3 minute read
Hymnals & Music Resources
Church Publishing 9781640652736 $23.95 paper | 6 x 9 | 344 Pages May 17, 2022
Sing a New Creation
A Supplement to Common Praise (1998) Complied by The Anglican Church of Canada Designed for use in many congregations and musical traditions, this supplemental volume includes new hymns and songs. The Anglican Church of Canada’s new supplemental hymnal is specifically designed to be of use on both sides of the border. It includes many hymns and service music settings that do not appear in Common Praise, nor in any of the Episcopal Church’s hymnals. The ecumenical task force that created the hymnal also chose to include music that will be of interest to other denominations and faith groups. Contains new settings of liturgical texts found in the Book of Alternative Services, including prayer responses, gospel acclamations, amens, and canticles, and features guitar chords where appropriate. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA is an independent, self-governing church in communion with the other 44 churches of the worldwide Anglican Communion. It includes more than 500,000 members in nearly 1,700 parishes, and like Canada, the church has become culturally diverse. On any given Sunday, the tradition of common prayer is expressed across Canada in many languages, including Inuktitut, French, Spanish, and Cree. Their offices are in Toronto, Ontario.
The long-awaited official hymnal supplement!
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Church Publishing 9781640655614 $42.95 paper | 7 x 10 | 344 Pages June 21, 2022
Ponder Anew
Conversations in 21st Century Church Music Edited by Jessica Nelson Foreword by William Bradley Roberts A definitive look at how church music is changing in the 21st century. There is no lack of resources for the church musician focusing on particular skills or repertoire. But this is the first collection of essays created specifically for musicians working in parish ministry that imagines how those vocations will change along with the evolving church. Ponder Anew chronicles the rapid changes in the church music landscape in the last twenty years including the role of technology, education, relationships with clergy and choristers, and cultural presumptions. Contributors are parish musicians, professors, clergy, and bishops. JESSICA NELSON holds degrees in music and liturgy from Millsaps College and Seabury-Western Theological Seminary. She directs the Mississippi Conference on Church Music and Liturgy and has served two terms on the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music of The Episcopal Church. She lives in Jackson, Mississippi.
Psalms for All People
An Inclusive-Language Resource for Praying and Singing Kevin Moroney and Julian Wachner An inclusive language Psalter with innovative chants that making singing the Psalms accessible to all. As we emerge from the Covid restrictions that silenced singing, musical resources are needed, especially those that make it possible for all congregations to sing their faith. The original Psalter of the 1979 Prayer Book uses exclusively male language for God, and a new version is in line with both a period of liturgical renewal and public interest in inclusivity. KEVIN MORONEY, PhD, serves as the H. Boone Porter Chair of Liturgics at the General Theological Seminary, where he also serves as director of the Chapel of the Good Shepherd. In 2018, he was appointed to serve a three-year term on the Task Force for Liturgical and Prayer Book Revision, a thirty-member committee created by the General Convention to explore future paths for worship in the Episcopal Church. He lives in New York City. JULIAN WACHNER is a multi-Grammy-nominated conductor, composer, and keyboardist and was recently named one of Musical America’s Top 30 Professionals of the Year. As director of music since 2010 at New York’s historic Trinity Church Wall Street, Wachner has created a world-renowned performing arts center with an annual season of hundreds of events. Dr. Wachner also currently serves as affiliate professor of music and the arts at the General Theological Seminary and as artistic director of the Grand Rapids Bach Festival. He lives in Nyack, New York.