Maroon and Grey 2011

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The TheMaroon Maroon& &Grey Grey The The Official Official CFS CFS Alumni Alumni Connection Connection

Summer Summer2011 2011

CFS History Month

Director’s Corner


he 2010-2011 school year has been one of transition. Although some things have changed, a constant force has remained in my life – the kindness and friendship of the CFS alumni. Your care and concern for CFS are important and deeply appreciated. Working with members of the Alumni Association and various alumni volunteers has brought me great pleasure. Chimdi Mbonu ’87 and I worked closely together Director of Alumni Relations Lori on the first-ever Alumni Service McDermott catches up with Chimdi Day held this past September. Mbonu ’87 during Pageant Weekend. You can read more about this joint venture on page 5. Chim also worked with Athletic Director Greg Thompson to resurrect the alumni basketball game which was held during the Spring Alumni Weekend. Both of these are fabulous activities to build on in the coming years. In fact, David Zimmerman ’88 has already agreed to co-chair the next Alumni Service Day project currently scheduled for September 17. I strongly encourage each and every one of you to become more actively involved in the CFS Alumni Association. We currently meet on the third Thursday of every month from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. in the Griffin Board Room. If you are unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join us via teleconference. Details are available on page 12. We are working to have Skype available this fall. If distance from CFS is an obstacle, perhaps you may be willing to serve as a host for a regional alumni gathering. Please see where events have been hosted on pages 9-10. Catching up with fellow alums is a great way to reconnect. Either way, your involvement is a way to “Look Back…Come Back…Give Back.” Or, you may consider organizing a class reunion for the upcoming spring. Walt Smith ’86 was successful in bringing back a total of nine classmates for their 25th reunion this past April. We are most appreciative of the generous class gift they presented to the School at the Alumni Dinner. Paul Spear ’81 and his classmates are planning to return to CFS this August to celebrate their 30th reunion. If you are interested in returning next spring to celebrate a reunion, please contact me soon so we can begin the planning process. This coming August, the executive committee and members of the Alumni Association take part in an alumni strategic planning exercise at CFS. The committee will develop the best vision of what the Alumni Association will look like in the next two or three years and determine how it will move to that desired future. This is exciting! We look to improve performance, stimulate thinking and clarify future direction. Most importantly, we hope to build real teamwork. If you have an idea for the committee to consider, please contact me at or via phone at 610.363.5338. In closing, I would like to thank everyone for their continued generosity in remembering my mother through support of the Janet C. Hartzell Angel Fund. Your contributions are helping to bridge an existing financial gap in tuition fees for deserving CFS families. Additional contributions to the fund are most welcome and made possible by your indication in a note or by writing “Angel Fund” in the memo section of your check. Or, perhaps consider making a donation to the Annual Fund in memory of your beloved and fun-loving brother and my friend, Karl Gabosch ’48. Karl dearly loved Church Farm School and appreciated the opportunities it provided him. He was a true lover of life, his School and his wife and soul mate, Priscilla. However you choose to give back, GIVE! Let your gift to the Annual Fund build a legacy of strong and broad-based alumni support for CFS. It is also a great way to show your support for Don Burt’s leadership. The need is great and, for the students, the opportunity priceless. Kind regards, Lori McDermott

Director of Alumni Relations

Celebrating a Strong Tradition of Service to the Community


ach April CFS celebrates History Month to honor the founding of the School in April 1918. The theme chosen for this year’s celebration was “Service to the Community.” As part of the month-long commemoration, CFS alumni were asked to share their community service, public service and other volunteer service experiences with CFS students, faculty and staff. The remarkable response served as evidence that the spirit of giving back doesn’t end with graduation from CFS, but is carried forward and becomes an integral part of our alumni’s lives. The following are some of the accounts our alumni shared.

Combining Business with a Passion for Service


Matthew Weber ’07

or the past two years at Pepperdine I’ve been president of the local chapter of SIFE, Students In Free Enterprise, which is an international nonprofit that encourages students to combine the skills they learn in their business classes with their passion for service. SIFE members create economic outreach projects to empower people in their communities. The experience has opened a lot of doors for me in terms of building relationships with local business leaders in Southern California and has allowed me to positively affect the lives of people disadvantaged by social and economic hindrances through the application of innovative business solutions. Just to give you an update of where I am in terms of school and a career, I recently attained an internship at First Republic Bank at one of its corporate offices in Los Angeles and will be (continued on page 3)

Matthew Weber ’07 works with a SIFE client.

2011 Tyler Award Presented Dr. Rob Teti, founder and executive director of Chenoa Manor, a local animal sanctuary, was this year’s recipient of the J. Tyler Griffin Award for Excellence in Ambassadorship. Alumni Association President Don Burt ’77 and CFS Board Member Sally Graham, both former recipients of this prestigious award, made the presentation at a recent CFS chapel ceremony. “Dr. Rob,” a local veterinarian, cares for more than 200 abused and neglected farm and exotic animals at Chenoa Manor, with the help of volunteers and private donations. Through a unique, seven-year relationship between the School and Chenoa Manor, CFS student volunteers care for the animals, administer vaccinations and participate in sheep shearing. In all these encounters, the boys are working and learning at the same time. This school year Don Burt ’77 and Sally Graham, both alone, students provided more than former Tyler Award winners, presented 1200 volunteer hours of service to the 2011 award to Dr. Rob Teti. (C) the animal sanctuary. In turn, Dr. Teti mentors these students, exposing them to a variety of cultures and even using his own financial resources to help them. He has influenced at least one CFS graduate to become a veterinarian. The entire CFS community was proud to present “Dr. Rob” with the 2011 Tyler Award. You can also learn more about CFS’s involvement with Chenoa Manor by viewing a video CBS news produced last year (http://www. The Tyler Award is named for former CFS Chairman of the Board and current Honorary Board Member, J. Tyler Griffin of Bryn Mawr, who has been instrumental in the School’s growth and development for more than 50 years.

Note From The Head

CFS News Dear Alumni, At the heart of all that takes place at Church Farm School lies the founding vision and mission. We provide an education for boys of ability and promise who might not otherwise have the means to reach for such an opportunity. Since 1918 that opportunity has been made available to boys across many generations and changing circumstances. And it remains true that where God has offered a vision of what needs to be done the school has been blessed with the ability to do it. CFS adapts where and when necessary. This is as true today as it has been for over ninety years. Darwin’s theory of evolution is often misinterpreted as suggesting the strongest species survive. In fact, he observed that it was the most adaptable who fared the best. Schools are no exception. From its agrarian roots, CFS has moved through an industrialized era to a global community moved by technology. Education has been adapting at an accelerated rate since the turn of the millennium, and we are working to keep the core mission intact even as the circumstances in which it is embraced continues to change with the times. CFS continues to adapt in order to provide an essential offering to boys desiring, as you once did, to make something of themselves, if only someone would give them that chance.

