2017-18 CIA Senior Viewbook

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Cleveland Institute of Art Creative leadership for over 135 years


4 Collaboration 14 Communication 22 Critical thinking 32 Creativity 86 Community 1 16 Apply 2

36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68

Animation Biomedical Art Ceramics Drawing Game Design Glass Graphic Design Illustration Industrial Design Interior Architecture Jewelry + Metals Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture + Expanded Media Transportation Design Video

Collaboration. Communication. Critical thinking. Creativity. These are the skills that are universally recognized as essential to success in the 21st century, regardless of your career path. We know you already have creativity. At the Cleveland Institute of Art, we’re going to teach you how to nurture that creativity, think critically about the work you’re making, and help you learn to communicate your ideas so that you can collaborate with others to create work that makes a difference in the world. 3

Collaboration Working together across disciplines toward a mutual goal is critically important to building a successful future in art and design in the 21st century.





Business students from Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management work with CIA design students each semester. CIA students help business students with their design presentations, and the business students offer design students business and technical advice on their design projects.

From the very start, you’ll experience the benefits of collaborative learning. You’ll be introduced to it your Foundation year through a series of charettes—seven-week courses that involve extensive creative brainstorming sessions aimed at developing multiple visual solutions on a short deadline. Classroom projects in your major with community partners will teach you about listening to client needs, negotiating skills, and working in a team environment. These skills are increasingly important to artists working in the public realm, and designers working with a team of other specialists.


Engaged practices in art and design

What may best set CIA apart from other colleges of art and design is its commitment to Engaged Practice. Engaged Practice provides students opportunities to learn through experience by working on real projects with external partners or clients, or in the public sphere—all before graduation. These opportunities to put your classroom and studio knowledge and skills to work in the real world are where the rubber meets the road. CIA believes these skills are so critical to your success— for yourself and for the world—that we have an Engaged Practice graduation requirement. Students can meet this requirement through an internship or through over 40 dedicated Engaged Practice courses across our majors.


Director Paul Schrader (third from right) reached out to CIA students while working on a film in Cleveland. The students helped him to storyboard each scene, thinking through camera angles and lighting. Here, our animation students posed with Schrader and star Nicholas Cage on set.



Real-world experience

Ian took part in the course Drawn to Care, where he engaged with patients receiving dialysis through the Cleveland Clinic. While drawing patients, students like Ian hone their communication skills, and learn to interact with other professionals.

Through courses, extracurricular activities, and internships, students connect to real-world experiences every school year. Recent examples include students consulting for the worldclass Cleveland Museum of Art and Cleveland City Hall, creating 3D animations for a medical school study-guide app, participating in a professional exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, designing orthopedic surgery instruments for a leading medical technology company, and building a wood-burning kiln. All before graduation.


The world is your campus

Our core curriculum is designed to get you outside the studio. On any given day, you might see CIA students sketching at Cleveland Botanical Garden, observing and illustrating surgery at University Hospitals, touring behind-the-scenes workings of New York galleries, conducting research at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, analyzing original works of art at the Cleveland Museum of Art, creating a performance piece with a local theater company, using a laser cutter at Case Western Reserve University’s think[box] maker facility, or studying abroad. These opportunities are much more than “field trips.” As artists and designers, our work requires us to work with others— galleries, production facilities, manufacturers. Getting outside the studio helps you network, learn to research, and interact so that you can create the work you want to make.


Marcus, a Ceramics major, working with an engineer at Case Western Reserve University’s think[box], the largest univeristy-based maker facility in the country. The think[box] offers CIA students training and consultation with engineers to help realize their ideas.


Communication At CIA, you’ll get plenty of practice communicating your ideas and solutions, which will help you in professional interactions with clients, gallerists, community partners, and other members of your creative world. 14



Business + Professional Practices

Artists and designers from across the country visit CIA throughout the year, reviewing student work and looking for students to hire for internships and positions upon graduation.

Our Business and Professional Practices curriculum helps you to understand the nuances of self-promotion, networking, ethics, intellectual property, contracts, and professional development. Students select among specialized sections of the course, based on their professional goals: Industry section supports student preparation to become an integral part of a business organization by providing an understanding of corporate methods and processes. Entrepreneurship section transports the student through the key decisions required to establish a successful art/design business. Studio-to-gallery section focuses on the complexities of an artist’s studio practice by examining interactions with gallery directors, museum curators, preparators, and marketing professionals.


BFA Thesis + Exhibition

In your senior year, you’ll create and present a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Thesis Exhibition, and it’s a moment that we consider your most important at the college. This experience is your professional launch, helping you to refine your artistic voice and career path before you graduate. As a BFA candidate you create a body of work, present it to the CIA community, and respond to their critique. You begin the process by choosing your faculty review committee who will guide you through concept development, proposals, and final work. During CIA’s BFA Week, you will create your gallery, display your work, and present a defense of your work and statement to the CIA community and your committee.


Learning to articulate your ideas, and to receive feedback, is critical to your success as an artist, and your success in the professional world. Elliott, a Jewelry + Metals major, gives his BFA thesis presentation, an exhibition and oral defense of the work done in your senior year at CIA.



Career Services

Students like Li review their resumé and practice interviewing skills with Heather Golden, Career Center director, as they prepare for job interviews.

It is never too early to think about internships, resumés, and your career. The Career Center hosts interviewing workshops, offers assistance with resumé and cover letter writing, and can help you apply to graduate schools and evaluate internship opportunities. n Over 80% of CIA students participate in at least one internship before they graduate. n CIA’s Career Center works with students one-on-one, and in small workshops, to improve their resumes, LinkedIn pages and websites, establish a presence on CIA’s Talent Directory, practice interviewing for jobs, and find the right internships. n 80% of 2016 CIA graduates were exhibiting, working in their field, or enrolled in graduate school within 12 months of graduation. cia.edu/career-center


Critical thinking An emphasis on creative problem solving will help you think critically about artmaking and real-world projects.




