10 Minute Short - Once Upon A Dream

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Once Upon A Dream By Jack Church

ChurchyXD@Googlemail.com 07868688446

INT. ART & TEXTILES CLASS. MORNING SOPHIE is sitting down quietly working whilst the room slowly fills with more students and the chatter echoing around the room grows. SOPHIE is 17 with bright green eyes and long golden brown hair that covers most of her back, she has a good fashion sense and is very pretty however she is fairly short. As she is sitting there she can be seen looking up every now and then. She is looking at TYLER a boy in her class and he can be seen taking photos with a rather expensive looking camera. TYLER is also 17 with Blue eyes and brown hair, he is wearing a red jumper and although he isn’t short he’s not incredibly tall either. The class continues to filter into the room and SOPHIE’S best friend NAOMI is seen walking into the classroom approaching SOPHIE and she sees that SOPHIE is looking at him but quietly takes a seat next to her. NAOMI Good morning. This takes SOPHIE by surprise as she didn’t even notice NAOMI walk into he room and is still looking at TYLER. SOPHIE jumps a little in surprise and try to act natural. SOPHIE Hi, urm.. Good morning! NAOMI Little jumpy today are we? SOPHIE No, I’m fine. NAOMI Right okay.... So what’s the deal with you and Tyler? Again SOPHIE looks surprised at this and remains silent as she continues to sketch out a few drawings pretending like she didn’t hear what NAOMI said NAOMI Oh come on, it’s obvious I saw you looking at him with that look in your eye! SOPHIE smiles as she said that and so does NAOMI as if she has solved a mysterious and the two like at each other and give a little silent laugh.




SOPHIE Okay, maybe I like Tyler but nothing would ever happen NAOMI And how do you know this? Something could come up and surprise you at any time. The teacher ADAM is now seen walking into the classroom, he is a young teacher at 27 and has jet black hair tied into a pony tail. In one hand he is firmly holding a cup of coffee and in the other there is a A4 and A5 sketch pad along with a pencil tucked neatly behind his ear. ADAM Alright, settle down. As it’s close to Christmas I thought we could do something nice and was thinking of a secret Santa? The class gives nods of approval as he says this and ADAM seems pleased with the response. ADAM Fantastic is there anyone that doesn’t want to take part? A few hands go up so ADAM takes note of the few people for a minute. SOPHIE looks at TYLER however his hand doesn’t go up so hers stays down as well. ADAM Brilliant, we will draw names at the end of the lesson! The class returns to work in idle chatter and so does SOPHIE and NAOMI, SOPHIE continues to look at ADAM who continues to take photographs of a flower arrangement in the middle of the class and SOPHIE smiles a little. Time passes and the end of the lesson approaches. ADAM can now be seen walking around the room with a Christmas hat filled with names on small bits of paper. The hat comes round to SOPHIE and NAOMI, NAOMI picks a name first and then SOPHIE. SOPHIE picks the last name in the hat and as she opens it the smile slowly disappears from her face in a state of shock as the name on the bit of paper is revealed to say "TYLER". CUT TO:


EXT. PICNIC BENCH. LUNCH SOPHIE and NAOMI can be seen sitting on a bench, NAOMI is eating a salad and has a bottle of water but SOPHIE is just sitting there engrossed in the book she is reading but fighting a battle with the wind whilst struggling to keep the book open. In her hand she is firmly clutching a piece of paper to stop it blowing away. NAOMI is just looking at her in disbelief as to why she is even reading in this weather but chooses not to mention it. NAOMI So, what are you going to do about Tyler? SOPHIE quickly finishes the sentence she is on and places her hand on the book to mark where she got to and to stop the book from blowing shut. She brushes the hair out of her face before speaking to NAOMI. SOPHIE No idea... SOPHIE is still struggling to keep her book open on the right page and eventually gives up battling the wind, she can be seen unfolding the receipt in the wind and placing it neatly into the book before closing it and placing it carefully in her bag. SOPHIE Did I tell you I got him for the secret Santa? NAOMI (Shocked) You’re kidding? SOPHIE No... I don’t even know what he likes, I only ever see him taking photos.. NAOMI Yeah, he practically sleeps with that camera! As this is said SOPHIE can be seen thinking about it and piecing it together as she remembers him taking the photos in the class and she jumps up in surprise now knowing what to get him.