Rev. Edmund K. Sherrill II Head of School

How the school intends to adapt is offered in the Strategic Plan 2011 as approved by the Board of Directors in January. The plan serves to guide present and future decision-making and is available to all on the web site ( Please take some time to read through it, if you have not had a chance to do so already. Other aspects of adaptation’s realities lie within the broad goals of the plan, too. For example, maintaining our mission and the (nancial model that sustains it provoked careful consideration of the number of personnel the school can reasonably carry to meet its program needs in the years ahead. Many of you are aware of the restructuring and downsizing decisions announced in April. This is a hard and sobering reality, especially as it affects such good and caring members of the administration, faculty and staff. CFS is stronger for their having made important, dedicated and lasting contributions to the welfare of many, particularly boys, over many years. We will continue to acknowledge and honor that service. I know and trust you will too. Communication between you and the school through the Alumni Association remains vital and will keep you informed about the continuing work to strengthen the school for its long-term future. I am grateful to Don Burt and the executive committee of the association for their leadership and strong support during the past year. We look to continue the important collaboration between the school and alumni now underway. In closing, let me highlight two events of the spring that stand out in particular: a successful alumni weekend and an absolutely gorgeous graduation day. As time and circumstances change, it is always good to visit and break bread with all who have set foot within these walls, and it is a privilege to welcome this year’s graduates into your ranks.

Goodbye and Godspeed

Godspeed to all, especially in the midst of today’s challenges to which we will adapt!







And so we say goodbye and Godspeed to 11 deeply cherished staff members: 1. CFS’s own poet laureate Ray Greenblatt showed students the beauty and power of the English language for 46 years. 2. Colletta Roberts’ compassion and care was the rst impression of CFS for hundreds of future students she encountered over the past eight years.


3. The Rev. Linda Kerr, Interim Chaplain, spoke passionately to the role of the Sacred in the lives of our CFS community and touched many hearts during her few months at CFS. 4. Lisa Ochwat, an amazing counselor for 14 years, tirelessly organized students’ volunteer activities, making community service one of CFS’s proudest efforts. 5. Lou Spagnola, a brilliant musician and a dedicated teacher, brought his own incomparable brand of great jazz to CFS and its students for 22 years. 6. Bill Wentzel, Assistant Headmaster, made a wrong turn onto the campus more than three decades ago and has done so much so right in the intervening 32 years.


7. English Department Chair, Christine Hutchinson, blessed CFS with her presence for 16 years and was considered “a mother to all of us” by countless students. 8. Jerry Dotson, who had a warm smile for everyone, has been devoted to his work and takes his enthusiasm for the Phillies with him after six years of service to CFS. 9. Karyn Treibley, an incomparable science teacher and fabulous tennis coach, tirelessly shared her skills and enthusiasm with students for 17 years.



10. Webber Lewis ’80, CFS’s beloved “last farmer,” who never met a person he couldn’t help and undertook every job, large and small, has served CFS for 28 years. 11. Beth Crook, the right hand of the athletic and library departments for 14 years, takes her lovely soft demeanor and unfailing kindness back to England, her homeland.



The whiteboard bounced and uttered at every enthusiastic pounce of the st. Wide-eyed students relived the battles of history. Stories told with such passion, such vivid descriptions of men ghting with their wits. The students couldn’t escape the trance of the zealous teacher’s history lesson. Everyone appreciated his knowledge. Dark rimmed glasses perched on the end of a crooked nose, An old paperback held in the palm of his delicate, elderly hands. A strong, yet pleasant voice erupted from the statured gure, and echoed throughout the room. Hands trembling while shouting out the dialogue of ctional warriors and beloved mistresses. Everyone appreciated his knowledge. For All Those who have served and those who have given, For Those who’ve put in the years of service and shared their craft. For the mentors and the teachers that have shared the love of knowledge, But more importantly, the love of life, I give my gratitude for those heroes who have taught me. — Aaron Dirks ’13 (Poem written for a heroes-themed creative writing project)

The Maroon & Grey

Look Back... Come Back... Give Back Combining Business with a Passion for Service Matthew Weber ’07

graduating this coming December from Pepperdine University with my B.S. in International Business. I would like to continue at the bank after graduation and work towards attaining my master’s degree in the next couple years. I will also be studying in Shanghai this summer as part of a study abroad program through my school that focuses on operations management. We will tour several companies in and around the city and analyze business problems of these companies using statistical tools. Being at CFS was the turning point in my life, which helped me develop as a leader, an individual and a man, and I will be eternally grateful to the faculty and staff at the school for everything they have instilled into my life.

Matt Weber ’07 conducts a mock interview with a client during a career-building workshop.

Haitian Children Are Given a Voice to Their Grief J. Gordon Schleicher, M.Div. Ph.D. ’62


n February 2010, I visited Haiti as the leader of a Volunteer in Mission team. Along with the team, I visited four schools in villages near Les Caves, Haiti’s third largest city on the southern coast. It is a city which has a sizeable population of persons displaced by the 2010 earthquakes. In Haiti, the children are taught by rote and have little opportunity to express themselves. Since expressing one’s grief is critical to the healing process, I was asked by the Methodist Church in Haiti to provide bereavement training to Haitian teachers. A Haitian teacher helps a student The goal was to empower Haitian teachers with the knowledge and skill deal with loss using art therapy. that they need to help the many Haitian children who experienced devastating losses during the 2010 earthquake. Our team trained 86 Haitian teachers to recognize grief in children and help these children express their feelings, so that they could begin the healing process. We used art therapy where each child drew a picture of his or her experiences and then wrote a few lines about it.

“My cousin lost his arm and leg in the earthquake.”

CFS History Month

(continued from page 1)

Back in Michigan, I serve on my church Mission Team (as Mission and Outreach person) and have been teaching the mission classes for three years. I have traveled to Haiti twice now. This year I will be part of my denomination’s teaching faculty on Haiti at the West Michigan School of Christian Mission.

The Rewards Have Been Great! Richmond Johnston ’54


heryl and I are associated with a very vibrant and alive civic theater. The Waukesha Civic Theatre, located in Waukesha, Wisc., has three programs which reach out to the community. This makes them unique and is the reason they are among the one percent of all civic theaters who have lasted more than 50 years. Our outreach group is called the Civic Senior Players. There are about twelve of us, and we put on one-hour programs (for a free-will donation) at retirement villages, assisted-living establishments, nursing homes, etc. anywhere where seniors don’t get out and about as much as they used to. We do comedy skits and monologues and some singing. We usually end with a song, during which we parade through the audience shaking hands and touching a shoulder or two.

Rich Johnston ’54 performs his rendition of Neil Simon’s doctor skit from the “Sunshine Boys.”

We’ve been at this for about six years now, and we have so many repeat requests that it’s a hassle to come up with new material. We do about 40 shows a year! Our premise is that it is a pretty bleak world if all you have for entertainment, between visits from family and friends, is the TV - especially if family seems to have forgotten you! There is nothing like a performance with live actors, and when we mess up our lines, its just an excuse for another kind of laugh! The rewards have been great!

