Stories of Transformation (2014 Annual Report)

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STORIES OF TRANSFORMATION Celebrating God’s work in 2014 and looking ahead to 2015



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2015 Stories of Transformation © Church of the Resurrection, Illinois. • Editor: Trevor McMaken • Assistant Editors: Jason Kirtcher, Anna Robbins, and Meghan Robins • Designer: Ryn Manby • Graphics by: Chris Norton • Photos: by Michael Johnson, Ryn Manby, Bill Tomlin, Brenda Phillips, and David Vosburg. • Church of the Resurrection • 935 W. Union Ave • Wheaton, IL 60187 •


A LETTER FROM OUR Beloved Resurrection: Blessings in the name of Jesus—the Light of the world! In Matthew 12, Jesus’ followers are famished and begin to eat grain straight from the fields in which they are trekking. Normally this would be an accepted practice except, in this case, they are feeding themselves in a way that is unlawful on the Sabbath. The Pharisees issue a quick and sharp rebuke. Jesus counters their corrective with two declarations: I am Lord of the Sabbath; and I desire mercy, not sacrifice. Here is Jesus! His authority rules over all things, and he employs this staggering power for mercy. This year of ministry at Resurrection has been a


BISHOP year of obeying the authority of Jesus as he has called us into a Sabbath year. Likewise it has been a year of feeding on his mercy and love as we seek rest and direction from him after several years of remarkable Kingdom productivity. After moving into our building, growing in worship attendance by almost 20 percent in 2 years, starting a diocese, and becoming a bishop’s church, we have heard the Lord say to us: take Sabbath. Why? We have not stopped doing ministry, as you will see in these pages. No, we are in Sabbath not to stop but to feed. We are feeding on his Presence, his Word, and his gift of Holy Communion. And be assured, Jesus is feeding us. He has mercy on our frailty and, in his abounding love for the world, he feeds us so that we can feed others.

This Sabbath season will draw to an end this spring, and in late summer and autumn, we as a leadership team will be sharing the next-season vision for ministry with the church. This vision is still forming but, without question, it will include the continued call to feed on Jesus so that we can feed others with the presence of Jesus. Katherine and I love you and consider it one of the great joys of our lives to build a Sanctuary of Transformation with you for others. Your brother in Christ, Bishop Stewart Ruch III




t’s been almost a year and half since I first walked through the doors of Rez. I was a bit nervous about what to expect, but doing so began an incredible journey of growth and a rekindled spirit within my soul. Yes, a transformation! My embittered heart of three years in resistance to God was opened to a renewed perspective on what a church was intended to be....what Rez is! I don’t receive gifts very easily. I’d rather give. But, during this past year and half of coming to Rez and becoming more active in the life of the church, I have been renewed by receiving the gifts of love, trust, and faith from a body that really does what they say. I received the Holy Spirit and learned more about myself and about true giving than ever before in my life. I received new friends, new perspective, new excitement, and much needed new growth in my walk of faith. So, I want to thank everyone who serves at Rez for their individual gifts and roles that reach out to people who have so many challenges, so many needs. But truly, thank you for reaching me where I was and for showing me by example in word and deed. —Bob Erikson



855 People


976 People



1,016 People +4%


Ash Wednesday +42%

Easter Vigil +18%

Christmas Festival +9%

Christmas Eve +16%





will never forget the very first Sunday that I worshiped at Church of the Rez: I felt like I had somehow re-discovered a part of my soul—a part that was jaded by pomp and circumstance and pulsing lights and passive participation. I had stumbled upon exactly what I had been yearning for —a safe haven, a place of restoration, a place where God is worshiped in purity and simplicity. I said to friends and family, “It was the most meaningful church service I have experienced in a long time.” The past months have been some of the most formative of my spiritual life, as I have moved from being a guest at Rez to being an integrated, invested member. I never knew it was possible to genuinely anticipate going to church on Sunday. I never knew it was possible for the beauty of tradition and liturgy to be seamlessly melded with the invocation of the Holy Spirit—rather than existing as two irreconcilable “styles” of worship. I have been molded by the sacredness of the Eucharist as I open my hands each week to receive with thanksgiving and joy. In professing the creed, I have been reminded of the great cloud of witnesses that has gone before me, and I have been reminded of who God has always been and will always be. In sitting under the sound teaching of Spirit-anointed ministers, I have been convicted and encouraged and accepted for what I am somehow all at the same time. And of course the music! The sweet language of the soul. Never before have I been moved to tears by the Doxology and a pure trumpet melody, and never before have I been able to lift my voice with such freedom and singular focus to the only One who is worthy of my praise. Every day I am thankful for this special church that is truly like no other, and I pray I never take it for granted. Here, for the first time, I am finding the heart of true, surrendered worship. Week by week I am being softened and made whole in His holy presence within this Sanctuary of Transformation. — Anna Robbins


