Mayor Teresa Jacobs: Change Maker of the Year – For her unconditional support and leadership in responding to the Hurricane Maria evacuee crisis in Central Florida.
Shaquem Griffin: Ground Breaker – Former UCF Linebacker for his determination to overcome adversity and inspiring youth with disabilities to achieve their full potential.
BRIDG: Ground Breaker – The high-tech sensor manufacturing facility changing the face of the economy in Osceola County for inspiring a region through innovation and cultivating new economic opportunities for the future.
The late Harriett Lake: Impact Leader for Philanthrophy – For blessing so many in Central Florida with the resources they need to shine brightly and lead better lives.
Dr. Antonia Novello: Impact Leader for Advocacy – For her heroic mission of bringing water, food, medication and hope to 50 municipalities in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.
Nancy Alvarez: Impact Leader for Advocacy – Anchor for WFTV for giving a strong voice to those unable to speak for themselves in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
Ed Timberlake: Impact Leader for Volunteerism – Long-time community volunteer and
executive board member for his leadership, vision and devotion to many in Central Florida through volunteerism.
Steve Hogan: Impact Leader for Collaboration – CEO of Florida Citrus Sports and a driving
force as a board member of LIFT Orlando for creating collaboration to break the cycle of poverty and transform neighborhoods.
Kathleen Bean: Unsung Hero – For 25 years of volunteer service cooking thousands of meals for the working poor and homeless at Christian Service Center. Public nomination led to the selection of Mrs. Bean, who will receive a $500 grant to donate to the nonprofit of her choice.
LEGACY HONOREES The Legacy Honorees to be inducted for their long-term contributions to the Central Florida community include:
Walt Disney World Publix Super Markets, Inc. Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation Dr. Phillips Charities
Carol Jenkins Barnett,
President of Publix Super Markets Charities & Barney Barnett, Vice Chairman of Publix Super Markets, Inc. and Vice President of Publix Super Markets Charities
Jim Seneff, Executive Chairman, CNL Financial Group
Jacob Stuart, Retired
president, Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Nelson Ying, philanthropist