RezConnect Guide Winter Term 2015

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RezConnect Guide WINTER TERM, 2015

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Church of the Resurrection 935 W. Union Ave. Wheaton, IL 60187 630-653-3888

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Welcome Alpha Membership Teams Groups Worship Mission Formation RezKids RezYouth RezMen RezWomen Courses Care & Healing

Welcome! We’re glad you’ve visited Resurrection! Our heart is to build a “Sanctuary of Transformation” where men and women, children, and youth meet the Lord and are changed by his love to go out and serve the Lost and the Least. Our worship draws from “three streams” of Christian tradition: liturgical, evangelical, and charismatic. By liturgical, we mean that we are connected to the historical church and the way she has worshipped throughout the centuries. Our evangelical stream keeps us grounded in the Scriptures and Jesus’ call to reach those far from him. The charismatic stream means that we believe that the Holy Spirit is present with us today with the power to transform and heal. We are an Anglican church affiliated with the Anglican Church of North America through the Diocese of the Upper Midwest, a diocese I have been blessed to serve as bishop since 2012. I have been a part of this church for over twenty years and have experienced this transformation personally and profoundly. We are praying that you make a strong connection with God and others here at Resurrection.

Bishop Stewart Ruch III





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Alpha is a place for everyone to ask questions of Christianity. It is a worldwide phenomenon that’s been offered in over 169 countries and given more than 22 million people the opportunity to explore the meaning of life.

Learn about Resurrection’s history and values from Bishop Stewart and dive into the rich tradition of three streams Anglican worship with Resurrection leaders.

At Church of the Resurrection, Alpha is food, teaching, and discussion over the course of seven Wednesdays and one Saturday retreat. We have live sessions taught by our pastors and key leaders which lead into opportunities to discuss the talk, freely ask questions, and explore what other people think and feel.

Wednesdays, 1/28 - 3/18 6:30 - 8:00pm Childcare Available for 5 and under. Register online.

Matt Woodley Mission Pastor The next Alpha course will be held in the Fall of 2015. 5



At Resurrection, we believe that spiritual growth and transformation in Christ happen when we use our God-given gifts to serve him in the church and in the world.

Groups are a place to find community and grow in your relationship with the Lord. Groups meet at various times and locations throughout the week with different focuses and in a variety of formats: couples, multi-generational, men, and woman.

Resurrection has a wide variety of places to serve in our Mission Teams, Worship Teams, and Formation Teams. We invite you to serve on a team and get to know others better while discovering and using your gifts to serve the Lord, the Lost, and the Least. Christiana Wismer Worship Teams Manager


Visit the website to see a full listing of our Groups and to find one that is a good connection for you. Amy Patton Formation Pastor



RezArts Teams

As Anglicans, we are part of a sacramental tradition. This means we believe the tangible world around us, that which we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, is a crucial part of our connection with and worship of Jesus Christ.

Visit the website to find out more info about our various RezArts teams:

The arts express our beliefs and convey the beauty of God’s creation. They help us connect to God and love him more deeply. That is why we have so many ministries focused on the essential task of engaging ourselves fully in worshipping the Lord.

· Choir · Dance Arts · Music Team · Theater Arts · Visual Arts · Technical Arts · Communication Steve Williamson Worship Pastor





At Resurrection, we want to serve and reach others with the transforming message of Jesus locally through our Compassion ministry and globally in our Nations ministry. We want to both go out into our neighborhoods and nations to show God’s love and to invite others into our church community to experience his presence.

At Resurrection, we love the nations, and we take the Jesus’ words to “go into all the world,” very seriously. While there are many ways to send the Gospel into all the nations, we have focused on three main methods for reaching the nations: long term traditional missionaries, short term mission trips, and overseas church-tochurch partnerships.


Matt Woodley Mission Pastor

In our ministries with the poor and marginalized, we value 1) face-to-face relationships with the poor in our midst, 2) development rather than just relief work, and 3) partnerships with Gospel-centered churches and ministries that are already effectively showing Christ’s compassion. We do so through the following ministries: · Refugee & Immigrant Ministry · Human Trafficking Ministries · Replanted Orphan and Adoption Ministry 11


Formation It is our prayer that over time, we will become Christlike people who deeply love and serve the Lord, the Lost, and the Least (Matthew 22:36-40) Amy Patton Formation Pastor

Our formation ministry begins with our children, youth, and continues with our adult men and women.

· RezKids · RezYouth · RezMen · RezWomen · Groups (pg. 6) · Courses · Community Care and Healing




At Church of the Resurrection, we want to support children and families as they grow in their faith together. Our vision is to grow in relationship with Jesus and his church. Based on the early church in Acts 2, every ministry for children includes a focus on the Word, fellowship, prayer, and worship.

At Church of the Resurrection, we are here to support students and to help families continue their journey together in faith. We hope to see junior high and high school students transformed by the presence of Christ while discovering their place in the biblical story and embracing their role in his Church

Sundays, 9am and 11am services Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm

Wednesdays, 6:30pm Junion High, Timothy Room Senior High, Gregory Room Sarah Graham RezKids Director


Lane Young Youth Pastor



We gather with each other to worship God, learn more about ourselves, and become more like Jesus Christ. We send each other to our communities, schools, and workplaces to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and share it whenever he calls us to.

We offer a variety of ministries for women at Resurrection, because at Resurrection there are a variety of women—at-home, working, young, “mature,” single, married, mothers of young children, empty-nesters, and more!

· Prayer Cells · Bible studies · Monthly breakfast · Book Discussions · Support Groups Nate Iseman RezMen Leader


· Prayer Cells · Tuesday night book club · The Gathering · Mentoring · Bible studies Barb Galli RezWomen Leader


Care and Healing

Join a course for a term to dig deeper into specific topics that will strengthen your life in Christ.

Our vision for Community Care is that the body of Christ would minister to each other and help to carry each other’s burdens while in the midst of crisis and difficult life situations. The ministries here are designed to equip us as members of the Body of Christ to minister to one another.

Transformation Intensive: a six-month course of spiritual formation designed to help people encounter Christ and be transformed by Him. Financial Peace University: a nine-week course focused on helping you eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. Loving the Least: a two-week class on the legal, political, and practical aspects of the pro-life issue.

· Meals · Financial Assistance · Pastoral or Prayer Appointments · Premarital Counseling Val McIntyre Pastoral Care


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