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As we are now finishing our fourth year of Psychology at Churcher’s, the Department continues to grow and as a result we welcome Mrs Cressida Hadley to the school in September 2020 as an additional part-time teacher. She was already one of the Churcher’s family as she had been working at the Junior School. We will soon be a Department of three teachers and Psychology is one of the most popular A Levels here, as it is across the country.
There is no doubt that the academic year 2019-20 came with some unique challenges for both teachers and students with the Upper Sixth dealing with the brunt of the uncertainty and stress but they dealt with it brilliantly with positive stoicism. The Lower Sixth were utterly fabulous throughout their remote learning and showed just how adaptable and committed to their learning they were. And none of this has dampened down the popularity of the subject with 36 students in the Upper Sixth, 32 in the Lower Sixth and 50 projected for 2020-21’s Lower Sixth.
With Mrs Clark having joined this year, she has brought with her such enthusiasm for the subject that more students than ever before are applying to study Psychology at university (and at top ones too!). We had some excellent trips and events planned (Southampton University and Brain Day) but sadly they were Covidcancelled, but not to fear, they will run again! There’s no stopping the Psychology Department, it is in rude good health! Dr G Glasspool