SOPHIE That’s it! You’re the best! SOPHIE jumps up, collects the rest of her belongings and quickly puts them into her bag before giving NAOMI a hug, who looks surprised, then walking off almost at jogging speed. NAOMI Wait, where are you going? SOPHIE There’s something I have to do! I will see you tomorrow! SOPHIE is almost at full running speed now with a big smile on her face. She is hanging onto her bag as she begins to run out of college and towards the town center. CUT TO: INT. JUNK SHOP. AFTERNOON. A little bell can be heard ringing above the door as SOPHIE walks in. At the counter is a rather old man reading a newspaper, he is wearing glasses that are attached on a chain around his neck and has a beard that seems to cover most of his face. He notices SOPHIE as she walks in and immediately puts down the newspaper and takes his glasses off allowing them to hang around his neck. SOPHIE smiles and approaches the man inquisitively. SOPHIE Hi, I was wondering... do you have any Polaroid cameras at all? It takes the SHOP KEEPER a little while to register what SOPHIE has asked him but once he works it out he replies almost with a bit of shock at the thought of having a customer. SHOP KEEPER Oh yes, I think I have one kept in the back somewhere The SHOP KEEPER turns around and begins to fight his way through masses of cardboard boxes and filled with various junk. AS he progresses to the back room he can be heard rummaging around in boxes, dropping multiple objects such as plates, glasses and other fragile things. Eventually he returns to the shop where SOPHIE is waiting and is carrying a rather dusty old box marked "Cameras" on the side. As he (CONTINUED)



opens it up he rummages through the box and eventually pulls out an equally dusty camera and places it gently down on the counter. SHOP KEEPER Yep. It may be a bit old but it works a charm. As the SHOP KEEPER says this he picks up the camera and begins to inspect it and blows the dusty off into SOPHIE’S face who begins to cough. SHOP KEEPER Does it take your liking? SOPHIE Yeah. It’s perfect. SOPHIE is looking at the camera in admiration however she is distracted by the SHOP KEEPER who begins to look through the old box again and finds another small box. He brushes the dust off away from SOPHIE this time and opens it. It contains film for a Polaroid camera and the SHOP KEEPER puts it down next to the camera. SHOP KEEPER If you want to take photo’s you’ll be needing this The SHOP KEEPER looks at SOPHIE and gives a weak smile who returns it rather excitedly. SOPHIE Thank you very much! How much will that be? The SHOP KEEPER punches in a long string of numbers into the cash machine and eventually gets a total price SHOP KEEPER That will be £17.99 please SOPHIE gets out a fresh twenty pound note from her purse hand it to the SHOP KEEPER, he then gives her the change she places it into a charity pot. The SHOP KEEPER brings a small brown bag and places the camera in it along with receipt.

and and out the

SOPHIE Thank you so much! SOPHIE leaves the shop with a big smile on her face and places the camera gently into her bag as she walks down the street. (CONTINUED)


6. CUT TO:

INT. ART & TEXTILES CLASS. MORNING The college buses can be seen turning up as the class rooms fill for the start of the day and SOPHIE and NAOMI can be seen walking together into their lesson. The whole class are keenly opening the presents they have received. SOPHIE is looking at TYLER as he opens his which is very neatly wrapped and topped off with a little bow. Once he has opened it he is thrilled with excitement from the gift he has received, however something else drops out from the wrapping. As Tyler picks it up it’s a Polaroid photo of a Christmas tree with the words written underneath it "I Like You" at which point TYLER begins to look around the class as to who it might be. SOPHIE quickly looks down with a massive smile on her face and continues to open her own present. At this point NAOMI notices SOPHIE smiling. NAOMI (Smiling herself) What are you smiling about? SOPHIE I left something in there telling him I like him... ButNAOMI -He doesn’t know it’s you. SOPHIE looks at NAOMI letting her know that she is right, the two think about this for a minute and sit in silence watching TYLER examine his camera but quickly setting it down and looking back at the photo. CUT TO: INT. SOPHIE’S LOCKER. AFTERNOON. SOPHIE and NAOMI are walking towards the locker they share are talking, SOPHIE opens the locker and the two put some books and folder in and take a few out before closing it again. NAOMI I don’t know why you didn’t just tell him SOPHIE Like I have said before, I am too nervous.



7. NAOMI Hmm, I still think you should tell him SOPHIE Maybe but I don’t think I am ready to yet. NAOMI Okay then, well I have got Drama now so I will see you later.

As they two girls part ways they’re are looking over their shoulders at each over and waving. SOPHIE is nearly walking backwards and can barely see what’s in front of her. SOPHIE OkaAs SOPHIE is looking at NAOMI she has hit something and dropped all of her books onto the floor. Not realising what has happened she turns around to see what she has walked into only to find out that it’s TYLER who has been taking photo’s with the Polaroid camera. TYLER has noticed what has happened and has gone down to help SOPHIE pick up her books, setting his camera down gently. SOPHIE I am so sorry, really you don’t have to. TYLER No honestly it’s fine, I should have been paying more attention anyway As they are picking the books up SOPHIE notices the camera and begins to blush so looks away from him as she continues to pick up books and revision notes. TYLER You’re Sophie right? SOPHIE Yeah, we’re in the same Art class. TYLER Yeah I thought I recognized you somewhere As the pile of books on the floor is nearly gone TYLER picks up one of the bigger books and hands the book along with several others to Sophie and begins to smile at her.