At the heart: Our faculty

Maggie Denk-Leigh, chair of our Printmaking department, brings international experience to her role as a leader in the field.

CIA faculty teach from experience and success— as professors and professionals. With a student to faculty ratio of 10:1, students at CIA are mentored by faculty members who are accomplished professionals in their fields, and who, in turn, share their knowledge, craft and professional experience on a daily basis. In their own practices, CIA’s studio faculty are engaged in regional, national, and/or international arenas, with projects ranging from creating animations for Pixar and Disney to creating a giant inflatable sculpture for a national art exhibition. Students also richly benefit from the global perspectives of CIA’s accomplished Liberal Arts faculty members, who are art historians, authors, researchers, and other scholars of the humanities.


Convey a point of view informed by the world’s diverse communities Our Liberal Arts curriculum will develop your understanding of many cultures of our world—both past and present—and enable you to explore the importance of these ideas to the growth of your creative life. A singular feature of the college’s Liberal Arts curriculum is our approach to studying a subject by connecting it to other disciplines in our program. For example, in your freshman year, you’ll read in your English classes about ancient and medieval philosophy and culture while also taking a course in Ancient and Medieval History of Art. Our curriculum will prepare you for a creative career based on an informed investment in historical and cultural ideas, including the scientific, the literary, and the social. You’ll graduate with an understanding of diverse cultures, ready to adapt to the changing global business and social contexts to which you will contribute. cia.edu/liberalarts 26

The Cleveland Museum of Art owns one of the three panels of Claude Monet’s famous Waterlilies, exhibited together for the first time in decades last year at the Museum.



Laying a solid foundation

The Foundation program balances fundamental approaches with experimentation to develop your aesthetic sensibilities.

CIA’s first-year Foundation program will introduce you to the core concepts, methods, and media crucial to your future academic and professional success. All first-year students take the same courses during the fall semester. This ensures that you’re learning the right skills at the time that will be most beneficial to your development as an artist. You’ll receive rigorous training in the fundamentals: drawing, design, color, and art history and writing. From the start, you’ll begin honing techniques you came in with and discovering new ones. Be prepared for lively debates and the camaraderie that develops as you and your peers work together in studio. The Foundation experience fosters a learning environment that is responsive to your aspirations, as well as to innovations in the world of art and design. cia.edu/foundation 29

Majoring in success.

During the Foundation year, you’ll also begin thinking about how you will focus the rest of your CIA career. Some of you begin CIA with an idea of what you want to study; most of you just want to explore. The Foundation year is designed for exploration! Throughout the year, you’ll have opportunities to learn about all of our majors. Taking advantage of these are critical, as you think about and prepare your portfolio to apply to a major in the spring semester. Look for teachers who’ll inspire you, and whose thinking complements (or challenges!) your own. In the spring, you’ll submit a portfolio to the departments you wish to pursue. Don’t let this stress you: Often the jobs you’ll get after graduation depend less on the major on your diploma and more on the breadth of your portfolio and experiences. cia.edu/foundation 30

Regardless of which area you wish to study, we encourage you to explore studio classes in other departments. Interdisciplinary studies broaden the skills and knowledge you bring to your practice, and to your career.

“Painting taught me to conceptualize, visualize and apply myself in freeform creative situations.”

—Kevin Geiger ’89 Vice President, Disney China Painting major

“I came to CIA thinking I wanted to go into Illustration, because that’s all I knew in high school. But once I met the faculty in Printmaking, I realized I could do everything I wanted there. It was a much better choice, for me.” —Clotilde Jimenez ’13 Artist Printmaking major


Creativity Your creativity brings you to CIA, and during your time here, the continued cultivation of innovative, inventive thinking will be a deciding factor in your professional success.





Cleveland Institute of Art offers programs of study in fine art, design, craft, and integrated media. Karolena, a Sculpture + Expanded Media major, took advantage of open studio nights which are offered throughout the departments, allowing students to learn new techniques.

You enter your major as a sophomore and spend three intense years building skills, mastering techniques, and refining your visual vocabulary. You’ll work on projects that will challenge your skills and expand your thinking. And you’ll create with some of the most talented people in the world—your classmates. Within our campus, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment and faculty who will challenge and support you. A culture of interdisciplinary study will inspire you to explore techniques and solutions that will expand your problem-solving toolkit.




Breathe life into a concept through movement. As an Animation student you’ll discover how the dialogue of an otherwise stagnant image or object changes and evolves when put into motion. You’ll learn to put personality into movement through concentrated study of the mechanics of human and animal motion. Life drawing and acting help develop original characters in design, movement, and personality.

Each year you’ll have several opportunities to show your work—to the CIA community and to industry and fine arts professionals. In addition, we strongly emphasize presentation and public speaking skills that prepare you for pitching your ideas and directing a team. cia.edu/animation

As a student in our program, you will work with innovative production technologies in 2D and 3D digital media and animation, film, video production, and stop-motion animation.

Visiting artists, like Nick Orsi, share insights and review student work throughout the year. At our annual Spring Show, animation firms visit our studios, looking for students for summer internships. 37

Explore the natural world, and use your creativity. CIA’s Biomedical Art program combines applied art, science, and technology to create visual education materials on scientific and medical topics.

Our graduates work in hospitals, publishers, museums, pharmaceutical companies, and law firms. They’re helping patients understand illness. They’re creating animations about how our bodies work. They’re designing museum installations about the cosmos. cia.edu/biomedicalart

Based on the traditional field of scientific and medical illustration, our curriculum incorporates leading-edge digital media techniques, interactivity, and animation. You’ll learn how to blend your artistic talent with knowledge of natural science, a biomedical intellect, and strong visual communication skills.