Hoop Dreams

Bruno Corras ’03


serve as the girls’ commissioner for FSBL, Farmwell Station Basketball League. I run the girl’s side of the league and handle everything from finding coaches, training the kids, training the coaches, running evaluations, setting up the draft of players, and much more. The league is based in Ashburn, Va. and has over 600 kids in the community. We have meetings throughout the year, and our main goal is to make sure that it’s a good experience for the kids, and also that they learn the game of basketball.

Bruno Corras ’03 (L) with one of his championship girls’ basketball teams

Bruno Corras ’03 huddles with his players during a game.

I coached a few teams in the past until I took a coaching position at the local high school. I have been coaching there for three years now. I also formed an AAU program which has 14 teams and around 140 kids in the program. We have eight boys’ teams and six girls’ teams. This is community service as well. I also offer many free basketball training clinics for kids around the area, and run basketball camps with Joe Harrington throughout spring break and during the summer. Volunteering and sharing my love of basketball with the kids is a very rewarding experience. There is nothing more fulfilling than watching them progress and gain confidence in their own abilities! (continued on page 4)

Summer 2011


CFS History Month

Look Back... Come Back... Give Back (continued from page 3)

A Remarkable Journey Aaron S. Humphrey ’89


hen I (rst learned that the theme of this year’s History Month was “Service to the Community,” I was delighted to write a letter sharing my experiences as a Manhattan Community Board Six (CB6) Member for the City of New York and as a tenant leader for my New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) development, a public housing project which houses over a thousand residents. It would be not only a good way to communicate with my fellow alumni, whom I haven’t seen or spoken with in a long time, but an even greater way to communicate to the CFS student body the vast rewards that volunteering can bring. It started in the late summer of ’94, a few years removed from my glory days at CFS – a few years removed from my dark Howard University days, where life didn’t go according to plan. I found myself enrolled in a less prestigious college in NYC, bouncing back-and-forth between my dangerous Bronx bachelor-pad and the relatively safe con(nes of Aaron Humphrey ’89 (R) with my mother’s midtown Manhattan public housing unit. She was in the process of relocating to upstate New York and former New York Governor David asked me if I would like to keep the apartment. I quickly accepted knowing full-well a rent-stabilized apartment in Patterson and Laird Ferguson ’85 (L) the heart of the city is a rarity. The only problem was that after moving in on a full-time basis, I noticed the building wasn’t as “safe” as it had previously been. Drug-dealers had gotten a strong foothold in the building and were now wreaking havoc on my neighbors! At (rst, I did exactly what my neighbors were doing about the problem, which was just talk about it! After all, I had my own problems to worry about, such as completing my college degree (a B.S. in Criminal Justice with a minor in law.) But after four years in the apartment, I realized it was the seniors, disabled, and female population of my building who bore the brunt of the dope (ends’ attacks. It was then I decided to be proactive and do something about it. I quickly united a once divided tenant force and reassembled our building’s old Tenant Patrol (T.P.) organization which works in conjunction with NYCHA’s Community Affairs Department, sitting, monitoring, and patrolling our building lobby and grounds during early-evening hours. I not only personally helped to supervise and patrol our building, but also did the insurance, uniform and attendance paperwork. I also reformed the Tenant Association (T.A.) and took the reins as its vice-president. To make a long story short, crime, drug-activity, and the deteriorating quality of life ceased in our building. Our T.A. soon became a political force in our district for those seeking elected of(ce. NYCHA top of(cials also began taking heed of our tenants’ other concerns, and the NYPD stopped judging and started respecting Aaron Humphrey’89 (L) with memus! We even got our City Councilwoman (Hon. Rosie Mendez) to secure funding for security cameras which help to bers of his tenant association prevent the drug-dealers from returning. This got me and my fellow T.A. leaders a citation from the NYC Council! At present, I am seriously considering making a run for the NYC Council after I complete my second two-year term as a CB6 Member. In addition, I’m working as a corporate security supervisor to pay the bills, while chasing my dream of being a creative, urban-mainstream screenplay writer! Life has taken me on a remarkable journey which I wouldn’t change for the world, and I’m proud to say CFS’s ethics, leadership, and educational training helped to prepare me for it. In closing let me paraphrase a fellow CFS alumnus: “It’s one thing to write a check – it’s another to get directly involved and give your time!” Volunteering and lending a helping hand to one in need, regardless of race, religion, creed, gender, or nationality, is one of the most humane and ful(lling things you can do! God bless and good luck to each and every one of you – now go out and volunteer! Peace!

History month Features Alumni Speakers


ormer Headmaster’s Watch Winner and Temple University graduate, Chimdi Mbonu ’87, addressed students and faculty during the April 19 assembly. In keeping with our History Month theme, Chim spoke about his many volunteer experiences. Chimdi serves as vice-president of the CFS Alumni Association, is the Assistant Keeper of Finance for his college fraternity and is an active member of Vine Memorial Baptist Church where he sings in the Chancel Choir and participates with other ministries. Jim Tate ’52 was introduced to Chimdi also led the effort this past fall in our the CFS Community by Student (rst-ever Alumni Service Day, where alumni, Ambassador Tosin Ajirotutu ’11. students and faculty members worked with volunteers from West Whiteland Township and Weston Solutions to plant more than 600 trees at Exton Park. James Tate ’52, CFS alumnus and board member, addressed students and faculty regarding his volunteer efforts in the community on the (nal History Month assembly held April 26. When Jim returned to the Malvern area after his career in pharmaceutical sales and advertising in the NYC area, he took pride in starting a girls’ softball league, because no local program had been in place. Jim was also instrumental in developing and publishing a quarterly township newsletter and starting a recycling program. Through Jim’s “go-green” efforts, his local township has quali(ed for numerous grants. Stephen Loney ’97 and Ko) Gwira ’99 also returned to CFS during the month of April to speak with students during Career Night. Steve spoke about his career as a corporate attorney with Hogan Lovells US LLP. Steve remains committed to “giving back,” through his service on the CFS Board of Directors, the CFS Alumni Association and his pro bono work helping the homeless in Philadelphia. Ko) Gwira ’99 joined Steve as a panel presenter on April 13. Ko( shared his experiences working at the State Department as a Foreign Service Of(cer (Diplomat). He will be posted to Bangkok, Thailand as an economic attaché in August. Per Ko(, “I loved telling the boys something motivational to help get some of them interested in a career in international affairs.”


