CIA's Student Profile - China

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克里夫兰艺术学院 学生作品集 Trisha Shah 生物医学艺术专业2012届学生

“利用我自己在科学和艺术上的才 能,我描绘展现了外科手术历史上 的一次伟大的技术突破。”

生物医学艺术专业学生Trisha Shah接到了一个可能让行 业老手也产生畏惧的暑假作业:为即将在《解剖学期刊》 上发表的一篇关于美国首例全脸移植手术的论文去绘制 该手术的再现插图。 Trisha 直接为克里夫兰医院皮肤和整复外科研究所所长Frank Papay 博士工作。她每周都要与克里夫兰医院的专职医学绘图员们(其中包括 三名克里夫兰艺术学院的毕业生)会面。 参照手术照片、其它现场绘图、X光片以及三维颅骨模型,Trisha先手绘 出每张示意图,然后将那些手绘图扫描进计算机,最后使用Wacom数 码画板完成作品。


都很努力地去提高自己的技艺和才能。她证明了媒体 传播不仅是视觉上的,也涉及专业研究、撰写以及专 业合作。Trisha向她的同学们证明了具有挑战性的 绘图和研究是注定要为他(她)们所面对的。”

— 克里夫兰艺术学院生物医学艺术系主任

Amanda Almon, CMI



对克里夫兰艺术学院 教学方法的评价


Trisha用艺术手段展现了八 名克里夫兰医院外科医生于 2008年进行的一项历史性的 外科手术。该手术持续进行了 将近22个小时,最终彻底改 变了一位患者的面容。Trisha 在克里夫兰医院进行了九周 的实习,而这一经历也改变了 她本人——“我觉得自己成熟 了许多。那段经历棒极了,我 做了很多面部解剖学方面的 研究。”

“在生物医学专业的第一个学 期里,我们只使用适合写实画 的传统工具,比如彩色铅笔、 石墨和碳粉。然后,我们进入 到了数码艺术阶段。我的系主 任Amanda Almon总是强 调,对于生物医学来说,你必 须扎实地掌握传统技法并娴 熟地使用数码技术;她称这 种技能为‘传统数码化’。”

“尤其在艺术领域,你需要一 对一的评判。我经常去找我的 老师,因为我喜欢与他们讨论 我的作品。在克里夫兰艺术 学院里,每位老师在课后都愿 意帮助学生。”

Cleveland Institute of Art Student Profile Trisha Shah Biomedical Art ’12

“I drew on my science and art talents to illustrate a major surgical milestone.”

Biomedical Art major Trisha Shah took on a summer assignment that might have intimidated a veteran in her field: illustrate the first near-total face transplant performed in the U.S. for an article to be published in the Journal of Anatomy. Trisha worked directly for plastic surgeon Frank Papay MD, chairman of the Cleveland Clinic’s Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Institute. And she met weekly with the Clinic’s staff medical illustrators, including three CIA alumni.

Working from several references—including photographs, other illustrations, x-rays, and 3-D skull models—Trisha started each illustration as a hand drawing, then scanned it in to a computer and finished the work using a digital Wacom drawing tablet.

“Trisha has worked hard within and outside the Department of Biomedical Art to develop her skills and talents. She has proven that communication is not just visual but also involves professional research, writing, and collaboration. Trisha has demonstrated to her classmates that challenging illustrations and research are meant to be taken head on.” —Amanda Almon, CMI head of biomedical art at CIA

Cleveland Institute of Art

On her internship She documented a historic procedure performed in 2008 by a team of eight Cleveland Clinic surgeons that lasted nearly 22 hours and transformed the appearance of a trauma victim. Trisha’s Cleveland Clinic internship lasted nine weeks and was transformational for her too. “I feel like I’ve grown so much. It was an awesome experience. I had to do so much research on the anatomy of the face.”

On the CIA method “The first semester in the biomed major, we only use traditional media, like colored pencil, graphite, and carbon dust, which is excellent for really realistic images. Then we move into digital art. (Department Head) Amanda Almon always stresses that for Biomed, you need strong traditional skills and strong digital skills; so she calls it ‘tradigital.’”

On her professors “Especially in art, you need one-on-one critiques and I go to my teachers very often because I like to discuss my work with them. I’ve never come across a teacher at CIA who wouldn’t help you after class.”

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