Grace Gongaware ’16, studied sickle cell disease for her senior thesis presentation, creating illustrations and an exhibition display for an educational institution.

Biomedical Art 39



Learn the art and science of working with clay. Cleveland Institute of Art’s Ceramics program builds on the age-old medium of ceramic art by teaching both the science and the art of its two major traditions: works of sculpture and works of utility. You’ll work in our sky-lit studio space with floor-to-ceiling windows, large common workspaces, and glazing areas. There is a large kiln room complete with three gas kilns, eight electric kilns, and a raku kiln. Explore ceramic materials in two and three dimensions through the use of mold work and multiples in sculpture, studio pottery,

CIA is one of only a few schools in the country to have a dedicated wood kiln, allowing students to explore this age-old but increasingly popular technique.

and ceramic design. Expand your creativity as you develop fabrication techniques including press molding, drain casting, solid casting, casting body formulation, slip preparation and use, glazing, and surfacing. Internships earn students valuable realworld experience, and connections to career paths after graduation. Our alumni go on to successful careers as studio artists and designers, exhibiting in national and international galleries and museums. Some graduates become art consultants and conservators while others go on to graduate school and into teaching. cia.edu/ceramics


You always have a pencil in your hand. Define your aesthetic identity and challenge your vision and resourcefulness. As a Drawing major, you’ll use traditional and nontraditional materials as well as unconventional tools to master a visual vocabulary that includes scale, proportion, perspective, composition, line, mass, and modeling. You’ll form a research process and the development of source material. Then you’ll begin to focus on communication through drawing, which includes drawing from observation, ideation, and experimental processes. Next you’ll focus on style and aesthetics and parallel theories to your own body of work.

And you’ll begin to understand drawing in the cultural frameworks of pop, common, and high culture. In your final thesis project you’ll work through research, ideation, experimentation, evaluation, reflection, refinement, and production. Drawing majors go on to successful careers as practicing artists, curators, gallerists, as well as working within the creative industry, including animation, film and design. cia.edu/drawing

Students in Drawing start with traditional tools and techniques before exploring how the idea of mark-making can evolve for their individual vision. 42


drawing 43

Game Design


Create the games everyone will want to play. As a Game Design major at CIA, you’ll work with innovative production processes including 3D modeling, animation, programming, visual design, audio, interactive storytelling, and game production, as well as the theory, criticism, and context of game culture and digital media. You will be able to create 3D modeling digital visualizations that use processing, organic and inorganic modeling, construction of compound objects, 3D primitive construction and modeling, and resolution and tessellation of 3D objects and formats. In team production courses, you’ll learn more about programming by working with computer science students from Case Western Reserve University’s School of Engineering.

Working in a collaborative environment with students from other digital disciplines, you’ll build team skills integral to brainstorming, character design, narrative ideas, production, and presenting and critiquing project outcomes. Our graduates are working as modelers, programmers, game writers, riggers, character designers, animators, and FX animators. cia.edu/game-design

Austin’s BFA thesis was a game design, New Front, using Oculus Rift virtual reality technology.


Combine traditional craftsmanship with new forms of expression. While working in traditional methods of design and craftsmanship CIA Glass faculty encourage experimentation with new forms of expression. This commitment to the art form has earned them national and international recognition. As a student in the Glass Department, you’ll be learning the four primary processes of glass making: working hot glass (glass blowing and molten glass processes), working cold glass (cutting, grinding, sandblasting, and polishing), fusion processes (casting, slumping, and bending) and flame working (using fire to manipulate glass tubes). You’ll learn the skills while exploring your aesthetic voice.

Our aim is for each student to become a practitioner in the medium. Graduates often enter positions with other artists through schools and workshops, apprenticeships and internships, and are highly competitive when applying for graduate study. Students from our program have become leaders in the field as teachers in universities, practicing designers, and of course, artists/craftsmen. cia.edu/glass

Students are taught the importance of teamwork, especially important in disciplines like glass. Students from across the region came to CIA last fall for a day of demonstrations. 46

Glass 47

Graphic Design


Integrate words and pictures. As a graphic design major, you’ll explore both innovative and traditional methods of communication design including typography, print and web design, package design, and signage. While we rely on the latest technology to build technical skills, our curriculum offers you the opportunity to explore and grow beyond these technologies. Your study will range from editorial and publication design, to the study of event and exhibition design, design for print, marketing and advertising, production and interactive, motion graphics, and web design. And you’ll execute your designs using traditional media as well as contemporary and experimental media.

Our faculty of practicing designers have created a working environment at CIA that resembles a professional graphic design studio. As a student in the program you’ll have complete access to a computer lab, print output center, presentation areas, and bookmaking-letterpress studios. Taking courses across disciplines will keep your creative juices flowing, and allow you to explore new ways to communicate your message. cia.edu/graphic-design

Graphic design attracts students like Robert who are interested in traditional design assignments like posters and bookmaking to the latest thinking in data visualization. 49

Tell a story with images. As an Illustration major, you will first experience an intensive exploration of figurative and object-based drawing from both observation and imagination, using analog and digital approaches. In addition to learning the history of illustration, we challenge you to master your critical and conceptual thinking, problem solving, and presentation skills, all of which will help you to discover your sense of storytelling. Industry professionals will guide you through real-world projects that are as engaging as they are varied: picture books, graphic novels, greeting cards, licensing, editorial and advertising— along with blue sky concept art, visual development and character design for entertainment such as animated feature film, TV and video games.


By the time you are ready to graduate, you will be versed in the business of illustration and positioned to become major contributors and leaders in the industry. Not only will you be able to help bring a client’s vision to life, but as creative entrepreneurs, you will be prepared to research, invent and pitch your own stories and intellectual properties to the marketplace. cia.edu/illustration

Children’s book designer Suzanne McGinness is one of our award-winning Illustration faculty.