Student Ambassadors Dinner


his past April 17, Jim Tate ’52, treated members of the CFS Student Ambassadors Program to dinner at Waynesborough Country Club in Paoli. For the second consecutive year, students not only enjoyed the (ne dining, but, most importantly, the company of an extraordinary alumnus. Last year’s former Tate Award recipient, Mike Milligan ’11, expressed his appreciation for the outing via a note of thanks: Dear Mr. Tate, Thank you for the wonderful dinner the other night. I know I can speak for all of the ambassadors there in saying that we had a great time. It is really interesting to hear stories from your days at Church Farm, and to see how much things have changed over the years. Your enthusiasm towards the School is something that every alum should admire and strive to have. I always enjoy being able to spend time with you, and talk about CFS and plans that I have for my future. I look forward to seeing you again. Sincerely, Michael Milligan ’11

Jim Tate ’52 (C) is Janked by members of the Student Ambassadors Program and CFS Director of Alumni Relations Lori McDermott

The Maroon & Grey

Look Back... Come Back... Give Back


his past September CFS alumni, faculty and students worked harmoniously with residents of West Whiteland Township and Weston Solutions, a local environmental agency. All involved worked to help plant trees and shrubs, construct a trail from the parking lot to the pond at Exton Park, and erect bluebird houses during our first-ever Alumni Service Day. Wearing maroon CFS T-shirts, more than 30 Church Farm School volunteers worked morning and afternoon shifts to plant more than 600 trees on the former grounds of the School. Bulbs were also planted around the Pennypacker House located off Swedesford Road. Students Vinceht GChanglerth ’16 and Chinedu Erechukwu ’16 planted trees.

Alumni Association Vice-President Chimdi Mbonu ’87 and other mem- Jim Remaily ’61 (L) with Head of bers of the Executive Committee led the effort in recruiting volunteers School Ned Sherrill for this event. Per Chim, “Participating in ‘Make a Difference Day’ was a wonderful experience for me. I enjoyed working with members of the CFS family (students, faculty/staff and alumni) on a project that helps link Exton Park to CFS’ glorious past, present, and future. Even though the days of working the farm are past, the community service commitment by the CFS family should be a source of pride for all. I hope to see this partnership with West Whiteland Township and Weston Solutions continue long into the future.” Charles Pompeii ’12 was also instrumental in recruiting current student volunteers for this project. “The community service program is excellent; it’s a great experience for students to get off campus, do good things, and feel good helping others. Before attending I had encouraged many guys from my cottage to come and support this great event. Everyone had a great time helping out. It was also good for us students to interact with alumni. Overall, this community service project was important because it was one of the first times CFS, from all aspects, not just students, was seen by the public bettering the community and having a great time together,” commented Chuck.

Alumni Association Vice-President Chimdi Mbonu ’87 enjoyed working with fellow members of the CFS community.

Claudia Rose-Muir, her Sodexo crew and additional student volunteers packed lunches and drinks for the 125 participants, courtesy of Weston Solutions. Prior to the start of the project, State Representative Duane Milne presented CFS, West Whiteland Township and Weston Solutions with a citation honoring the achievements of the day. CFS alumni intend to work with members of the CFS community, the township and Weston again this September 17. Stay tuned for further details. You, too, can make a difference!

CFS students from Woodside Cottage pose with Marvin Garcia ’99 and Ronald McDonald outside the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House.

“Both staff and guests alike commented on how well the boys carry themselves and how mature they are. They were very impressed by the spread and complimented the boys on how great the food tasted. The families at the house dined on cranberry pork loin, chicken divan, vegetable lasagna, California blend noodles, warm baguettes, tossed salad, and warm apple pie graciously prepared in advance by Ms. Claudia and the Sodexo staff,” Marvin commented.

Students prepared a delicious meal for families at the Ronald McDonald House. (From L to R) Ho Jae Chang ’12, Jin Yong Kim ’11, Chan Wool Kim ’13, Eric O’Neill ’12, Ethan Lyons ’12, Christopher Lopez ’13, Max Drexler ’13

Summer 2011

“It was a pleasure, and I was proud to have brought this fine group of boys. They truly represented CFS well.”

Charles Pompeii ’12 encouraged his classmates to “get off campus, do good things, and feel good helping others.”

Alumni Make the Golf Classic a Success


ast year’s 9th Annual CFS Golf Classic held at Coatesville Country Club on September 24 was a huge success thanks, in part, to alumni volunteer efforts and participation. Henry Wein ’59 served as the lead photographer, capturing photo after photo of the participating foursomes. In addition, Henry printed the Ned Sherrill (R) greets golfers, Kevin snapshots and provided frames Morgan, Jeff Simon and Paul Spear and mailers so the School could ’81. distribute these keepsakes to our players as a “thank you” for their involvement. Peter Goda ’60 served as Henry’s side-kick by entertaining the guests waiting for their photo shoot. Thank you! Cecil Hengeveld ’64 (A.K.A. Big Bird), wife Peggy, Mike Russo ’67 and Don Burt ’77 played as a foursome on this Peter Goda ’60 (L) and Henry Wein beautiful Chester County golf ’59 grab a bite to eat before resuming course. Captain Paul Spear ’81 their photography duties. also participated in the event and was a member of the winning foursome.

2010 CFS Golf Classic


arvin Garcia ’99, cottage faculty member and part-time admissions representative, orchestrated a successful community service project this past November. Seven students from Woodside Cottage joined Marvin in preparing and serving a delicious meal at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House. Prior to the event, the students raised money to purchase the food by sponsoring a dress down day here at CFS.

Food Helps Families Cope

Students Feed Families At Ronald McDonald House

Make A Difference Day

First Alumni Service Day A Huge Success

Plans are underway for this year’s golf outing scheduled for Friday, September 30 at CCC. Sponsorship opportunities are available. We hope to increase our revenues this year. All proceeds from this charity event go into our scholar(From L to R) Mike Russo ’67, Don ship fund. Please save the date!

Burt ’77, Cecil Hengeveld ’64 and wife, Peggy



oth alumni and students alike enjoyed participating in the traditional alumni soccer game held on the (rst Saturday after Labor Day. Despite the beautiful weather, the alumni squad from the Classes of 1963 through 2009 fell short to the quickness and energy of Ryan Dunbar ’02 makes a “throw the student squad. Sevin” during the game. eral other alumni chose to support their “maroon and grey” brothers from the sideline, serving as active cheerleaders and socializing with one another. The game concluded with the traditional handshake and a group photo taken on the bleachers. Alums and students enjoyed the good sportsmanship evidenced throughout the game, followed by a cookout at the Sherrill residence. Stay tuned for the next alumni vs. student soccer game scheduled for Saturday, September 10, 2011.

Spring Alumni Weekend

The alumni soccer squad was comprised of members of the Classes of 1963- 2009.

Pageant Weekend

Alumni Soccer

Alumni Happenings


Lori McDermott accepts a painting from Michelle Dirks (P ’09, ’11, ’13) and the CFS Parents’ Association, given in memory of her mother, Janet Hartzell.

On Sunday alumni gathered at the Sherrill’s residence for a luncheon prior to Sunday’s pageant performance of Why the Chimes Rang. Before the luncheon concluded, Michelle Dirks, (P ’09, ’11, ’13) on behalf of the CFS Parents’ Association, presented Lori McDermott with a portrait she hand-painted depicting the pageant’s artist and musician. The painting was given in memory of Lori’s mother, Janet Hartzell, for her 36 years of loyal service to CFS. Michelle knew of Janet’s love for the annual pageant performance.