8. TYLER You sure do have a lot of books SOPHIE Yeah, I read a lot of romance novels...

There is one final book laying on the ground to pick it up at the same time to find their on top of the book. Sophie quickly withdraws TYLER picks up the book and hands it to her, nervously at her actions. The two get up off TYLER picks up the camera.

and the two go hands meeting her hand and she laughs the floor and

SOPHIE Thanks for helping me.. TYLER No problem, don’t mention it The two stand in silence for a while not finding anything to say to each other so SOPHIE begins to walk away. SOPHIE So yeah thanks... Again.. TYLER It’s fine, so yeah I’ll see you around SOPHIE (Giggling) Yeah The two are left smiling to themselves at the situation, as TYLER is smiling he looks down onto the floor and notices another piece of paper, he bends down to pick it up and reads it. The receipt is the one from the junk shop for the Polaroid camera and he smiles even more upon this discovery. CUT TO: INT. SOPHIE’S LOCKER. MORNING SOPHIE is waiting in the normal spot for NAOMI’S bus to turn up as a large amount of students can be seen filling the college. Once NAOMI turns up they begin to walk, laughing and giggling to each other on the way to their locker. As they approach the locker SOPHIE notices something sticking out of it, exchanging puzzled looks with NAOMI she pulls it out revealing it to be a Polaroid photo of a local cafe with the writing "Ask for the special"



9. SOPHIE A Polaroid photo? You don’t think? NAOMI Possibly, I mean how many people do we know with a Polaroid camera?

As soon as NAOMI says this SOPHIE’S face begins to light up with excitement at the thought of it and what it might mean. NAOMI But what could ask for the special mean? SOPHIE Well there’s only one way to find out. SOPHIE takes the photo and smiles as she walks away headed towards the cafe. CUT TO: INT. CAFE. MORNING SOPHIE walks into a small but happy cafe and a few people can be seen sitting around with Christmas songs playing on the radio. SOPHIE walks to a table and takes a seat where a young waitress approaches her. WAITRESS What can I get you? SOPHIE Urm.. I was told to ask for the special? WAITRESS Right no problem, I will just get that for you. SOPHIE begins to look around as the WAITRESS walks away but she doesn’t get much time to observe her surroundings as almost immediately a coffee is presented in front of her followed by another saucer that has a single rose on it and another Polaroid picture underneath it. The Polaroid is a picture of a Christmas tree that’s up in college and has presents underneath it, there is an arrow pointing to one of them and it says "this ones for you." SOPHIE smiles as she sees this, takes a sip of the coffee and picks the rose up and smells it. CUT TO:

10. INT. COLLEGE CHRISTMAS TREE. MIDDAY SOPHIE approaches the Christmas tree and has one last look at the photo to make sure she gets the right present but this wasn’t necessary as when she picks up the present it says on it "To SOPHIE". The gift is wrapped messily but you can tell that an effort was made SOPHIE silent giggle at this before opening the present. Once the gift it open it’s revealed to be a book titled "Once Upon A Dream" with a book mark sticking out of the top. SOPHIE opens the book to the page where the bookmark is kept and on the same page is two cinema tickets to see the film version of Once Upon A Dream at eight o’clock that night. CUT TO: EXT. CINEMA. NIGHT SOPHIE is walking towards the cinema nervous about how the date might go but she stops for a moment takes a deep breath and calms herself down. She walks around the corner to the cinema and finds TYLER there waiting so she walks up to him and as he notices her they meet half way. TYLER Hey SOPHIE (Laughing) Hey, so it was you then? TYLER Yep, it was me. I had to repay you somehow for the amazing gift. SOPHIE That was really sweet but how did you know it was me? TYLER reaches inside of his pocket and after digging around for some time he produces the receipt that was dropped for the Polaroid camera. SOPHIE notices it straight away but just giggles about it in a shy fashion. TYLER hands it back to SOPHIE and she straightens the receipt out very carefully and places it in her pocket. TYLER Merry Christmas Sophie. SOPHIE (Giggling) Merry Christmas.




The two hug in front of the cinema as snow starts to fall around them, covering the ground around them. The two eventually break apart and smile at each other as the grab each others hand and walk into the cinema together hand in hand with the snow fall covering them as they disappear into the cinema. There is a book seen on a nearby bench and as it comes into view it’s revealed to be Once Upon A Dream which opens and flicks through to the last page which reads "Sophie and Tyler then lived happily ever after".

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