Illustration 51

Industrial Design


Turn problems into opportunities. Consistently ranked as one of the top programs in the country, CIA’s Industrial Design major educates graduates who are working at the top of their field. CIA’s Industrial Design program is rooted in a rigorous curriculum where each project is centered on research, conceptualization, and refinement. Our approach will help you build a strong understanding of the profession: the innovation process, users, market forces, manufacturing, sustainability, and business practices. If you choose the Transportation Design Track within Industrial Design, you’ll learn from and connect with automotive designers working at the top of the field.

Classes take place in an open studio, similar to a professional design studio, comprising individual student studios and collaboration spaces. You’ll have easy access to cutting-edge computer technology, shop facilities, presentation rooms, project rooms, and rapid prototyping. cia.edu/industrial-design

Veronica’s BFA thesis project explored how to improve the design of refrigerators to reduce food waste. 53

Design branded experiences. We’re not choosing the throw pillows. We emphasize commercial, retail, architectural, and spatial design in CIA’s Interior Architecture Department. Our hands-on approach to teaching encourages collaboration with local design firms that bring you real-world experience. Through these partnerships, you can take on exciting assignments that include designing restaurants, healthcare centers, car dealerships, museum space, or exhibition and showroom space.

Our students often secure summer internships, as well as part-time work in the Northeast Ohio design market. Many of these internships, as well as hands-on projects during your schooling lead to careers in architectural firms, retail and restaurant design. cia.edu/interior-architecture

Design firms across the country seek out students like Shriya for prestigious internships, many of which turn into job offers. 54

Interior Architecture 55

Jewelry + Metals


Make a one-of-a-kind piece, or design for mass production. You’ll work with both traditional and digital processes to grow as an artist and designer of jewelry, fashion, accessories, functional objects, and sculpture. A thorough understanding of techniques and materials is fundamental to your development as an artist. You’ll broaden your experience through more advanced uses of materials and techniques including forming and fabrication, lost-wax casting, electroforming, anodizing, sophisticated stone setting, working with mechanisms, mixed media, and machining.

Faculty provide individual attention and are committed to teaching you the latest in jewelry and metalwork, including opportunities to learn about material studies using computer-aided design (CAD), 3D modeling and 3D printing. Our graduates are working in nationally recognized design studios, running their own businesses, and teaching in distinguished programs across the country. cia.edu/jewelry-metals

Ryan uses CAD and 3D printing to explore forms, allowing for rapid prototyping of ideas.


Join a long tradition of successful CIA painters. Students graduating in Painting possess the range of technical skills necessary for competing as a professional artist in the contemporary art world, as well as the versatility and self-sufficiency to develop a career path that works for them. Our individual studios—housed within our sky-lit, factory loft space—ensure that students have the creative environment to inspire them. Guided by a dedicated team of faculty, the Painting curriculum is enriched by a diverse program of visiting artists and arts professionals. At every level professional practices are emphasized in order to prepare our students to succeed in a highly competitive world.

Our students regularly go on to successful studio practices, while others venture into a wide variety of career tracks. Many build hybrid careers, maintaining their artistic practice while working in arts administration, as creative directors, educators, or running creativity-based small businesses of their own. Painting has produced some of the college’s most prestigious alums, including Julian Stanczak, April Gornik, Ben Grasso and Dana Schutz. cia.edu/painting

Anastasia is working on one of her paintings, just prior to a class critique in our two-story, light-filled studios. 58

Painting 59

Photography + Video


Make images that transform how we see the world. Focus on photographic or video arts as you develop a distinct vision, learn to communicate effectively, and immerse yourself in a creative, collaborative environment. In CIA’s Photography + Video program, coursework will expose you to rich and varied techniques and aesthetics essential to photography, video, and digital cinema. You’ll learn how to refine and communicate your artistic vision through lectures, demonstrations, assignments, critiques, and group or one-on-one discussions with instructors and visiting artists. In the process, you’ll gain knowledge of photographic theory and contemporary practices.

As a Photography major, you’ll engage in all phases of the photographic workflow from image capture, lighting and editing, to image processing, enhancement, manipulation, and use of special effects and alternative photo imaging processes. If you choose the Video Track within the Photography major, you’ll learn professional-level skills in time-based narratives, digital cinema, sound, motion, and sequence-generated content. cia.edu/photographyvideo

From a green-screen space to recording studios to traditional film processing, you’ll have access to the tools and resources to create work that matches your vision. 61

Work in multiples. Printmaking is an approach to image making that embraces, utilizes, and challenges technology from relief printing to online distribution of digital products.

In the spring you have an opportunity to travel to New York during an annual trip, where you’ll experience first-hand professional galleries and exhibitions such as the Whitney Biennial and the Armory Show.

As a print student you will develop a broad base of knowledge of various print mediums, including traditional intaglio, lithography, and relief printing, as well as digital media applications.

In our Professional Practices program you’ll develop a professional portfolio, grant-writing skills, and the skills necessary to successfully approach dealers, curators, and collectors.

Printmaking students share in an integrated curriculum that provides a broad knowledge in the visual arts while strengthening in-depth conceptual knowledge of the printmaking discipline.



Planning for, and the anticipation of, what reveals itself, is half the intrigue for Printmaking majors.

Printmaking 63

Sculpture + Expanded Media


Work with time, material, space, and sound. At CIA, sculpture is a hybrid practice that links materials with interactive and time-based technologies. In this interdisciplinary major, you’ll hone construction skills, working with wood, fabricating with textiles and metals, 3D modeling, casting, sewing, making molds, assembling and building, manipulating sound, and working with projections and physical computing. Each student finds his or her own path, specializing or combining these processes. This major links theory and practice, conceptual development and hands-on work. With guidance and experimentation, you will find a way to be influenced by and contribute to the ideas and forms from the field of sculpture, past and present. Our faculty work with you to

understand your point of view to help you find your place in ethical, cultural, social and gallery contexts. Our graduates work as prop and set designers, independent filmmakers, prototype makers, costume designers, and professional artists. cia.edu/sem

Ben’s work explored the role of social media and fame as it relates to the individual. His installations incorporated sound, video, digital projection, and performance.


