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As the academic year has now ended, it is time to reflect back on this year, hopefully a year like no other. The phrase “May you live in interesting times” keeps coming back to me and this year has certainly been an interesting one and we have all learnt a lot from the experience. Although full of its own unique challenges, I continue to be impressed with how well the members of Collingwood have risen to these interesting days and hopefully will never have to rise to this particular challenge again.
Before the House Cup was suspended, Collingwood was getting stuck into the House Competitions and we were maintaining my ‘no lane empty’ target until all lanes became empty when the competition was cancelled. We were well placed in the Academic Cup and we were just gearing up for another strong showing in the Performing Arts Cup, and there had been some strong performances in the Sports Cup when global events got in the way. I’m sure we all missed the enjoyment of the competition but we will just have to work, run and play harder to enjoy next year’s competition all the more.
Our House Captains deserve a lot of the credit for the spirit in the House over the last year and it’s been a pleasure to work with our Captains Rose Giffin and Jamie Land. Rose consistently stepped up for the House over her time at Churcher’s and I am so grateful for her contributions. Jamie has been a pleasure to work with and always helped out getting things organised in a relaxed and confident way. They have both been stars and deserve my and the House’s thanks. They have been ably backed up by the rest of their year and in particular the House Vice-Captains of Libby Remington, Annabelle Smith, Sam Redfern and Will Keohane. Also, having one of the Captains of College (Ben Williams) in the House has been a massive plus as he would always step up when required. During their time in the House (the full seven years for many), and particularly over the last year, they have all been a great support to me and they have made excellent contributions to both Churcher’s and the House. Thank you all and I look back with nostalgia on my time as your form tutor in the Third Year.
The House will miss all our departing students and I look forward to hopefully saying a proper goodbye in the not too distant future, government regulations allowing. You leave behind a lot of memories of your amazing achievements. As you all move on to bigger and better things, I hope you will look back with fondness on your time in the purple House and come back and visit to let us know how you are getting on. You are all remembered and will be missed - I’m sure I can make space for you to do another House Assembly should you wish! Overall the House has had an excellent year and whilst there are no House Competitions to celebrate, that does not take away from the commitment and hard work the House has put in this year. I am hugely impressed with how well you have all coped with these interesting days and look forward to seeing you all in person (not online!) in the not too distant future. Well done to all of you.
Mr B Seal