives. Two in-person meetings on campus required. Offered every two years.
• The Last Lecture Series from Alpha Sigma Nu (the Jesuit honor society)—Attend lecture events featuring faculty with lasting roots in the community. Explore past event recordings online.

• Courses in Jesuit Studies—Explore courses and a certificate in Jesuit Studies which promote a deep understanding of the spirituality, history, and leadership methods associated with the Society of Jesus and its apostolates. A special highlight is the annual summer immersion course/ pilgrimage to Spain and Italy.
• Ever to Excel Program (E2E)—For high school students around the world: attend this week-long residential summer program at Boston College offering resources and a supportive community environment to contemplate how to create a more meaningful life through the lens of Jesuit Spirituality.
• Manresa Ignatian Retreat—Discover this 12-week, self-guided Ignatian retreat in daily life based on the Spiritual Exercises using the work book, Finding Christ in the World, video presentations, and (optional) small group reflection. Available in-person or virtually.

• STM Online: Crossroads—Experience this continuing education program which offers a collection of non-credit online courses for adult spiritual enrichment and faith formation.