Imagining the future of how we get from here to there. The Corvette Stingray. Chrysler’s SRT Viper. The iconic 1964 Mustang. These and hundreds of others have been designed by CIA graduates. CIA’s Transportation Design program is rooted in a rigorous curriculum where each project is centered on research, conceptualization, and refinement. CIA faculty and practicing transportation designers will demonstrate methods for creating context, evolving ideation through sketching and rendering, and verbal and visual communication.


Classes take place in an open studio, similar to a professional design studio, comprising individual student studios and collaboration spaces. You’ll have easy access to cutting-edge computer technology, shop facilities, presentation rooms, project rooms, and rapid prototyping. As a student in the Transportation Design Track of our Industrial Design program, you’ll learn from and connect with automotive designers working at the top of the field. cia.edu/transportation-design

Designers from the auto industry work with our students each semester imagining the future of transporation design.

Transportation Design 67



Creating for the big screen. The Video track in the Photography + Video Department is ideal for students who want to gain professional-level skills in time-based narratives, digital cinema, sound, motion, and sequence-generated content. In the Video track you’ll harness digital technologies to create narrative and experimental video work focusing on both fine art and industry standards of production. You’ll benefit from the expertise of a diverse, professionally experienced, and committed faculty and you’ll work with an array of video imaging tools and facilities including high-end HD video cameras, film cameras, video editing and computing

facilities, a green screen room, a motion capture system, a 40-seat screening room with high-quality projection and sound, and a sound recording and engineering studio. You’ll be encouraged to participate in engaged practices, exchange programs, international mobility studies and internships in both fine arts and industry venues such as video and film production companies. cia.edu/video

Our green screen room, sound, and engineering studios allow students to produce commercial or experimental narratives.


Now look at our portfolio Our faculty and students are making work that matters—real-world projects that demonstrate creative problem solving. Personal work that shares what is important and relevant. Work that will change how we see the world.



Previous page: Mariah Klagge Cleveland, OH Far left: Will Johnson Cleveland Hts, OH Left: Zhongyang Li People’s Republic of China Above: Lauren Kwan Parma, OH Right: Megan Price Brecksville, OH 72



Opposite: Zhongyang Li Zhengzhou, China

Above: Jiaxin Cai People’s Republic of China

Above, left: Sveta Tenges Mequon, WI Left: Bianca Breed Austin, TX


Above: Michelle Tyack Reynoldsburg, OH Right: Jingde Zhang People’s Republic of China


Above: Michael Mentz Indianapolis, IN Right: Sage Byham Townville, PA


Left: Eriana Hargrove Euclid, OH Below: Madison Moran Alleghany, NY Below, right: Jay Myers Aurora, OH


Far Left: Veronica Yagusevich Mayfield Hts, OH Left: Madison Moran Alleghany, NY Below, right: Kortney Lemmieier Virginia Beach, VA Below: Brandon Secrest Cleveland, OH



Left: Emma Neal Simsbury, CT

Above: Jeremy Bartlett Tyler, TX

Right: Camille Kowalski Bloomfield, MI 81


Far left, above: Lisa Tan Mentor, OH

Right: Ty Scott Dublin, OH

Far left, below: Kim Chapman Bentleyville, OH

Colton Serra Sykesville, MD

Left: Abraham Abellano Strongsville, OH

Emma Shaw East Syracuse, NY Below: Cassandra Sheets Circleville, OH


Far left: Eduardo Rodriguez Cleveland, OH Left: David Acosta Miami, FL


Above: Natalie Benos Parma, OH

Left: Rachel Moell North Olmsted, OH

Above: Davon Brantley Cleveland Hts, OH


Community Community—the fifth C. A network of peers to inspire you, support your work, and push you to challenge yourself.




Community Connect to a global network of creativity.

Whether it’s taking a break between classes, or helping one another with a project assignment, the community that you build at CIA will support you, inspire you, and push you to create your best work.

Students will tell you that you learn as much from your classmates as you do from the faculty. Alumni tell you that five, ten, thirty years out, their faculty are friends and continue to be their mentors. The community that is created at CIA is intentionally intimate— you’ll never be a number here. Faculty and staff know you by name, and care about you and the work you’re making. Your classmates will inspire you, and you’ll help each other to create your best work. And our network of alumni across the globe are there when you’re looking for internships or advice on a career path, city, or company.


Community Animation student grabs the keys to unlock the dream. Noah Cutwright Baltimore, MD Animation

If there’s an art to doing art school, Noah Cutwright seems to have mastered it. From the time he started at CIA, Noah— an Animation major— decided two things. First, he would take advantage of what living in Cleveland has to offer. “In my freshman year, I thought, OK, I don’t want to be stuck in the residence hall,” Noah says. “I don’t have a car this year, but I gotta figure out how to get around. [CIA] gave us a free bus pass. That bus pass really did help. I explored all over.” Second, Noah has made the most out of critiques from his instructors and peers. “Any advice that anybody gives you, learn to take it and try to apply it to your work,” Noah says. “Nobody here is trying to tear you down, everybody is trying to help you.”


The summer after his junior year, Noah was hired for an internship at the Cartoon Network in California. It was a great beginning for a guy who set his sights on animation when he was a kid. “I’ve known I wanted to be an animator since I was 8 or 10 years old,” he says. “I used to go to the library and get this book every week. It was called The Art of Walt Disney, and I remember checking that book out till I read it from the beginning to the end. I grew up loving Disney movies, loving Pixar movies, and loving cartoons in general. I remember thinking this is really cool that this is an actual job and people get to go to work every day. I don’t really want to be a grownup, but if I had to be a grownup, it would be to do this.”



