The Misfit Sock | A Children's Christmas Tradition

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Copyright©2010 by Happy Hollow Publishing

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication

ISBN 978-0-578-06365-2

Kiefer, Karen: The Misfit Sock; Illustrated and designed by Kathy De Wit

Published by Happy Hollow Publishing 24 Happy Hollow Road Wayland, Massachusetts 01778

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The Misfit Sock

A Children’s Christmas Tradition

Illustrated by Kathy De Wit

To all the misfits in the world, may you find love while uncovering all of your gifts.

Misfit Socks: A Children’s Christmas Tradition Unwrapped

We hope you enjoy the treasured messages found in this book and have a chance to embrace our misfit sock tradition as your own this Christmas. Believe it or not, this magical misfit sock tradition was born on our laundry room floor when our daughters were very young. The girls had become intrigued with our growing mound of unmatched “misfit” socks, collecting dust on the laundry floor. They wondered aloud how so many socks could lose their match in the laundry cycle? As our “misfit” sock pile grew, the girls grew more worried for the socks, believing that they were truly sad and lonely, having lost their perfect match. Honestly, we didn’t give it much thought until Christmas approached and we sat down to read the story behind the origin of the Christmas stocking.

Popular legend tells of a poor father who had no money for his three daughters to marry. St. Nicholas heard the father’s worry, and one night he crept down their chimney and dropped three bags of precious gold, one for each daughter, into the three stockings hanging by the fire. The gift of gold symbolized hope and prosperity for the future. That tale was our gift that Christmas. We soon realized what we could do with our “misfit” sock collection; we could offer them as precious gifts of hope and joy to others. So we dumped our pile of socks on the dining room table and began decorating the socks with felt, buttons and glitter and stuffing them with reindeer carrots, jingle bells, candy, holiday notes and recipes. Wrapping them with big red ribbons, we hung them on neighbor’s doorknobs on Christmas Eve morning.

Over a decade later and countless misfit socks shared, we are sharing this tradition with you and your family. Your misfit sock is meant to be loved, decorated, and stuffed with Christmas wishes and wonderful treats for Santa, his elves and reindeer on Christmas Eve. After Santa empties the sock, he knows to leave the sock with you for safekeeping for years to come.

We hope you and the children in your life enjoy this Christmas misfit sock tradition and all of its gifts; it truly is the perfect match for Christmas!

Misift Christmas Wishes,

Karen and Sam Kiefer

Our Gifts: McKenna, Madison, Emma and Rosie

Be Inspired! Visit our website and discover the magic:

It was an extraordinary afternoon. The socks kicked up their heels in cheerful chatter.

Love’s magic was in the air. Sock hearts went pitter-patter.

In a JINGLE, two red and green striped socks were joined at the heart. Swirling and twirling in happiness, hoping never ever to be apart.

But there was no tip-toeing around it, the socks had some challenges ahead. Snuggling toes can be risky business, when it’s the laundry room socks dread.

Worn and dirty, the socks were thrown in with the colors and whites. Tumbling in a cloud of chaos, holding on with all their might.

The laundry room delivered sad tidings, leaving one sock dripping in tears. Somewhere in the mounds of clothing, its perfect match disappeared. Was it held captive by static cling in the basket of blankets and throws? Did it get lost in the washer machine or was it swallowed by the dryer hose?

The remaining sock was thrown into a “misfit” pile, buried in argyles and stripes. Every misfit sock was in fearful chatter, wondering what would become of their newly single life.

From the misfit pile, the red and green striped sock was stuffed into a laundry crate. No longer fashionable, the sock met its lonely misfit fate.

Months dragged on, and the sad sock was hanging onto hope by a thread. Falling from the laundry crate, it settled for the cold tile floor instead.

Then, suddenly, a gust so powerful blew open the door, and dozens of jingle bells danced on the floor. Christmas magic was here, delivering a gift, filling the sock with a purpose and a spirited lift.

The misfit sock’s only wish was to feel loved again, and that’s exactly what happened next. The sock sprung to its toes and got dressed in its Sunday best!

The other misfit socks followed, kicking up their heels in Christmas JOY.

Together, they would find their way into the hearts of every little girl and boy.

Children knew in a hug, the misfit socks were the bearers of Christmas cheer, and the perfect gift to thank Santa, his elves and team of reindeer.

In a JINGLE, the socks were stuffed with Santa notes, carrots and elf treats galore.

Yes, the misfit socks were loved again, and LOVE you can’t buy at a store.

From that time forward, on a mantel the misfit socks merrily sit.

“What a great match for the misfit socks,” whispered jolly Old Saint Nick!

Karen Kiefer

She is forever inspired by the influences of her husband and four daughters. Making memories and life lessons during their childhood has been both a passion and a gift. Always creating, when she is not tinkering with a new idea, she is in her kitchen baking bread and giving rise to her family created international bread-giving project,

The misfits have lived in her heart and mind for the last decade or so, stirring, wanting to share their message with others.

This Christmas they will do that and more, and she will be right there giving flight to their inspiration, hoping that they can make a difference in the world one misfit sock at a time.

Kathy De Wit

Since she was a little girl drawing was her first love. Kathy believes she will need 9 lives like her cat to catch this whole world on paper. She loves discovering new cultures and saw how to give value to this one life, thanks to so many people she met on her path. When she isn’t drawing, Kathy is teaching children how to realize their fantasies in all kinds of ways. She loves little things that make her happy, like drops of snow!

This book is one dream that came true, her husband is for sure another one! He shows her how it feels to be loved and together they go on creating their dreams.

Watch her steps on

And the Misfit Socks? She has a pile of them and finally knows what do to with them this Christmas!

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