The girl in the red jacket

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The Girl In The Red Jacket By Jack Church

Jack Church East Norfolk Sixth Form College

INT. JOEL’S CAR. DAY JOEL middle age man in his 40’s, alone, only company is his daughter and even she doesn’t want to know him SARAH, JOEL’S daughter, is sat in the passenger seat looking out of the window watching it rain, bored as any stubborn 17 year old would be. Not much conversation is being exchanged. JOEL (In an attempt to reach out) How about a little music? SARAH remains silent as JOEL puts in a cassette which plays country music SARAH (Slight tone of laughter in her voice) Funny. JOEL What’s funny? SARAH This reminds me of when mom was still here. JOEL looks to SARAH and gives a weak, half hearted smile before turning to look back on the road. JOEL (Smug Look) Remember the words? SARAH looks and gives a faint cheeky smile as she laughs to herself then continues to look out of the window. SARAH How can I forget? It’s all you ever played when I was a kid. They both smile at each other and JOEL begins to softly sing the words and eventually SARAH joins in. They sing for a few lines together and as they look at each other the two burst out laughing. There is a moment between them of genuine happiness but this quickly fades leaving an uncomfortably silence as the two remain quiet. As they drive on SARAH catches sight of something and suddenly sits upright.




JOEL What’s up? SARAH (Slightly worried) Who is that? On the road? I think there hitchhiking but how did the get out here? It’s pouring down with rain. JOEL I don’t know and I don’t plan to, I am sure they will be fine there’s a bus that goes past here. SARAH (Pleadingly) No Dad! Please pull over, they might be in trouble. JOEL considers it but still thinks it a bad idea, as he looks at SARAH he sees her face and changes his face JOEL Okay Sarah. I will pull over for you but I still don’t think this is a good idea. SARAH Thanks Dad. JOEL pulls over to a dirt track and rolls down the car window to see a girl around the age of 14 in a red jacket with a yellow backpack soaked to the bone. JOEL Are you okay out here? The girl doesn’t say anything, she just remains silent and stares at the floor. JOEL Do you need any help? Again the girl remains silent. and JOEL turns to speak to SARAH. JOEL Well I tried but she must be okay so lets just go on.




SARAH No dad please! At least offer her a lift she soaked. JOEL (Getting fed up now) Fine okay then but if she say nothing we go on. SARAH Thank you. JOEL turns to speak to the girl a final time. JOEL Would you like a lift somewhere? I can take you home if you like? The girl looks at JOEL and nods her head JOEL Okay then, hop in the back seat. The girl opens the car door and climbs in the back, staining the cloth seats with water from the rain as she sits down, she simply sits there doesn’t take her bag off or even put on her seat belt, she just sits there as the car continues. JOEL (Rather sternly) You know you should probably put your seat belt on it’s not safe. SARAH (Rather annoyed at her dad’s actions) Dad, please try and be nice. The girl sits still and remains silent. SARAH (In an attempt to make conversation) So, where do you live? The girl looks up at SARAH and speaks for the first time MYSTERIOUS GIRL (In a monotone and sinister voice) In a house about 5 miles up the road. If you could take me there I would much appreciate it. (CONTINUED)



The girl just stares out of the window as the car continues to drive and any more attempts to make conversation prove to be futile. CUT TO: EXT. FAMILY HOME. DAY The car pulls up into the drive way and JOEL turns around to the girl JOEL Right here we arThe girl has vanished and so has any trace of her ever being there as JOEL turns in surprise to SARAH she seems equally as shocked to this. SARAH (In a frightened tone) Where do you suppose she’s gone? JOEL (Trying to remain calm for his daughters sake) No idea but there isn’t even a mark on my seats anymore and that amount of water couldn’t have dried that quickly... JOEL gets out of the car and approaches the front door to SARAH shock. SARAH (Panicked) Dad what are you doing? JOEL To see if anyone is home. SARAH But what if something bad happens?! JOEL Don’t worry, I am sure there is a logical explanation to this. JOEL rings the doorbell and the two stand and wait. It seems like the two wait forever and just as they are about to walk away the door slowly creaks open to reveal a man in his mid 50’s.




STRANGE MAN Well what is it? Who are you? What do you want? JOEL is a little taken back by the STRANGE MAN’S aggression but continues as normal. JOEL Sorry to bother you, my name is Joel and this is my daughter Sarah. We just picked up a young girl about 14. She was wearing a red Jacket and yellow bag. She said she lived here but when we got here she was gone, I was wondering if you could shed any light on the situation? The STRANGE MAN suddenly changes his tone a looks very saddened by the news STRANGE MAN Believe me, I wish I could explain to you but even I don’t know. JOEL and SARAH look shocked at this news but continue to listen. STRANGE MAN Your not the first to come to my door about this and you probably won’t be the last. The girl you saw was my daughter, her name was Ellie. She was very quiet and often kept to herself not liking to trouble others but then one day she went missing. No one had seen her come or go, she just disappeared without a trace. JOEL and SARAH look shocked by what they have heard, barely able to comprehend what happened. STRANGE MAN That was 15 years ago. Ever since then I have had strangers keep knocking on my door about my little girl trying to make her way home... JOEL looks to the man trying to find some comforting words but nothing comes to mind.




JOEL I am sorry to have bothered you with this, if I would have knowSTRANGE MAN No don’t be silly, it’s not your fault. At any rate it comforts me to hear this, it gives me hope that one day she might return home, where she belongs. JOEL Well I hope she does and I wish you all the best. STRANGE MAN Thank you Joel. Safe travels oh and of course it was nice to have met you to Sarah! SARAH You too sir, have a nice day. As JOEL and ELLIE turn to walk away the STRANGE MAN musters up a weak smile and slowly turns around and closes the door slowly as it creaks shut once again. SARAH Dad, do you think what he said was true? JOEL I don’t know Sarah, I really don’t. SARAH Well do you think she will come home? JOEL Yes. I would like to think so. As JOEL and SARAH get back in the car they drive away down the road and you can see the house itself fade away, as if it were never there.

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