“Catholic schools present important opportunities for students to have conversations about faith that are not always encouraged elsewhere.” “In this way, Catholic schools uniquely equip students to understand how God is working in their lives and bring conversations about faith to a wider audience.”
Another interesting point was centered on Mass attendance “In general, young people aren't going with their families to Mass on Sunday,” said Wieboldt “Rather, they're sustaining their faith by going to Mass with their classmates during the school week.”
Kiefer indicated that this finding presents an important takeaway for the Catholic Church in the U.S. “There’s a lot of talk about the revitalization of parish life. The Student Voices Project (SVP) showed us that there are ways for Catholic high schools and universities to partner with parishes and share resources and programs This can help bring young people into the life of the parish and thus revitalize local faith communities.”
Freshman said, “[My] school has helped me start taking part in mass and made me want to go in my own time.”
Junior said, “Having [Mass] every other day [at school] has helped me build the courage to go every day on Sunday ”
Sophomore said, “Before transferring to [my current school], my family and I tried to go to [Mass] every other Sunday I’ve noticed my parents, and I have been trying to Church every Sunday.”
Junior said, “[My school] has given me a network of people I can talk to about my faith since I lack that at home.”
Sophomore said, “[My school] has helped me grow my faith because not only do we have a strong brotherhood here[,] but also we are always having mass with the whole school I really enjoy that because I'm always procrastinating when it comes to going to mass on my own time. Having religion class also has help me stay on the right track.” Freshman said, “When I joined [my Catholic school] I hadn't practiced faith much and didn't have a relationship with God. After joining [the school] my life has turned around. I know that everyday God is with me and will be forever In the last five months at [this school] my faith has grown drastically.”
“Intellectual engagement with faith, both at the college and high school levels, helps students develop a deeper understanding of their faith,” said Wieboldt According to the data, high school students wanted their religion classes to engage with topics typically considered contradictory to religious belief, such as science, suggesting that dialogue between seemingly opposed disciplines helps students grow in faith.
“This finding offers an exciting invitation for Catholic schools. Initiatives such as BC’s Complex Problems & Enduring Questions program model how to facilitate interdisciplinary engagement with faith in the classroom, so there is a real opportunity for high schools and universities to partner and continue to build out their programming,” said Wieboldt.
At the college level, according to the SVP, engagement with philosophy or theology in the first year, especially through BC’s Perspectives and PULSE programs, changes the way that students think about the rest of their college years. “In these first-year classes, something touches students in a way that opens them up to wanting more and digging deeper,” said Kiefer, adding that these positive experiences can even lead students to become philosophy or theology majors or minors.
Freshman said, “[My school] teaches me about my religion in a relatable way. Not only that but we also learn about other religions to better understand others religious experiences.”
Freshman said, “Theology class helped me ask questions to get answers to better keep my faith ”
Junior said, “The theology classes have given me a better understanding of the Gospels, and the service opportunities have helped me grow in my compassion and love for service.“
Senior said, “It’s helped as I learned more about my religion without having it forced onto me, which made me want to learn somewhat more”
Sophomore said, “[My school] has helped me grow my faith through providing a strong education that teaches me about the Church and its history.”
Junior said, “[My school] helped me grow in my faith by exposing me to new perspectives and thinking on a deeper level about God since he is complex.”
College junior said, “[My best experience in the Church] was the in the Perspectives Program ”
"When we asked, ‘Where do you see God in your life?’ A significant majority of students said ‘in other people.’ It was friends, classmates, teachers, vowed religious—especially at the high school level,” said Wieboldt. “We saw that one conversation with a high school mentor can really make a difference in a young person's life ”
“Our findings show that teachers, coaches, and other high school staff have a priceless vocation,” said Kiefer. They are true disciples who are making a difference.”
Freshman said, “[My best experience in the Church was with] the deacon when we would go to him on game day and he would talk about things that relates to us and we would pray ”
Sophomore said, “Having deacons and sisters around the school also help [me grow my faith].”
Freshman said, “[My best experience in the Church] was when the priest of my Church thanked me for always participating to help him ”
Sophomore said, “[My best experience with the Church] has been the 1 on 1 time with the priest ”
Freshman said, “I see God in my teachers, friends, family, and more. God gave them the wisdom to lead me in the right path towards success.”