Don Burt ’77, David Dickson ’49, Chimdi Mbonu ’87, Henry Wein ’59 and Peter Goda ’60 enjoy catching up at the luncheon.

Basketball himdi Mbonu ’87, vice president of the CFS Alumni Association, worked closely with Athletic Director Greg Thompson and Director of Alumni Relations Lori McDermott to resurrect the traditional alumni basketball game. This contest, until a few years ago, was typically played in December and was moved this year to Spring Alum- The alumni basketball squad enjoys the company of ni Weekend their former coach, Marc Turner. to avoid any conFict with PIAA rules and regulations.


The combined CFS varsity and JV teams, coached by Marc Turner, continued their winning ways by defeating the alumni by more than twelve points.

Rae Gordon ’09 (R) attempts to guard Cordell Long ’11 (L).

We look to continue this format in the years to come and to build on the success of this year’s event. Mark your calendars now for next year’s alumni vs. student game scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2012.

Newt Disney ’48, David Dickson ’49 and Karl Gabosch ’48 share a moment after Sunday’s pageant performance.

Tate Award 2011


he James Tate Class of 1952 Award for Excellence in Ambassadorship is named in honor of fellow alum, long-time CFS Board Member and School Historian James Tate. It recognizes his tireless efforts throughout the years to help support and promote the School, its staff and students. The award is presented annually to that student whose enthusiasm for the School, commitment to its mission and welcoming manner make him an ideal and effective CFS Ambassador. Tosin Ajirotutu ’11 was this year’s recipient of the prestigious award. He was honored during the Alumni Dinner ceremonies.

Tennis & Softball


pring Alumni Weekend would not be the same without the traditional tennis and softball competitions between alumni and students. Varsity Tennis Coach Jeff Holton had his team prepared for the afternoon singles and doubles matches. Bart Bronk ’96 takes a moment JV Baseball Coach Brian Serbin before his next serve. also had his squad ready for the annual softball scrimmage which took place simultaneously with the ongoing tennis matches. The alumni proved victorious in this sport, but the main focus was having a friendly and fun competition. Tim Bond ’78* prepares himself for another match.


group of CFS alumni gathered at Delco Christian School this past December to cheer our varsity basketball team to victory during the Pageant Weekend. Newt Disney ’48, former Church Farm basketball coach during the 50’s and 60’s, made the trek from Arizona to take part in the weekend. Newt was impressed with the team’s resilience and ballhandling skills.

Immediately following these athletic contests, participants were free to join the basketball game.

Chad Shreiner ’04 presents Tosin Ajirotutu ’11 with the 2011 Tate Award for Excellence in Ambassadorship.

The Maroon & Grey

Alumni Happenings 5



1. Henry Wein ’59 and wife, Joan 2. Ed Yao ’04 and Samira Fowler 3. Paula and Paul Buckley ’65 4. Kyle DeRiemer ’05 12


6. Ed Yao’04, Kevin Ba ’05, Patrick Rametti ’04 and Donald Jackson ’96

Cruise To

7. Silent Art Auction table featuring silo painting donated by Shirley Milburne, wife of Ron Milburne ’60



5. Performers “Lenny and the Lynettes”

8. Tropical feast 13


9. Alumni show their appreciation to departing faculty and staff by signing matted photos. 10. Pirate’s Cove dealer, John Kistler (R), with Carol Houck, Josh Rice ’10 and Art Smith

Nowhere 4




11. Marvin Garcia ’99 and his *ancée, Shana Beverly 12. Maura and Tim Whalon ’99 13. Karen and Bruce Dykes ’86 14. David Harriman ’86

Spring Alumni Weekend


Dinner - 2011 By: Peter Goda ’60


hip! Ahoy! Ship Ahoy! Which ship? Yes, it was the ‘Cruise to Nowhere’ on the U.S.S. Grif(n! Ahoy there… ahoy there! Never a ship without a kitchen, and never a kitchen without its creations, and this was no exception! Socializing guests were forti(ed by an astounding array of hors d’oeuvres, prepared by Miss Claudia and staff of Dining Center fame, and served by the capable and gentlemanly services of ‘silver’-tray-carrying CFS students. When the ship’s bell was rung, nearly seventy alumni and their guests, along with a representative number of the Board of Directors, staff, faculty, and the Parents’ Association, responded to its call and found their way to tables perfectly set to feed this hungry horde. Greetings by Captain Ned Sherrill and Cruise Director Lori McDermott were followed by welcoming comments from Association President Don Burt ’77, who, with Director of Admissions Bart Bronk ’96, presented an overview to ‘Drive for Five’…a program of alumni involvement for recruiting new and deserving students. Guests were honored to be present for the presentation of the Tate Award to recipient Tosin Ajirotutu ’11. The invocation not only served to thank our God for the richness of His creations but once again called to mind how thankful and grateful we are for this special place we call ‘our’ School. The afternoon’s athletic events obviously were very successful, as the rush to the buffet provided proof of the need to again partake of the culinary delights provided for the evening’s repast. Contributions from the Annual RafFe and Silent Art Auction were presented to the School in loving memory of Karl Gabosch ’48, who with his wife, Priscilla, had plans to attend the Dinner before his unexpected demise. After dinner, we greatly enjoyed the karaoke entertainment provided by a select group of young men…cross dressed and exquisitely beauti(ed, as has been traditional in our all boys’ school. ‘Shreiner $100 bills’ were tossed around with abandonment in the Pirate’s Cove Casino and, from around the tables, peals from shrieking gamblers were heard throughout the hall as winners and losers announced their luck…good or bad! “Outstanding DJ!” and a welcomed complement to the weekend’s activities was the group’s sentiment as we danced to not-too-loud, age-targeted music which, unfortunately, came to an all too early close.

Jim Remaily ’61 and wife, Viki, were on hand for the Spring Alumni Dinner. Jim was celebrating his 50th reunion.

Erwin Roeser ’41 congratulates Tate Award recipient, Tosin Ajirotutu ’11. Erwin celebrated his 70th reunion during Spring Alumni Our thank you goes to the School’s staff who outdid themselves putting together this fantastic evening as we sailed Weekend.

on the ‘Cruise to Nowhere.’

Class of ’86 Reunion



alt Smith ’86 worked passionately for nearly a year to bring nine of his classmates back to CFS for their 25th Class Reunion. Talmadge O’Neill traveled nearly 4,200 miles from the Czech Republic in order to spend time with his maroon and grey brothers from two-plus decades ago.


The reunion of(cially got underway on the last Friday in April as good times and delicious food were enjoyed by all at a kick-off dinner in downtown Philadelphia. Saturday brought beautiful weather, and reunion attendees took the opportunity to visit campus and enjoy many of the school-sponsored events offered throughout the day. Later that evening, the Class of ’86 was honored by the crew of the U.S.S. Grif(n during the “Cruise to Nowhere” and was appropriately seated at “The Captain’s Table” during the dinner celebration. Photos and memories from years gone by were circulated among the group, and everyone had a wonderful time reminiscing and catching up with one another.

