Good Friday Gift 2016

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Š 2016 Church of the Resurrection Editors: Matt Woodley, Bethany McLellan | Design: Alan Miller

HISTORY OF THE GOOD FRIDAY GIFT Church of the Resurrection has chosen Good Friday as the day to present a special Global Mission offering to God as a response to Christ’s sacrificial love for us. Resurrection’s Good Friday Gift tradition began in 2002, and since then we’ve given to ministries in Nigeria, Brazil, Haiti, Rwanda, and many more. To view the full history of Good Friday Gift recipients, visit


2016 GIFT;


Many Cambodian youth drop out of school because of poverty. They usually live at subsistence levels by working in the fields and are often driven to delinquency and drugs. In a country where the majority of Christians were slaughtered in the ‘70s, the hope of the Gospel is far from accessible. The Diocese of Singapore oversees the Deanery of Cambodia, and they are working to bring renewal to this broken country, serving both the physical and spiritual needs of the Cambodian people.



Our 2016 Good Friday Gift will go toward two Cambodian ministries run by the Diocese of Singapore: 1.PROJECT KHMER H.O.P.E. PKH is dedicated to improving the lives of orphans and disadvantaged street children, and to equipping the poor youth of Cambodia with marketable skills so they can break out of the cycle of poverty.

Learn more on Page 9

2.SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THEOLOGICAL TRAINING Resurrection will be providing funds to support the theological training of young Cambodian church leaders who will work for the local church to establish “preaching points” that grow into small congregations.

Learn more on Page 11 6

HOW TO GIVE Take time to pray about how the Lord is calling you to give to those in need this Holy Week. Bring your gift to our Good Friday service, 3/25 at 7pm.

 Give online at:  Mail your gift to: 935 W. Union Ave., Wheaton, IL.

WHY CAMBODIA? From 1973-1977, a Marxist movement called the Khmer Rogue (“Red Cambodians�) wiped out one-third of its own people and 80-90% of the Christians. The Diocese of Singapore, which oversees the Deanery of Cambodia, is working through a variety of ministries to bring spiritual renewal to Cambodia. In 2013, we sent out Fr. Gregory and Dr. Heidi Whitaker from Resurrection to pastor an international Anglican congregation in the capital city of Phnom Penh. We have continued to build relationships with Anglican leaders in Singapore and Cambodia. This goal is critical to our approach to global missions: we want to establish deep friendships with global partners through the local Anglican diocese. In May of last year, Bishop Stewart, Pastor Matt Woodley, and Madeleine Ruch visited the Diocese of Singapore, helping us deepen our relationship with this key global partner. 7


#1 PROJECT KHMER H.O.P.E. The major recipient of our Good Friday Gift will be the Diocese of Singapore’s ministry to disadvantaged children and youth: Project Khmer H.O.P.E. (PKH). PKH provides vocational training for young adults as well as meals and education for the children trapped in rural poverty. These holistic ministries, aimed at transforming the lives of Cambodian children and youth, are provided free of charge:  Residential Vocational Skills Training for impoverished youth (17 to 23 years old)  Education for poor village children (6 to 15 years old)  Childcare for orphans and street kids (6 to 18 years old) As part of the overall development of children and youth, recreational activities and Christian pastoral guidance are also offered during the weekends. Many children and youth have come to personal faith in Jesus Christ. 9

PKH TESTIMONY Because of my living conditions, I had only completed school through Grade 9. I started working in a factory because I could not continue school and support myself. But then I heard about PKH. I was really grateful for what PKH provided to me, such as free accommodation inclusive of 3 meals . . . and care from teachers and staff. I was not a Christian when I came, and this was the chance for me to hear about God and Jesus. I did not believe at first, as I was Buddhist. But day by day, I learned how to pray and read the Bible with my friends. After some time, I decided to be baptized with some other 50 students at Church of Christ Our Peace. I studied English and Hospitality at PKH. When I graduated, I got a job at a hotel as the Reservations Manager. I now have full team of 5 people. This is a testimony to what God has done in my life. Nothing is impossible in his hands. —Un Soklai, PKH Graduate 10

#2 SCHOLARSHIPS FOR THEOLOGICAL TRAINING There is only one native Anglican priest in Cambodia. Approximately 95% of the country is Buddhist, so there is a dire need to equip Cambodian church leaders.


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Unfortunately, aspiring young church leaders often cannot afford ministerial education. The Diocese of Singapore provides scholarships that go toward tuition, fees, books, and other costs of education.

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By supporting young leaders to attend Bible school, Anglican churches can raise up church planters and create “preaching points”—small outposts nearby local churches that provide opportunities for rural communities to hear the Gospel. After 3-5 preaching points are established, they are merged to grow a new church. 11

NEXT STEPS Learn more at Bring your gift to our Good Friday service, 3/25 at 7pm. Give online at Mail your gift to 935 W. Union Ave., Wheaton, IL.

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