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J o H n 1

What we believe impacts every aspect of our lives. When God entered human history and the Word became flesh, the power of heaven was unleashed on the earth. God became a man. People could see and believe in him in a whole new way. It is time to ask the question, “What do I really believe about Jesus, and how should this shape my daily life?”


Our lives will be shaped and dramatically impacted by what we believe and where we put our trust. Jesus offers a rock-solid foundation for life. Sadly, many people look to the things of this world and hope they will provide the security and stability their souls long for. Too often the results are tragic.

Countless people have lost their life’s savings by getting sucked into an investment scam or Ponzi scheme. They put all the money they have saved into an opportunity that seems too good to be true—because it is! When the truth finally comes out, their retirement savings are gone and there is often nothing they can do to recover their resources.

Many young people have a sense of invincibility. They place their trust in their own strength, abilities, and creativity. Over time the weight of life becomes too much and something has to give. Their blind confidence becomes flooded by uncertainty.

Your soulmate is out there! Just find the right one! So many people spend their lives looking for the perfect person who will “complete them” and make life wonderful. Many never find that elusive prize. Those who do, with time, tend to discover one of two things. That person is not as perfect as they imagined (and sometimes they start looking again). Or the weight and expectations they heap on that one “flawless person” is too much and it crushes them.

If we place our ultimate belief and trust in finances, health, people, or anything else, in time we will end up disappointed, and the sheer weight of life will bring things crumbling down. In the beginning of John’s Gospel, we are offered a place to put out trust, belief, hope, and life. Well, it’s not really a place; it’s a person. He is the Word of God. The Light. The Messiah. Jesus.


Tell about a time when you put your hope, trust, or belief in something (or someone), and things did not turn out well.

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