1. CFS Class of 1986 (L to R) Quentin Adams, Tim Kott, David Harriman, Walt Smith, Talmadge O’Neill, Jim Wetherington, Robert B. Malone II, Bruce Dykes, Brett Fortune, Mike Pratt 2. Brett Fortune 3. Walt Smith, David Harriman, Tim Kott 4. Class of ’86 Table



At the end of the evening, the Class of ’86 presented CFS with a generous annual fund gift for which the School was most appreciative. Everyone agreed that the reunion was a tremendous success. Many thanks to Walt Smith for organizing the event! Photos courtesy of Robert B. Malone II

Summer 2011


San Francisco

Alumni Happenings Alumni Socials


FS headed west again when Director of Admissions Bart Bronk ’96 attended a school fair in the San Francisco area this past October. While in town, Bart hosted a dinner at 1300 on Filmore in the Pacific Heights neighborhood for CFS Alumni, Ambassadors and their guests. Bart enjoyed his West Coast visit and socializing with his “maroon and grey” brothers. Joining Bart, from left to right are Noni Hatti, with her husband, Evan Barr ’83, and George Kline ’59. Bart is also surrounded by John Van Der Wal ’84, Veronica Ajawara, mother of Uche Egonu ’15 and her guest. San Francisco-based CFS Ambassadors

San Diego


Ralph Held ’34 raises a glass of cheer as Steve McDermott and Ralph’s wife, Hester, look on.


1982 classmates Bill Molloie, T.J. Bruyere and Chuck Waller

Alumni Association Secretary Peter Goda ’60 and former Alumni Association Vice-President Damon Charman ’92

Prior to Ned Sherrill’s arrival in San Diego in November, he was also able to visit with Bill Eastridge ’63 and wife Marjorie while visiting San Antonio, Tex. for an Episcopalian conference. When on the road, we want to reach out to as many alumni as possible.

Chad Shreiner ’04 and Alumni Association VicePresident and host, Chimdi Mbonu ’87

Host T.J. Bruyere ’82 is joined by wife, Blanca, at Il Fornaio restaurant.

Head of School Ned Sherrill and Harry Shedd ’68 take a moment to chat over dinner.

Steven Choc ’02 with Alemayehu Addis ’99 and Al’s girlfriend, Eileen


Philadelphia-based CFS Ambassadors gather for a group photo


.J. Bruyere ’82 hosted our San Diego area gathering just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. T.J. was instrumental in arranging for a handful of alumni and their guests to join Head of School Ned Sherrill and Director of Alumni Relations Lori McDermott for dinner and drinks at Il Fornaio, an Italian restaurant in Coronado, Calif. T.J. and two of his classmates, Bill Molloie and Chuck Waller, found time to reminisce about their days at CFS. Ralph Held ’34 and Harry Shedd ’68 were able to share their stories about their stay at Church Farm, as well, while enjoying sweeping views of the San Diego Bay and the downtown San Diego skyline.

he Public House in Philadelphia was the scene for our local alumni gathering held this past January 14. Chimdi Mbonu ’87, vice president of the Alumni Association, hosted the event for 15 alumni and their guests. The Classes of 1960 through 2004 were represented at this get-together. Chim updated the attendees about the exciting activities taking place at the School and how he sees the alumni playing a bigger role in the future. Chimdi embodies the spirit of “Look Back…Come Back…Give Back” and encourages the alumni to become more actively involved.

1986 classmates Michael Pratt and Walt Smith connect over drinks and appetizers.

The Maroon & Grey

Alumni Happenings Alumni Socials


n Friday, January 21, approximately 30 alumni representing the Classes of 1964 through 2004, guests and CFS Ambassadors gathered to celebrate the past, present and future success of CFS.

Henry Prempeh ’99, Alumni Association President Don Burt ’77 and Bill Seymour ’78

Hassan Symes ’00, Ko_ Gwira ’99 and Marvin Garcia ’99

Hassan Symes ’00, Kees Slot ’04 and Chad Shreiner ’04

Vanessa and Paul Spear ’81 converse with Marilyn Wilwol, wife of Director of Development John Wilwol.

Liam Yao ’02 and Henry Prempeh ’99 take time reminisce about days on the farm.

Ned Sherrill, Former New York Governor David Patterson and Arthur Marcus ’53 take time to pose for the camera.

Arthur Marcus ’53 graciously hosted the NYC social.

rthur Marcus ’53 once again played host at our most recent gathering in New York City this past February. Former Governor David Patterson dropped by the reception at the Metropolitan Club to say a few words about the importance of education and public service to this group of approximately 40 guests. Alumni from the Classes of 1953 through 2005 enjoyed mingling with one another and hearing updates about the School. The setting of this intimate event, which was held in the club’s library, also allowed for ample networking among the alumni.


New York City

Former New York Governor David Patterson converses with Ed Yao ’04. Former New York Governor David Patterson with Ned Sherrill and Clarence Blair ’99

Charles Kratz ’64 with Head of School Ned Sherrill

Washington, D.C.

Tim Kott ’86, host Christopher Gibbs ’88, Paul Spear ’81 and Mr. Gibbs

Everyone came together at Capitol City Brewing located in Washington, D.C., convenient to Union Station for those traveling via the Metro system. Baltimore-area elementary school principal Christopher Gibbs ’88 was gracious enough to host the event and spoke about the importance of alumni keeping in touch and supporting the School that made them all brothers. Don Burt ’77, president of the Alumni Association, also attended the event to promote the importance of alumni involvement. CFS Ambassadors Alden Dirks ’11, Michael Milligan ’11 and Dominique Alston ’12 represented the School of today and shared their (rsthand experiences of current CFS school life and the opportunities that CFS has afforded each of them.

Host an event… CFS will continue hosting a variety of alumni events throughout the 2011-2012 year. Please contact Lori McDermott at 610.363.5338 or if you might be interested in hosting an event in your area.

Summer 2011





FS graduated its eightyninth class at the Chapel of the Atonement on Saturday, June 4, 2011. Thirty-four young men received their Bibles, diplomas and traditional blessing during the emotion-(lled ceremony. Hee Je Eun ’11 delivered a light-hearted but sincere valedictory address. Peter Goda ’60 was pleased to pass along the Michael Wallington, Class of 1960 Award for Sportsmanship to Kyle Casey ’11. Oluwatosin (Tosin) Ajirotutu ’11 was the proud recipient of the Headmaster’s Watch Award. Blair Garland and Jim Remaily, Class of 1961, also returned for their 50th commencement ceremony. Additional commencement coverage will be included in the Annual Report to Donors.

Dear Fellow Alums,


1. New graduates Oscar Rodriguez, Djani Robertson and Bonzie Mumphrey 2. Peter Goda ’60 presented the 2011 Michael Wallington Sportsmanship Award to Kyle Casey ’11. 3. The Class of 1961 celebrated its 50th Reunion. (From L to R) Blair Garland, with wife, Agnes, and Jim Remaily, with wife, Viki.