“It is just so amazing to me that musicians as gifted as ours are able to somehow move out of the way. Their talent is never showcased, but rather they make room for Christ and for his beauty, love, and worthiness to be at the center. The music is so approachable, so inviting, so drawing-in.” —John Scheidt

“I cannot begin to tell you what a balm last night’s service was to my parched soul. Resurrection operates the way, I believe, a church is meant to operate... [Resurrection leaders] preach and teach and minister right where the people are. Then they allow for a very safe place for someone to come for a truly healing touch.” —Janet Wismer


(family of Resurrection member after attending Holy Week services)


Leadership Retreats and Gatherings with smaller community worship

Baptisms at 9am service on Pentecost and All Saints

Started Theater Team, Kids Theater Team, Chamber Choristers

Worshiping with Choral music and orchestra at the Christmas Festival

PRAYER 100 As a church, we committed to walking together through 100 days of 24/7 prayer. The stories that come from this time serve as incredible testimonies to the power of prayer and the faithfulness of God. “I walked into the chapel and was blessed by everything that people had done to prepare the chapel for prayer. Against the Western Wall I read all those prayer requests, and it brought out such a sense of compassion and such a sense of connection to my brothers and sisters—that they would be so brave to reveal these prayer requests (some very personal, intimate things), and that God would trust me to pray for them. I was in tears that whole first hour of Prayer100.” —Sandy Sticha

“I’m not a particularly prayerful person, so I saw Prayer100 as an opportunity to try to be more prayerful. The first week we decided we’d like to pray during the 3-4 am hour, 5 days in a row, which is kind of crazy. You’re really not thinking about anything except God: all your work and everything you’re worried about kind of falls by the wayside.” —John Group

Adding choir at the 9am Service

“As I’ve been a student at Wheaton, I’ve found myself getting really, really busy, and these 100 days devoted to prayer was just what I needed to pursue God. Whenever I entered the prayer room, I was overwhelmed by God’s presence. I came in feeling unworthy to experience something like that, but His grace was more than abundant. And whenever I would place my hands on the wall that had the maps, God would give me a heart for those nations that I couldn’t conjure up myself.” —Destiney Kooiman

“I loved my time in the chapel during Prayer 100. I brought my kids and was deeply touched by witnessing my kids do whatever they were led to do in that sacred space. I was grateful to be a part of a church that values prayer, and for my kids to see there was more than one way to pray and worship.” —Aimee Fritz

Strengthening our Sunday morning teams

Taize Services

Attending Youth Arts Conference in Birmingham with youth from Rez 11


“I never knew it was possible to genuinely anticipate going to church on Sunday... for the beauty of tradition and liturgy to be seamlessly melded with the invocation of the Holy Spirit� - Anna Robbins




hurch of the Resurrection’s Replanted ministry focuses on walking beside families who have or are considering adoption or foster care. This year, the ministry, led by Resurrection member Jenn Ranter, provided 3 family fun events and launched the 1st annual regional Orphan Care Saturday Conference, involving 12 expert speakers and over 100 attendees At the heart of Replanted are its full-time support groups where families that have adopted or fostered or are in the often arduous process can find friendship and support from others with similar experiences. “The most satisfying moments for me, are seeing other adoptive or fostering parents come for the first time and suddenly realize that they are not alone in this,” said Scott Roney, who along with his wife Sarah host one of the support groups. “As one woman—a single mother who adopted 2 from Guatemala—shared her story, you could almost see the weight falling from her shoulders as the group listened and encouraged her.” Around 20 people are involved in the two support groups that Replanted started this year. “Knowing that we are prayed for by them, and that we can come together to pray collectively has proven to be very life-giving,” Sarah shared. “The Replanted support groups have given us monthly hope and encouragement as we labor through another adoption process and learn to live with joy despite our children’s needs.” As Jenn thinks back on the ways that God has used and blessed Replanted this year, she cannot help but looking forward to what is in store next. “I’m excited about how God is stirring our church and other churches in our community to care for vulnerable children—orphans and those who need foster care,” said Jenn. Five other families in our community are now praying about adopting or fostering children.



