2 minute read
Sometimes a movie, story, or book can be confusing. We get to the end and have no idea what the point really was. We scratch our heads and wonder, What was the message?
When we read the John’s Gospel from beginning to end, the purpose of this Holy Spirit–breathed record of the life of Jesus becomes crystal clear. John, the author of this beautiful account of the Messiah’s coming, life, death, and resurrection, sums up his intentions so we can’t possibly get the wrong idea. Here is the big picture of John’s telling of the Jesus story in his own words:
Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
(John 20:30–31)
John’s Gospel is meant to help people believe that Jesus is exactly who he said he was: the Messiah, the Son of God. John was selective in what accounts he recorded. If he had tried to write down everything that Jesus said and did, his Gospel could have been longer than the Bible itself. Instead, led by the Holy Spirit, John recorded specific signs, teachings, and accounts with the express purpose of helping people truly believe in Jesus. Then John took things one huge step further. He let the readers of his Gospel (including you and me) know that what we believe about Jesus will transform our lives. When we sincerely believe in the Savior, we have life in his name—not just an ordinary life, but the fullest life possible (see John 10:10).
The purpose of John’s Gospel is no mystery. God desires each of us to believe in Jesus and embrace the truth of who he is. Our Creator is delighted when our belief in Jesus transforms our lives. As you begin this forty-day journey through the book of John, pause and pray that your belief will deepen and your life will be transformed by the Word of the living God.
Epic Themes
There are many themes in the Gospel of John that are worthy of our focus. Some of these include:
Why Jesus came. Jesus came so that we could believe in him—really believe! Faith in Jesus is the most important thing for any Christian. John could have included many other things about Jesus’ life in his Gospel, but he was led by the Spirit to include the things he did so that his readers would believe in Jesus as the Messiah and that by believing would receive the eternal life that God offers to all (see John 20:30–31).
Who Jesus is. If you studied the book of John and highlighted every name for Jesus (that he used of himself, the Father attributed to him, or others used for him), you would get great insight into who our Savior is. In John we find the seven “I am” statements Jesus made of himself. One of the central themes of this Gospel is understanding exactly who Jesus is:
• the Bread of Life (see 6:35, 41, 48, 51)
• the Light of the World (see 8:12)
• the Gate for the sheep (see 10:7–9)
• the Resurrection and the Life (see 11:25)
• the Good Shepherd (see 10:11, 14)
The sacrifice, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The epic conclusion of John’s Gospel is the crucifixion, burial, victorious resurrection, and the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. This portion of the Gospel reveals that all believers can put their faith in Jesus and that what Jesus promised is absolutely true (see John 19–21).
In a world of doubting and skepticism, Jesus came to help us believe in what matters most—him! When we truly believe in Jesus, he offers us life. In the Savior, we find the meaning of life, abundant life and eternal life. This study of the story of Jesus is meant to do exactly what John said two thousand years ago—help you encounter the Messiah and find life (of every good kind) in his name.