“If I could shout it from the rooftops, I would tell every Catholic high school to have confession available every week,” said Kiefer, after looking at the feedback from the SVP
“The weight of students’ worlds are so heavy They carry around shame, regret, and unworthiness The sacrament of Reconciliation is a chance to talk that out and then feel a sacramental grace of forgiveness,” said Kiefer, a longtime religious education instructor and author of the children’s book Drawing God
Wieboldt added that sacramentality whether connected to Confirmation, first Communion, or otherwise was often cited by students as their best experiences with the Church. “Even among first-year high school students,” Wieboldt noted, “something about the mystery of the sacraments attracted young people’s attention.”
“We are a sacramental Church,” added Kiefer. “These students are finding God in the importance of faith in the sacraments.”
Freshman said, “My best experience with the Church was when I had confession with my priest After confession I feel a lot better because I know God has forgiven me for my sins.”
Sophomore said, “My best experience with the Church was when I got baptized by a priest. When I got baptized, I felt like a whole new person because all my sins were cleansed and i became closer with God.”
Senior said, “My best experience with Church was when I received the Holy Eucharist and was able to receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time.”
Freshman said, “When I first received first communion. It was a big moment in my life, and it felt great to be a part of such a huge congregation It was also the first time I received the body of Jesus I felt special and a part of something bigger than myself ”
Senior said, “[My best experience with the Church has been] being able to talk about my sins and repent for issues that have held me down It’s nice to have someone to talk to and listen to what’s on my mind ”
Sophomore said, “[My best experience in the Church was when] I watched my new born cousin get baptized while surrounded with my close family It was a magical moment that made me contemplate my faith on a deeper level In that moment, I felt a joy that was unique from other happy experience that do not involve faith ”
Freshman said, “My best experience was probably my Confirmation last year It was a very meaningful and great experience because it was like having baptism but I could actually remember it. It also helped open myself up to God.”
Freshman said, “My best experience with the Church was confession because it always feels good to get things off of your chest and tell the Father what you have done bad/wrong.”
Senior said, “Going to confession and just feeling accepted [is my best experience in the Church].”
Freshman said, “My best experience with the Church was when I got baptized, because I felt connected in faith with Jesus I was then officially part of the Christian faith, and I believed in Jesus Christ I was washed away of my sins, and I felt that it was a start to a new beginning ”
“When we began the SVP, we anticipated young people’s concern about social issues to be the project’s primary finding,” said Wieboldt, who will attend the University of Notre Dame in the fall to pursue a J.D./Ph.D. “However, when we began to analyze the data, we noticed that students spoke about social issues much less frequently than we expected based on the outsized attention that these issues receive in the media and culture more broadly.”
“These issues are important to young people,” Wieboldt emphasized, “but they are not the first thing that comes to mind when young people are asked about their relationship with God.”
Senior said, “The worst experience I have had with the Church is when they discovered the bodies of kids who were placed in residential schools. I've never been more embarrassed to be a catholic and abide with the Church. I will never be able to express the feeling I felt at that time ”
Sophomore said, “My worst experience has been witnessing the amount of pain some of the people of the Catholic faith have been inflicting on others, and the backlash that comes with it as well. Despite even the Pope declaring that injustices towards minorities such as the LGBTQ+ community are sins, there are still many that go out of their way to hate on them and separate them from the Church. Personally, I feel like this is the opposite of what should truly be happening, as even Jesus was inclusive and kind to the ones who were “different ’”
Senior said, “My worst experience is finding out one of my priests was stealing money.”
The Student Voices Project showed an emphasis on how God is always at work in their lives, and that students want to discern God’s will for their futures.
Freshman said, “I see the works of God in my life when I'm in trouble or hardship. He is someone I can turn to in times of need and when I need a shoulder to cry on. But he doesn't only show up when I need him, but also in random acts of kindness. I see him in every person that I help and every person that helps me ”
Sophomore said, “[God is] guiding me in my future profession and daily decision making”
Sophomore said, “I see God working in my life in many ways, but primarily through people and events. I can tell whenever something comes to me that God intended, such as a sign before I do something that would have been harmful to me. I can also tell when people come into my life are sent from God. For example, some of my friends have helped me when I encounter problems, and I see that as an act of God from them to me ”
Senior said, “I see God guiding me throughout the hardships in my life With faith and prayer, I believe he will walk along side me on my path as a young adult ”
Freshman said, “God in my life is on my right shoulder.”
Senior said, “I see God guiding me in my future decisions for my career and for my future family life.”
Junior said, “I see God actively pushing me to better in all facets of life, so I can be who he made me to be ”
Freshman said, “I see God working in my life every day. He is with me through the good times and bad, guiding me on the right path. I am thankful for His grace and mercy that allows me to learn from my mistakes and grow closer to Him as a result. He gives me strength when I feel weak, comfort when I'm feeling down, peace when things seem chaotic around me, joy in celebrating blessings big or small - all of these are evidence of His presence in my life!”