200 number of items in each Good Neighbor Kit to help set up an apartment for a refugee family

4 the number of complete World Relief Good Neighbor Kits we collected in Advent. (That’s over 800 items!)

8 Rez people who have committed to serve on a World Relief Good Neighbor Team. Each team walks beside a newly-arriving refugee family for the first 6-12 months of their time in America.

Leftt): Jenn Ranter presents at the 1st annual regional Orphan Care Saturday Conference, involving 12 expert speakers and over 100 attendees. (Above): During Advent, Church of the Resurrection partnered with World Relief to provide recently arrived refugees with supply, support, and encouragement.

“I’m excited about how God is stirring our church and other churches in our community to care for vulnerable children—orphans and those who need foster care.” 15




In December, Bishop Stewart, his son Ellison, and Pastor Matt spent 10 days in Jos, Nigeria with our partner church there, the Anglican Diocese of Jos. Our friendship in the Lord continues to grow as we encourage and serve one another. 1. Ellison Ruch spending time with the children of the village of Ratsu. 2. Bishop Stewart with Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi. 3. Spending time with the children adopted by Archbishop Benjamin and Mama Gloria Kwashi. 4. Bishop Stewart teaching at the Christian Institute, a training center for wholistic health care workers, evangelists, and pastors.




2014 2015

$42,000 $44,700



2014 2015


$70,000 $76,650


A STORY OF INVITATION: Danya grew up in a Christian home but rejected God and chose to live rebelliously throughout high school and part of college. Then in January, Danya got connected with a new church our diocese is planting at University of Chicago.The church’s co-planter, Sarah Beasley, began meeting with her and on Easter weekend, she came with her to the Easter Vigil service at Resurrection. Afterward, Danya said, “When the pastor said to raise your hand if you’ve been wandering and far away, I didn’t feel like I should raise my hand because I don’t know if I was ever there to begin with. But when he said to raise your hand if you have recently come to accept Jesus, I did because I thought that was true.” Sarah writes, “God used Bishop Stewart’s call and challenge at the Easter Vigil to clarify for Danya what He has done in her life. As I affirmed her understanding and experience at Easter Vigil, the Gospel became so real to her. God had changed her life and drawn her from darkness to light and now her status before him is secure because of Christ!”


#TWESTIMONIES: In Eastertide, Fr. Kevin preached about telling our story of meeting and being changed by Jesus. Dozens of folks turned their testimony into 144-character tweets. Here are a few: Broken child. Adult lost in despair and fear. Jesus gives me amazing life, light, and a safe home in his church. --Helen Weiger Angry young man abandoned by father. Tries so hard, but cannot forgive. Jesus heals his heart and now love is let in. --Roger Bottner Young arrogant intellectual finds purpose & belonging in Jesus. Old embattled church-goer revitalized by Spirit at Rez. --Rick Omanson 30 years decaying in addiction. At the edge of total darkness and destruction, I was saved and healed by the true light and love of Jesus. --Anne Kessler



FORMATION STORIES The Philbrick Group: “As one spends time in community, one learns how to pray,” says Charlie Philbrick, leader and teacher at the Philibrick Pastorate—a group that meets every other week for worship and teaching. During the fall term, Charlie taught about praying with the Book of Common Prayer while new teacher Stephanie Petrich, a college student at Moody Bible Institute, taught about a specific Psalm each week. Stephanie has enjoyed the opportunity to learn from Charlie how to facilitate conversation with the group. When she came to Resurrection, she wanted to connect with people from all walks of life. “Joining a pastorate is like joining a family,” she said. “It’s a place


where you can grow and be real with other people.” “As we get bigger, we need to get smaller,” Charlie says. “These groups are a great place for building community.”

RezMen Retreat:

In November, over 50 men participated in the RezMen retreat at Camp Mennohaven. Tom VanderWeele shared his experience with RezMen leader, Nate Iseman, after the retreat. “The retreat was a game changer!” Tom said. “Because I’m newer at Rez, I had expected to stay on the sidelines, but that did not happen. It was a safe environment. I enjoyed the small group of men in my age

bracket and discovered many struggles in common.” Tom went to the retreat with his son, Mike. Tom enjoyed the opportunity to meet younger guys through him and to see his son get more connected. “Since the retreat, my accountability partner and I have been following up. We are both making progress toward our goals! Now the Sunday worship services have changed for me, after experiencing true fellowship at the retreat.”