Community Discovering home and a future in glass studios. Mike Mentz Indianapolis, IN Glass

Mike Mentz was very close to skipping the whole college experience. Though he liked to make things, he didn’t have much formal art training. But his mother nudged him to attend a college fair near their home in Indianapolis.

was all new to me, but also very exciting,” he says. “I think it’s taught me a lot of self-discipline. I’ve learned to grow as a better person and know the kind of people I want to be around, which are all the wonderful people that also work around me.”

“I strolled through there, and oddly enough, CIA was the only institution that had a representative who didn’t totally discount me right off the bat,” he said. “I figured out I could be an artist and make a living as a glassblower, because that’s what I’d been doing as a hobby at the time.”

Now in his major, he loves having the access to the resources CIA offers. “I like coming in and seeing something that’s in development on my desk. I can’t wait to come back tomorrow,” he says. “Having the community spaces is just phenomenal. If you need to make something out of wood, run downstairs real fast and then come back up. You have all of the access you need to do anything you want.”

During his first year, Mike learned foundational skills along with everyone else in his class: color theory, drawing, and two- and three-dimensional design. “Learning design skills and learning how to fabricate things


Community Science and art come together for international student. Danyi (Susan) Qiu Jiangsu, China Biomedical Art

You can have a passion for science without having the high-math skills that are so often required for certain careers. Chinese student Danyi Qiu—she goes by Susan in the States—found a way around that when she became a Biomedical Art major at the Cleveland Institute of Art. Susan’s deep interest in biology led her to a Canadian college, where at first she was a science major. Then she learned she could mix her interest in biology with her love of art at CIA. “I’m always interested in the biology, medical, forensic stuff,” Susan says, “but the high-end math was difficult.” “We are learning about biology and human bodies and applying them to illustrations to help doctors do surgical education for patients,” she says.


She’s also honing her illustration skills on all kinds of projects involving the natural world. She researched and dissected orchids, then drew them from life at the Cleveland Botanical Garden’s Orchidmania exhibition. She studied the big cats at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo for an educational illustration. And she and other students worked in partnership with University Hospitals of Cleveland to produce patient education materials. She also carves out time for student life. “I’m vice president of the Cultural Connections Club,” she says. Getting to know students of all kinds and taking advantage of the small-school atmosphere made it easier to feel at home in a different culture, she says.



Community Deep learning and attentive faculty make CIA worth the trip. Anjhelina Marsh Boston, MA Graphic Design

The drive from Boston to Cleveland is about 640 miles, and well worth making for Anjhelina Marsh. She lives in Massachusetts, but CIA has become Anjhelina’s college home as she pursues her degree in Graphic Design—a career for which she seems to have been destined.

On a visit to CIA, Anjhelina met Graphic Design Chair Larry O’Neal, who impressed on her that he was “very strict about design principles, about learning the fundamentals of design. You have to learn the basics. I wanted the foundation, and that’s why I chose CIA.”

“I was really big into reading books as I was growing up,” Anjhelina says. “I would remake book covers. I redid The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I redid Romeo and Juliet, which was fun.”

She also likes the full-time access she gets to instructors. “I love the faculty,” Anjhelina says. “Basically, they’re like my parents. They tell me what I do wrong and guide me. But they don’t hold my hand, which is great. I’m allowed to grow and figure out what’s wrong myself. They just steer me in the right direction, which I think is beautiful.”

Her upbringing made it easy to think of a career in art and design. “My family is very art-oriented,” Anjhelina says. “We were encouraged to learn about it, so I wasn’t afraid to dive into the deep end of design.”


Community Getting out of the studio opened painter’s eyes to new worlds. Anastasia Soboleva Chisnau, Moldova Drawing/Painting

Just prior to her senior year, Anastasia Soboleva spent a semester studying in Florence, Italy, where her work rose to the top of her international class and one painting was acquired by a Greek museum. Soboleva, a double major in Drawing and Painting, was one of four students at Studio Art Centers International (SACI) invited to participate in the 2015 ArtClash group exhibition involving several American and Italian programs in Florence. Soboleva’s painting Incorreggibile—was chosen to become part of the permanent art collection of Contemporary Art Museum of Florina. Soboleva hopes to continue to travel and expose herself to other influences. “I was born in the Republic of Moldova, and moved to the US in 2007. After finishing my


education at CIA I would like to visit my native country for the first time since I left.” Soboleva also spent a semester in an internship at Cleveland’s Museum of Contemporary Art, where she assisted curators to prepare for an exhibition. “At the Museum of Contemporary Art, I gained experience that I wouldn’t be able to acquire anywhere else. CIA definitely prepared me for it, especially with knowledge in contemporary art and theory.” “I realized that through painting and drawing, I could understand myself, explore the world, and be able to communicate with no restrictions.”



Community Digging for a creative collaboration. Elizabeth Hoag Lecturer Liberal Arts

Some instructors decorate their cubicles with pictures of family, windup toys or knickknacks. Elizabeth Hoag has a skull rack in hers. Of course, the miniature, stylized skulls are not real; it’s a student’s take on a tzompantli, the wooden racks on which the Aztecs used to display the skulls of their enemies. Next to it is another student project, a glass vessel decorated with Mayan hieroglyphics. These are examples of final assignments in Hoag’s Pre-Hispanic Civilization class, one of four that the lecturer and anthropologist teaches at the Cleveland Institute of Art, along with Introduction to Archaeology, and Anthropology of Gender Roles.

