2 minute read
Year 4
What a year we’ve had in Year 4! Bustling with activity and energy, the children embarked on a huge range of activities from concerts to musicals, theatre trips to a swimming gala, sports matches and tournaments. Amazing learning, investigations and even documentary making has taken place throughout the year. Add to that opportunities in the school grounds and class-based work and you will realise that this year has been incredibly successful and productive. The Spring Term saw lots of learning taking place in the shape of VIPERS – a comprehension scheme which has enhanced the children’s reading skills. Added to this, the children have been writing ‘Super Sentences’ to develop their creative writing.
Earthsong visited us in early February, and we spent a morning in a wonderfully vibrant interactive workshop which saw children hear and experience a celebration of Chinese culture.
The weeks flew by and suddenly we were in the midst of rehearsals for ‘Crikey, Moses!’. The children loved working on the rehearsals and their singing and acting were outstanding! Every one of them relished the idea of an evening performance to a very appreciative audience . . . and then lockdown happened! Sadly, our play had to be cancelled and, of course, we were all very disappointed. All those lines and songs learned, all those beautiful costumes, all that anticipation and butterflies in the tummy, but no final extravaganza on stage.
Throughout the Autumn and Spring Terms, Year 4 were documenting a lot of their work and activities on Seesaw. As a result of this they were able to continue to ‘post’ their activities during lockdown so that their teachers and families could share what they had been learning. This was an exciting and innovative addition to their learning journey and proved extremely useful! A new programme of learning that Year 4 have undertaken in English has been a study of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’. It led to lots of exciting writing, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed composing and which we have delighted in reading! We were very lucky to get back into school for the last two weeks of the year. Although we were separated in our bubbles, we were able to wave across the field and check that our friends were all fit and healthy. It has been an incredibly strange experience and one which we are sure the children will carry memories of for a very long time.