The Gathering: On Thursday mornings at Resurrection, women from all parts and

seasons of life join together for simple and creative fellowship time. “The Gathering is a place for women to come as they are and receive truth and encounter the Holy Spirit in community,” says Jeannie Iseman, who has been co-leading the group with Margie Fawcett since The Gathering began. While some days might center on a talk and discussion and others will feature creative outlets, prayer and community can always be found. For women at Resurrection, The Gathering provides a space for safety and hospitality regardless of the amount of structure or transition in each season.

“Joining a pastorate is like joining a family. It’s a place where you can grow and be real with other people.”



RezKids: Walk into Church of the Resurrection on any given Sunday and one thing you can expect to find are children, and lots of them—on average, 253 children to be exact. RezKids ministers to children up to 5th grade by providing an opportunity to experience Jesus, intentional mentorship, and participation in the life of the whole church. RezKids Director Sarah Graham says that this ministry meets kids where they are in large part because of the dedicated Shepherds (class leaders) and a variety of other teams. “RezKids is not just crowd control,” says Sarah. “Our 70 Sunday morning team members have been able to maintain relationship with the kids and foster a worshipful atmosphere.” This has been especially important during a year of Sabbath, where RezKids has focused on listening to God as the theme for 2014.




Amount RezKids has grown from 2012 - 2014


Number of nurseries. We added a second nursery to provide a calmer environment for our littlest babies. (We also created a kindergarten room.)


Total Number of RezKids Sunday and MidWeek Team Members. That’s 20% growth in team size to allow more relationship building with children.


Number of children at RezKids MidWeek for Fall Term 2014:


Children Increase from Fall 2013 - Fall 2014


New children welcomed to Resurrection through RezKids MidWeek.

One family shared at the parents meeting that a major reason they chose to become members at All Saints’ this year had to do with their daughter’s connection to Rez. The 6th grade girls of RezYouth were welcoming and included their daughter during Wednesday activities, and faithfully connected with her during the “Passing of the Peace” on Sunday mornings. Lane Young, our RezYouth Pastor says, “During this year of Sabbath, students have focused on forming a welcoming space for new families and new students.” One family has brought three new students this fall, always reserving an “open seat” in the van for a friend.

UPPER MIDWEST STORIES As the Bishop’s church in the Diocese of the Upper Midwest, we are praying for a revival of Word and Sacrament infused by the Holy Spirit.

- Bishop Stewart visited all four deaneries of the Upper Midwest Diocese and multiple churches in each deanery. He preached at 16 diocesan churches and events—not to mention multiple times of preaching in the Anglican Diocese of Jos, Nigeria. - We celebrated the health and growth of our 5th church plant, Immanuel Anglican in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago (now with 150 people), and began to lay the groundwork for our 6th and 7th plants in Aurora led by the McMakens and Elgin led by the Crulls. - Resurrection leaders trained leaders in other churches: Junior Warden Dan Easley is coaching a church in Iowa, the Millers trained leaders in Minnesota, and other leaders answered questions and provided resources. - Seven Resurrection leaders preached at other churches in the diocese: Bishop Stewart, Fr. Kevin, Canon Stephen, Deacon Karen, Deacon Val, Deacon Trevor, and Aspirant Brett.



hen we created the 2014 budget, we were planning to begin a generosity initiative in the fall. But in the spring, our leaders (staff, vestry, clergy, RezTeams leaders) all felt that God was calling us to take a year of Sabbath. This was a radical step: it meant not doing the generosity initiative and not receiving the income expected from that. At RezFast in October, Chris Easley recalls, “At the beginning of worship I had an image in my mind of a deep canyon that was empty. I asked the Lord,

‘What does that mean?’ Then, toward the end of the service I saw the canyon filled with water—to the brim and flooded over. I felt like the Lord was saying, ‘There is more than enough provision’ in him.” “We received that image as a word to Resurrection,” said Fr. Kevin. “It brought us great peace as we trusted the Lord, and he has abundantly provided for us as a church through the generosity of the people of this church.”We praise God that we finished the year with all of our bills paid.