The Class of 2011

Students Benefit from Bequests

P From The Development Office

lease consider including CFS in your will. It’s easy. The next time you meet with your attorney or (nancial planner, simply tell him or her the legal name of the School is “Church Farm School.” Your bequest can be large or small. Bequests have been the lifeblood of the School since its founding in 1918.

If you have any questions about bequests, we have two brochures you may (nd helpful: Questions and Answers about Wills and Bequests and How to Make a Will that Works. Your will is the centerpiece of your estate plan. And it makes it possible for you to ful(ll personal wishes that may save your heirs from problems that can arise when you fail to plan. If you wish one or both of these brochures, please contact John Wilwol by phone at 610.363.5363 or by email at

New Faces In Development


uzette Baird has joined the CFS Development Of(ce as Director of Annual Giving and Communications. Since 2003, Suzette has worked at Gesu School in Philadelphia. A graduate of Boston College and the University of Notre Dame, she is experienced at all aspects of Annual Giving, EITC programs, grantsmanship, and special events. We also welcome Marcia Carnes as Development Of(ce Administrative Assistant. A graduate of Suzette Baird (L) and Marcia Carnes Southern Methodist University and the Universi- (R) recently joined the CFS Developty of Dallas, Marcia was National Account Man- ment Of*ce. ager for Vanguard ID Systems in West Chester. Marcia is experienced at creating and implementing special events, design and production of publications, writing and editing, and of(ce systems and management.

EITC Program Helps Provide Scholarships


he Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program is a wonderful way to help deserving CFS students at almost no cost to you!

If you own or work for a company that pays Pennsylvania taxes, please consider making a gift to CFS through this very effective tax credit program. With EITC, you can convert your state tax dollars to scholarships for quali(ed CFS students. Your company can make a signi(cant donation of up to $300,000 annually to provide scholarships to low-income CFS students. Made two years in a row, these contributions result in a 90% tax credit; a one year gift yields a 75% tax credit. The (rm can also take federal deductions, further reducing the cost of the gift. The EITC program is simple, quick and effective. Please contact Director of Annual Giving and Communications Suzette Baird for easy instructions or to learn more about the program. She can be reached by phone at 610.363.5383 or


This past year, the Executive Committee and I have been presented with a number of thoughts and considerations that we determined to have merit in the Goals we strive to Don Burt ’77 meet. These deciCFS Alumni sions are always in Association President keeping with our Mission; and always open to the comments, opinions and ideas from any Alumnus. I will not attempt to hash over every nuance from every meeting, but permit me then to share some of the year’s highlights: We successfully forwarded a single day in the calendar to be called Alumni Service Day. This is a day wherein Alumni volunteer to complete a campus project, determined by the Administration. Last year it was to plant trees in Exton Park on the other side of the railroad tracks, on Swedesford Road. This was a terri(c success and managed front to back by Chim Mbonu ’87. We reorganized around some new rulings from the Pennsylvania Inter-Scholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) that impacted our tradition of Alumni Basketball, and in doing so- had worked with the School to retool the Pageant Weekend. We are (rmly set to have the Weekend follow these traditions and thus maintain the School’s balance between the Alumni and the existing student’s Athletic program.

From The Alumni Association

Commencement 2011

Around Campus

We held three Alumni Gatherings in D.C., Philadelphia and NYC and two on the west coast, as is reported in this issue; but from the Executive Committee’s perspective, we hope these gathering may foster the beginnings of Regional Alumni Chapters. So I will ask the Alumni: Any interest from any of you in either D.C. or NYC to volunteer to get a Chapter off the ground? Contact me through Lori McDermott and we can discuss feasibility. The Boy Scout Troop blossomed this year. Still held our numbers, about 15 boys. Most of them all advanced a rank or two; one boy by three ranks. They have all shown such great interest in learning and their goal this year is to continue on that path. One of the issues for Troop 1918 is Merit Badges. The boys need Merit Badge counselors to help them get through some of these challenges. I will ask again: Any alumni out there interested to support the Boys of Troop 1918 earn a Merit Badge or two this year? Let me close with a new program called “Drive for Five.” This is a simple plan, yet a challenge to us All. If we stand back and make a measure- we note the character of the CFS Alumni. We all, for the most part, turned out pretty well. Can’t we just agree that a portion of how we turned out is because of the foundations we gathered at CFS? So then let’s make it our collective goal- to see if we Alumni can present Five New Boys each Year to the School. The “Drive for Five.” Give that boy’s contact info to the Admissions Department and let them run the process; but WE ALUMNI provide the prospective boys’ info. Look at your church, your neighborhood, your colleagues’ children, your children, these boys who are the future of CFS. Don Burt ’77 Alumni Association President

The Maroon & Grey

Then And Now

Ed Ellison ’42, number 13, with the Church Farm Aggies football squad

Richmond Johnston ’54 ( shared this photo of him and a few of his classmates at a dinner party hosted by his guest, Sandra Barr, in December 1953. Per Rich, “In those days we did not have weekends home as we worked the farm all weekend with Saturday afternoons off. Sandra’s family welcomed us into their home in West Chester and treated us as normal teenagers.”

(R to L ) Tom Wetzel ’54, Pat Webster, Rich Johnston ’54 (only hair showing), Sandra Barr, Paul West ’54 and his guest, Mary

C. David Southwick ’54 (windsweptacresmd@aol. com) and wife Martha celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 17th. Martha and Dave Southwick ’54

Bill Birchall ’57 ( and his wife, Esther (nee Stevens), celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary May 27th. Among the 49 attendees at the luncheon on May 21st commemorating the event, were their son Dan of Hilo, HI, their daughter Susan Hirt of Oak Park, IL, their granddaughter Tera Birchall of Dundee, Scotland and grandson Mitchell Hirt of Oak Park, IL.

Bill Birchall ’57 and his wife, Esther, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

Stuart Brackney ’62 ( and his wife, Mary, took a well deserved 17-day vacation to Turkey and Greece this past month. As you can see, “shy Stu” was made a sultan!! He reports the food was fabulous and has so many pictures he will need the rest of the summer to review them. Stu, Mary and his immediate family plan a trip to CFS this July to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary by restating their vows in the Chapel of the Atonement on July 10th.

John Haswell ’64 ( and wife Bonnie just got back from a week-long advanced trainer development conference at the Philmont Training Center in Cimarron, N.Mex. It was an outstanding experience, including hikes into the back country. John reports they bring back what they learn to their local council to improve training experiences for the adult lead- John Haswell ’64 pictured ers. Per John, “The mis- with his wife, Bonnie sion of the BSA and CFS are the same. It’s all about  the boys!” Ron Proctor ’64* ( read in the CFS Annual Report to Donors that Bill Robison ’60 lives near Cheyenne, Wyo. and sought him out to exchange memories of their days at CFS. Ron and wife, Judy, drove up from Denver to meet Bill and his wife, Linda, halfway in Loveland, Colo. Ron and Bill both worked in the print shop and were on the library list. Both gentlemen credit their CFS experience with playing a large part in their success in life. Ron reports he attended the School (1956-1959) with his brothers Martin (attended ’56 & ’57), and David (attended ’58 and ’59). Ron founded Prudent Man Investment Management Inc. in 1988 and currently serves as CEO. Bill Robison, MD ’60 (R) with his wife, Linda, and Ron Proctor ’64* (L) with his wife, Judy.

