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Year 6
Year 6 enjoyed an unusual yet ultimately fulfilling end to their time at the Junior School as they took on the responsibilities of representing and leading the school in all aspects of school life, from the sports fields to the school council, and from helping with Infant playtime to reading at the Christmas Service.
In the first term the children’s teambuilding skills were put to the test at the PGL Centre, Little Canada, on the Isle of Wight. The activities included an obstacle course, initiative tests, escape rooms and the giant swing. The children needed to work as a team to support and encourage each other and most found the courage to take the plunge and enjoyed the ensuing sense of achievement. Year 6 travelled back in time to the Victorian Age when they visited Milestones Museum in Basingstoke. The children experienced Victorian life first hand as they enrolled in the Board School and joined the apprentices at the Talisker Ironworks. At school they used an abacus and slates with chalk. In the foundry they learnt about the changes that occurred in making all things metal between 1809 and 1900. The children also had time to explore the many other areas of Victorian life on offer at Milestones, further enriching their knowledge of the Victorian Age. Year 6 enjoyed a day of learning at the Saatchi Gallery, supplementing their classwork on Ancient Egypt, visiting the Tutankhamun Golden Pharaoh exhibition. The children studied the priceless treasures and attended a workshop studying and creating ancient sacred symbols. The exhibition commemorated the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, and was the final chance to see these glittering world heritage artefacts before they returned to Egypt forever. The children explored his life, and the discovery that captivated the world, through more than 150 authentic pieces from the tomb - three times the quantity that has travelled in previous exhibitions - more than 60 of which were travelling outside of Egypt for the first time. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience the wonder and mystery of the boy king before his priceless objects returned to Egypt.
After the rigours of the Senior School Entrance Exam in January, Year 6 rolled their sleeves up for an actionpacked citizenship curriculum, starting in London with the Houses
of Parliament. After the airportstyle security to enter the building they were treated to a detailed tour of the key areas. The children were fascinated to see where Lords and MPs sit and discuss key decisions of the day. They saw where and how MPs voted and the impact of the monarchy on the running of Parliament. Following Westminster Palace, Year 6 embarked on a river cruise to the Tower of London, including the crown jewels and the torture chambers! Other post-exam highlights included a Parliament-style debate about homework and school uniform, lifesaving in the Senior School pool and a Masterchef cooking competition for which the children needed to devise a healthy meal, create a recipe and budget for the ingredients. They shopped at Sainsbury’s, before safely and hygienically cooking their dishes in the Gym Hall on portable stoves. Washing-up was a new skill for many, however we eventually returned the gym to an acceptable level of cleanliness.

The necessity of home learning fundamentally altered the children’s end of Year 6 experiences. Although the trip to France and the play were cancelled, the children showed their true colours by embracing all that home schooling offered. Teachers and children alike reskilled and regrouped and soon became proficient with the new way of doing things. Live lessons, themed days and lots of sunshine were the order of the day.
Year 6 further demonstrated their resilience on their return to school in June with new routines, social distancing and copious hand washing. Despite the disruption and the inevitable changes to activities, all the children returned to school and were well prepared for their next new and exciting chapter at secondary school.