Hoag is neither an artist nor an art historian, but making her class final an art project is illustrative of how she melds her passion with those of her students. “I try really hard to find ways to form connections between what we’re covering and what they’re doing. I love being able to share with them what I’m passionate about.” She realized her passion early. She was born in Iowa, but her father’s career took the family to Wales for three years when she was young. “I saw castles in England and ruins in Rome as a little girl and that was it for me. I remember telling my dad when I was six that I wanted to be an archaeologist,” she says. cia.edu/beth-hoag 101

Community Grad is sculptor behind Disney’s Big Hero 6. Zack Petroc Class of 1997 Sculpture major

Zack Petroc is at the top of the digital sculpture and animation fields, having served as model supervisor for Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Wreck-It Ralph and Big Hero 6. As model supervisor, his responsibility was to oversee the evolution of flat, hand-drawn character designs into computer-generated, 3D characters. Zack and his team are sculptors who work in computer-based media and play a key role in the creation of a CG film. “When I started at CIA I was passionate about anatomy—figure sculpting, stylizing it, putting my own artistic spin on it. In the studio I wasn’t as interested in the materials and the spaces they occupied as I was in the narrative and the story the characters were telling. My BFA thesis was a little blended—I had some larger-than-life


figure sculptures, then a few images with computer-generated objects that were composited into real photographs.” “At Disney we work in a very collaborative environment where you have to put your work up in front of five to two dozen other highly skilled artists and get critiqued on that work. It has to be a part of yourself to hit the level other people expect of you, and you have to be passionate enough about it to take that criticism over and over again in the effort of making the best possible art. “CIA really set me up for that. They did a great job of making sure I not only had external critiques with other students and teachers, but also learned how to critique my own work.”


Community Network of accomplished alumni Learn more about our alumni at cia.edu/alumni


Their work changes the way we look at the world.

From designers of cars, jewelry, graphics, products and video games, to visionary painters, cutting-edge animators and concept artists, CIA students go on to amazing careers. And they form an extensive network of creative professionals.

General Motors Ford Nissan Saks Fifth Avenue Electronic Arts Massive Black Hallmark Cleveland Clinic Moen Museum of Modern Art Spa Magazine Nottingham-Spirk Balance MTD Fisher Price University Hospitals Hasbro Essential Design VOCON Visual Evidence Heather Moore Jewelry NASA Limited Brands Guess? WD Partners Design Forum Miller Zell Epstein Design Faber-Castell USA Lesley Anton Studio Walt Disney Company North Water Partners IGT Digital Kitchen Duck Studios WKYC-TV EDR Media Glazen Creative National Geographic California Academy of Sciences

Opposite Big Hero Six Zack Petroc ’97 2013 SRT Viper Scott Krugger ’01 Ryan Nagode ’03

This page: Portable medical tablet device Chris Lenart ’91 Cardinal Chalice Kari Russell-Poole ’91 Hop Dana Schutz ’00 Transformer Wesley Burt ’04


Community Your home: Uptown Your first years of college present a lot of changes. Living on campus gives you a sense of community, opportunities to collaborate with classmates, and more time to commit to work. First- and second-year students live on campus in CIA-owned housing. Living on campus for your first two years eases the transition of moving away from home while learning the necessary skills of living on your own. And it allows you more time to focus on your classes and art making! First-year students live in our Uptown Residence Hall, which opened in 2014. Designed in consultation with students, these two-bedroom suites house two students per bedroom, each with their 106

own bath. The two bedrooms are connected by a common work area and kitchenette. Uptown’s six floors feature lounge areas, a cardio lounge, onsite printing, free laundry, and three outdoor decks with views of MOCA Cleveland and downtown Cleveland. Second-year students will reside in our new upperclass residence hall. These apartment units, opening the fall of 2018, will feature four-person suites with individual bedrooms, two-person suites, and singles for students with special needs. cia.edu/housing




Community Step out of the studio You’ll find clubs, community service, celebrations, outings, and more. We know you’re more than just an artist or designer. Maybe you’re a musician too, or an athlete, or a political activist. Through CIA student activities you can develop these talents and interests alongside fellow students. We organize trips to Cleveland Indians games and make free tickets available to the Cleveland Orchestra and local theater and dance companies. Student activities range from Community Service Club, which organizes an annual service trip to New Orleans, to the Digital Painting Club, to SIE, the group that organizes the annual Student Independent Exhibition. 110

Small-scale social events occur at CIA throughout the year, but three times a year, students, faculty and staff celebrate together: Halloween, with costumes like you’ve never seen; Carnivale, our own version of Mardi Gras; and Pink Pig, our end-of-the-year cookout.



Community University Circle: World-class cultural hub We’re on the North Coast and in the heart of one of the most unique cultural communities in the country. CIA’s campus is in Cleveland’s University Circle, a neighborhood that’s home to world-renowned institutions including the Cleveland Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, and Cleveland Orchestra. Our campus includes students from Case Western Reserve University and features more than 20 cultural, healthcare, and educational institutions—all on less than two square miles.

The Uptown District is a new addition to University Circle, with shops, restaurants and apartments—including our residence halls—right outside the doors of CIA. Downtown Cleveland, less than five miles away—is home to numerous corporate headquarters, the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame, and for sports fans, where Cleveland’s professional sports teams (Cavaliers, Browns, Indians) play. Little Italy, Coventry Village, and the Cedar-Lee neighborhood are each a short bike ride away and each offers arts, restaurants, and shopping.




Apply The journey to your dream career starts with a few simple steps. The first one: applying to colleges that seem like the best fit. CIA should be on your short list. Our combination of faculty, facilities, curriculum, connections, and neighborhood can’t be beat. Apply today. 116


Applying for admission

We encourage you to contact us early in your college search so that we can help you prepare the best possible application.

Your online application includes: 1 The application form: cia.edu/apply 2

A personal statement outlining why you’re applying

Contact us and we’ll put you in touch with an admissions counselor. They’ll answer any questions you have and confirm if your application and portfolio meet our submission requirements.