Ralph Steele ’74 ( reports the Class of ’74 had a mini-reunion the first weekend of November, 2010. Classmates Eric Weller, Ralph Steele and Jeff Middleton spent a long weekend in North Carolina hosted by Dale Elks. Ralph remarked, “It was a great weekend! Not only did we get time to catch up on things, Dale took us to “Skeeter Inn,” his hunting house, and we helped him prepare his duck blind for the upcoming duck season. Eric said, “Even though it’s been 30-plus years since graduation, once we got back together it seemed like we picked up right where we left off.” Class of ’74 minireunion (L to R) Eric Weller, Ralph Steele, Jeff Middleton and Dale Elks

F. Scott Clements ’76 (Scott-Clements@idexx. com) reports he met his wife Victoria in church. At the time, she had a seven-year-old son, Daniel. He was married about three years ago and the picture is of his two boys Adam, age two, and Isaiah, his older brother, age four. They all live in Waterboro, Maine, “struggling in the pursuit of happiness with everyone Extended family members of else.” Scott misses see- Scott Clements, Adam and ing his 1976 classmates Isaiah. and also his friends in the Class of 1977, especially Martin Evans. Bill Wealot ’78 ( captured a second place title this June after completing a full marathon in Missouri, the 20th state in which he’s competed. David Hatchard ’93 ( is managing the real estate development, design and construction for Apple’s UK Retail Stores.

Stu Brackney ’62 and wife, Mary, during a recent trip to Greece and Turkey

David Carroll ’62 ( recently informed the School that his wife, Jane, passed away on April 1. Jane was a fierce and tireless advocate for individuals with autism. We extend our condolences to Dave and his family.

Summer 2011

The CFS Community extends its condolences to the families of: Helen French, administrative assistant to the headmaster from 1974-1995 Clarence Vance, driver and grounds maintenance from 1969-2010

In Memoriam Harlan M. Cleaver ’32* William A. Handy ’38 Paul E. Crothamel ’44* Karl P. Gabosch ’48 Ian McKee ’49 Herman L. Carter III ’81 Alexander S. Englander ’86

Class Notes

Edward Ellison ’42 shared this photo of the Church Farm School football team taken in the early 1940’s.

Edward J. Matzuras ’96 Liam Yao ’02 ( graduated from American University in Washington, D.C. in May with a Master’s in Business Administration. Kurt Zoltek ’03 ( received the 2010-2011 Delaware County Community College Most Outstanding Student Achievement Award & the DCCC Academic Award for Excellence in Surgical Technology. He graduated in May with a 4.0 GPA as a member of Phi Theta Kappa - the National Honor Society of Two Year Colleges. Kurt just accepted a job offer from the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and will be working in the O.R. assisting surgeons as a Cardiac Surgical Technologist in major cardiac, vascular, thoracic, and transplant surgeries. He is hoping to further his education in the not-too-distant future. Adam Hansen ’05 ( has been an EMT for five years now and works on the ambulance for the City of Lawrence, approximately 30 minutes north of Boston, Mass. He will be going for Paramedic Training in the fall. Adam loves working as an EMT and is getting plenty of good experience in their busy 911 system. John Frankman ’06 graduated from Wheaton College with a B.S. in Chemical Physics on May 8, 2011. He commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army on the same day. Branched into the Chaplain Corps, John will attend priestly formation for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. before assuming ministry duties in the Army. Philip Yang ’07 ( graduated from Johns Hopkins University in May. He will be moving on to Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine for medical school in August. Keita Rodgers ’10 ( was welcomed into the United States Military Academy at West Point by Lt. Gen. David H. Huntoon, Jr. at a ceremony held in Fort Monmouth, N.J. this past May. Keita Rodgers ’10 (R) with Lt. Gen. Huntoon, Superintendant of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

On May 21, 2011 friends and family members came to celebrate the life of Karl P. Gabosch ’48, who passed away suddenly on April 8, 2011. Head of School Ned Sherrill and Interim Chaplain Linda Kerr officiated “A Service of Celebration” in the CFS Chapel of the Atonement. Former classmate Newt Disney, traveled from Tucson, Ariz. to eulogize his forever friend, with the final eulogy given by his wife and soul mate, Priscilla. Karl was remembered for the “fun” and “giving” person he was. A reception at the Sherrill’s residence followed the service.



The Maroon & Grey



Alumni Association CFS, The School at Church Farm 1001 E. Lincoln Highway Exton, PA 19341-2818


CFS Happenings... Alumni Soccer – September 10, 2011 Alumni Service Day – September 17, 2011 CFS 10th Annual Golf Classic – September 30, 2011 Pageant Weekend – December 9 through December 11, 2011 Spring Alumni Weekend – April 28 through 29, 2012 Commencement – June 2, 2012 Alumni Socials – TBD


Support Your Alumni Association

FS Alumni Association meetings are held monthly. Please plan to join us every third Thursday from 7 P.M. – 9 P.M.  in the Griffi n Board Room to discuss the difference the Alumni Association can make in the lives of our current students and ways to support the School. If you are unable to attend in person, please consider teleconferencing with us.  The call-in number is 866.962.6634. Enter guest code 84478472, followed by the # sign. Please contact Lori McDermott  at or via phone at 610.363.5338 should you have any questions or concerns.

Transcript Requests


s of July, 1, 2011 the Business Offi ce will  now be charging a $4.00 fee for each offi cial or unoffi cial transcript processed by CFS.  Please visit the school website  for further details.  Kim Matteo will be responsible for handling the  request for transcripts. Kim can be reached via  email at Please note your  account must be in good standing in order to  process the request.


Howard Wright Honored

ormer Church Farm Guidance Counselor and Pageant Director, Howard Wright, was honored by the Maine Children’s Alliance this past September. Wright, a tireless volunteer for children  with disabilities and developmental delays, received the MCA Giraffe  Award,  given  to  those  who  “stick their neck out for kids.” He  was also awarded a Certifi cate of  Commendation  from  the  state  of  Maine for promoting the education  and welfare of children. Howard Wright with wife, Dee, and granddaughter, Elisabeth


he Maroon & Grey is the Offi cial Alumni  Connection  of  CFS,  The  School  at  Church  Farm.  Published  twice  a  year,  we  welcome  and  encourage  contributions  from  our  readers.  Should  you  have  an  update,  memory,  photo,  or  fact  to  share  with your fellow CFS alums, please contact  Lori  McDermott,  CFS  Director  of  Alumni  Relations,  at  or  by  phone  at  610.363.5338.  The  address  for  regular mail is 1001 E. Lincoln Hwy., Exton,  PA 19341-2818.

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