The Student Voices Project demonstrated the importance and opportunity for forging faith connections in a community setting
Freshman said, “[My school] has taught me to be a part of community that appreciates growing together as a community in faith ”
Senior said, “[My best experience with the Church is] the feeling of being involved in the Church. Having the Church feel like a second home with hundreds of people in a gathered community to pursue something we all enjoy and believe in.”
Sophomore said, “[My best experience in the Church is that] I've found [a] community overall with my Church [that] has been extremely supportive of me, and that makes me quite happy to support them in return ”
Freshman said, “Church is a place where people may socialize and encourage one another. You can make friends, feel a sense of belonging, and develop a reliable support network.”
Sophomore said, “[My] best experience with the Church is how the Church can make others more social and feel comfort This experience can support the whole community. I think about the Church as a way to get closer to people, friends, family, and most importantly God.”
Senior said, “[My best feeling in the Church was] the feeling of being involved in the Church. Having the Church feel like a second home with hundreds of people in a gathered community to pursue something we all enjoy and believe in ”
Throughout the Student Voices Project, students expressed a desire to participate in the liturgy, understand it, and be engaged with a community during Mass. As one student responded, “I consider my worst experiences in the Church to have been times where I have not been able to understand a Bible passage or mass, as it has made me feel disconnected from its message.”
Senior said, “[My school] introduced me into the choir which allowed me to expand my faith by being able to sing songs to and for God. I feel like it has allowed me to participate more and show God my love more
Freshman said, “The best experience was that I had an opportunity to play an instrument for music in the Church ”
Freshman said, “[My best experience with the Church was] when I played my drums for my Church and for God. I also loved when we went on a retreat as a Church.”
Freshman said, “My worst experience at [in the Church] was when we were required to go to [Mass] for school, but they did not explain what to do at [Mass] During [Mass] I was really scared that I might do something wrong or something to upset someone accidentally After we were done, our teachers finally explained what to do at [Mass] ”
Sophomore said, “My best experience with the Church is when I finally became an altar server, the reason being that it changed my life for the better allowing me to serve right by Jesus represented by the host in mass.”
Freshman said, “[My best experience in the Church has been] being able to consistently go and sing with my brothers [at Mass] ”
Junior said, “[My school] can help me grow my faith in the future by allowing the activity period to be a period to go into the Chapel and pray for a moment.”
Sophomore said, “In the future [my school] can do more [to help my grow my faith] with hands on learning, like going to the chapel or doing real prayer demonstrations. I want [my school] to help me grow my experiences with the Church more rather than my knowledge ”
Sophomore said, “I believe if we spent more time in the chapel or let kids have free time to go pray in the chapel during lunch or study hall, [we would grow in faith].”
Sophomore said, “[My school can help me grow my faith by] continuing formation meetings and focus[ing] more on how to pray or talk to God ”
Junior said, “[My school can help me grow in faith by] having more masses, and more prayer services (e g , rosary, confessions, etc.)”
Senior said, “In the future, [my school] can help me grow my faith by giving more time for silent reflection because the daily stresses of high school can be very overwhelming but daily time to talk to God can help reduce those stresses and in turn forge an even deeper personal connection with the Lord ”
Sophomore said, “[My school] has gotten me closer to God through praying around 10 times a day as a class/school its very refreshing and nourishing to pray.”
Sophomore said, “I would say my best experience with the Church is being able to spend quality time with the Lord in general. For many, this isn't a privilege they can access at any given time, especially those living in marginalized states. For this reason, I feel it is something that I should truly appreciate ”
Freshman said, “My worst experience with the Church was when I found out that some of its members had been engaging in unethical behaviors. It felt like a betrayal, and it made me question my faith I understand that people make mistakes and can be misguided at times, but this particular incident shook my trust in the Church as an institution As a result, I have become more aware of how important it is to ensure proper oversight within any organization or religious body so as to protect its members from such occurrences going forward. The importance of maintaining ethical standards cannot be overstated if we are to uphold our beliefs and keep our communities strong for future generations ”
Senior said, “I don't necessarily have a bad in-person experience with the Church to point to Church had always been more of a routine and obligation when I was younger I suppose the worst thing that has happened is the eventual decline from my participation in the Church. As I grew older I began to disagree with many Church teachings and ultimately stopped attending Church consistently. However, the Church will still always have a special place in my heart regardless of my religious standpoint ” Sophomore said, “[My worst experience with the Church] was hearing about the controversies going on with priest's a few years ago really hurt the Churches image in my mind”