High school/college transcripts


A letter of recommendation from an art teacher/counselor


Your portfolio, submited online


Optional: SAT or ACT scores

CIA accepts students based on rolling admissions and will review completed applications throughout the academic year. You will be considered automatically for merit scholarships if all of your application materials have been submitted by March 1.



$40 application fee

Application Priority Deadline1

FAFSA Notification Priority Deadline2 On or About

Deposit Priority Deadline3

Early Action 1 Early Action 2 Regular Decision

December 1 January 15 March 1

December 15 February 1 March 15

January 15 February 15 April 1

May 1 May 1 May 1

Transfer: Spring Transfer: Fall

November 15 June 1

November 15 June 1

Rolling Rolling

December 1 August 1

1 Candidates who apply after the deadline will be considered on a rolling basis. 2 Students who wish full consideration for CIA merit- and need-based aid should submit their FAFSA by the Priority Deadline. Students will be awarded Federal Work-Study based on a funds-available basis with preference given to students who meet the Priority Deadline. 3 Enrollment deposits received after the Priority Deposit Deadline will only be accepted on a space-available basis. 119

Owning your portfolio

Photographing your portfolio Learn how to photograph your 2D and 3D work at cia.edu/portfolio


Your portfolio is the cornerstone of your application to the Cleveland Institute of Art and is a significant part of the admission decision. Our admissions committee will evaluate your portfolio to assess your technical abilities, conceptual problem-solving skills, and use of your chosen media. You’ve spent a long time preparing for this moment and the following guidelines will help you to create a portfolio that best reflects your work.

Building Your Portfolio Your portfolio should be a selection of your best 12 to 20 pieces of art. Fewer than 12 doesn’t allow you to show the breadth of your skills; more than 20 can be overwhelming. Feature your strongest pieces created in your junior and senior year, either in or out of school. At least four of those pieces should be observational drawings. Observational drawings can include still life, gesture, figure drawing, portraits, and landscape. Sketchbook pages are also encouraged. In addition to the drawings, you may include works in other media: paintings, prints, photographs, sculpture, animations, illustrations, video, computer-generated work, clay, metal or glass objects.


Funding your education

Contact us Email financialaid@cia.edu Phone 216.421.7418 Online cia.edu/financialaid

Your education is an investment in your future as an artist/designer, and when you enroll at the Cleveland Institute of Art, you’re getting the very best education. Our Office of Financial Aid is committed to helping you find ways to close the gap between the cost of attending CIA and your ability to fund your education. As you begin to make important choices, please keep in mind: 95% of CIA students receive financial assistance. We work with you to craft a personalized financial aid package that combines grants, scholarships, loans, and work study. Sources of this funding include CIA, federal, state, and private programs.


Resources for additional tuition support CIA-funded financial aid is just one avenue of support that you can apply to your overall tuition costs. You can pursue funding through private scholarships, state and federally funded financial aid programs, and private education loan programs.

FAFSA Cleveland Institute of Art’s school code is 003928. Apply online at fafsa.gov

Veterans benefits If you are a U.S. service member or veteran who qualifies for Post-9/11 GI Bill funds, CIA offers a significant amount of matching funds through the Yellow Ribbon Program. For details, contact us or visit gibill.va.gov.

A list of opportunities are below; check our website for details. n n n n n n n n n n

CIA Merit Scholarships External Scholarships Ohio College Opportunity Grant CIA Grants Federal Pell Grant Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan William D. Ford Federal Direct PLUS Loan Private Education Loans Federal Work-Study*

*Awarded to students on a first-come, first-served basis until funds have been fully allocated. 123


Seeing is believing

Schedule a personal visit anytime, or attend one of our on-campus events: Tue Sep 19 Admissions + Financial Aid 101

Visiting colleges is an important step in the college process. Cleveland Institute of Art should be on your visit list. We welcome the opportunity to meet you and review your portfolio in person. When you visit, you can tour our campus, meet our faculty, and see our students at work in their own studio spaces.

Sun Oct 8 National Portfolio Day Fri Oct 13 Campus Connection Sat Nov 11 Fall Open House Tue Jan 30 Admissions + Financial Aid 101 Mon Feb 19 Campus Connection Sat Mar 3 Spring Open House


Taking next steps Don’t hesitate to call— our admissions counselors are here to help.


Schedule a visit. A picture can only show you so much. Schedule a personal visit, or attend one of our on-campus events, where you can get a tour of our campus, meet faculty and students, and have an admissions counselor answer any questions you have. For more information, visit cia.edu/visit



Apply for admission. You can apply and submit your portfolio online—but if you prefer to submit via mail (or in person), just contact an admissions counselor. For more information, visit cia.edu/apply


Fill out the FAFSA. If you’re planning to apply for financial aid, or are interested in scholarships or other need-based aid, complete the FAFSA as soon as you can (after October 1). For more information, visit cia.edu/financialaid

The Cleveland Institute of Art is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, and the Ohio Board of Regents. CIA is a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD).

It is the policy of the Cleveland Institute of Art not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation or gender identification, age, or disabilities, in employment practices, administration of educational policies, admission, scholarship and loan programs, and other college-administered programs and activities.

Majors Animation Biomedical Art Ceramics Drawing Game Design Glass Graphic Design Illustration Industrial Design Interior Architecture Jewelry+Metals Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture+Expanded Media Transportation Design* Video* *Tracks within Industrial Design and Photography Departments


Cleveland Institute of Art

Cleveland Institute of Art 11610 Euclid Avenue Cleveland OH 44106 cia.edu 216.421.7418 admissions@cia.edu cia.edu/admissions


instagram.com/cleinstituteart pinterest.com/cleinstituteart facebook.com/ciacollege









2017–18 Viewbook


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