2014 GIVING AT A GLANCE New Givers in 2014: 146 Total Givers in 2014: 594

Budgeted giving: $2,053,796 Actual giving: $2,028,796

Note: Giving was lower because we chose to enter a sabbath year and delay a generosity initiative which would have provided additional budgeted income in December. However, because of generous year-end giving from our congregation, we finished the year strong with all bills paid and in good shape to start the next calendar year.


Trusting God for Provision in a Sabbath Year Testimony from a new givers:

Finding Financial Peace For 21 families in 2014, entering into a year of Sabbath included reconfiguring their financial lives through Financial Peace University (FPU). Matthew and Dawn Fairfield led two groups of families from all stages of life through the 9-week program. Participants in the class have included students as young as 13 years old as well as grandparents. “When we recognize everything is the Lord’s and that money isn’t a burden but a gift for the kingdom, we make better decisions,” says Dawn. In 2014, these families paid off a combined $53,000 in debt and committed $44,000 to savings. “For me, money was security. I was always worried we would never have enough,” says Amy Culhane. She and her husband, Brendon, participated in FPU in 2012 and this year led discussion groups for new participants. “Working through FPU, my husband and I were able to communicate in ways we never had before about money. We talked about our financial goals and actually sat down and did a budget. Through it all we trust God to provide and are listening to how He directs us.”

“Truthfully, we’ve never particularly thought of ourselves as hugely sacrificial, risk-taking types. We give. We serve. We lead as we feel called. But Rez, through stories and examples and Spirit, has stirred in us a desire to explore what it means to live life with open hands and hearts. And for that we are grateful—and excited to see what God has for us!” —Fritz and Betsey Newenhuyse “Throughout college, this church and the people here have been a home for me. Because of this, I started giving for the REACH campaign a couple years ago and since then. Even as a rather financially-tight college student, I decided it was important to start my own tithing, even if it felt like I wouldn’t be able to cover my expenses. Through it all, the Lord has met all my needs and has really stretched me to be wise in the stewardship of the resources He has given me.” —Ellen Egerton

Generous with Our Space Because the Lord was so generous in providing us with our building, Resurrection is committed to sharing it with our community. This year, we’ve had the privilege of hosting local middle school concerts, soccer banquets, music recitals, a Refuge for Women banquet, a Hispanic church-planting conference,

and Wheaton College events. We hosted mobile churches looking for space to worship, even as we used to just a few years ago. Every time we open our doors to the community, we rejoice in the riches that the Lord has given us and the opportunity to be generous with our resources.



Strengthen our Worship, Formation, and Mission:

This year, we have re-organized our staff around these three teams led by Steve Williamson (worship), Amy Patton (formation), and Matt Woodley (mission). Their role is to equip and release RezTeam members to serve.

Highlights: • Worship: In August, move Worship Manager and Worship Director to full-time • Formation: In August, add 10-hour-per-week RezKids Manager • Mission: For the first time, Resurrection will have a full-time Mission Pastor for the entire year. • RezTeams: hold 5 training and encouragement events

Prepare to Plant Churches

God has made us a mother church in our regional revival. In 10 years we’ve planted 5 churches- all of them still going! - and we are preparing to plant more.

Highlights: • Free up senior leaders to invest time in younger leaders. Ruchs are meeting with our active church planting leaders, McMakens and Crulls; Millers are meeting with 8 leaders who are discerning possible new works. • Host and lead Anglican Leadership Conference in October • Increase funding in New Works Fund from $16,000 to $20,000 • Increase contribution to Upper Midwest Diocese from $70,000 to $75,000

Reimagine Easter Vigil for a New Day

Worship and mission come together in our name feast, Easter Vigil, as we celebrate the resurrection. This year, for the first time, we will hold the Vigil in our new building.

Why? • Reduces unsustainable production demands--in rented space we have little or no rehearsal time • Increases missional ties, by holding our best-invitation event in the same building where we want people to return • Increases historical ties--an all-night format is like the early church’s approach • Saves around $25,000


Partner with us in Building a Sanctuary of Transformation! We would love to talk with you about how you can invest in what God is doing at Church of the Resurrection. With God’s help, we are building a Sanctuary of Transformation in Wheaton and helping to lead a revival of Word and Sacrament infused by the Holy Spirit, in the Upper Midwest. Please consider making a gift at give or reaching out to Fr. Kevin Miller (, our associate rector, to find out more.


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