CMS: A Year of Yes The 2010 – 11 story
In 2010, CMS said “yes” to some extraordinary mission challenges…
Yes to a Latin America connection History was made in February 2010 as CMS and the South American Mission Society (SAMS) joined together into a united mission community.
Yes to being a new
mission community within an established tradition In May 2010, CMS celebrated its acknowledgement as a mission community by the Church of England. With thousands of members committed to God’s mission, CMS is the largest UK community of this kind.
Yes to doing our part in
an emergency Massive flooding in Pakistan. More floods in Brazil. An earthquake in Chile. CMS people in mission were on the scene to meet people’s needs during each crisis and many of our partners remain, long after some disaster aid agencies have left.
Yes to global mission through local hands with the Timothy Fund
CMS continues to come alongside gifted African and Asian Christian leaders, planted and strengthened, children were protected and educated, more leaders were trained, capacity was built, people were fed…and so much more.
helping them fulfil their mission calling in their regions. Churches were
global mission through local hands
Yes to training pioneer
mission leaders in a fresh way In September 2010, a group of 9 intrepid mission pioneers decided to put away the map and chart a new course. They enrolled in the pilot CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership Training Course, where they are being equipped for ground-breaking, transformational, sustainable mission. The pilot was so successful, the programme is planned to continue for years to come.
Yes to an everyday mission campaign
Wearesayingyes.org is more than a website — it’s a hub where people can — and do — inspire one another to love and good works in their daily lives.
Yes to the 34th Man Tour Thousands heard the gospel for the first time and many had their faith renewed when rescued Chilean miner Jose Henriquez and mission partner Alf Cooper toured the UK. As “pastor” of the 33 trapped miners, Jose shared his amazing account of how Jesus — the 34th man — was there for them even in the darkest hours.
to sharing Jesus and changing lives CMS people in mission worldwide said yes in so many ways in 2010. Here are just a few. To Rodrigo and Gabriel, brothers who were living on a rubbish dump in Brazil: “Yes, we can help rescue you from abuse and neglect.” To dozens of Thai and Nepalese prisoners: “Yes, the love of Jesus is for you.”
Salvaging lives on a rubbish dump
Giving communities hope
To disabled children in Peru: “Yes you can have a new learning centre.” For hundreds of Birmingham women suffering from abuse, addiction and entrapment in the sex industry: “Yes, we will help you overcome.” And for skilled Christian leaders in Asia, Africa and Latin America: “Yes, we can help you get the training you need to lead others.” To hundreds of people desperate for medical care in the Chaco and Tanzania: “Yes, we will come to you.”
Baptisms behind prison bars New church leaders for Sudan
Restoring lives in Africa
For premature babies in Africa: “Yes, we refuse to let you die.” To the disabled artisans of Neema Crafts Café in Tanzania: “Yes, you can win ‘Best in World’ from The Daily Telegraph.” To the Toba people in the Gran Chaco: “Yes, you can have the whole Bible in your own language.” For former enemies in Burundi, Rwanda and the Middle East: “Yes, you can have peace in God.”
A new Bible translation
To the people of Bangladesh: “Yes”, we will help combat the causes and effects of climate change.” In places we cannot name for security reasons: “Yes, we are here to serve and love despite the dangers.”
Bringing smiles to faces of disabled children
As you can see, it was a year of Yes. Yes to gospel proclamation, yes to nurturing disciples, yes to meeting the needs of the vulnerable and marginalised, yes to challenging unjust systems, yes to creation care. And we could not have said yes to all these things if you had not said yes through your prayers and gifts. Thank you so much.
Medical care in Jesus’ name
“Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident.”
