CI EXP Brazil Volunteer Guide

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CI EXPERIENCE BRAZIL Volunteer Program 2017 People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some it offers the chance to give something to the people around them. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge. No matter what moves you, our goal it’s to make this opportunity challenging and rewarding.

THE PROGRAM Volunteering placements in projects inside NGOs focused on helping people in many different ways. We want the volunteer experience to be as rewarding and meaningful for the volunteer as it is for the community projects. You may pick one of the projects bellow or mix 2 of them according to your availability.

WHO CAN APPLY? Foreign people from any part of the world who are eager to be part of one of the NGOs that works with CI Experience Brazil. Experiences up to 90 days.

OUR PROJECTS IN A GLANCE! INSTITUTO DE REINTEGRAÇÃO DO REFUGIADO – ADUS – SÃO PAULO Adus is a third sector non-profit Civil Association of juridical private law, with no political, party membership or religious commitments. It was founded in 2010, aiming at supporting people who seek asylum in Brazil looking for refuge, regardless of their nationality, social class, sex, race, color,

or religious belief. By achieving its social

objective, Adus aims to carry out the full process of integration, valuation and social, economic, cultural, educational and work insertion. The activities are related to culture, work and income creation and housing. The project works to bring different cultures of the refugees closer to the local culture and spread out the real figure of the refugee to the nationals, insert the refugees in the work market and to provide them with decent housing. Most refugees are from Congo, Angola, Senegal and Syria.

FUNDAÇÃO JULITA – SÃO PAULO Fundação Julita is a non – profit organization and was founded in 1951 with the mission to support children, teenagers and families in social vulnerability situation, through socioeconomics actions, promoting the development of citizenship. Besides the main buildings that held the NGO offices, classrooms, library, labs, sports courts and dining

rooms, there is also a small farm with different animals living there as cows, horses, ducks, sheep and rabbits. Taking care of the animals and preserving the nature are part of the NGO´s routine. The positive vibe and energetic atmosphere may be felt since you enter this unique place, in the middle of the huge capital of Sao Paulo. The activities offered are related to child education, complementary and vocational education for teens and elderly inside vulnerable communities.

IBCM - INSTITUIÇÃO BENEFICENTE CONCEIÇÃO MACÊDO– SALVADOR DA BAHIA The Institution was founded in 1989 and it’s a nonprofit organization that works with the poor women and children, particularly (though not exclusively) women with AIDS and their children and came to know the harsh emptiness of their lives amidst struggles that most of us can hardly imagine. The IBCM has the mission to reduce vulnerability to HIV/AIDS, especially the homeless population and the population in higher social risk; prevention and adherence to treatment of STD/AIDS; food security; combating all forms of discrimination; and yet, the defense of rights and the productive integration of people living with HIV/AIDS. The activities offered are related to work with children, with women or who can teach foreign languages. It is also possible that volunteers could help to organize and (or) help manage excursions.

PROJETO ESCOLA DIDÁ – SALVADOR DA BAHIA Didá dance and percussion school in UN World Heritage Site Pelourinho works with women, girls and young children. It was formed in 1993 to instill dignity and self-esteem in, and otherwise serve, black and mixed-race women and girls. Didá was formed by “Neguinho do Samba” who, as co-founder and drum master for the Olodum children’s drum corps, performed with Paul Simon and Michael Jackson. He has been important in the resurgence and further evolution of Afro-Brazilian rhythms. Activities related to percussion & dance, informatics, costume making, audio production, constructing drums and silk-screening T-shirts, health and nutrition, and foreign language or arts and crafts instruction or projects. Or you can ask Didá what it needs help with, and Didá is open to defining an opportunity in another area if you have a special other interest. Understandably, only female candidates may volunteer here.










development of healthy, positive, self-confident youth by using the sport of basketball to teach life-affirming values. Juvenile delinquency is also combated by directing the youth into wholesome activities, and they act with any existing organizations devoted to the furtherance of youth welfare. The benefits for members include improved physical fitness; learn leadership skills; learn life skills – communication, decision-making, conflict management; travel

throughout the city to competitions; meet and interact with new peers from other areas; foster´s responsibility & empowers youth; increased personal safety & security thru organized, team sport. Activities will be related to help children improving physical fitness, recreational activities and helping with homework; organizing the trips during the competitions.

MATA CILIAR ASSOCIATION – JUNDIAÍ – SÃO PAULO Founded in 1987, the Mata Ciliar Association is a nonprofit organization


is dedicated to developing

projects for conservation. A primary project, “De Olho no Rio,” (With An Eye On the River) promotes the preservation of









environmental education in eighteen cities. With the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, it also serves as a reference facility for the rehabilitation of the fauna. Further, it’s involved in research with the Brazilian Neo-tropical Feline Conservation Center. Our goal is to demonstrate organizational excellence in participatory management of natural resources, and to serve as a national and international source of information for the conservation of biodiversity in Brazil.

To start an application process to any of the programs will need the following documents: 

Application form filled

Passport copy

Updated CV

Presentation letter




Placement Fee *

US$ 450

Pick up Service (one way) **

US$ 40

Accommodation Fee per month

US$ 470

(host family + breakfast) City tour

Under request

*The placement fee is independent of the period of the program. **Please note CI Experience offers Pick up service and Accommodation upon request and for an extra fee. It is up to you ask for these services or not.

What is included?

What is not included?

Pre-departure information;


 

Airline tickets;

Internal flights and weekend trips;


Airport pick up and transfer;

Ongoing support by local volunteer

Accommodation and meals;


Consular fees;

Regular contact with candidate and

Travel Medical Insurance - This is






employer; 

Placement in a community service 

project; 

Participation Certificate

 We are looking forward to having you!

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