2 minute read
Book of Common Prayer: Gift Editions
Personal Deluxe Editions
Bonded leather cover in your choice of five colors; gilt edges, a presentation page, and two satin ribbon markers. Certificates of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage are included.
List Price: $49.95
Black | 9780898691115
Burgundy | 9780898691412
Navy | 9780898691283
Red | 9780898691108
White | 9780898691122
Vivella Gift Editions
A luxurious imitation leather binding with a soft, matte finish in your choice of three colors. A textured cross is embossed on the cover. A presentation page and certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage are included.

List Price: $32.95
Black | 9780898696196
Red | 9780898696202
Wine | 9780898696189
Green | 9780898696219
The Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal
This is the standard Book of Common Prayer with the Singers Edition of The Hymnal 1982 containing all hymns and service music. Leather, gold edges, ribbon markers, and a gift box.
List Price: $105.95
Black | 6 x 8.5 | 9780898692440
Red | 6 x 8.5 | 9780898692433
Book of Common Prayer & Bible (NRSV with Apocrypha)
Combined into one volume, this edition is ideal for personal use, both in daily devotion and study, and on Sundays during the liturgy. This compact volume has five ribbon markers, a leather cover, and a gift box.

List Price: $92.95
Black | 5 x 6.75 | 9780898695786
Red | 5 x 6.75 | 9780898695793
The Hymnal 1982

Basic Singers Edition
This pew edition is for all who sing, choir and congregation alike, and contains all hymns and service music.
Blue | 9780898691207 | Hardcover | $26.95
Red | 9780898691214 | Hardcover | $26.95
Lift Every Voice and Sing II

An African-American Hymnal
This popular collection of 280 musical pieces from both the African American and Gospel traditions was compiled under the supervision of the Office of Black Ministries of the Episcopal Church.
Pew Edition: 9780898691948 | Hardcover | $34.95
Wonder, Love, and Praise

A Supplement to The Hymnal 1982
An eclectic collection of 200 hymns, songs, and spiritual songs including a large selection of service music and devotional pieces. It is a valuable resource for worship, parish functions, and home use.
Pew Edition: 9780898692266 | Paper | $29.95
Voices Found

Women in the Church’s Song
A rich collection of hymns and spiritual songs by, for, and about women. The music in is written in congregational hymn style and is intended for normal parish use.
Pew Edition: 9781640655447 | Paper | $24.95
Sing a New Creation

A Supplement to Common Praise (1998)
The Anglican Church of Canada
The Anglican Church of Canada’s new supplemental hymnal is specifically designed to be of use on both sides of the border. It includes many hymns and service music settings that do not appear in Common Praise, nor in any of the Episcopal Church’s hymnals.
9781640652736 | Hardcover | $23.95

The Hymnal 1940
A classic Episcopal hymnal which includes the Supplemental Liturgical Index and collection of service music from 1961.
9780898690026 | Hardcover | $29.95
My Heart Sings Out
A hymnal designed for all-age worship, with the aim of the full inclusion of children in weekly worship. It is organized in two main sections, the eucharistic liturgy and the church year.

Pew Edition: 9780898694741 | Paper | $29.95
The Hymnal 1982 Selections in Large Print

This text-only printing of one hundred of the best loved hymns is spiral bound for easy use. Designed in collaboration with the Episcopal Society for Ministry on Aging, Inc., this volume is a companion to The Book of Common Prayer, Selections in Large Print.
9780898692723 | Spiral | $24.95