2 Corinthians 1:20 in The Message
CMS Governance 2010–2011
The 2010–11 Financial Summary
Patron The Most Rev Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury
Total income: £7.4 million
Chair The Rt Rev Paul Butler (through November), Mr John Ripley Trustees Rev Y Adedeji, Mr Paul Brigham, Mr J Brant, Mrs A Chapman, Mr K Chua, The Rev Canon P Coghlan, The Rev Canon P Groves, Mr P Hyatt, Dr W Ma, Dr M Morgan, Mrs S Passfield, Mrs K von Schubert, The Ven M Snow, Dr K Tan, Mrs A Tyndall CMS Leadership Team Community Leader The Rev Canon Tim Dakin Directors Regional Director for Asia: The Rev Phil Simpson, Director for Mission and Community: The Rev Canon Chris Neal, Finance Director: Mr Adrian White, Personnel Director: Mr Patrick Goh, Mission Stewardship Director: The Rev Joseph Steinberg, Transcultural and Reciprocal Mission Director: Rev Paul Thaxter, Mission Director for South America: The Rt Rev Henry Scriven Support from Trusts, Foundations and Dioceses CMS would like to thank the following trusts and dioceses for their especially generous contributions during 2010: A D Trust, Agape (1978) Trust, Agros Trust, Billiet Trust, Broadwater Outreach Trust, Buckingham Trust, Camellia Trust, Candap Trust, East West Trust, Edgar Milward Charity, Emmaus Christian Foundation, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Wuerttemberg, First Fruit, Forest Hill Charitable Trust, Fulmer Charitable Trust, Girdlers’ Company Charitable Trust, Grace L Booth Trust, Green Pastures Christian Trust, Grit Charity, Guy Fawkes Charitable Trust, Helen Fletcher Trust, Ingleby Charitable Trust, James Trust, Jerusalem Trust, Kahn Charitable Trust, Karima Christian Trust, Kerk in Actie Netherlands, Lancaster Foundation, Longford Charitable Trust, Loseley Christian Trust, Lydia Trust Fund, M & K Armon Fund, Marsh Christian Trust, Maurice and Hilda Laing Charitable Trust, Millfield Trust, Miss M E Swinton Paterson’s Charitable Trust, Mr & Mrs F E F Newman’s Charitable Trust, Nancy Kenyon Charitable Trust, Oakdale Trust, Pan Charitable Trust, Patricia Wright Charitable Trust, Paul Lunn-Rockliffe Charitable Trust, Rowan Charitable Trust, Rozel Trust, Salamander Charitable Trust, Seven Fifty Trust, Share, SMB Charitable Trust, Souter Charitable Trust, South Asian Concern Charitable Trust, Spurrell Charitable Trust, St Christopher’s Trust, The Constantine Trust, The Epcombs Trust, The Irwin Trust, The Kyome Trust, The Matthew 25:35 Trust, The Micah 6:8 Foundation, The Mildenhall Charitable Trust, Tilt House Trust, Tisbury Telegraph Trust, Torrs Charitable Trust, Viccarage Trust, W & SM Dunigan Fund, Westhill Endowment, Whitecourt Charitable Trust Dioceses: Europe, Litchfield, Llandaff, London, Oxford, Rochester, Swansea & Brecon, Winchester
Donations from churches: From individuals: From trusts: Legacies: Investment income: Other (rent, sales, etc.):
£2.7 million £2.4 million £0.2 million £.6 million £0.5 million £1 million
36% 32% 3% 8% 7% 14%
Total Expenditure: £8.1 million Programmes:
£7.2 million
We work within a worldwide network, supporting partner organisations, the interchange of people in mission and projects that reflect pioneering, evangelistic, relational and faithful mission, including leadership training, evangelism, education, healthcare and development. Generating funds:
£0.8 million
£0.1 million
We are responsibly investing in fundraising in order to offer people the opportunity to share in our commitment to mission now and in the future. Effective governance helps ensure that we operate with integrity and accountability. Mission partners, co-mission partners and Latin partners: 230 (Africa 37, Asia 65, Europe – Middle East – North Africa 50, South America 66, In training 12) Other people in mission: 117 (Africa 40, Asia 24, Europe – Middle East – North Africa 28, South America 25) Cross-cultural Encounter Mission Community participants: 76 Projects financially supported: 163 Note: This annual review contains highlights of CMS’s financial position. You can obtain a free copy of our fully audited Report and Accounts for 2010–2011 by contacting the CMS office.
Church Mission Society, Watlington Road, Oxford OX4 6BZ Tel: +44 (0)1865 787400 Email: info@cms-uk.org www.cms-uk.org The Rev Canon Tim Dakin – Community Leader CMS is a mission community acknowledged by the Church of England A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales, charity number 1131655, company number 6985330, registered office: as above. Group: South American Mission Society. A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales, charity number 221328, company number 65048, registered office: as above. Church Mission Society Trust. Registered charity number 220297, principal office: as above.