Aurora Anglican Church Planting Initiative

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“YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.� Matthew 5:14

As we have prayed earnestly over the last year, the Lord has embedded in our hearts a passion to start new churches in the city of Aurora, IL that are rooted in the historic church, filled with the Holy Spirit, and committed to mission. God is calling us to be a family of churches where many who are far from God come to CHRIST, find a home in his CHURCH, and shine his light in the CITY of lights. Thank you for joining with us in this work through your prayer and partnership! In Christ, Trevor, Bonnie, Nora, and Finn McMaken




Aurora is one of the 50 fastest growing cities in America and now the second largest city in Illinois (population: 197,899). With this growing population come the needs of a large urban center and an urgency for more growing churches.

The median resident age is 31—that is 5 years younger than the Illinois average. Two out of three believers commit to following Christ before age 18. Aurora needs churches that minister to youth and children.

Aurora is 44.3% Hispanic, 38.1% White, 8.7% Black, and 7.1% Asian. It is also an international city where 23.5% of residents are foreign born. We look forward to loving our neighbors and serving our neighborhoods.



Aurora is nicknamed “City of Lights” because it was one of the first cities in the United States to implement an allelectric street lighting system in 1881. We are excited about being a church that brings beauty and creativity to a city with a history of innovation.

The harvest is plentiful. Churches are working together in prayer and unity, but pastors have told us that they are praying for more workers to join in the harvest and for more churches to be planted to love the city.


Jesus’ plan for reaching those who dwell in darkness with the transforming light of his love is the local church: a city on a hill. Reproducing new churches is part of the normal life of the church. Pastor and church planter Tim Keller of Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan, NY writes, “Virtually all the great evangelistic challenges of the New Testament are basically calls to plant churches.” Starting new churches is how Jesus intends us to fulfill his mission in Matthew 28:19-20:“Go and make disciples of all nations.” In established churches (10-15 years or older), 80-90% of new people are from other churches. In new churches, 60-80% of new people are unchurched. God is calling us to be a church where many who are far from God come to CHRIST, find a home in his CHURCH, and shine his light in the CITY.


For the last ten years, the Lord has ministered to and through us at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, IL. As we’ve prayed with our pastors there and with leaders in Aurora, the Lord has confirmed his call to start a church in Aurora and for us to partner together even more deeply as a couple, with Trevor serving as lead pastor and Bonnie as worship pastor. Our values: MISSIONAL: We have an evangelical commitment to the Bible and sharing the Good News of Jesus with those who are far from God.


ROOTED: We are committed to meeting Jesus in Communion and Baptism and experiencing his life through the church year. SPIRIT-FILLED: We seek to hear and speak the word of God and receive the healing of the Holy Spirit. ARTISTIC: We are passionate about beauty and creativity leading us into transformative worship and awakening those far from God. FAMILY-ORIENTED: We long to be a place where families worship together and children teach us as full members of the kingdom of God. NEIGHBORLY: We pursue a compassion-infused calling to love, serve, welcome, and reflect our diverse neighborhoods. COLLABORATIVE: We are excited to build partnerships with and learn from others serving the Lord in Aurora and beyond. REPRODUCING: We want to be a church that plants churches that plant churches.

This church plant is part of a growing movement of church plants throughout the midwest coming from Church of the Resurrection over the last decade. Over the past months, the Lord has been building this church and bringing together a team of planters, prayer supporters, and financial partners.We have a strong developing team, but we cannot do this alone.

Would you consider partnering with us in our mission to plant a church that shines the light of Christ in the City of Lights? We’d love to meet you and talk with you. Please email us at or call at 810-240-4537. You can also join our prayer update list at

Aurora Anglican Church Planting Initiative 810-240-4537

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